Flutter logs using flogs -where it will be saved - flutter

Flog plugin for flutter will save logs to database..
which database it will be saved,where the configuration is specified and in which directory we can see the log text files once the app is in production?
Pleas help

It will be saved in a text file. {path-based-on-OS}/FLogs/flog.txt.
You can find the details in the source code of the library:


how to display power point file and word file in flutter after getting file path

I listed all docx and pptx files from device storage now I want to open them using file path I tried different packages but I am getting a lot of issues can someone provide me a material related to opening document files or any package that can open files using file path thanks
You can try this package, it will open the files in default application from its path.

Flutter Hive - how to locate box files

This may be obvious, but can someone please tell me how I can locate my Hive Box file after initialising Hive in a Flutter application, using Android Studio?
I have followed the documentation here - https://docs.hivedb.dev/#/README - and my basic implementation works o.k, but I cannot find where the Box file, or any Hive files for that matter, are stored.
I want to be able to locate where my Box (database) is within my Project in Android Studio, so that I can see the contents of the database and confirm it exists in the right place
This is my code where I'm initialising Hive and opening a box
void main() async {
// Initialise Hive
await Hive.initFlutter('hiveusersfolder');
var box = await Hive.openBox('hiveusersfolder');
box.put('name', 'MyName');
print('Name: ${box.get('MyName')}');
The above code is present in my main.dart file
I am using Android Studio on Ubuntu.
*Edit update
I have located the supposed path of where the Box is stored, but when using Android Studio Navigate > Search Everywhere - there is nothing found within this folder/path. After initialising my database and adding a user to the box, I should be able to see a box file and view the users like with any other kind of db no?
This is the path /data/user/0/myappv1.myappv1/app_flutter
I tried Invalidate Cache + Restart, but still nothing
If the problem is with Android Studio search, how can I access the above path on Ubuntu file explorer? Or using the command line?
It is clearly stated in the documentation
/// Initializes Hive with the path from [getApplicationDocumentsDirectory].
/// You can provide a [subDir] where the boxes should be stored.
Future<void> initFlutter([String? subDir]) async {
Solved this by selecting a Project SDK from File > Project Structure
I then had to make sure I was using an Android Virtual Device with a system image that did not support Google Play store (Pixel 2XL with Android 8 I think, just picked anything without Play).
There is an issue where if you're using an AVD with Google Play loaded you won't be able to access the default folder where Hive puts your .hive files
Your Hive files by default, at least on Android with Flutter, seem to go into this path - /data/user/0/yourapplicationv1.yourapplicationv1/app_flutter
Hopefully this helps anyone experiencing the same issue
In the case of iOS, you can check it by following the steps below.
First, check the identifier of the simulator you are using in the application you are developing, which can be found in xcode under Window → Devices and Simulators. The identifier is usually formatted something like B8D6964E-01BD-4D90-96CA-746F87AF3F48.
 2. run $ cd ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator
 4. run $ find . -name "*.hive" -ls
This will probably find the .hive file. However, in order to see the contents of this file, you will need to install Hadoop and Hive.
I haven't tried it because it seems a bit time-consuming, but I'll post a link that might be useful.
In my case, I am implementing a macos application, the hive folder was:
Put a breakpoint on the await Hive.initFlutter('hiveusersfolder');, and step into it. Keep stepping in until you get to the getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(), and you will see what path that function returns.

Sandcastle Help File Builder publish online

I just recently started using Sandcastle Builder, I am wondering if there is a way to publish the generated index.HTML to a web host so it can be seen from any browser.
This is possible and you may want to give it a try.
I generated a dummy help including some conceptual topics for testing in other context. So, navigate and open the uploaded files from server Sample Web Help and see what happens.
Go to Project Properties > Build and check Website as shown below.
After you have successfully generated your help project you will find all files for upload. The default is a .\Help folder relative to the project folder.
The following screenshot shows the structure of the generated WebHelp for the link above.

How to develop Flutter app and related package at same time in VS Code

I have a Flutter app and a package folder loaded in VS code at the same time within a workspace. What entry do I need to make to my app's pubspec.yaml file to ensure that changes I've made to the package are compiled and included whenever I hot reload or restart the app? What would be an alternate strategy if this is not possible?
If your pubspec.yaml refers to your package with a path then I would expect this to happen automatically. If not, I would consider it a bug. Please file an issue at https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code and include a log file generated by running the Dart: Capture Logs command and as much info about your project layout as possible (a clonable repo to repro would be perfect).

How to read and write text files from appengine?

I am using eclipse Luna. I want to read and write text files from my appengine and the path of those files I will set on run time from the local host, like "C:\Users\Public\Documents\newfile.txt" . Anyone give me a good code or link or a direction how to resolve this.
You cannot write to file system in AppEngine but you can use CloudStorage https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/java/googlecloudstorageclient/read-write-to-cloud-storage. Duplicate of Does Google App Engine allow creation of files and folders on the server?