I have a huge text file and I have to extract only named entites in from this file. I am using Scala language and Databricks cluster for this.
val input = sc.textFile('....Mypath...').flatMap(line => line.split("""\W+"""))
val namedEnt = something(input)
Can anyone tell what to code to get named entities?
If you convert your input to a DataFrame (ex: .toDF), this is how you can get the Named Entities out:
Just an example of Spark NLP installation
spark-shell --packages JohnSnowLabs:spark-nlp:2.4.0
Actual example:
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.PretrainedPipeline
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.SparkNLP
// make sure you are using the latest release 2.4.x
// Download and load the pre-trained pipeline that has NER in English
// Full list: https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models
val pipeline = PretrainedPipeline("recognize_entities_dl", lang="en")
//Transfrom your DataFrame to a new DataFrame that has NER column
val annotation = pipeline.transform(inputDF)
// This would look something like this:
| id| text| document| sentence| token| embeddings| ner| entities|
| 1|Google has announ...|[[document, 0, 10...|[[document, 0, 10...|[[token, 0, 5, Go...|[[word_embeddings...|[[named_entity, 0...|[[chunk, 0, 5, Go...|
| 2|Donald John Trump...|[[document, 0, 92...|[[document, 0, 92...|[[token, 0, 5, Do...|[[word_embeddings...|[[named_entity, 0...|[[chunk, 0, 16, D...|
// This is where the results for entities are:
Let me know if you have any questions or problems with your input data and I'll update my answer.
Basically, I'm using spark structured streaming to read sensor data (24 sensors with frequency 1s) from cosmo, doing some manip and calling a MLFlow classification model.
Thus, I need a batch of 24 input items (or a modulo of 24).
My code look like this so far :
"spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint" : cosmosEndpoint,
"spark.cosmos.accountKey" : cosmosMasterKey,
"spark.cosmos.database" : cosmosDatabaseName,
"spark.cosmos.container" : cosmosContainerName,
"spark.cosmos.upsert" : "true"
# Configure Catalog Api to be used
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.cosmosCatalog", "com.azure.cosmos.spark.CosmosCatalog")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.cosmosCatalog.spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint", cosmosEndpoint)
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.cosmosCatalog.spark.cosmos.accountKey", cosmosMasterKey)
# Initiate Cosmos Connection Config Object
changeFeedCfg = {
"spark.cosmos.accountEndpoint": cosmosEndpoint,
"spark.cosmos.accountKey": cosmosMasterKey,
"spark.cosmos.database": cosmosDatabaseName,
"spark.cosmos.container": cosmosContainerName,
"spark.cosmos.read.partitioning.strategy": "Default",
"spark.cosmos.read.inferSchema.enabled" : "false",
"spark.cosmos.changeFeed.startFrom" : "Now",
"spark.cosmos.changeFeed.mode" : "Incremental",
"spark.cosmos.changeFeed.ItemCountPerTriggerHint" : 24,
# Load model as a PysparkUDF
loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf(spark, model_uri='runs:/*********/model', result_type='double')
literal_eval_udf = udf(ast.literal_eval, MapType(StringType(), StringType()))
fixedStream = spark.readStream.format("cosmos.oltp.changeFeed").options(**changeFeedCfg).load()
fixedStream = fixedStream.select('_rawBody').withColumn('temp', regexp_replace('_rawBody', ',"_rid".*', '}')).drop('_rawBody')
fixedStream = fixedStream.withColumn("temp", map_values(literal_eval_udf(col("temp"))))
keys = ['datetime', 'machine', 'id', 'factor', 'value', 'Sensor']
for k in range(len(keys)):
fixedStream = fixedStream.withColumn(keys[k], fixedStream.temp[k])
fixedStream = fixedStream.select('factor','machine','Sensor','value')
def foreach_batch_function(df, epoch_id):
df = df.groupBy('factor','machine').pivot("Sensor").agg(first("value"))
columns = list(df)
df = df.withColumn('predictions', loaded_model(*columns)).collect()
df.write.option("mergeSchema","true").format("delta").option("header", "true").mode("append").saveAsTable("poc_industry.test_stream")
I have tried using with the read stream:
I also tried slowing down the write with the trigger(processingTime='x seconds') option.
It runs without error, But none of it seems to have an effect on the batchDF size, indeed numInputRows seems to be varying randomly between (3 and 100).
As anyone achieve something like this?
As suggested by #Christopher Tao in Stream Your Cosmos DB Changes to Databricks with Spark 3
Use maxItemCountPerTriggerHint instead of ItemCountPerTriggerHint to only handle a certain number of objects per trigger.
Code Example:-
"spark.cosmos.changeFeed.maxItemCountPerTriggerHint" : "24"
I have a notebook in Azure Synapse that reads parquet files into a data frame using the synapsesql function and then pushes the data frame contents into a table in the SQL Pool.
Executing the notebook manually is successful and the table is created and populated in the Synapse SQL pool.
When I try to call the same notebook from an Azure Synapse pipeline it returns successful however does not create the table. I am using the Synapse Notebook activity in the pipeline.
What could be the issue here?
I am getting deprecated warnings around the synapsesql function but don't know what is actually deprecated.
The code is below.
val pEnvironment = "t"
val pFolderName = "TestFolder"
val pSourceDatabaseName = "TestDatabase"
val pSourceSchemaName = "TestSchema"
val pRootFolderName = "RootFolder"
val pServerName = pEnvironment + "synas01"
val pDatabaseName = pEnvironment + "syndsqlp01"
val pTableName = pSourceDatabaseName + "" + pSourceSchemaName + "" + pFolderName
// Import functions and Synapse connector
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import com.microsoft.spark.sqlanalytics.utils.Constants
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SqlAnalyticsConnector.
// Get list of "FileLocation" from control.FileLoadStatus
val fls:DataFrame = spark.read.
// Read all parquet files in folder into data frame
// Add file name as column
val df:DataFrame = spark.read.
withColumn("FileLocation", input_file_name())
// Join parquet file data frame to FileLoadStatus data frame
// Exclude rows in parquet file data frame where ProcessedDate is not null
val df2 = df.
join(fls,Seq("FileLocation"), "left").
// Write data frame to sql table
This case happens often and to get the output after pipeline execution. Follow the steps mentioned.
Pick up the Apache Spark application name from the output of pipeline
Navigate to Apache Spark Application under Monitor tab and search for the same application name .
These 4 tabs would be available there: Diagnostics,Logs,Input data,Output data
Go to Logs ad check 'stdout' for getting the required output.
Check the above video link for detailed live procedure.
I have folders structure like process/YYYY/MM/DD i need to write a Scala code to read those files till process/YYYY and i dynamically pass the month and date using widgets.
I pass the mm and dd dynamically using widgets
val ReadDf = spark.read.format("parquet").option("header","true").load(""mnt/pnt/process/YYYY")
You can use the following code to get the month from a widget and then create a path to load from:
dbutils.widgets.text("Month", "1")
val widget_month = dbutils.widgets.get("Month").toInt
val path_month = "%02d".format(widget_month)
val pathToReadFrom = s"/mnt/pnt/process/yyyy=2020/mm=${path_month}"
Databricks output shows:
widget_month: Int = 1
path_month: String = 01
pathToReadFrom: String = /mnt/pnt/process/yyyy=2020/mm=01
Now if you want to pass arguments to a notebook through the widgets, you can run it from another notebook using Notebook workflows. This is an example from that link:
dbutils.notebook.run("notebook-name", 60, {"argument": "data", "argument2": "data2", ...})
I want to find the parameters of ParamGridBuilder that make the best model in CrossValidator in Spark 1.4.x,
In Pipeline Example in Spark documentation, they add different parameters (numFeatures, regParam) by using ParamGridBuilder in the Pipeline. Then by the following line of code they make the best model:
val cvModel = crossval.fit(training.toDF)
Now, I want to know what are the parameters (numFeatures, regParam) from ParamGridBuilder that produces the best model.
I already used the following commands without success:
cvModel.params.toList.mkString("(", ",", ")")
cvModel.getEstimatorParamMaps.mkString("(", ",", ")")
Any help?
Thanks in advance,
One method to get a proper ParamMap object is to use CrossValidatorModel.avgMetrics: Array[Double] to find the argmax ParamMap:
implicit class BestParamMapCrossValidatorModel(cvModel: CrossValidatorModel) {
def bestEstimatorParamMap: ParamMap = {
When run on the CrossValidatorModel trained in the Pipeline Example you cited gives:
scala> println(cvModel.bestEstimatorParamMap)
hashingTF_2b0b8ccaeeec-numFeatures: 100,
logreg_950a13184247-regParam: 0.1
val bestPipelineModel = cvModel.bestModel.asInstanceOf[PipelineModel]
val stages = bestPipelineModel.stages
val hashingStage = stages(1).asInstanceOf[HashingTF]
println("numFeatures = " + hashingStage.getNumFeatures)
val lrStage = stages(2).asInstanceOf[LogisticRegressionModel]
println("regParam = " + lrStage.getRegParam)
To print everything in paramMap, you actually don't have to call parent:
To answer OP's question, to get a single best parameter, for example regParam:
This is how you get the chosen parameters
this java code should work:
cvModel.bestModel().parent().extractParamMap().you can translate it to scala code
parent()method will return an estimator, you can get the best params then.
This is the ParamGridBuilder()
paraGrid = ParamGridBuilder().addGrid(
hashingTF.numFeatures, [10, 100, 1000]
lr.regParam, [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
There are 3 stages in pipeline. It seems we can assess parameters as the following:
for stage in cv_model.bestModel.stages:
print 'stages: {}'.format(stage)
print stage.params
print '\n'
stage: Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b
[Param(parent='Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b', name='inputCol', doc='input column name'), Param(parent='Tokenizer_46ffb9fac5968c6c152b', name='outputCol', doc='output column name')]
stage: HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43
[Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='inputCol', doc='input column name'), Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='numFeatures', doc='number of features'), Param(parent='HashingTF_40e1af3ba73764848d43', name='outputCol', doc='output column name')]
stage: LogisticRegression_451b8c8dbef84ecab7a9
However, there is no parameter in the last stage, logiscRegression.
We can also get weight and intercept parameter from logistregression like the following:
DenseVector([-2.5361, -0.9541, 0.4124, 4.2108, 4.4707, 4.9451, -0.3045, 5.4348, -0.1977, -1.8361])
Full exploration:
I am working with Spark Scala 1.6.x and here is a full example of how i can set and fit a CrossValidator and then return the value of the parameter used to get the best model (assuming that training.toDF gives a dataframe ready to be used) :
import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.LogisticRegression
import org.apache.spark.ml.tuning.{CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder}
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
// Instantiate a LogisticRegression object
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
// Instantiate a ParamGrid with different values for the 'RegParam' parameter of the logistic regression
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder().addGrid(lr.regParam, Array(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)).build()
// Setting and fitting the CrossValidator on the training set, using 'MultiClassClassificationEvaluator' as evaluator
val crossVal = new CrossValidator().setEstimator(lr).setEvaluator(new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator).setEstimatorParamMaps(paramGrid)
val cvModel = crossVal.fit(training.toDF)
// Getting the value of the 'RegParam' used to get the best model
val bestModel = cvModel.bestModel // Getting the best model
val paramReference = bestModel.getParam("regParam") // Getting the reference of the parameter you want (only the reference, not the value)
val paramValue = bestModel.get(paramReference) // Getting the value of this parameter
print(paramValue) // In my case : 0.001
You can do the same for any parameter or any other type of model.
If javaļ¼see this debug show;
Building in the solution of #macfeliga, a single liner that works for pipelines:
.stages.foreach(stage => println(stage.extractParamMap))
This SO thread kinda answers the question.
In a nutshell, you need to cast each object to its supposed-to-be class.
For the case of CrossValidatorModel, the following is what I did:
import org.apache.spark.ml.tuning.CrossValidatorModel
import org.apache.spark.ml.PipelineModel
import org.apache.spark.ml.regression.RandomForestRegressionModel
// Load CV model from S3
val inputModelPath = "s3://path/to/my/random-forest-regression-cv"
val reloadedCvModel = CrossValidatorModel.load(inputModelPath)
// To get the parameters of the best model
In the example, my pipeline has two stages (a VectorIndexer and a RandomForestRegressor), so the stage index is 1 for my model.
For me, the #orangeHIX solution is perfect:
val cvModel = cv.fit(training)
val cvMejorModelo = cvModel.bestModel.asInstanceOf[ALSModel]
res86: org.apache.spark.ml.param.ParamMap =
als_08eb64db650d-alpha: 0.05,
als_08eb64db650d-checkpointInterval: 10,
als_08eb64db650d-coldStartStrategy: drop,
als_08eb64db650d-finalStorageLevel: MEMORY_AND_DISK,
als_08eb64db650d-implicitPrefs: false,
als_08eb64db650d-intermediateStorageLevel: MEMORY_AND_DISK,
als_08eb64db650d-itemCol: product,
als_08eb64db650d-maxIter: 10,
als_08eb64db650d-nonnegative: false,
als_08eb64db650d-numItemBlocks: 10,
als_08eb64db650d-numUserBlocks: 10,
als_08eb64db650d-predictionCol: prediction,
als_08eb64db650d-rank: 1,
als_08eb64db650d-ratingCol: rating,
als_08eb64db650d-regParam: 0.1,
als_08eb64db650d-seed: 1994790107,
als_08eb64db650d-userCol: user
I have 20 million files in S3 spanning roughly 8000 days.
The files are organized by timestamps in UTC, like this: s3://mybucket/path/txt/YYYY/MM/DD/filename.txt.gz. Each file is UTF-8 text containing between 0 (empty) and 100KB of text (95th percentile, although there are a few files that are up to several MBs).
Using Spark and Scala (I'm new to both and want to learn), I would like to save "daily bundles" (8000 of them), each containing whatever number of files were found for that day. Ideally I would like to store the original filenames as well as their content. The output should reside in S3 as well and be compressed, in some format that is suitable for input in further Spark steps and experiments.
One idea was to store bundles as a bunch of JSON objects (one per line and '\n'-separated), e.g.
{id:"doc0001", meta:{x:"blah", y:"foo", ...}, content:"some long string here"}
{id:"doc0002", meta:{x:"foo", y:"bar", ...}, content: "another long string"}
Alternatively, I could try the Hadoop SequenceFile, but again I'm not sure how to set that up elegantly.
Using the Spark shell for example, I saw that it was very easy to read the files, for example:
val textFile = sc.textFile("s3n://mybucket/path/txt/1996/04/09/*.txt.gz")
// or even
val textFile = sc.textFile("s3n://mybucket/path/txt/*/*/*/*.txt.gz")
// which will take for ever
But how do I "intercept" the reader to provide the file name?
Or perhaps I should get an RDD of all the files, split by day, and in a reduce step write out K=filename, V=fileContent?
You can use this
First You can get a Buffer/List of S3 Paths :
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.ArrayList
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectListing
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3ObjectSummary
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ListObjectsRequest
def listFiles(s3_bucket:String, base_prefix : String) = {
var files = new ArrayList[String]
//S3 Client and List Object Request
var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client();
var objectListing: ObjectListing = null;
var listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest();
//Your S3 Bucket
//Your Folder path or Prefix
//Adding s3:// to the paths and adding to a list
do {
objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
for (objectSummary <- objectListing.getObjectSummaries().asScala) {
files.add("s3://" + s3_bucket + "/" + objectSummary.getKey());
} while (objectListing.isTruncated());
//Removing Base Directory Name
//Creating a Scala List for same
Now Pass this List object to the following piece of code, note : sc is an object of SQLContext
var df: DataFrame = null;
for (file <- files) {
val fileDf= sc.textFile(file)
if (df!= null) {
df= df.unionAll(fileDf)
} else {
df= fileDf
Now you got a final Unified RDD i.e. df
Optional, And You can also repartition it in a single BigRDD
val files = sc.textFile(filename, 1).repartition(1)
Repartitioning always works :D
have you tried something along the lines of sc.wholeTextFiles?
It creates an RDD where the key is the filename and the value is the byte array of the whole file. You can then map this so the key is the file date, and then groupByKey?
At your scale, elegant solution would be a stretch.
I would recommend against using sc.textFile("s3n://mybucket/path/txt/*/*/*/*.txt.gz") as it takes forever. What you can do is use AWS DistCp or something similar to move files into HDFS. Once its in HDFS, spark is quite fast in ingesting the information in whatever way suits you.
Note that most of these processes require some sort of file list so you'll need to generate that somehow. for 20 mil files, this creation of file list will be a bottle neck. I'd recommend creating a file that get appended with the file path, every-time a file gets uploaded to s3.
Same for output, put into hdfs and then move to s3 (although direct copy might be equally efficient).