Lisp: How to prompt-read a float? - lisp

I have a function where I am using parse-integer and prompt-read together. However, I need one of these integers to be a float. When I change parse-integer to parse-float it no longer works.
Here is the function:
(defun prompt-for-cat ()
(prompt-read "Name")
(prompt-read "Coloring")
(or (parse-integer (prompt-read "Weight") :junk-allowed t) 0)
(or (parse-integer (prompt-read "Experience") :junk-allowed t) 0)
(or (parse-integer (prompt-read "Length") :junk-allowed t) 0))))
This works as is, but I need that first integer, "Weight" to be a float. parse-float does not work and I cannot find the correct way to do this.

There are two approaches to doing this. One is to use read in some form, and the other one is to use a float-parsing library.
Using read
Using read is fraught with danger, to put it mildly. In particular you are open to code injection attacks unless you are careful. Never use read in code where you do not fully trust the input, unless you have, at least, wrapped some safety precautions around it.
That said, here is a function which tries to use read in a minimally safe way to read a float with a prompt.
(defun prompt-for-float (prompt &optional (default 0.0))
;; Use READ to read a float, in a way which should be at least
;; minimally safe.
(let ((*read-eval* nil))
(format *query-io* "~A: " prompt)
(finish-output *query-io*)
(let ((result (read *query-io*)))
(typecase result
(float result)
(real (coerce result 'float))
(t default))))))
This at least tries to be safer by standardising the syntax, and turning off read-time evaluation, which is how code injection attacks happen.
However this may still not be completely safe. As well as possibly not being safe, in the sense of allowing the execution of uncontrolled code on the system, using read without a heavily-constrained readtable also is not side-effect free (it can intern symbols, for instance), and can allow various possible denial-of-service attacks, for instance by causing a large amount of memory allocation. To deal with those problems you either need to do a lot of work cutting the readtable down to something which is safe, or use a library which just reads the type or types you care about.
Using a float-parsing library
There is a library called parse-float which solves this problem for you. This library is available via Quicklisp. Assuming you have Quicklisp installed (which you should have: if not, then your first problem is arranging for that to be true), then using is it is as simple as saying (ql:quickload "parse-float"), and then parsing the float with, for instance:
> (parse-float:parse-float "12.2")

(let ((weight (progn
(format t "Weight: ")
(read t))))
(if (floatp weight) weight 0))


lisp: concat arbitrary number of lists

In my ongoing quest to recreate lodash in lisp as a way of getting familiar with the language I am trying to write a concat-list function that takes an initial list and an arbitrary number of additional lists and concatenates them.
I'm sure that this is just a measure of getting familiar with lisp convention, but right now my loop is just returning the second list in the argument list, which makes sense since it is the first item of other-lists.
Here's my non-working code (edit: refactored):
(defun concat-list (input-list &rest other-lists)
;; takes an arbitrary number of lists and merges them
for list in other-lists
append list into input-list
return input-list
Trying to run (concat-list '(this is list one) '(this is list two) '(this is list three)) and have it return (this is list one this is list two this is list three).
How can I spruce this up to return the final, merged list?
The signature of your function is a bit unfortunate, it becomes easier if you don't treat the first list specially.
The easy way:
(defun concat-lists (&rest lists)
(apply #'concatenate 'list lists))
A bit more lower level, using loop:
(defun concat-lists (&rest lists)
(loop :for list :in lists
:append list))
Going lower, using dolist:
(defun concat-lists (&rest lists)
(let ((result ()))
(dolist (list lists (reverse result))
(setf result (revappend list result)))))
Going even lower would maybe entail implementing revappend yourself.
It's actually good style in Lisp not to use LABELS based iteration, since a) it's basically a go-to like low-level iteration style and it's not everywhere supported. For example the ABCL implementation of Common Lisp on the JVM does not support TCO last I looked. Lisp has wonderful iteration facilities, which make the iteration intention clear:
CL-USER 217 > (defun my-append (&rest lists &aux result)
(dolist (list lists (nreverse result))
(dolist (item list)
(push item result))))
CL-USER 218 > (my-append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Some pedagogical solutions to this problem
If you just want to do this, then use append, or nconc (destructive), which are the functions which do it.
If you want to learn how do to it, then learning about loop is not how to do that, assuming you want to learn Lisp: (loop for list in ... append list) really teaches you nothing but how to write a crappy version of append using arguably the least-lispy part of CL (note I have nothing against loop & use it a lot, but if you want to learn lisp, learning loop is not how to do that).
Instead why not think about how you would write this if you did not have the tools to do it, in a Lispy way.
Well, here's how you might do that:
(defun append-lists (list &rest more-lists)
(labels ((append-loop (this more results)
(if (null this)
(if (null more)
(nreverse results)
(append-loop (first more) (rest more) results))
(append-loop (rest this) more (cons (first this) results)))))
(append-loop list more-lists '())))
There's a dirty trick here: I know that results is completely fresh so I am using nreverse to reverse it, which does so destructively. Can we write nreverse? Well, it's easy to write reverse, the non-destructive variant:
(defun reverse-nondestructively (list)
(labels ((r-loop (tail reversed)
(if (null tail)
(r-loop (rest tail) (cons (first tail) reversed)))))
(r-loop list '())))
And it turns out that a destructive reversing function is only a little harder:
(defun reverse-destructively (list)
(labels ((rd-loop (tail reversed)
(if (null tail)
(let ((rtail (rest tail)))
(setf (rest tail) reversed)
(rd-loop rtail tail)))))
(rd-loop list '())))
And you can check it works:
> (let ((l (make-list 1000 :initial-element 1)))
(time (reverse-destructively l))
Timing the evaluation of (reverse-destructively l)
User time = 0.000
System time = 0.000
Elapsed time = 0.000
Allocation = 0 bytes
0 Page faults
Why I think this is a good approach to learning Lisp
[This is a response to a couple of comments which I thought was worth adding to the answer: it is, of course, my opinion.]
I think that there are at least three different reasons for wanting to solve a particular problem in a particular language, and the approach you might want to take depends very much on what your reason is.
The first reason is because you want to get something done. In that case you want first of all to find out if it has been done already: if you want to do x and the language a built-in mechanism for doing x then use that. If x is more complicated but there is some standard or optional library which does it then use that. If there's another language you could use easily which does x then use that. Writing a program to solve the problem should be something you do only as a last resort.
The second reason is because you've fallen out of the end of the first reason, and you now find yourself needing to write a program. In that case what you want to do is use all of the tools the language provides in the best way to solve the problem, bearing in mind things like maintainability, performance and so on. In the case of CL, then if you have some problem which naturally involves looping, then, well, use loop if you want to. It doesn't matter whether loop is 'not lispy' or 'impure' or 'hacky': just do what you need to do to get the job done and make the code maintainable. If you want to print some list of objects, then by all means write (format t "~&~{~A~^, ~}~%" things).
The third reason is because you want to learn the language. Well, assuming you can program in some other language there are two approaches to doing this.
the first is to say 'I know how to do this thing (write loops, say) in languages I know – how do I do it in Lisp?', and then iterate this for all the thing you already know how to do in some other language;
the second is to say 'what is it that makes Lisp distinctive?' and try and understand those things.
These approaches result in very approaches to learning. In particular I think the first approach is often terrible: if the language you know is, say, Fortran, then you'll end up writing Fortran dressed up as Lisp. And, well, there are perfectly adequate Fortran compilers out there: why not use them? Even worse, you might completely miss important aspects of the language and end up writing horrors like
(defun sum-list (l)
(loop for i below (length l)
summing (nth i l)))
And you will end up thinking that Lisp is slow and pointless and return to the ranks of the heathen where you will spread such vile calumnies until, come the great day, the golden Lisp horde sweeps it all away. This has happened.
The second approach is to ask, well, what are the things that are interesting about Lisp? If you can program already, I think this is a much better approach to the first, because learning the interesting and distinctive features of a language first will help you understand, as quickly as possible, whether its a language you might actually want to know.
Well, there will inevitably be argument about what the interesting & distinctive features of Lisp are, but here's a possible, partial, set.
The language has a recursively-defined data structure (S expressions or sexprs) at its heart, which is used among other things to represent the source code of the language itself. This representation of the source is extremely low-commitment: there's nothing in the syntax of the language which says 'here's a block' or 'this is a conditiona' or 'this is a loop'. This low-commitment can make the language hard to read, but it has huge advantages.
Recursive processes are therefore inherently important and the language is good at expressing them. Some variants of the language take this to the extreme by noticing that iteration is simply a special case of recursion and have no iterative constructs at all (CL does not do this).
There are symbols, which are used as names for things both in the language itself and in programs written in the language (some variants take this more seriously than others: CL takes it very seriously).
There are macros. This really follows from the source code of the language being represented as sexprs and this structure having a very low commitment to what it means. Macros, in particular, are source-to-source transformations, with the source being represented as sexprs, written in the language itself: the macro language of Lisp is Lisp, without restriction. Macros allow the language itself to be seamlessly extended: solving problems in Lisp is done by designing a language in which the problem can be easily expressed and solved.
The end result of this is, I think two things:
recursion, in addition to and sometimes instead of iteration is an unusually important technique in Lisp;
in Lisp, programming means building a programming language.
So, in the answer above I've tried to give you examples of how you might think about solving problems involving a recursive data structure recursively: by defining a local function (append-loop) which then recursively calls itself to process the lists. As Rainer pointed out that's probably not a good way of solving this problem in Common Lisp as it tends to be hard to read and it also relies on the implementation to turn tail calls into iteration which is not garuanteed in CL. But, if your aim is to learn to think the way Lisp wants you to think, I think it is useful: there's a difference between code you might want to write for production use, and code you might want to read and write for pedagogical purposes: this is pedagogical code.
Indeed, it's worth looking at the other half of how Lisp might want you to think to solve problems like this: by extending the language. Let's say that you were programming in 1960, in a flavour of Lisp which has no iterative constructs other than GO TO. And let's say you wanted to process some list iteratively. Well, you might write this (this is in CL, so it is not very like programming in an ancient Lisp would be: in CL tagbody establishes a lexical environment in the body of which you can have tags – symbols – and then go will go to those tags):
(defun print-list-elements (l)
;; print the elements of a list, in order, using GO
(let* ((tail l)
(current (first tail)))
(if (null tail)
(go done)
(print current)
(setf tail (rest tail)
current (first tail))
(go next)))
And now:
> (print-list-elements '(1 2 3))
Let's program like it's 1956!
So, well, let's say you don't like writing this sort of horror. Instead you'd like to be able to write something like this:
(defun print-list-elements (l)
;; print the elements of a list, in order, using GO
(do-list (e l)
(print e)))
Now if you were using most other languages you need to spend several weeks mucking around with the compiler to do this. But in Lisp you spend a few minutes writing this:
(defmacro do-list ((v l &optional (result-form nil)) &body forms)
;; Iterate over a list. May be buggy.
(let ((tailn (make-symbol "TAIL"))
(nextn (make-symbol "NEXT"))
(donen (make-symbol "DONE")))
`(let* ((,tailn ,l)
(,v (first ,tailn)))
(if (null ,tailn)
(go ,donen)
(setf ,tailn (rest ,tailn)
,v (first ,tailn))
(go ,nextn)))
And now your language has an iteration construct which it previously did not have. (In real life this macro is called dolist).
And you can go further: given our do-list macro, let's see how we can collect things into a list:
(defun collect (thing)
;; global version: just signal an error
(declare (ignorable thing))
(error "not collecting"))
(defmacro collecting (&body forms)
;; Within the body of this macro, (collect x) will collect x into a
;; list, which is returned from the macro.
(let ((resultn (make-symbol "RESULT"))
(rtailn (make-symbol "RTAIL")))
`(let ((,resultn '())
(,rtailn nil))
(flet ((collect (thing)
(if ,rtailn
(setf (rest ,rtailn) (list thing)
,rtailn (rest ,rtailn))
(setf ,resultn (list thing)
,rtailn ,resultn))
And now we can write the original append-lists function entirely in terms of constructs we've invented:
(defun append-lists (list &rest more-lists)
(do-list (e list) (collect e))
(do-list (l more-lists)
(do-list (e l)
(collect e)))))
If that's not cool then nothing is.
In fact we can get even more carried away. My original answer above used labels to do iteration As Rainer has pointed out, this is not safe in CL since CL does not mandate TCO. I don't particularly care about that (I am happy to use only CL implementations which mandate TCO), but I do care about the problem that using labels this way is hard to read. Well, you can, of course, hide this in a macro:
(defmacro looping ((&rest bindings) &body forms)
;; A sort-of special-purpose named-let.
(multiple-value-bind (vars inits)
(loop for b in bindings
for var = (typecase b
(symbol b)
(cons (car b))
(t (error "~A is hopeless" b)))
for init = (etypecase b
(symbol nil)
(cons (unless (null (cddr b))
(error "malformed binding ~A" b))
(second b))
(error "~A is hopeless" b)))
collect var into vars
collect init into inits
finally (return (values vars inits)))
`(labels ((next ,vars
(next ,#inits))))
And now:
(defun append-lists (list &rest more-lists)
(looping ((tail list) (more more-lists))
(if (null tail)
(unless (null more)
(next (first more) (rest more)))
(collect (first tail))
(next (rest tail) more))))))
And, well, I just think it is astonishing that I get to use a programming language where you can do things like this.
Note that both collecting and looping are intentionally 'unhygenic': they introduce a binding (for collect and next respectively) which is visible to code in their bodies and which would shadow any other function definition of that name. That's fine, in fact, since that's their purpose.
This kind of iteration-as-recursion is certainly cool to think about, and as I've said I think it really helps you to think about how the language can work, which is my purpose here. Whether it leads to better code is a completely different question. Indeed there is a famous quote by Guy Steele from one of the 'lambda the ultimate ...' papers:
procedure calls may be usefully thought of as GOTO statements which also pass parameters
And that's a lovely quote, except that it cuts both ways: procedure calls, in a language which optimizes tail calls, are pretty much GOTO, and you can do almost all the horrors with them that you can do with GOTO. But GOTO is a problem, right? Well, it turns out so are procedure calls, for most of the same reasons.
So, pragmatically, even in a language (or implementation) where procedure calls do have all these nice characteristics, you end up wanting constructs which can express iteration and not recursion rather than both. So, for instance, Racket which, being a Scheme-family language, does mandate tail-call elimination, has a whole bunch of macros with names like for which do iteration.
And in Common Lisp, which does not mandate tail-call elimination but which does have GOTO, you also need to build macros to do iteration, in the spirit of my do-list above. And, of course, a bunch of people then get hopelessly carried away and the end point is a macro called loop: loop didn't exist (in its current form) in the first version of CL, and it was common at that time to simply obtain a copy of it from somewhere, and make sure it got loaded into the image. In other words, loop, with all its vast complexity, is just a macro which you can define in a CL which does not have it already.
OK, sorry, this is too long.
(loop for list in (cons '(1 2 3)
'((4 5 6) (7 8 9)))
append list)

Emacs-lisp: prettify-symbols-mode for LaTeX

I was trying to port over the "pretty entities" behaviour from org-mode to latex-mode using the Emacs builtin prettify-symbols-mode. This mode uses font-lock-mode to display character sequences in a buffer as a single (unicode) character. By default for instance emacs-lisp code
(lambda () t)
(λ () t)
It does however seem to require the character sequences to be separated by some characters, e.g. white-spaces. For instance in my setup, the replacement
\alpha \beta -> α β`
will work, but it will fail when the strings are not separated, e.g.
\alpha\beta -> \alphaβ
This is an issue specifically, because I wanted to use this prettification to make quantum mechanical equations more readable, where I e.g. the replacement like
|\psi\rangle -> |ψ⟩
Is it possible to avoid this delimiter-issue using prettify-symbols-mode? And if it is not, is it possible by using font-lock-mode on a lower level?
Here's the code that should do what you want:
(defvar pretty-alist
(cl-pairlis '("alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon" "zeta" "eta"
"theta" "iota" "kappa" "lambda" "mu" "nu" "xi"
"omicron" "pi" "rho" "sigma_final" "sigma" "tau"
"upsilon" "phi" "chi" "psi" "omega")
(lambda (x) (make-char 'greek-iso8859-7 x))
(number-sequence 97 121))))
(add-to-list 'pretty-alist '("rangle" . ?\⟩))
(defun pretty-things ()
(lambda (x)
(let ((word (car x))
(char (cdr x)))
`((,(concat "\\(^\\|[^a-zA-Z0-9]\\)\\(" word "\\)[a-zA-Z]")
(0 (progn
(decompose-region (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
`((,(concat "\\(^\\|[^a-zA-Z0-9]\\)\\(" word "\\)[^a-zA-Z]")
(0 (progn
(compose-region (1- (match-beginning 2)) (match-end 2)
As you can see above, pretty-alist starts out with greek chars. Then I add
\rangle just to demonstrate how to add new things.
To enable it automatically, add it to the hook:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'pretty-things)
I used the code from here as a starting
point, you can look there for a reference.
The code of prettify-symbols-mode derives from code developped for languages like Haskell and a few others, which don't use something like TeX's \. So you may indeed be in trouble. I suggest you M-x report-emacs-bug requesting prettify-symbol-mode be improved to support TeX-style syntax.
In the mean time, you'll have to "do it by hand" along the lines of what abo-abo suggests.
One note, tho: back in the days of Emacs-21, I ported X-Symbol to work on Emacs, specifically because I wanted to see such pretty things in LaTeX. Yet, I discovered that it was mostly useless to me. And I think it's even more the case now. Here's why:
You can just use an actual ψ character in your LaTeX code instead of \psi nowadays. So you don't need display tricks for it to look "right".
Rather than repeating |\psi\rangle I much prefer defining macros and then use \Qr{\Vangle} (where \Vangle turns into \psi ("V" stands for "metaVariable"), and \Qr wraps it in a braket) so I can easily tweak those macros and know that the document will stay consistent. At that point, pretty-display of \psi and \rangle is of no importance.

Elisp rename macro

How can I rename elisp macro? To be more accurate, I want make defun to be synonym to cl-defun.
I do not care about time or memory overhead.
I don't think you can do that - at least not easily.
Since cl-defun expands to defun, you will get an infinite macroexpand loop when using defun if you do the obvious (defalias 'defun 'cl-defun).
The is a way...
So what you need to do is
save the original defun: (fset 'defun-original (symbol-function 'defun)).
copy the definition of cl-defun in cl-macs.el, replacing defun with defun-original.
replace defun with cl-defun using defalias: (defalias 'defun 'cl-defun).
Now, at least, if things go sour, you can restore the original behavior with (fset 'defun (symbol-function 'defun-original)).
...but you don't want it
However, I think you don't really want to do that.
If you want to use a Common Lisp, use it. Trying to pretend that you can turn Elisp into CL will cause you nothing but grief. I tried to travel that road 15 years ago - there is no fun there. It should be easier now, at least there is lexical binding, but I still don't think it is worth the effort.
If you want to extend Emacs, then using cl-defun makes even less sense: your extensions will be useless for others and you won't even be able to ask for help because few people will bother with such a radical change in such a basic functionality for such a tiny gain.
In general, you can make a synonym very simply with (defalias 'foo 'cl-defun).
But the expansion of a call to cl-defun uses defun, so if you do (defalias 'defun 'cl-defun) you'll get into infinite loops.
You can probably get what you want by replacing defun with a macro which either does what defun does or what cl-defun does, depending on whether the cal uses cl-defun features or not. E.g. using advice-add (which is in Emacs's trunk; you can use defadvice in older Emacsen to get simlar results) it could look something like the untested code below:
(defun my-defun-dispatch (doit name args &rest body)
(let ((needs-cl nil))
(dolist (arg args)
(unless (and (symbolp arg)
(or (not (eq ?& (aref (symbol-name arg) 0)))
(memq arg '(&optional &rest))))
(setq needs-cl t)))
(if needs-cl
`(cl-defun ,name ,args ,#body)
(funcall doit name args body))))
(advice-add :around 'defun 'my-defun-dispatch)
Any particular reason?
Maybe it's safe to do, and I'm sure it's possible, but I'm very dubious that you should be attempting it in the first place if you can't figure out how to go about it. I don't mean that as any kind of insult; I just suspect that a fundamental change like this could easily cause problems, so you ought to have a solid handle on elisp first before trying it.
I realise that's a bit of a non-answer, but I thought it was worth saying.
FYI cl-defun is defined in terms of defun.

What's so great about lexical scoping?

The reason I don't understand why Emacs 24's new lexical scoping features are that great is that I can't think of any new functionality that couldn't have been implemented without them. For example, the following closure:
(setq lexical-binding t)
(defun f1 (num1)
(lambda (num2)
(setq num1 (* num1 num2))))
(fset 'f2 (f1 5))
==> (closure ((num1 . 5) t) (num2) (setq num1 (* num1 num2)))
(f2 5)
==> 25
(f2 2)
==> 50
Can be implemented with regular dynamic scoping like so:
(defun f1 (num)
(let ((tmpvar (make-symbol "num")))
(set tmpvar num)
`(lambda (num2)
(set ',tmpvar (* (eval ,tmpvar) num2)))))
(fset 'f2 (f1 5))
==> (lambda (num2) (set (quote num) (+ (eval num) num2)))
(f2 5)
==> 25
(f2 2)
==> 50
(fset 'f3 (f1 9))
==> (lambda (num2) (set (quote num) (+ (eval num) num2)))
(f3 3)
==> 27
(f3 2)
==> 54
(f2 10)
==> 500
Okay, so not all languages have something analogous to elisp's uninterned symbols, so I understand why lexical scoping is so great in their case. But what about elisp? Can you think of anything that I can do now (as of Emacs 24) that I couldn't do before, thanks to lexical scoping?
You don't need uninterned symbols, use cons instead of make-symbol, car instead of eval, and setcar instead of set and your example will work just as well (and be more efficient).
Note also that the progression from machine-language to ever higher-level languages has been mostly based on making more and more things impossible (or at least much harder). Of course those facilities taken away from the programmers were rarely used and/or considered too dangerous. Think of using uninitialized variables (possible in C, but impossible in Java and many other languages), or jumping into the middle of an instruction.
As for some downside of your example code: not only it's less readable, but the compiler basically won't be able to know that you're constructing code, so it won't be allowed to look inside that "`(lambda ...)" to compile it, expand its macro calls, give you warnings about suspicious elements, ...
There have always been workarounds to simulate lexical binding in Emacs, so it's not so much about being able to do new things.
The manual says:
Lexical binding opens up a lot more opportunities for optimization, so
Emacs Lisp code that makes use of lexical binding is likely to run
faster in future Emacs versions. Such code is also much more friendly
to concurrency, which we want to add to Emacs in the near future.
I think that is the primary benefit.
The flip side to this is that dynamic binding was purposely chosen when Emacs was written for good reasons which still hold true today, and so lexical binding should certainly not be considered the New Way of doing things.
Global variables are generally considered a bad idea in programming, but Emacs is an unusual case where this doesn't really apply, because much of its immense flexibility -- one of the key things that makes Emacs great -- derives directly from dynamic binding. Without dynamic binding, it would not be possible to bend the application to the requirements of the individual user to anything like the extent that Emacs allows.
In my opinion, lexical binding should be used cautiously and only for variables for which another user could not conceivably find a reason to override. By default variables should be defvar'd so that the ability to customize the behaviour (even in ways that the author did not anticipate) is preserved.
I think implementations of OO programming tend to fit well with lexical scope. An object with state maps rather directly to a lexical closure.
I'm sure that the CLOS implementation in common lisp leverages lexical scope heavily. It's hard for me to imagine how that spec could be implemented with dynamic scope only, but I'm sure it's possible.

How could I implement the push macro?

Can someone help me understand how push can be implemented as a macro? The naive version below evaluates the place form twice, and does so before evaluating the element form:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
`(setf ,place (cons ,element ,place)))
But if I try to fix this as below then I'm setf-ing the wrong place:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
(let ((el-sym (gensym))
(place-sym (gensym)))
`(let ((,el-sym ,element)
(,place-sym ,place))
(setf ,place-sym (cons ,el-sym ,place-sym)))))
CL-USER> (defparameter *list* '(0 1 2 3))
CL-USER> (my-push 'hi *list*)
(HI 0 1 2 3)
CL-USER> *list*
(0 1 2 3)
How can I setf the correct place without evaluating twice?
Doing this right seems to be a little more complicated. For instance, the code for push in SBCL 1.0.58 is:
(defmacro-mundanely push (obj place &environment env)
"Takes an object and a location holding a list. Conses the object onto
the list, returning the modified list. OBJ is evaluated before PLACE."
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(sb!xc:get-setf-expansion place env)
(let ((g (gensym)))
`(let* ((,g ,obj)
,#(mapcar #'list dummies vals)
(,(car newval) (cons ,g ,getter))
,#(cdr newval))
So reading the documentation on get-setf-expansion seems to be useful.
For the record, the generated code looks quite nice:
Pushing into a symbol:
(push 1 symbol)
expands into
(LET* ((#:G906 1) (#:NEW905 (CONS #:G906 SYMBOL)))
Pushing into a SETF-able function (assuming symbol points to a list of lists):
(push 1 (first symbol))
expands into
(LET* ((#:G909 1)
(#:NEW907 (CONS #:G909 (FIRST #:SYMBOL908))))
So unless you take some time to study setf, setf expansions and company, this looks rather arcane (it may still look so even after studying them). The 'Generalized Variables' chapter in OnLisp may be useful too.
Hint: if you compile your own SBCL (not that hard), pass the --fancy argument to This way you'll be able to quickly see the definitions of functions/macros inside SBCL (for instance, with M-. inside Emacs+SLIME). Obviously, don't delete those sources (you can run after, to save 90% of the space).
Taking a look at how the existing one (in SBCL, at least) does things, I see:
* (macroexpand-1 '(push 1 *foo*))
(LET* ((#:G823 1) (#:NEW822 (CONS #:G823 *FOO*)))
(SETQ *FOO* #:NEW822))
So, I imagine, mixing in a combination of your version and what this generates, one might do:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
(let ((el-sym (gensym))
(new-sym (gensym "NEW")))
`(let* ((,el-sym ,element)
(,new-sym (cons ,el-sym ,place)))
(setq ,place ,new-sym)))))
A few observations:
This seems to work with either setq or setf. Depending on what problem you're actually trying to solve (I presume re-writing push isn't the actual end goal), you may favor one or the other.
Note that place does still get evaluated twice... though it does at least do so only after evaluating element. Is the double evaluation something you actually need to avoid? (Given that the built-in push doesn't, I'm left wondering if/how you'd be able to... though I'm writing this up before spending terribly much time thinking about it.) Given that it's something that needs to evaluate as a "place", perhaps this is normal?
Using let* instead of let allows us to use ,el-sym in the setting of ,new-sym. This moves where the cons happens, such that it's evaluated in the first evaluation of ,place, and after the evaluation of ,element. Perhaps this gets you what you need, with respect to evaluation ordering?
I think the biggest problem with your second version is that your setf really does need to operate on the symbol passed in, not on a gensym symbol.
Hopefully this helps... (I'm still somewhat new to all this myself, so I'm making some guesses here.)