Convert list of strings to an enum list (One,Two,etc) - unity3d

I've searched a lot but can't find a clear answer anywhere for string list -> enum.
I've got a list of strings that I want to turn into an enum that I can select from in Unity inspector.
Specifically, I'm trying to make an enum list of all the currently set-up Input buttons from project settings. I've got all the names, just don't know how to make it an enum or similar. Ideally showing up like a KeyCode variable in inspector.
Currently trying (and failing) with:
foreach (string s in names)
if (Enum.TryParse(s, true, out list))
else Debug.Log("FAILED");
"names" = static List<string> names;
"list" = static MyList list;
"MyList" = enum MyList { Null }
Returns "FAILED" 58 times for only 29 Input axis.
I want a simple solution, so if its not possible or relatively simple, I'll work out something else.
Code for getting the "names" list of strings (Works correctly):
var inputManager = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath("ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset")[0];
SerializedObject obj = new SerializedObject(inputManager);
SerializedProperty axisArray = obj.FindProperty("m_Axes");
if (axisArray.arraySize == 0)
Debug.Log("No Axes");
for (int i = 0; i < axisArray.arraySize; ++i)
var axis = axisArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
var name = axis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue;

Normally you can do
foreach (string colorName in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Colors))) which will iterate the names of the enums.
In your code above you havent shown what list is, nor where names has come from. However.
enum Things
Item1 = 0,
Item2 = 1
You can get the name from string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(Things), (int)Things.Item2) and you can get values from names with int value = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Things), nameOfThing)
So depending on what you actually want in a list and what you start with, iterate through and pick the relevant one

I ended up making my own solution, since (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the TryParse() and Parse() methods appear to need the enum to already contain entries with the same name (or index int) as the string to parse. This defeats the purpose for me, since I am doing this because I don't have the names in there already.
My solution ended up being to switch to having a single string input variable instead of an enum, then use Odin Inspector's ValidateInput attribute to check (for spelling errors, and) if the input variable matches any of the string entries in my dynamic list of InputManager input names (which I update manually using Odin Inspector's Button attribute and the code in the original post).
It's slightly less clean than I wanted, but does the job, so I'm satisfied.


How to write to an Element in a Set?

With arrays you can use a subscript to access Array Elements directly. You can read or write to them. With Sets I am not sure of a way to write its Elements.
For example, if I access a set element matching a condition I'm only able to read the element. It is passed by copy and I can't therefore write to the original.
For example:
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
)?.cells.append(value: addValue)
// ERROR: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
You can't just change things inside a set, because of how a (hash) set works. Changing them would possibly change their hash value, making the set into an invalid state.
Therefore, you would have to take the thing you want to change out of the set, change it, then put it back.
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
If the == operator on Column doesn't care about cells (i.e. adding cells to a column doesn't suddenly make two originally equal columns unequal and vice versa), then you could use update instead:
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
As you can see, it's quite a lot of work, so maybe sets aren't a suitable data structure to use in this situation. Have you considered using an array instead? :)
private var _columns: [Column]
public var columns : [Column] {
get { _columns }
set { _columns = Array(Set(newValue)) }
// or any other way to remove duplicate as described here:
You are getting the error because columns might be a set of struct. So columns.first will give you an immutable value. If you were to use a class, you will get a mutable result from columns.first and your code will work as expected.
Otherwise, you will have to do as explained by #Sweeper in his answer.

NTriplesParser extract textual value from string

I am using dotnetrdf and trying to parse some triples with NTriplesParser. I have my own handler RobHandler in which I process each triple in turn.
public class RobHandler : BaseRdfHandler
protected override bool HandleTripleInternal(Triple t)
string predicateUrl = ((BaseUriNode)(t.Predicate)).Uri.AbsoluteUri;
string value = t.Object.ToString();
This works fine but I want to get the object minus the language. My objects look like "Lincoln"#en. I could obviously write some code to remove the #en bit, but I'd rather use some library code rather than my own that hard-coded strings like #en. To do this I think I need to create a LiteralNode but there doesn't seem to be a way to get from a string which is what I have (my variable value) to a LiteralNode.
How can I extract just the textual value from an object string?
Actually I think I have the answer myself:
if (t.Object.NodeType == NodeType.Literal)
var node = (ILiteralNode)t.Object;

Concatenate characters for the name of a struct in Matlab

I want program a struct in Matlab for saving some parameters.
The struct's name has to change every iteration in a loop, thus in each iteration I make a new struct. Therefore I want something like this:
strcat(str, index{i}, letter{i})(i).name = names{i};
Then, when the loop has finished I have 3 structs with the next names:
- str01aa{
name = 'Peter'
- str02bb{
name = 'John'
- str03cc{
name = 'Michael'
My problem is that the strcat function with the bracket (i) is not good defined, and the structs are not created.
I hope you can help me.
strcat(str, index{i}, letter{i})(i).name isn't a valid operation, because strcat returns a sting object, which can't possess fields. You need to make that string into a variable name using genvarname (documentation), like so:
for(i = 1:numel(index))
genvarname(strcat('str', index{i}, letter{i}))(i).name = names{i};
Note that I changed str to 'str' for consistency with your example. As a general rule, dynamically constructed variable names are bad practice because they make debugging a nightmare.
Let me make a suggestion; instead of having a bunch of structs with different, seemingly arbitrary names, why not try something like this:
for(i = 1:numel(index))
yourStruct(i).id = strcat('str', index{i}, letter{i});
yourStruct(i).name = names{i};
Either way, good luck!

Joining together strings into Powershell variable names

I'm working with treeviews in Powershell - I have a different node for each of our buildings. In my code I'm grabbing variables, Joining them together, and using that as the variable name - but my code is seeing the variable as a string instead of the name of a node that already exists... so I'm getting
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
How can I do this? It would save me from hard-coding in every floor in every building. Here's what my code looks like:
$bldg = "SG1-1" //for example
function refreshPrinterList ( $bldg )
$bldg1 = $bldg.substring(0,3)
$floor = $bldg.substring(4,1)
$refreshNode = -join('$TreeNode_',$bldg1,'_',$floor)
$refreshNode.gettype() //Returns System.String`
if($bldg1 -eq "SG1") {
if($floor -eq "1") {
$count = $refreshNode.Nodes.Count
while($refreshNode.Nodes.Count -gt 0)
The -join operator is for strings, and dutifully gives you one back instead of a TreeNode that you want. If you are passing in a string ($bldg looks like a string from your example), then you can do all the string manipulation you want, but there is no TreeNode object in that function to assign a name to. So, we need to make a TreeNode that your function could use. What about something like this?
$newNodeName = -join('$TreeNode_',$bldg1,'_',$floor)
$refreshNode = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode($newNodeName )
// do stuff with $refreshNode as it is a TreeNode object like you expect
This $refreshNode will have no Nodes inside of it since we just fabbed it up. Since it looks like you want to modify an existing TreeNode object, pass in the $refreshNode as an argument then modify its friendly description with the $newNodeName.
I was pointed in the right direction over on the Technet Social forum
My question on Technet
The answer was using 'Get-Variable'
I had the two variables $bldg1 and $floor which I joined into a string:
$newNodeName = -join('TreeNode_',$bldg1,'_',$floor)
and then I passed that using 'Get-Variable' - but I had to put the variable name within parantheses, like so:
$refreshNode = (Get-Variable ($newNodeName)).Value
Now, instead of returning a string type it returns my existing string!

ReSharper 8 - Live Template Macros - HotspotItems

I am currently using ReSharper V8.1. I've only recently began using ReSharper and have found some interest in their LiveTemplate Macros. I've conjured up a solution to return a list of HotspotItems from a constant, similar to ReSharper's predefined macro "Comma-delimited list of values". In the method I take the constant variable of the template parameter and do a split string on them to provide a collection of HotSpotItems. Unfortunately it doesn't work if I use the macro more than one time within a template. Below is an extreme hack job showing my implementation of the method HotspotItems of IMacroImplementation.
I am hoping that someone out there may have done some work in this area and could possibly provide an example of how they've implemented IMacroImplementation which provides a list of items from a constant and also allows for multiple uses within a single template.
Thank you.
public override HotspotItems GetLookupItems(IHotspotContext context)
HotspotItems hotSpotItems = null;
foreach (var hotspot in context.HotspotSession.Hotspots)
if (hotspot.Expression != null && ((MacroCallExpressionNew)hotspot.Expression).Definition is Macros.DisplayMultipleItems)
var multiItems = ((MacroCallExpressionNew) hotspot.Expression).Definition as DisplayMultipleItems;
if (!multiItems.ItemSet)
var expression = hotspot.Expression as MacroCallExpressionNew;
IMacroParameterValueNew baseValue = expression.Parameters[0].GetValue(context.SessionContext.Solution.GetLifetime(), context.HotspotSession);
string templateValue = baseValue.GetValue();
multiItems.ItemSet = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateValue) && templateValue.Split(',').Any())
var lookupItems = templateValue.Split(',').Select(param => new TextLookupItem(param)).Cast<ILookupItem>().ToList();
if (hotSpotItems == null)
hotSpotItems = new HotspotItems(lookupItems);
foreach (var item in lookupItems)
return hotSpotItems;
You should fire up dotPeek and point it to the ReSharper bin directory and take a look at ListMacroDef and ListMacroImpl, which is the implementation for the comma-delimited list macro.
The definition derives from SimpleMacroDefinition. It gets given the parameters in the call to GetPlaceholder, looks at the first and splits it by comma, returning the first item as the placeholder.
ListMacroImpl is just as simple. Its constructor has an [Optional] parameter of type MacroParameterValueCollection. This is the list of parameter values specified in the hotspot editor. You'll want to check for null and take the first parameter, which will be your delimited list. It then overrides GetLookupItems and returns HotspotItems.Empty if the parameter value is null, or parses the value and returns a list of TextLookupItem.
You don't need to look at the session and list of hotspots - that will get you all hotspots in the session, when you're only interested in the current hotspot, and ReSharper will create a new IMacroImplementation for each hotspot and give you those values in your constructor.