'OnCreateView' Overrides = nothing - class

im new to alot of this, trying to combine two projects together in Android Studio,
im getting an error of the bellow code. Line 52, "override fun onCreateView(" giving me a error overrides nothing. can anyone fix this code? searching elsewhere on this site talks about "Kotlin '?' indicates that this value can be null in Kotlin." but im struggling to fix it. Thank you xx
package com.example.version4.ui.map
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders
import com.example.version4.R
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import com.google.android.gms.maps.CameraUpdateFactory
import com.google.android.gms.maps.GoogleMap
import com.google.android.gms.maps.OnMapReadyCallback
import com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.LatLng
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.MarkerOptions
class MapsFragment : AppCompatActivity(), OnMapReadyCallback {
private lateinit var mMap: GoogleMap
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
val mapFragment = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentById(R.id.text_map) as SupportMapFragment
* Manipulates the map once available.
* This callback is triggered when the map is ready to be used.
* This is where we can add markers or lines, add listeners or move the camera. In this case,
* we just add a marker near Sydney, Australia.
* If Google Play services is not installed on the device, the user will be prompted to install
* it inside the SupportMapFragment. This method will only be triggered once the user has
* installed Google Play services and returned to the app.
override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) {
mMap = googleMap
// Add a marker in Sydney and move the camera
val OrchidsSpa = LatLng(52.316296, -2.261900)
mMap.addMarker(MarkerOptions().position(OrchidsSpa).title("Marker in Bryony's # Orchids Spa"))
private lateinit var mapsViewModel: MapsViewModel
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
mapsViewModel =
val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_maps, container, false)
val textView: TextView = root.findViewById(R.id.text_map)
mapsViewModel.text.observe(this, Observer {
textView.text = it
return root

onCreateView is in Fragment, not AppCompatActivity.


How to handle background notification in one signal flutter?

I have implemented the notificationServiceExtension as mentioned by onesignal in it's documentation but now I am not being able to run background notification handler in one signal.
I have implemented the following code in main activity:::
package com.example.just_normal
import com.onesignal.OneSignal
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
private val methodchannel = "background/notification";
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
OneSignal.OSRemoteNotificationReceivedHandler { context, osNotificationReceivedEvent ->
val CHANNEL : MethodChannel = MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger , methodchannel)
CHANNEL.invokeMethod("onBackgroundNotification" , osNotificationReceivedEvent);
// osNotificationReceivedEvent.complete(null);
In the above code I am trying to call the flutter method immediately after the notification has been received in the background. How can I run flutter method immediately after notification is received in backgound. Please help....
use this in the init function where you are registering onesignal in the app:
OneSignal.shared.setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler((OSNotificationReceivedEvent event) {
Now you will be able to get notifications even when the app got killed.

Flutter: how can I permanently register a sensor (and never unregister it?)

TL;DR how can I have an Android sensor permanently running/active/registered for my app, even if I close it?
I'm making a Flutter application that counts your steps using the pedometer package,
which uses the built-in sensor TYPE_STEP_COUNTER of Android,
which returns the # of steps taken since last boot (iOS). On Android, any steps taken before installing the app are not counted.
How I implemented it:
When the app is actively running in the foreground, each step causes
a myStepCount to increment by 1.
In all other cases (phone locked, went to home-screen, closed the app...), the android TYPE_STEP_COUNTER sensor should
still be running in the background, and once I open my app again, the
difference between new stepCount and last saved stepCount (saved
using shared_prefs) will be calculated and added to myStepCount.
The TYPE_STEP_COUNTER sensor must be permanently running/stay registered in the background, even after I lock my phone, go to the home-screen, or close the app...
On my Samsung Galaxy A02s, my app works perfectly fine, as it it supposed to
(as described above). That is because on that phone I also have the
Google Fit app installed, which tracks your steps 24/7 (so the
TYPE_STEP_COUNTER sensor is permanently registered).
On my Samsung Galaxy S7, my app does not work as it's supposed to.
myStepCount gets incremented when I take steps while the app is
running in the foreground. But steps taken while the app is closed
will NOT be added to myStepCount once I open the app again.
Note: I don't have any other step-counting-apps like Google Fit on this phone.
I need to find a way to register the TYPE_STEP_COUNTER sensor from my Flutter app, and keep it registered even after I close the app.
2 Attempted (but unsuccessful) Solutions:
1st Attempt:
Calling Native Android Code from my Flutter Code to register the sensor
This is my main.dart file (with the unimportant parts left out for simplicity):
void main() {
class App extends StatefulWidget {
_AppState createState() => _AppState();
class _AppState extends State<App> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState() {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
//TODO check if anything is needed to to here
void _activateStepCounterSensor() async {
MethodChannel _stepCounterChannel = MethodChannel('com.cedricds.wanderapp/stepCounter'); //convention
dynamic result = await _stepCounterChannel.invokeMethod('activateStepCounterSensor');
switch (result) {
case "success":
//The following line gets printed when I run the flutter app on my Samsung Galaxy S7:
print('_activateStepCounterSensor(): successfully registered step counter sensor for android');
case "error":
print('_activateStepCounterSensor(): failed to register step counter sensor (not available) for android');
//TODO display errorpage (because app is completely useless in this case)
print('_activateStepCounterSensor(): unknown result: $result');
//build() and other lifecycle-methods and helper methods: not important for this question
This is my MainActivity.kt file:
package com.cedricds.wanderapp
import android.content.Context
import android.hardware.Sensor
import android.hardware.SensorEvent
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener
import android.hardware.SensorManager
import android.util.Log
import android.widget.Toast
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
class MainActivity2: FlutterActivity(), SensorEventListener {
private val STEP_COUNTER_CHANNEL = "com.cedricds.wanderapp/stepCounter";
private lateinit var channel: MethodChannel
override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
channel = MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, STEP_COUNTER_CHANNEL)
channel.setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
when(call.method){ //this is like switch-case statement in Java
"activateStepCounterSensor" -> {
private var sensorManager : SensorManager?=null
private var sensor: Sensor ?= null
private fun activateStepCounterSensor(result: MethodChannel.Result) {
//This line gets printed when I run the flutter app, so the method gets called successfully:
Log.d("Android", "Native Android: activateStepCounterSensor()")
sensorManager = getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager
sensor = sensorManager?.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER)
if (sensor == null) {
Toast.makeText(this, "missing hardware.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
result.error("error", "error", "error")
} else {
sensorManager?.registerListener(this, sensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL)
//This line gets printed:
Log.d("Android", "Native Android: registered TYPE_STEP_COUNTER")
//and never unregister that listener
override fun onSensorChanged(p0: SensorEvent?) {}
override fun onAccuracyChanged(p0: Sensor?, p1: Int) {}
Despite the few print(...) and Log.d(...) being printed in the console as expected, the app doesn't work how I expected it to work. When I exit the app, walk for example 50 steps, then open the app again, those 50 steps are missing. It seems the sensor is being unregistered somewhere.
2nd Attempt:
Modifying the pedometer package's code by removing unregisterListener(...):
The only changes I did to the file were 2 Log.d(...) statements and more importantly, commenting out a specific line of code.
modified SensorStreamHandler.kt from the pedometer package:
package com.example.pedometer
import android.content.Context
import android.hardware.Sensor
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener
import android.hardware.SensorManager
import android.os.Looper
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin
import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger
import io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel
import android.os.Handler
import android.util.Log
class SensorStreamHandler() : EventChannel.StreamHandler {
private var sensorEventListener: SensorEventListener? = null
private var sensorManager: SensorManager? = null
private var sensor: Sensor? = null
private lateinit var context: Context
private lateinit var sensorName: String
private lateinit var flutterPluginBinding: FlutterPlugin.FlutterPluginBinding
constructor(flutterPluginBinding: FlutterPlugin.FlutterPluginBinding, sensorType: Int) : this() {
this.context = flutterPluginBinding.applicationContext
this.sensorName = if (sensorType == Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER) "StepCount" else "StepDetection"
sensorManager = context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager
sensor = sensorManager!!.getDefaultSensor(sensorType)
this.flutterPluginBinding = flutterPluginBinding
override fun onListen(arguments: Any?, events: EventChannel.EventSink?) {
Log.d("Pedometer", "Native Android: onListen()")
if (sensor == null) {
events!!.error("1", "$sensorName not available",
"$sensorName is not available on this device");
} else {
sensorEventListener = sensorEventListener(events!!);
sensorManager!!.registerListener(sensorEventListener, sensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);
override fun onCancel(arguments: Any?) {
Log.d("Pedometer", "Native Android: onCancel()")
//The only change I did: commenting out the following line:
// sensorManager!!.unregisterListener(sensorEventListener);
This also did not solve my problem. So if someone knows how I can permanently register the TYPE_STEP_COUNTER sensor in my flutter app, please let me know.
I've contacted one of the developers of the pedometer package, and he suggested me to use flutter_foreground_service (which is developed by the same team/company as pedometer). It works.
But I would still find it interesting, if there is another way (maybe similar to my 2 failed attempts).

Selecting picture from gallery/photos and use in my app Flutter

My goal is to select a picture directly from phone's Gallery and use it in my app, like you would share it with other apps like WhatsApp, Mail, Messenger..etc etc.
I need to:
Select the picture from gallery.
Select my app from the share dialog.
Launch a specific screen passing in the picture.
I've seen a lot of sharing packages but I'm not looking to load a picture by accessing the gallery from my app, but the other way around.
This package https://pub.dev/packages/receive_sharing_intent seems to do what I need but not in a very transparent and native looking way.. as instead of app icon and name, in the share dialog it shows the iOS extension created for this plugin..
In this post How do I share an image on iOS and Android using Flutter? I see Simon's answer could be the solution, but trying to implement it I'm getting quite a few errors after pasting the Kotlin sample code into MainActivity.kt file. I guess it has to be updated.
This is my MainActivity.kt file with added code from Simon's answer:
package com.vinny.fixit_cloud_biking
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
override fun configureFlutterEngine(#NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
MethodChannel(flutterView,"channel:me.albie.share/share").setMethodCallHandler { methodCall, _ ->
if (methodCall.method == "shareFile") {
shareFile(methodCall.arguments as String)
private fun shareFile(path:String) {
val imageFile = File(this.applicationContext.cacheDir,path)
val contentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this,"me.albie.share",imageFile)
val shareIntent = Intent()
shareIntent.action = Intent.ACTION_SEND
shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, contentUri)
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent,"Compartir usando"))
Errors onCreate():
Cannot access 'androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleOwner' which is a super type of 'com.vinny.fixit_cloud_biking.MainActivity'. Check your module class path for missing or conflicting dependencies.
onCreate: overrides nothing
Errors MethodChannel:
Cannot access 'androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleOwner' which is a super type of 'io.flutter.embedding.android.FLutterActivity'. Check your module class path for missing or conflicting dependencies.
Unresolved reference: flutterView
As always many thanks for your help.

vaadin + scala : automatic push makes me waiting

I would like to perform a simple change of the text of a label, using vaadin 7 & scala.
here is my UI:
package com.example.scaladinchat
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import vaadin.scala.UI
import vaadin.scala.VerticalLayout
import vaadin.scala.Label
import vaadin.scala.server.ScaladinRequest
import vaadin.scala.Button
import metier.Objets.Rdv
import models.{ oracle => myOracle }
import vaadin.scala.PushMode
class N02Parameters extends UI with myOracle { app =>
pushConfiguration.pushMode = PushMode.Automatic
val l = Label("zigouigoui")
def changeLabel{
override def init(request: ScaladinRequest) {
content = new VerticalLayout {
val b = Button("Click me!", { e =>
but when I call the page, there is at the top-right of my window an waiting animation, and I wait but nothing happens.
can you tell me what's going wrong?
As I can not yet comment, I ask as an answer:
You can get the page running using only a label right? Cause I had a problem referring to scala and vaadin in connection with apache tomcat, which looked as you discribed.

Disabling toolbar from icePDF viewer

I am trying a sample with icePDF . Everything is working fine but i need to disable the toolbar which appears at the top. i tried few things but its not working. Can some body please help me out with it. Below is my code.
//package XML.test;
package applet;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import org.icepdf.ri.common.ComponentKeyBinding;
import org.icepdf.ri.common.SwingController;
import org.icepdf.ri.common.SwingViewBuilder;
import org.icepdf.ri.util.PropertiesManager;
import org.icepdf.core.pobjects.fonts.*;
import org.icepdf.core.views.DocumentViewController;
import org.icepdf.core.*;
public class ViewerComponentExample
static void buildFrame(String filepath)
System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.scaleImages", "false");
System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.dither", "VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE");
System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.fractionalmetrics", "VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_OFF");
System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.target.interpolation", "VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_ NEIGHBOR");
System.getProperties().put("org.icepdf.core.screen.interpolation", "VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR");
SwingController controller = new SwingController();
PropertiesManager properties = new PropertiesManager(System.getProperties(), ResourceBundle.getBundle(PropertiesManager.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_BUNDLE));
properties.setBoolean(PropertiesManager.PROPERTY_SHOW_TOOLBAR_ANNOTATION, Boolean.FALSE);
properties.setBoolean(PropertiesManager.PROPERTY_SHOW_TOOLBAR_FIT, Boolean.FALSE);
// Build a SwingViewFactory configured with the controller
SwingViewBuilder factory = new SwingViewBuilder(controller);
JPanel viewerComponentPanel = factory.buildViewerPanel();
// add copy keyboard command
ComponentKeyBinding.install(controller, viewerComponentPanel);
// add interactive mouse link annotation support via callback
new org.icepdf.ri.common.MyAnnotationCallback(
// Use the factory to build a JPanel that is pre-configured
//with a complete, active Viewer UI.
// Create a JFrame to display the panel in
JFrame window = new JFrame("Metrics Wizard Help");
controller.setPageFitMode(DocumentViewController.PAGE_FIT_WINDOW_WIDTH, false);
public static void main(String args[])
String filepath = "C:/Users/vishalt/Workspaces/Eclipse 4.2 Java/htmltopdf/src/XML/output/SCB_TEST.pdf";
private SwingController controller;
controller = new SwingController();
SwingViewBuilder viewBuilder = new SwingViewBuilder(controller, properties);
JPanel panel = viewBuilder.buildViewerPanel();
You have to set the toolbar invisible because icePdf looks in the PDF-document for the property and overwrites your setting with default when there is no document opened!
There are two ways to this.
1) Follow this example to set all the toolbars to false.
2) You can modify or remove the toolbar by editing the source code for SwingViewBuilder.
Here is a link to the code: http://sventon.icesoft.org/svn/repos/repo/show//icepdf/trunk/icepdf/viewer/src/org/icepdf/ri/common/SwingViewBuilder.java?revision=34004
You probably want to comment out lines 481 - 483.
481 JToolBar toolBar = buildCompleteToolBar(embeddableComponent);
482 if (toolBar != null)
483 cp.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH)
Remove your import for SwingViewBuilder and create your own class with those lines commented out.