P4Python does not check out the file in Perforce - python-3.7

I have following piece of code. I'm trying to check out two files from Perforce and put them in a changelist. But run_add does not check the files out. The only thing I see in Perforce is a empty changelist with no files in it.
""" Checks out files from workspace using P4"""
files = ['analyse-location.cfg', 'CMakeLists.txt']
p4 = P4()
# Connect and disconnect
if (p4.connected()):
p4.port = portp4
p4.user = usernameP4
p4.password = passwordP4
p4.client = clientP4
if p4.connected():
change = p4.fetch_change()
change['Description'] = "Auto"
change['Files'] = []
changeList = p4.save_change(change)[0].split()[1]
for items in files:
abs_path = script_dir + "\\" + items
p4.run_add("-c", changeList, items)
print("Adding file "+ abs_path + " to "+ changeList)
# Done! Disconnect!
except P4Exception:
print("Something went wrong in P4 connection. The errors are: ")
for e in p4.errors:
However, when I have instead p4.run("edit", items) it puts the files in the default changelist.It really gets on my nervs. I don't know I am doing that is wrong. The changes list created as well. I use python 3.7 32 bits on Windows

Your script discards the output of the run_add call. Try changing this:
for items in files:
abs_path = script_dir + "\\" + items
p4.run_add("-c", changeList, items)
print("Adding file "+ abs_path + " to "+ changeList)
for items in files:
abs_path = script_dir + "\\" + items
output = p4.run_add("-c", changeList, items)
print("Adding file "+ abs_path + " to "+ changeList)
if output:
if p4.errors:
if p4.warnings:
That will show you the results of the p4 add commands that you're running. Based on the fact that a p4 edit opens the files, I expect you'll find a message like this:
C:\Perforce\test>p4 add foo
//stream/main/foo - can't add existing file
The p4 add and p4 edit commands are not synonymous; one is for adding a new file, one is for editing an existing file. If your script is editing existing files, it should be calling run_edit, not run_add.

I changed my question to following and it worked.
p4.port = portp4
p4.user = usernameP4
p4.password = passwordP4
p4.client = clientP4
if p4.connected():
change = p4.fetch_change()
change['Description'] = "Auto"
change['Files'] = []
changeList = p4.save_change(change)[0].split()[1]
for items in files:
abs_path = script_dir + "\\" + items
output = p4.run_edit("-c", changeList, items)
print("Adding file "+ abs_path + " to "+ changeList)
if output:
if p4.errors:
if p4.warnings:
except P4Exception:
print("Something went wrong in P4 connection. The errors are: ")
for e in p4.errors:
Thanks to #Sam Stafford for his hint. Now it works just like a charm. The key was to change p4.run_add("-c", changelist, items) to p4.run_edit("-c", changelist, items)


Make a dump of a session on fiddler without modification of Fiddler Rules

I want to do this things :
select a session
make a dump of this session (the issue is here)
Plus, I want to do that without modification of Fiddler Rules. I have done this with a modification of Fiddler Rules but the program will be used on several machines and it can be difficult to change Fiddler Rules in every machines.
I don't know if it is possible.
The code to do that with the modification of the fiddler Rules is :
PowerShell :
$filePath = "...\nameFile.txt" # file which contain the names of fiddler ZIP files
$file = Get-Content $filePath # content of nameFile
foreach ($line in $file) {
start $line # open the file
Write-Host "File : $line open"
Start-Sleep -s 1
& "...\Fiddler\ExecAction.exe" "failuresselection" # select all failures and make another file (see Fiddler Rules)
Fiddler Rules :
static function OnExecAction(sParams: String[]): Boolean {
// Select all failures and put them in a new ZIP file
case "failuresselection":
var path = "...\\Newlogs";
if (UI.GetFirstSelectedSession() != null){
UI.actSaveSessionsToZip(path+"\\Logs" + 449 + ".saz");
// Confirmation
FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Dumped all failures sessions to " + path;
return true;
I try this but it doesn't worked :
& "...\Fiddler\ExecAction.exe" "FiddlerApplication.UI.actSelectAll();"
It's to select all line but I think that ExecAction.exe replace QuickExec.
In summary, I am searching a way to do the same thing without modification of Fiddler Rules.

Examples of using SCons with knitr

Are there minimal, or even larger, working examples of using SCons and knitr to generate reports from .Rmd files?
kniting an cleaning_session.Rmd file from the command line (bash shell) to derive an .html file, may be done via:
Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('cleaning_session.Rmd')".
In this example, Rscript and instructions are fed to a Makefile:
html :
Rscript -e "require(knitr); require(markdown); knit('$(RMDFILE).rmd', '$(RMDFILE).md'); markdownToHTML('$(RMDFILE).md', '$(RMDFILE).html', options=c('use_xhtml', 'base64_images')); browseURL(paste('file://', file.path(getwd(),'$(RMDFILE).html'), sep=''
In this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/10945832/1172302, there is reportedly a solution using SCons. Yet, I did not test enough to make it work for me. Essentially, it would be awesome to have something like the example presented at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/26573/8272.
[Updated] One working example is an Sconstruct file:
import os
environment = Environment(ENV=os.environ)
# define a `knitr` builder
builder = Builder(action = '/usr/local/bin/knit $SOURCE -o $TARGET',
# add builders as "Knit", "RMD"
environment.Append( BUILDERS = {'Knit' : builder} )
# define an `rmarkdown::render()` builder
builder = Builder(action = '/usr/bin/Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(input=\'$SOURCE\', output_file=\'$TARGET\')"',
environment.Append( BUILDERS = {'RMD' : builder} )
# define source (and target files -- currently useless, since not defined above!)
# main cleaning session code
environment.RMD(source='cleaning_session.Rmd', target='cleaning_session.html')
# documentation of the Cleaning Process
environment.Knit(source='Cleaning_Process.Rmd', target='Cleaning_Process.html')
# documentation of data
environment.Knit(source='Code_Book.Rmd', target='Code_Book.html')
The first builder calls the custom script called knit. Which, in turn, takes care of the target file/extension, here being cleaning_session.html. Likely the suffix parameter is not needed altogether, in this very example.
The second builder added is Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render(\'$SOURCE\')"'.
The existence of $TARGETs (as in the example at Command wrapper) ensures SCons won't repeat work if a target file already exists.
The custom script (whose source I can't retrieve currently) is:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
p = commandArgs(TRUE)
if (length(p) == 0L || any(c('-h', '--help') %in% p)) {
message('usage: knit input [input2 input3] [-n] [-o output output2 output3]
-h, --help to print help messages
-n, --no-convert do not convert tex to pdf, markdown to html, etc
-o output filename(s) for knit()')
o = match('-o', p)
if (is.na(o)) output = NA else {
output = tail(p, length(p) - o)
p = head(p, o - 1L)
nc = c('-n', '--no-convert')
knit_fun = if (any(nc %in% p)) {
p = setdiff(p, nc)
} else {
if (length(p) == 0L) stop('no input file provided')
if (grepl('\\.(R|S)(nw|tex)$', p[1])) {
function(x, ...) knit2pdf(x, ..., clean = TRUE)
} else {
if (grepl('\\.R(md|markdown)$', p[1])) knit2html else knit
mapply(knit_fun, p, output = output, MoreArgs = list(envir = globalenv()))
The only thing, now, necessary is to run scons.


I'm trying to use this variable in order to remove a few unwanted init files after my root FS is generated, following the documentation at:
I've added exactly the same snippet to my recipe (.bb) file, without any luck... what's wrong? This is the code I'm putting in my .bb file:
my_postprocess_function() {
echo "hello" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/hello.txt
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "my_postprocess_function; "
The logs don't show any kind of error or warning, just my_postprocess_function is not executed.
I believe there is a bug that manifests itself based on which column you put the closing curly bracket in. Initially, I could not believe that this is the behaviour, but after I tested and confirmed it, here are my results:
$ bitbake --version
BitBake Build Tool Core version 1.28.0
I'm modifying core-image-minimal.bb as follows:
SUMMARY = "G5 - A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot."
IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE_append = "${#bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", " + 4096", "" ,d)}"
inherit core-image
my_postprocess_function() {
echo "hello" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/hello.txt
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "my_postprocess_function; "
The above fails silently and does not generate hello.txt
Notice how the } is indented by one space (indenting by any amount other than once space will also fail).
However, if you modify it as follows:
SUMMARY = "G5 - A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot."
IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE_append = "${#bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", " + 4096", "" ,d)}"
inherit core-image
my_postprocess_function() {
echo "hello" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/hello.txt
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "my_postprocess_function; "
then, hello.txt is generated.
The way I found this bug is by moving the 'inherit core-image' line to the end of the file as follows:
SUMMARY = "G5 - A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot."
IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE_append = "${#bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", " + 4096", "" ,d)}"
my_postprocess_function() {
echo "hello" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/hello.txt
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "my_postprocess_function; "
inherit core-image
In which case, I got the error:
ERROR: ParseError at ......./recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb:13: Shell function my_postprocess_function is never closed
I mentioned this last part in case anyone else is having weird behaviour and you have exhausted all debugging possibilities.
cyberguijarro only says that his code exists in a .bb recipe but didn't say if that recipe was an image recipe or not.
Since he didn't accept any of the given answers, I'll suggest that his issue was that his code was not in an image recipe.
This is working for me:
my_postprocess_function() {
echo "hello" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/hello.txt
my_postprocess_function; \

Enable Caching for all reports in SSRS Report Server

I have more than 100 reports in SSRS report server. I need to enable caching for all of those. Right now I am enabling caching through the report manager for each and every report.
Can we add caching in any of the report servers config files? So that we can enable caching for all reports at a single place.
Any help will be appreciated
Below is the script that I used to enable caching in minutes on a list of reports.
Save it as setreportscaching.rss and then run it from the command line:
rs.exe -i setreportscaching.rss -e Mgmt2010 -t -s http://mySsrsBox:8080/ReportServer -v ReportNamesList="OneReport,AnotherReport,YetAnotherOne" -v CacheTimeMinutes="333" -v TargetFolder="ReportsFolderOnServer"
It is easy to modify it to loop through files in some folder rather then take csv list of reports. It has some silly piece of diagnostics that can be commented out for speed.
Public Sub Main()
Dim reportNames As String() = Nothing
Dim reportName As String
Dim texp As TimeExpiration
Dim reportPath As String
Console.WriteLine("Looping through reports: {0}", ReportNamesList)
reportNames = ReportNamesList.Split(","c)
For Each reportName In reportNames
texp = New TimeExpiration()
texp.Minutes = CacheTimeMinutes
reportPath = "/" + TargetFolder + "/" + reportName
'feel free to comment out this diagnostics to speed things up
Console.WriteLine("Current caching for " + reportName + DisplayReportCachingSettings(reportPath))
'this call sets desired caching option
rs.SetCacheOptions(reportPath, true, texp)
'feel free to comment out this diagnostics to speed things up
Console.WriteLine("New caching for " + reportName + DisplayReportCachingSettings(reportPath))
End Sub
Private Function DisplayReportCachingSettings(reportPath as string)
Dim isCacheSet As Boolean
Dim expItem As ExpirationDefinition = New ExpirationDefinition()
Dim theResult As String
isCacheSet = rs.GetCacheOptions(reportPath, expItem)
If isCacheSet = false Or expItem is Nothing Then
theResult = " is not defined."
If expItem.GetType.Name = "TimeExpiration" Then
theResult = " is " + (CType(expItem, TimeExpiration)).Minutes.ToString() + " minutes."
ElseIf expItem.GetType.Name = "ScheduleExpiration" Then
theResult = " is a schedule"
theResult = " is " + expItem.GetType.Name
End If
End If
DisplayReportCachingSettings = theResult
End Function

How do you detect which files were manually merged in mercurial's history?

I'm part of a team newly using mercurial and we've identified that when merges occur there are many more errors in files that are manually merged. Is it possible from the mercurial logs (i.e. after someone has done the merge and pushed the merge changeset to the central repository) to detect which files were manually merged?
Note, that I have no idea if this is foolproof. Also, it requires a copy of my as of yet unfinished Mercurial library for .NET, probably only runs on Windows, and is kinda rough around the edges.
Note: I'm assuming that by "were manually merged", you mean "files Mercurial didn't automatically merge for us"
Such a file could still be merged somewhat or completely automatic by an external tool, but if the above assumption is good enough, read on.
However, what I did was to effectively run through all the merges in a test repository, re-doing the merges and asking Mercurial to use only its internal merge tool, which leaves files unresolved if they cannot be automatically merged by Mercurial, and then report all unresolved files, clean up the merge, and move on to the next merge changeset.
The library you need (only in source code form at the moment, I told you it was unfinished):
Mercurial.Net (my open source project, hosted on CodePlex)
I've attached a zip file at the bottom with everything, test repository, script, and binary copy of library.
The script (I used LINQPad to write and test this, output from a test-repository follows):
void Main()
var repo = new Repository(#"c:\temp\repo");
var mergeChangesets = repo.Log(new LogCommand()
foreach (var merge in mergeChangesets)
Debug.WriteLine("analyzing merge #" + merge.RevisionNumber +
" between revisions #" + merge.LeftParentRevision +
" and #" + merge.RightParentRevision);
// update to left parent
// perform merge with right parent
var mergeCmd = new MergeCommand();
mergeCmd.WithRevision = merge.RightParentHash;
// get list of unresolved files
var resolveCmd = new ResolveCommand();
var unresolvedFiles = new List<string>();
using (var reader = new StringReader(resolveCmd.RawStandardOutput))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
if (line.StartsWith("U "))
// report
if (unresolvedFiles.Count > 0)
Debug.WriteLine("merge changeset #" + merge.RevisionNumber +
" between revisions #" + merge.LeftParentRevision +
" and #" + merge.RightParentRevision + " had " +
unresolvedFiles.Count + " unresolved file(s)");
foreach (string filename in unresolvedFiles)
Debug.WriteLine(" " + filename);
// get repository back to proper state
repo.Update(merge.LeftParentHash, new UpdateCommand().WithClean());
public class MergeCommand : MercurialCommandBase<MergeCommand>
public MergeCommand()
: base("merge")
[NullableArgumentAttribute(NonNullOption = "--rev")]
public RevSpec WithRevision
public override IEnumerable<string> Arguments
foreach (var arg in base.Arguments)
yield return arg;
yield return "--config";
yield return "ui.merge=internal:merge";
protected override void ThrowOnUnsuccessfulExecution(int exitCode,
string standardOutput, string standardErrorOutput)
if (exitCode != 0 && exitCode != 1)
base.ThrowOnUnsuccessfulExecution(exitCode, standardOutput,
public class ResolveCommand : MercurialCommandBase<MergeCommand>
public ResolveCommand()
: base("resolve")
public override IEnumerable<string> Arguments
foreach (var arg in base.Arguments)
yield return arg;
yield return "--list";
The sample output:
analyzing merge #7 between revisions #5 and #6
analyzing merge #10 between revisions #9 and #8
merge changeset #10 between revisions #9 and #8 had 1 unresolved file(s)
Zip-file with everything (LINQPad script, Mercurial.Net assembly, go compile it if you don't trust me, and the test repository I executed it against above):
here: zip-file
BIG CAVEAT: Run this only in a clone of your repository! I won't be held responsible if this corrupts your repository, however unlikely I think that would be.
Tis is the shell script variant of Lasses answer:
test "$1" = "--destroy-my-working-copy" || exit
hg log -r 'merge()' --template '{parents} {rev}\n' | sed -e 's/[0-9]*://g' | while read p1 p2 commit
echo "-------------------------"
echo examine $commit
LC_ALL=C hg up -C -r $p1 >/dev/null
LC_ALL=C hg merge -r 26 --config ui.merge=internal:merge 2>&1 | grep failed
hg up -C -r tip > /dev/null
Example output:
> mergetest.sh --destroy-my-working-copy
examine 7
examine 11
examine 23
examine 31
examine 37
merging test.py failed!