Atom stylelint - how to set rules globally? - global

I need to set stylelint globally because it seems like unnecessary work to configure every single project alone, and I am just unable to find such guide anywhere.
How to do this please?

it seems like unnecessary work to configure every single project alone
stylelint allows you to extend an existing configuration.
You can create your configuration file once and then extend that within each of your projects, like so:
// .stylelintrc
"extends": "../my-stylelint-config.js"
Many users publish their configurations to npm, so that they can install them into new projects using npm install their-config-as-package --save-dev.
Alternatively, AtomLinter has a configuration option to use the stylelint standard configuration.


Manage multiple YAML extensions

I have the Home Assistant extension installed in VSCode but also want to use the ESPHome extension, both of these are for YAML files.
I need a way of telling VSCode which extension to use.
I wonder if it is possible to configure VSCode to use a specific extension in a specified folder tree or else to put something in the YAML file itself so the extension can recognise that it should be effective for that YAML file.
If I understand your question correct, you want to select installed extensions for in your case; YAML files.
VSCode :
Home Assistant extension
ESPHome extension
Via 'exentension' > 'dis/enabled [workspace]', you can arrange it.
Workspace recommended extensions#
A good set of extensions can make working with a particular workspace or programming language more productive and you'd often like to share this list with your team or colleagues. You can create a recommended list of extensions for a workspace with the Extensions: Configure Recommended Extensions (Workspace) command.
Extra information SEE
This option was moved into Command pallette (F1)

WebdriverIO autocomplete in VSCODE

I am wonder, if it is way how to enable autocompletion for WDIO global variables ( $, $$, browser ) in VSCode. I know, that wdio has support for Webstorm, but it doesn't work for VSCode.
Any idea, how to use autocompletion in VSCode? Without it is pretty hard to create some tests.
I struggled with this as well. Firstly, ensure you've followed the "Autocompletion" Setup described on the website; for example, they require something like the following exist in a file called jsconfig.json at the root of your project:
"include": [
You may already have a jsconfig.json; if so, ensure that the node_modules directories are not in a section called "exclude": { ... }. When setting up other things like Babel (for mocha) this may get installed as a default configuration entry. When node_modules is in both include and exclude, exclude takes precedence.
I had zero success importing npm #types pacakges, adding typeAcquisition: {} to jsconfig.json, or adding interface browser; into the file global.d.ts as other people have suggested in various forums.
Auto completion is pre-installed on vs code. If it is not working you might want to check through extension and install. And to use, once the open tag is created, it often auto suggest, just do appropriately then input your attribute.

Can an extension pack set the configuration options of one of the included extensions?

I have created an extension pack for VSCode. I would like my extension pack to set some configuration options of the included extensions. Can it be done writing some magic in the package.json file of my extension pack? explains how an extension can create its own configuration using package.json seems to be a related vscode issue but I could not say if it allows the changing of the options using package.json.
I have read the package.json files of some vscode extension packs and I have not found any example of what I want to do.
i figured out an answer to this:
redefine the configuration setting but with the changed setting.
take a look at this code for example.

Ember cli - use sass addon in less project

I use broccoli-less in my ember cli project and would like to use an addon (ember-cli-materialize), which uses broccoli-sass.
After installing the addon, i get: File to read not found or unreadable ../app.scss, because i also have an app.less file in my styles dir.
As i understand, this commit Allow multiple preprocessors per type should make it possible, although i might be missing something. Has anyone managed to use ember-cli with multiple preprocessors, and what changes is needed?
Ember-cli version: 1.13.1
Ember version: 1.12.0
I know your circumstance is different than mine but this may help others or spur a better solution. I was added to a dev team to polish up an app already styled using LESS. I favor SASS and tried to use ember-cli-sass alongside ember-cli-less without any success.
You may want to look further into Ember-Cli's add.import
By adding your input configurations to ember-cli-build.js with the above, you can leverage either your bower-components directory (if used) or vendor directory, to import a compiled CSS doc (from Sass source files) that will build alongside the project quite nicely with a simple sass --watch <input:output> command.
The LESS files are ultimately compiled to app.css, and your SASS files to vendor.css (make sure you link to the stylesheet in your index page/template).

Using bower with plugins that need AMD

I have a trying to use with my RequireJS AMD project but I'm pretty new to it. I have a plugin in my bower.json file thats like
"jquery-ui-touch-punch": "",
but the problem is that this file is not wrapped in AMD - so it errors. I can manually edit the file to wrap it - but that makes no sense for the purposes of using bower. Is there some resource I can use or a way I can make this wrap inside requireJS ?
shim: Configure the dependencies, exports, and custom initialization
for older, traditional "browser globals" scripts that do not use
define() to declare the dependencies and set a module value.