Split string Swift without introducing Newlines - swift

In Swift, when you want to separate a string in multiple lines, because is too long, you can do this:
let string = """
But this method introduces Newline between each line:
// Prints: A\nB\nC\nD\nE
Is it possible to separate a very long string in multiple lines (for code visibility reasons), avoiding Newlines?

End a line with a backslash to suppress the subsequent newline. Like this:
let string = """
A \
B \
C \
D \


Why I cannot use \ or backslash in a String in Swift?

I have a string like this in below and I want replace space with backslash and space.
let test: String = "Hello world".replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "\ ")
But Xcode make error of :
Invalid escape sequence in literal
The code in up is working for any other character or words, but does not for backslash. Why?
Backslash is used to escape characters. So to print a backslash itself, you need to escape it. Use \\.
For Swift 5 or later you can avoid needing to escape backslashes using the enhanced string delimiters:
let backSlashSpace = #"\ "#
If you need String interpolation as well:
let value = 5
let backSlashSpaceWithValue = #"\\#(value) "#
print(backSlashSpaceWithValue) // \5
You can use as many pound signs as you wish. Just make sure to mach the same amount in you string interpolation:
let value = 5
let backSlashSpaceWithValue = ###"\\###(value) "###
print(backSlashSpaceWithValue) // \5
Note: If you would like more info about this already implemented Swift evolution proposal SE-0200 Enhancing String Literals Delimiters to Support Raw Text

How do I format a string from a string with %# in Swift

I am using Swift 4.2. I am getting extraneous characters when formatting one string (s1) from another string(s0) using the %# format code.
I have searched extensively for details of string formatting but have come up with only partial answers including the code in the second line below. I need to be able to format s1 so that I can customize output from a Swift process. I ask this because I have not found an answer while searching for ways to format a string from a string.
I tried the following three statements:
let s0:[String] = ["abcdef"]
let s1:[String] = [String(format:"%#",s0)]
The output is shown below. It may not be clear, here, but there are four leading spaces to the left of the abcdef string.
["(\n abcdef\n)"]
How can I format s1 so it does not include the brackets, the \n escape characters, and the leading spaces?
The issue here is you are using an array but a string in s0.
so the following index will help you.
let s0:[String] = ["abcdef"]
let s1:[String] = [String(format:" %#",s0[0])]
I am getting extraneous characters when formatting one string (s1) from another string (s0) ...
The s0 is not a string. It is an array of strings (i.e. the square brackets of [String] indicate an array and is the same as saying Array<String>). And your s1 is also array, but one that that has one element, whose value is the string representation of the entire s0 array of strings. That’s obviously not what you intended.
How can I format s1 so it does not include the brackets, the \n escape characters, and the leading spaces?
You’re getting those brackets because s1 is an array. You’re getting the string with the \n and spaces because its first value is the string representation of yet another array, s0.
So, if you’re just trying to format a string, s0, you can do:
let s0: String = "abcdef"
let s1: String = String(format: "It is ‘%#’", s0)
Or, if you really want an array of strings, you can call String(format:) for each using the map function:
let s0: [String] = ["abcdef", "ghijkl"]
let s1: [String] = s0.map { String(format: "It is ‘%#’", $0) }
By the way, in the examples above, I didn’t use a string format of just %#, because that doesn’t accomplish anything at all, so I assumed you were formatting the string for a reason.
FWIW, we generally don’t use String(format:) very often. Usually we do “string interpolation”, with \( and ):
let s0: String = "abcdef"
let s1: String = "It is ‘\(s0)’"
Get rid of all the unneccessary arrays and let the compiler figure out the types:
let s0 = "abcdef" // a string
let s1 = String(format:"- %# -",s0) // another string
print(s1) // prints "- abcdef -"

Strip margin of indented triple-quote string in Purescript?

When using triple quotes in an indented position I for sure get indentation in the output js string too:
Comparing these two in a nested let
let input1 = "T1\nX55.555Y-44.444\nX52.324Y-40.386"
let input2 = """T1
// single quotes with \n
// triple quoted
"T1\x0a X66.324Y-40.386\x0a X52.324Y-40.386"
Is there any agreed upon thing like stripMargin in Scala so I can use those without having to unindent to top level?
Update, just to clarify what I mean, I'm currently doing:
describe "header" do
it "should parse example header" do
let input = """M48
;DRILL file {KiCad 4.0.7} date Wednesday, 31 January 2018 'AMt' 11:08:53
;FORMAT={-:-/ absolute / metric / decimal}
doesParse input header
describe "hole" do
it "should parse a simple hole" do
doesParse "X52.324Y-40.386" hole
I was asked to clarify stripMargin from Scala. It's used like so:
val speech = """T1
which then removes the leading whitespace. stripMargin can take any separator, but defaults to |.
More examples:
Rust has https://docs.rs/trim-margin/0.1.0/trim_margin/
Kotlin has in stdlib: https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.text/trim-margin.html
I guess it might sound like asking for left-pad ( :) ) but if there's something there already I'd rather not brew it myself…
I'm sorry you didn't get a prompt response to this one, but I have implemented this function here. In case the pull request isn't merged, here's an implementation that just depends on purescript-strings:
import Data.String (joinWith, split) as String
import Data.String.CodeUnits (drop, dropWhile) as String
import Data.String.Pattern (Pattern(..))
stripMargin :: String -> String
stripMargin =
lines = String.split (Pattern "\n")
unlines = String.joinWith "\n"
mapLines f = unlines <<< map f <<< lines
mapLines (String.drop 1 <<< String.dropWhile (_ /= '|'))

Swift String including Special Characters

I have a user enter a multi string in an NSTextView.
var textViewString = textView.textStorage?.string
Printing the string ( print(textViewString) ), I get a multi-line string, for example:
hello this is line 1
and this is line 2
I want a swift string representation that includes the new line characters. For example, I want print(textStringFlat) to print:
hello this is line 1\n\nand this is line 2
What do I need to do to textViewString to expose the special characters?
If you just want to replace the newlines with the literal characters \ and n then use:
let escapedText = someText.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "\\n")

Scala - write Windows file paths that contain spaces as string literals

I need to make some Windows file paths that contain spaces into string literals in Scala. I have tried wrapping the entire path in double quotes AND wrapping the entire path in double quotes with each directory name that has a space with single quotes. Now it is wanting an escape character for "\Jun" in both places and I don't know why.
Here are the strings:
val input = "R:\'Unclaimed Property'\'CT State'\2015\Jun\ct_finderlist_2015.pdf"
val output = "R:\'Unclaimed Property'\'CT State'\2015\Jun"
Here is the latest error:
The problem is with the \ character, that has to be escaped.
This should work:
val input = "R:\\Unclaimed Property\\CT State\\2015\\Jun.ct_finderlist_2015.pdf"
val output = "R:\\Unclaimed Property\\CT State\\2015\\Jun"
A cleaner way to create string literals is to use triple quotes.
You can wrap your string directly in triple quotes without escaping special characters. And you can put multiple lines string in it.
It's much easier to code and read.
For example
val input =
|R:\Unclaimed Property\CT State\2015\Jun.ct_finderlist_2015.pdf
To add a variable to the string, do it like the following by adding "$variableName".
val input =
|R:\Unclaimed Property\$variablePath\CT State\2015\Jun.ct_finderlist_2015.pdf