Using sensitive environment variables in Kubernetes configMaps - kubernetes

I know you can use ConfigMap properties as environment variables in the pod spec, but can you use environment variables declared in the pods spec inside the configmap?
For example:
I have a secret password which I wish to access in my configmap The secret looks like so:
apiVersion: v1
pw: THV3OE9vcXVpYTll==
kind: Secret
name: foo
namespace: foo-bar
type: Opaque
so inside the pod spec I reference the secret as an env var. The configMap will be mounted as a volume from within the spec:
- name: PASSWORD
name: foo
key: pw
and inside my configMap I can then reference the secret value like so:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: foo-bar
data: /
Anything I've found online is just about consuming configMap values as env vars and doesn't mention consuming env vars in configMap values.

Currently it's not a Kubernetes Feature.
There is a closed issue requesting this feature and it's kind of controversial topic because the discussion is ongoing many months after being closed:
Reference Secrets from ConfigMap #79224
Referencing the closing comment:
Best practice is to not use secret values in envvars, only as mounted files. if you want to keep all config values in a single object, you can place all the values in a secret object and reference them that way.
Referencing secrets via configmaps is a non-goal... it confuses whether things mounting or injecting the config map are mounting confidential values.
I suggest you to read the entire thread to understand his reasons and maybe find another approach for your environment to get this variables.
"OK, but this is Real Life, I need to make this work"
Then I recommend you this workaround:
Import Data to Config Map from Kubernetes Secret
It makes the substitution with a shell in the entrypoint of the container.


How to refrence pod's shell env variable in configmap data section

I have a configmap.yaml file as below :
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: abc
namespace: monitoring
app: abc
version: 0.17.0
application.yml: |-
enabled: true
enabled: ${myvar}. ## this is not working
"myvar" value is available in pod as shell environment variable from secretkeyref field in deployment file.
Now I want to replace myvar shell environment variable in configmap above i.e before application.yml file is available in pod it should have replaced myvar value. which is not working i tried ${myvar} and $(myvar) and "#{ENV['myvar']}"
Is that possible in kubernetes configmap to reference with in data section pod's environment variable if yes how or should i need to write a script to replace with sed -i application.yml etc.
Is that possible in kubernetes configmap to reference with in data section pod's environment variable
That's not possible. A ConfigMap is not associated with a particular pod, so there's no way to perform the sort of variable substitution you're asking about. You would need to implement this logic inside your containers (fetch the ConfigMap, perform variable substitution yourself, then consume the data).

Kubernetes pod environment variable not updated when mapped from secret

I am trying to map kubernetes secret value to a environment variable . My secret is as shown below
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: test-secret
type: opaque
tls.crt: {{ required "A valid value is required for tls.crt" .Values.tlscrt }}
Mapped the key to environment variable in the deployment yaml
- name: TEST_VALUE
name: test-secret
key: tls.crt
The value gets mapped when i do helm install. However when i do helm upgrade , the changed value is not reflected in the environment variable , it still has the old value. Can anyone please help here ?
Changes to secret or configMap data are not reflected in existing pods. You have to delete and recreate the pod in order to see changes. There are ways to automate the process (see this Q/A for example: Helm chart restart pods when configmap changes) and they all have one thing in common: you need to modify something in pod definition to trigger a restart. It does not happen when you update a linked secret or a configMap because the link remains the same.

Use Kubernetes Secret as Environment Variable when secret is create from a file

I have created a kubernetes secret from a file (secret.txt):
It looks like this secret-:
apiVersion: v1
name: secret007
secret.txt: bWFza1NhbHQ9InRlc3RzYWx0IgpzM1
I am using it as environment variable in the pod like this:
- name: KEY1
key: k1
name: secret007
optional: false
Problem since the data has a value as a single base64 value. I am not able to refer it in the pod and getting this error.
Warning Failed 6s (x2 over 6s) kubelet, Error: couldn't find key k1 in Secret kube-system/secret007
Please suggest how to do this without changing the secret format i.e Secret would be a single key value of filename and all secret.txt values as a single base64 value. Is it possible?
You can create secret entries from environment file
kubectl create secret generic test --from-env-file=secret.txt
and the output will have distinct values in your secret
apiVersion: v1
k1: djE=
k2: djI=
k3: djM=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: null
name: test
This is a community wiki answer posted for better visibility. Feel free to expand it.
As already mentioned by #DavidMaze, Kubernetes will not to look "inside" a Secret or a ConfigMap values:
You can refer to the entire Secret value as you've shown in the
question, but there's no way to tell it (a) that the value is actually
newline-separated key=value pairs (as opposed to TOML, YAML, JSON,
XML, ...) and (b) that you want to pick some specific value out of

how to build DSN env from several ConfigMap resources?

In order to a service work, it needs an environment variable called DSN which prints to something like postgres://user:password#postgres.svc.cluster.local:5432/database. This value I built with a ConfigMap resource:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: idp-config
namespace: diary
DSN: postgres://user:password#postgres.svc.cluster.local:5432/database
This ConfigMap mounts as environment variable in my service Pod. Since the values are different from user and password and these PostgreSQL credentials are in another k8s resource (a Secret and a ConfigMap), how can I properly build this DSN environment in a k8s resource yaml so my service can connect to the database?
Digging into Kubernetes Docs I was able to find. According to Define Environment Variables for a Container :
Environment variables that you define in a Pod’s configuration can be used elsewhere in the configuration, for example in commands and arguments that you set for the Pod’s containers. In the example configuration below, the GREETING, HONORIFIC, and NAME environment variables are set to Warm greetings to, The Most Honorable, and Kubernetes, respectively. Those environment variables are then used in the CLI arguments passed to the env-print-demo container.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: print-greeting
- name: env-print-demo
image: bash
- name: GREETING
value: "Warm greetings to"
value: "The Most Honorable"
- name: NAME
value: "Kubernetes"
command: ["echo"]
args: ["$(GREETING) $(HONORIFIC) $(NAME)"]

If i change my ConfigMap key value after deployment, does deployment of that application which is using configMap values need to be restarted?

i have a sample nodejs application which uses an envVar environment variable, i have deployed this on kubernetes cluster. I am passing the env variable through config map.
once deployed and when pods is all running, if i change my config map with new value. Should deployment of my nodejs application need to be redone after this?
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: app1-config
namespace: default
envVal: '12345' # initial value
after updating the configmap.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: app1-config
namespace: default
envVal: '56789' # changed value
When you mount the keys from the ConfigMap as environment variables, you would need to restart your pod for the changes to take effect.
When you mount it as volume into you system, the files in the volume will be updated automatically. The update is not immediate, there is some TTL configured in the kubelet before it checks for changes / does the update. But it is normally quite quick. However it would still depend on your application how it loads the data from the file - whether it will be able to update its self on the fly when the files change or whether these data were loaded only once at startup.