TCP File Transfer - Kernel copy mechanisms - sockets

I am wondering, if the speed of copy processes between user and kernel space, and in general within the whole tcp send/receive process, is dependent on the type of file (.txt, .mp4).
I mean not the file size, but the "structure" of the bytes or anything. I searched for quite a while but did not find anything related. Are there helpful phrases or terms I could have a look for ?
Thanks in advance!

TCP has no idea of the application level structure of a file and thus cannot make any decisions based on this. All what it cares about is a byte stream.
But it is not uncommon that how the application interacts with the kernel depends on the specific protocol and that this can have noticeable effects on the performance: for example one application might just write 1000 bytes at once to the kernel while another writes a 500 byte HTTP header followed by a 500 byte HTTP body. These might in both cases be the exact same bytes but more context switches are involved in the second case due to more syscalls and depending on the socket options this might also result in two TCP packets instead of one, where each TCP packet has a noticeable overhead in bytes and in processing time.


C# BeginSend/BeginReceive sometimes send or receive data attatched [duplicate]

I have two apps sending tcp packages, both written in python 2. When client sends tcp packets to server too fast, the packets get concatenated. Is there a way to make python recover only last sent package from socket? I will be sending files with it, so I cannot just use some character as packet terminator, because I don't know the content of the file.
TCP uses packets for transmission, but it is not exposed to the application. Instead, the TCP layer may decide how to break the data into packets, even fragments, and how to deliver them. Often, this happens because of the unterlying network topology.
From an application point of view, you should consider a TCP connection as a stream of octets, i.e. your data unit is the byte, not a packet.
If you want to transmit "packets", use a datagram-oriented protocol such as UDP (but beware, there are size limits for such packets, and with UDP you need to take care of retransmissions yourself), or wrap them manually. For example, you could always send the packet length first, then the payload, over TCP. On the other side, read the size first, then you know how many bytes need to follow (beware, you may need to read more than once to get everything, because of fragmentation). Here, TCP will take care of in-order delivery and retransmission, so this is easier.
TCP is a streaming protocol, which doesn't expose individual packets. While reading from stream and getting packets might work in some configurations, it will break with even minor changes to operating system or networking hardware involved.
To resolve the issue, use a higher-level protocol to mark file boundaries. For example, you can prefix the file with its length in octets (bytes). Or, you can switch to a protocol that already handles this kind of stuff, like http.
First you need to know if the packet is combined before it is sent or after. Use wireshark to check it the sender is sending one packet or two. If it is sending one, then your fix is to call flush() after each write. I do not know the answer if the receiver is combining packets after receiving them.
You could change what you are sending. You could send bytes sent, followed by the bytes. Then the other side would know how many bytes to read.
Normally, TCP_NODELAY prevents that. But there are very few situations where you need to switch that on. One of the few valid ones are telnet style applications.
What you need is a protocol on top of the tcp connection. Think of the TCP connection as a pipe. You put things in one end of the pipe and get them out of the other. You cannot just send a file through this without both ends being coordinated. You have recognised you don't know how big it is and where it ends. This is your problem. Protocols take care of this. You don't have a protocol and so what you're writing is never going to be robust.
You say you don't know the length. Get the length of the file and transmit that in a header, followed by the number of bytes.
For example, if the header is a 64bits which is the length, then when you receive your header at the server end, you read the 64bit number as the length and then keep reading until the end of the file which should be the length.
Of course, this is extremely simplistic but that's the basics of it.
In fact, you don't have to design your own protocol. You could go to the internet and use an existing protocol. Such as HTTP.

TCPSteam package combine multiple packages

I have a question regarding the TCPStream package in Rust. I want to read data from a server. The problem is that it is not guaranteed that the data is sent in one TCP package.
And here comes my question:
Is the read message capable of reading more than one package, or do I have to call it more than one? Is there any "best practice"?
From the user space TCP packets are not visible and their boundaries don't matter. Instead user space reads only a byte stream and writes only to a byte stream. Packetizing is done at a lower level in a way to be optimal for latency and bandwidth. It might well happen that multiple write from user space end up in the same packet and it might also happen that a single write will result in multiple packets. And the same is true with read: it might get part of a packet, it might get the payload taken from multiple consecutive packets ...
Any packet boundaries from the underlying transport are no longer visible from user space. Thus protocols using TCP must implement their own message semantic on top of the byte stream.
All of this is not specific to Rust, but applies to other programming languages too.

Is there a guideline for the maximum buffer size I send over a socket?

Sorry if this question has been asked before (I could not find any questions similar to mine), but is there a "maximum" buffer size that I should be sending over a socket at one time? If I were to for example send over data with a buffer size equal to that of the maximum allowed by sockets, would there be anything bad about that? Thanks in advance for any help.
It depends on the kind of sockets. With TCP a connection is a byte stream and the OS will take care of how best to split the bytes into packets and concatenate these together at the other side.
With UDP instead each send will result in a single UDP message (datagram) and there is an upper limit of 64k for the size of a datagram. But even while UDP supports 64k datagrams in theory it is not a good idea to use that large messages. Since the maximum transfer unit of the underlying layer is much smaller (like around 1500 bytes for Ethernet) the message needs to be fragmented and it is easy to loose a single fragment - in which case the whole message is considered lost.
You can send as much data as you want - that's the point of the abstraction. The underlying layers will do what they want, breaking things into chunks as necessary, but you shouldn't have to care about that as a user of the interface. The read and write interfaces both will return the length actually transmitted in the case of a partial read, so a simple loop should be sufficient to do a large transfer.

how can I transfer large data over tcp socket

how can I transfer large data without splitting. Am using tcp socket. Its for a game. I cant use udp and there might be 1200 values in an array. Am sending array in json format. But the server receiving it like splitted.
Also is there any option to send http request like tcp? I need the response in order. Also it should be faster.
You can't.
HTTP may chunk it
TCP will segment it
IP will packetize it
routers will fragment it ...
and TCP will reassemble it all at the other end.
There isn't a problem here to solve.
You do not have much control over splitting packets/datagrams. The network decides about this.
In the case of IP, you have the DF (don't fragment) flag, but I doubt it will be of much help here. If you are communicating over Ethernet, then 1200 element array may not fit into an Ethernet frame (payload size is up to the MTU of 1500 octets).
Why does your application depend on the fact that the whole data must arrive in a single unit, and not in a single connection (comprised potentially of multiple units)?
how can I transfer large data without splitting.
I'm interpreting the above to be roughly equivalent to "how can I transfer my data across a TCP connection using as few TCP packets as possible". As others have noted, there is no way to guarantee that your data will be placed into a single TCP packet -- but you can do some things to make it more likely. Here are some things I would do:
Keep a single TCP connection open. (HTTP traditionally opens a separate TCP connection for each request, but for low-latency you can't afford to do that. Instead you need to open a single TCP connection, keep it open, and continue sending/receiving data on it for as long as necessary).
Reduce the amount of data you need to send. (i.e. are there things that you are sending that the receiving program already knows? If so, don't send them)
Reduce the number of bytes you need to send. (The easiest way to do this is to zlib-compress your message-data before you send it, and have the receiving program decompress the message after receiving it. This can give you a size-reduction of 50-90%, depending on the content of your data)
Turn off Nagle's algorithm on your TCP socket. That will reduce latency by 200mS and discourage the TCP stack from playing unnecessary games with your data.
Send each data packet with a single send() call (if that means manually copying all of the data items into a separate memory buffer before calling send(), then so be it).
Note that even after you do all of the above, the TCP layer will still sometimes spread your messages across multiple packets, etc -- that's just the way TCP works. And even if your local TCP stack never did that, the receiving computer's TCP stack would still sometimes merge the data from consecutive TCP packets together inside its receive buffer. So the receiving program is always going to "receive it like splitted" sometimes, because TCP is a stream-based protocol and does not maintain message boundaries. (If you want message boundaries, you'll have to do your own framing -- the easiest way is usually to send a fixed-size (e.g. 1, 2, or 4-byte) integer byte-count field before each message, so the receiver knows how many bytes it needs to read in before it has a full message to parse)
Consider the idea that the issue may be else where or that you may be sending too much unnecessary data. In example with PHP there is the isset() function. If you're creating an internet based turn based game you don't (need to send all 1,200 variables back and forth every single time. Just send what changed and when the other player receives that data only change the variables are are set.

How to split received with boost asio udp sockets united datagrams

I've made my UDP server and client with boost::asio udp sockets. Everything looked good before I started sending more datagrams. They come correctly from client to server. But, they are united in my buffer into one message.
I use
udp::socket::async_receive with std::array<char, 1 << 18 > buffer
for making async request. And receive data through callback
void on_receive(const error_code& code, size_t bytes_transferred)
If I send data too often (every 10 milliseconds) I receive several datagrams simultaneously into my buffer with callback above. The question is - how to separate them? Note: my UDP datagrams have variable length. I don't want to use addition header with size, cause it'll make my code useless for third-party datagrams.
I believe this is a limitation in the way boost::asio handles stateless data streams. I noticed exactly the same behavior when using boost::asio for a serial interface. When I was sending packets with relatively large gaps between them I was receiving each one in a separate callback. As the packet size grew and the gap between the packets therefore decreased, it reached a stage when it would execute the callback only when the buffer was full, not after receipt of a single packet.
If you know exactly the size of the expected datagrams, then your solution of limiting the input buffer size is a perfectly sensible one, as you know a-priori exactly how large the buffer needs to be.
If your congestion is coming from having multiple different packet types being transmitted, so you can't pre-allocate the correct size buffer, then you could potentially create different sockets on different ports for each type of transaction. It's a little more "hacky" but given the virtually unlimited nature of ephemeral port availability, as long as you're not using 20,000 different packet types that would probably help you out as-well.