PayPal subscription package trial setting - paypal

In our website user can sign up with different subscription packages with some days trial version using PayPal.
Can we change trial days after creating subscription in PayPal? We have mistakenly set weeks instead of days. We want to change it back to days. Is there any way?

Using the Subscriptions API, you can make changes, but the subscriber must approve those changes for them to take effect.
Since they must give their approval anyway, if you don't know what you are doing you may find it easier to have them cancel their existing subscription and sign up for a correct one.


Auto Renewable Subscription Free Trial Not Working

I have been trying to add a free trial to my Auto-Renewable subscription in itunes connect. Currently I have added the duration of 1 month trial for a 1 month subscription, however in the app during the purchase flow there is no mention of the trial. Instead it gives the typical dialog "your subscription will start on ...."
Am I missing something? Do I need to enable free trials in a different manner? I have tried using a sandbox user to test in a dev build on a IAP that was not cleared for sale. I have also tried testing on a normal account with an IAP that is currently available and cleared for sale.
PS: please let me know if I should post this kind of question somewhere else.
We have an auto-Renewable subscription with free trial. You don't need anything else in addition.
Have you modified an existing already approved purchase or is it a new one? Try creating a new IAP, send it for approval and once cleared for sale test it with a sandbox user.
I needed to create a new subscription product and submit to review. Only after that, I was able to test. Without sending it to review, I wouldn't be able to retrieve it in the app.

PayPal's Recurring Payments, Skipped will retry in 5 days time. How do I make it try now?

So, if I am using PayPal for a subscription to a website/service/software and my payment skips because my card expired or there isn't enough funds.
How do I as a user make the payment try and get the money again after fixing my paypal/bank account without having to wait 3-5 days for it to try again?
From a user point of view; based on this discussion I assume there is a bunch of hard-coded rules in PayPal and that is just one of them. It seams to me like this cannot be overridden by user. If you need to pay someone immediately, it might be worth doing it manually and then requesting a refund for future retry from PayPal.
From the developer point of view; this or this might be helpful/related to the topic, but don't explicitly answer the question.

What is the proper way to upgrade a member via

what is the proper way to upgrade a member with an ARB subscription.
We currently have members who sign up for monthly subscriptions during our sign up page... but they also are now attempting to upgrade once in the site (the page code does not work) but im trying to understand how to do this? Picture a match dot com type of site.
So i sign up on Jun 1st for $9.99/m (my card get charged on June 1st for $9.999)
Then i sign in on June 10th and try to upgrade for $29.99/m...........
Do i recharge them on the 10th? Or do i wait until July 1st and charge them $29.99/m
Is there a way to pro-rate the charges? We change our 3 tier pricing system often for testing so not sure if thats going to cause issues
The only reason i ask is this is a digital product in which users can abuse this privilege for that in between time then just cancel later. Thank you.
As of right now the only way to modify a subscription after it has begun is to cancel it and create a new one with the new amount. This means asking the customer for their credit card information again as ARB offers no way to store that information.
If you're going to allow users to change their subscriptions at any time you should consider using the CIM API which creates payment profiles so you don't have to ask the user for their credit card information again. Unfortunately CIM doesn't do recurring billing so you will have to manage subscription payments yourself. But it is more flexible then ARB when it comes to anything that isn't a basic subscription.
As far as changing subscription payments mid-cycle, you will need to pro-rate their first payment at the new tier. This can mean using the AIM API to make the difference in payment immediately or adding it to their next subscription payment. If you use ARB you can use a trial payment of one month for the pro-rated amount to make this easy to do).

Paypal (+ Paypal IPN) - how to change subscriptions for a user?

I am integrating my site with PayPal and PayPal IPN for recurring subscription payments.
Signing up works well, and I'm all good there.
However, I am trying to understand unsubscribing, and I have a big question.
My site offers different plans with different prices and features. I want to be able to change a user's plan when they decide to upgrade or downgrade. I also want to be able to let a user easily cancel their subscription.
My questions:
How do I allow a subscription to be changed?
Is a subscription change a cancel and then a subscribe?
Can I make the cancel seamless, where they don't have to go through paypal? How do I do this? (I have cancel buttons for each of my services, but I would prefer to have cancel be seamless to the user, just in my site).
You can decrease the profile through UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile. Keep in mind though, that there's a maximum increase of 20% over 180 days.
In short, if you want to decrease the profile, simply call UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile and adjust the amount to be billed.
If you want to increase the profile, check whether it exceeds 20% of the original amount. If it does, cancel the existing profile and re-initiate the profile creation process (SetEC, GetEC, (DoEC), CreateRP) to create a new one.

How to implement payment to multiple suppliers

I'm trying to integrate a payment mechanism to my site. The scenario that I need is not trivial and can be explained by the following example:
User pays upfront for a subscription program (i.e. receiving Netflix). User is able to make changes to the subscription (i.e. change number of movies checked out each time from 4 to 2)
User is able to buy additional one time purchases via the provider's site (Netflix) supplied by 3rd parties. These items (i.e. popcorn, snacks) get billed to the same credit card as the subscription without having to go through the process of resubmitting the credit card information.
Of course, my site takes also a small fee for the transactions :-)
I was wondering if this is supported by PayPal, Google Checkout or someone else.
The Paypal api can handle all of those processes.
I seem to have dropped the ball on what kind of answer you wanted so I'll leave it at that.
If you have some feedback, more direct questions I will try to answer as much as I can
The money would best go through you first, unless somehow you can convince your customers its normal to bill them per item. Also if they pay by credit card you should only bill them once as you would incur fees on every payment. I don't know of anyway to bill once but distribute the payments.
As for the paypal docs..
Very good resource, there is also some sample code for most major web languages
Also this will get you started if you don't have a developer login
Their developer support is also pretty good. One thing a lot of people seem to screw up when starting out with the paypal api is not setting the latest version in the configs so don't forget to update that to the latest release. :)
Yea I know there is a lot of bad press about paypal and crazy stuff happening, but they do get the job done most of the time, its not my fault the customers love to use it.