How to perform a merge operation on dataset/dataframe in sparksql - Python - merge

In SQL, you can perform MERGE operation on a table and insert/update data into it. Example: merge in snowflake
Are we able to do something similar in pyspark.sql?


Can I merge delta lake table to RDBMS table directly? Which is the preferred way in Databricks?

I am dealing with updating master data. I'll do the UPCERT operations on the delta lake table. But after my UPCERT is complete I like to update the master data on the RDBMS table also. Is there any support from Databricks to perform this operation affectively in highly performant way. There are pyspark sql ways, but I don't see the merge option.
Appreciate any help on this.

AWS Redshift: How to run copy command from Apache NiFi without using firehose?

I have flow files with data records in it. I'm able to place it on S3 bucket. From there on I want to run COPY command and update command with joins to achieve MERGE / UPSERT operation. Can anyone suggest ways to solve this as firehose only executes copy command and I can't make UPSERT / MERGE operation as prescribed by AWS docs directly, so has to copy into staging table and update or insert using some conditions.
There are a number of ways to do this but I usually go with a lambda function run every 5 minutes or so that takes the data put in Redshift from firehose and merges it with existing data. Redshift likes to run on larger "chunks" of data and it is most efficient if you build up some size before performing these operations. The best practice is to move the data from the firehose target in an atomic operation like ALTER TABLE APPEND and use this new table as the source for merging. This is so firehose can keep adding data while the merge is in process.

Merge dataframe into Google bigquery using spark and scala

I'm trying to achieve something similar using spark and scala
Updating BigQuery data using Java
I want to update existing data and also insert new data into Bigquery table. Any ideas if we can using some sort of DML within spark to do an upsert operation against BigQuery ??
I found that BigQuery supports merge but I'm not sure if we can do something similar using spark and scala
Google BQ - how to upsert existing data in tables?
The spark API does not support upsert yet. The best workaround at this moment is to write the dataframe to a temporary table, run a MERGE job and then delete the temporary table.

Can Pyspark Use JDBC to Pass Alter Table

I would like to pass an alter table command to my PostgreSQL database after I load data from a Databricks notebook using pyspark. I know that I can pass a query using but in this case I would like to add a unique constraint once the data has loaded. The purpose is to speed up the data load process into the db by reducing the time to create the unique index.
Spark is a framework for data processing therefore its API mostly developed for read and write operations with data sources. In your case, you have some DDL statements to execute and Spark isn't supposed to perform such operations.
It will better option, to keep DDL operation separate after data processing in spark sql. Here you can add one more PostgreSQL job to perform such operations.
I was experiencing this exact problem in Redshift. After reviewing the doc on JDBC connections, it looks like you can do something like this:
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
url "jdbc:<databaseServerType>://<jdbcHostname>:<jdbcPort>",
dbtable "<jdbcDatabase>.atable",
user "<jdbcUsername>",
password "<jdbcPassword>"

Results of rdd.count, count via spark sql are the same, but they are different from count with hive sql

I use count to calculate the number of RDD,got 13673153,but after I transfer the rdd to df and insert into hive,and count again,got 13673182,why?
spark.sql("select count(*) from ...").show()
hive sql: select count(*) from ...
This could be caused by a mismatch between data in the underlying files and the metadata registered in hive for that table. Try running:
in hive, and see if the issue is fixed. The command updates the partition information of the table. You can find more info in the documentation here.
During a Spark Action and part of SparkContext, Spark will record which files were in scope for processing. So, if the DAG needs to recover and reprocess that Action, then the same results are gotten. By design.
Hive QL has no such considerations.
As you noted, the other answer did not help in this use case.
So, when Spark processes Hive tables it looks at the list of files that it will use for the Action.
In the case of a failure (node failure, etc.) it will recompute data from the generated DAG. If it needs to go back and re-compute as far as the start of reading from Hive itself, then it will know which files to use - i.e the same files, so that same results are gotten instead of non-deterministic outcomes. E.g. think of partitioning aspects, handy that same results can be recomputed!
It's that simple. It's by design. Hope this helps.