How do I add spacing to my slides with pure react carousel - pure-react-carousel

I am unsure on how to add "spacing" between my slides in pure react carousel.
Is there any easy option how to add gaps between slides ? I've tried several approaches. I need correct padding when sliding one by one. When using margin, applying on slide or inner element, slider get broken, pushing last slide on new line block.

Pure React Carousel components behave like a suite of HTML tags. A good analogy for the suite of Pure React Carousel components are the Table tags in HTML: table, thead, tbody, tr, th, tr, tfoot, colgroup, etc. The table tags are bare-bones, and only use default styles. You must apply css to them in order to customize your carousel.
Pure React Carousel is responsive by default. Meaning, it will stretch to the full width of its parent container unless the parent container uses CSS to restrict the width of Pure React Carousel.
The slides in Pure React Carousel have an intrinsic height by default. Meaning, just like an image tag, the height of each slide gets taller the wider each slide becomes. Just like the height of an image with no height attribute set gets taller the wider the image becomes in a browser.
The <Slide /> component has a child div with the class .carousel__inner-slide. To give your carousel the "illusion" of spacing between cells, create a css rule for .carousel__inner-slide in your project. That or pass the <Slide /> component a class name via the innerClassName prop.
.carousel__inner-slide {
width: calc(100% - 20px);
height: calc(100% - 20px);
left: 10px;
top: 10px;
background-color: burlywood;
View a demo:

This worked for me:
.carousel__inner-slide {
margin-right: 20px;


react-leflet map layer repeating

I have a map, but it repeats. I would like it to stop repeating, and get only one map. How do I do this?
className='h-[700px] w-[700px] float-right mr-10 mt-10'
center={[51.505, -0.09]} zoom={5} scrollWheelZoom={true}>
I see that you added in the URL a path to image url="/allmap.jpg". as it's an image you can inspect on the TileLayer after it's rendered. see on the right side the class which contains this image as background-image add to that class the following.
.tile-layer-class {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
The problem was that the image was not shown. because there was a style from leaflet.css hide the image to show. you can override that style by using the below class.
.leaflet-container {
overflow: unset <= or by using !important as well if that didn't reflect.
The problem is not related to styling at all. what I figured out that the image is not only rendered just one time in the dom but it's gets rendered for 4 images tags. you can inspect the image and you will see that there're 4 img tags in the dom.
I think you will need to find out the reason for why there're 4 images rendered in the dom.
I tried to be honest to do my best. but I'm not familiar with Next.js

Orientation SAP UI5 sap.m.IconTabBar

I just wondered if there's a way to centralize the sap.m.IconTabBar. So that the icons don't start straight on the left but they are all central. The icons should take the whole length of the sap.m.IconTabBar.
Is there any possibility or no way to adapt the orientation?
There is no property in the IconTabBar control which would allow you to center align the selection Icons. But it is achievable with some CSS trickery.
If you assign a text-align: center property to the container of the selections they will align to the center, as each of the child div's being inline-block elements.
.tabbedBar .sapMITBHead{

Rich text editor (tinymce) images - how to disable auto height and width?

We're using Umbraco v7.2.1 to serve what is supposed to be responsive content.
When you add an image from the media library to the tinymce editor, this is the html that is inserted by tinymce:
<img style="width: 500px; height:500px;"
src="/media/1007/jobs-block.jpg?width=500&height=500" alt="undefined" rel="1097" />
I really don't want ANY w x h in the tag or image src.
I have found a couple of posts regarding the tinyMce.config file and the validElements node - i removed the height and width things from the img thing in there but that had no effect.
If you open the Data Type for the Richtext editor in question there is a setting called "Maximum size for inserted images". This is by default set to 500 pixels.
If you set it to 0 it will disable any resizing.
I think you can have your cake and eat it too, no need to restrict editor re-sizing.
Adding the following properties to your img elements: max-width: 100%; height: auto !important; will allow content editors to re-size their images while also making them responsive.
I processed the output. I removed the height and wrap images by a div by javascript and I can fully customize it via css

Like Box Height Being Cut

Why is the like box bottom being cut when I set a custom height? It just cuts the faces and its lower part isn't shown.
How can i fix it?
If I understand your correction properly, this would be because you're not setting the height of the contents of the box, but rather the box itself.
<div height="x">
doesn't care about what's in the div, it makes the div only show x amount of it.
I was having the same issue and added these to my CSS
.fb-like span {
height: auto !important;
.fb-like iframe {
position: relative !important;

Center align fluid layout

How do I center align fluid layout (no fixed px values, only % values) for multiple screens ?
i.e. I am going to view the same HTML on desktop (can be multiple resolutions), can be mobile (e.g. iPhone) OR even a tablet (e.g. iPad).
I think the following solutions would not work in my case;
Using width:100% (there won't be any space left to center align)
Using widdth:80% or so and then using margin:0 auto (this would
work fine on desktops, but would waste space on mobile devices..i.e i
want to optimize limited space on mobile devices)
Using text-align:center (I want to center align the layout and not
the text)
Please suggest.
<div style="width:100%; text-align:center;">
<img style="margin:auto; display:block;" src="images/web_banner.gif"/>
<p>Website coming soon…</p>
Use align="center" in div then u will get content in div will center
It's extremely difficult to set a page unless it's just text to be completely liquid. Just because images need to be displayed at a certain size and then would need to be re-sized to fit smaller resolutions. That being said if this is just a text based site then the
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
iphone supports the the margin so this should work fine. If you have images and need to resize then you should really look at a jquery or javascript to adjust the images on resize.
Also use the text-align: center for backwards compatibility. Use all of that as a wrapper and then set for you content and navigation
text-align: left;