Anyone know why my scheduled workflow does not iterate over all records in the saved search it is triggering on? - workflow

Some back information:
The goal I am trying to achieve with my Netsuite Workflow is to concatenate multiple text fields on a customer record on a new invoice that is created. The saved search I have for this shows the invoices from the last month, and then the workflow SHOULD be iterating through all the invoices. This seems to work, or at least show in my Workflow Log, but then stops showing that it has been triggered once it reaches a certain record.
In the picture I attached the red line denotes the last record where the workflow seems to trigger.
Any ideas where to start looking would be very helpful!

If your workflow is a Scheduled workflow and it's in Testing status, be aware that it will only be triggered on the first 20 records of the saved search. if that's not the problem, we might need more information about the saved search and its exact behavior.


Is there a way in Powerapps to make sure a column has to be filled in everytime even there is input?

I have a question regarding my Powerapps I've built.
With this app user have to update or confirm the data that is stored in a sharepoint list. I have included the "modified by" column to see when someone has updated the data.
My problem is that if the data is up to date and the user submits the form there is no change in the modified by column. Because of that, I can't see if everybody has checked their data.
How can I achieve this even if no changes are made?
I thought of an extra column where the user has to put in something, but I don't know how to keep this empty every time so that the last input won't be shown anymore.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
If you want to allow users to submit/confirm without being able to change you can use some logic.
The first part of the logic is as normal, let the user submit the form as usual.
Make a flow that is being triggered after the normal update that takes the Row ID of your data and for example sets the record to inactive and back to active as this will triggers the modify date to be set.

Need Script Code for Automating Emails Based on Cell Input in Google Sheets

I am trying to create a script that will auto-email a person. Basically, this sheet is going to have a list of items and track those items, and I need to assign each item when it comes it. When I assign it to a person's name, I want the script to then email that person. There are only about 15 people, but I assume I would need a script for each person aka if I put "Sally" in the sheet, there is a script to now email "Sally" to say she has been added to this task.
Ideally, I would like a way to also generate an email again to "Sally" if I update her task, add a comment to it, or do another input to do some sort of follow-up.
Any help would be appreciated immensely!
It wont be good to directly post the complete solution but I will mention the required functionalities which I get in my mind , please use them to solve your task:
onEdit(e) - use this to trigger a particular set of functions whenever a particular range or cell value is changed(it may be automated or manual both can trigger this function) look into the official documentation for how to detect the changes occurred in which cell(
once the new task is assigned to a person(for first time) send an email to that person using GmailApp(install the library in app script) , get the ThreadById of this email and store it into the sheet along the same row, if any changes are made afterwords like adding comments or something,use this threadId to reply to the same email using "thread.reply"(How do you reply to email thread with google Mailapp?)
I think you have also asked how to make the system dynamic, I mean you are right now coding as if each member needs a code for his/her entry. Please study a bit deeper you will easily find an approach to make it dynamic using the onEdit and some for loops as the way you are thinking is not recommended in automation scenarios.

How to compare two non-sequential pull request updates in VSTS?

In VSTS (now Azure DevOps), multiple updates can be pushed to a pull request (PR). You can compare any update with its previous update, and you can compare a rolled-up view of all updates with the original code before any changes were made. But how do I compare two arbitrary, non-sequential updates?
My scenario is that a PR has had quite a bit of back-and-forth with a total of 8 updates pushed. I last reviewed update 5, but now 3 more updates exist. I don't want to review 6-5, 7-6, 8-7 or all updates, I just want to review 8-5. How do I do that?
A workaround (in the absence of any user interface to configure two non-sequential updates to be compared) is to edit the iteration=xxxand base=xxx query string parameters in the url, e.g.:
This updates the UI as shown below:
I discovered this because I received an automated email from VSTS notifying me about the latest pushed updates. The email included a "View pull request" button. I clicked the button which took me to the PR in VSTS (I think to the Overview section). There was a notification banner towards the top of the page with a link about comparing update 5 with update 8 which I had never seen before. This sounded promising, so I clicked the link and it took me to the Files section and showed the differences between update 5 and 8 which is exactly what I wanted!
However, subsequent visits to the page (or clicking the "View pull request" button in the email again) don't show that link again, and I can't find anywhere in the UI that lets me define the two updates to compare. So this seems like a one-time opportunity. Miss it, and it's gone forever. I'd still like to know if there's a way to define two non-sequential updates to be compared in the UI, however, the poor man's url hack is a viable workaround for now.

Trying to create an approval workflow that will update a list item with a varible from SharePoint desginer

This should be easy, but it looks like it isn't.
I should start by saying that while this is a 2013 workflow, I am doing a 2010 workflow instead, as it has things I need in it.
I set an initiation form parameter called Syndication. which is a simple Yes / No drop down list. As you know, as soon as the parameter is set, the workflow automatically creates a variable for that value.
So I created a field in my workflow tasks list also called Syndication, which is also a Yes / No choice field. Then I went into the workflow and set up an update item in this list, chose the workflow task list, choose the Syndication field, and then choose to update with the workflow variable Syndication.
Here it is:
image here
The issue is that when a user selects yes everything works fine, when a user selects no, however, the workflow simply gives am error occurred, and doesn't tell me what the error is.
Anything would be great.

Deploy workflow processes in intalio server

I'm done building processes and intended to deploy into intalio server. it already success deployed,but the form that I've been develops using ajax form did not append to the workflow processes. anyone knows how to make that form appear on workflow processes?
both several task such as init process and create or complete already done. I've been assign role in workflow too. i create three types of form. submit form, validate form, and processing form. and the role was student, department, and academic.
the submit form already shows in monitoring workflow. and when I assign module to the specific user, in this case student, it already works. however, the rest of form (validate form and processing form) does not appear both in monitoring workflow and after assign to department and academic it doesnt not appear.
I think the process actually almost the same like the intalio tutorial. rite now, I make the user only two, student and department to make sure that the submit form and validate form run smoothly. but still, the validate form doesnt appear.
If you go into Administration>Monitoring>Processes. Can you see any of the processes in the Failed state? It sounds like the process is either failing or not getting to the point where that form would be triggered.
You can click on the number in that column and it takes you to a list of failed instances, or click on the number in the in progress column to get to instances still running. Click on the text in the Process column to get at the actual error. You can also see a diagram of the instance, this sometimes help to figure out where exactly it failed (clicking on the little gears in top left on the diagram colors the tasks that have been executed to green)
Hope this helps.