SwiftUI - usage of toggles - console logs: “invalid mode 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes'” - didSet does not work - toggle

I have a general problem using toggles with SwiftUI.
Whenever I use them I get this console error:
invalid mode 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes' provided to CFRunLoopRunSpecific - break on _CFRunLoopError_RunCalledWithInvalidMode to debug. This message will only appear once per execution.
In addition to this didSet does not print anything when I hit the toggle in the simulator.
Does anyone have an idea, or is it a SwiftUI bug?
Other related questions on StackOverflow which are some month old didn't seem to find a solution.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var notifyCheck = false {
didSet {
print("Toggle pushed!")
var body: some View {
Toggle(isOn: $notifyCheck) {
If this is a bug, I wonder what the workaround for toggles is.
It's not as if I would be the first person using toggles in iOS. ;-)

Ignore that warning, it's SwiftUI internals and does not affect anything. If you'd like submit feedback to Apple.
didSet does not work, because self here (as View struct) is immutable, and #State is just property wrapper which via non-mutating setter stores wrapped value outside of self.
Update: do something on toggle
#State private var notifyCheck = false
var body: some View {
let bindingOn = Binding<Bool> (
get: { self.notifyCheck },
set: { newValue in
self.notifyCheck = newValue
// << do anything
return Toggle(isOn: bindingOn) {


#Published in an ObservableObject vs #State on a View leads to unpredictable update behavior in SwiftUI

This question is coming on the heels of this question that I asked (and had answered by #Asperi) yesterday, but it introduces a new unexpected element.
The basic setup is a 3 column macOS SwiftUI app. If you run the code below and scroll the list to an item further down the list (say item 80) and click, the List will re-render and occasionally "jump" to a place (like item 40), leaving the actual selected item out of frame. This issue was solved in the previous question by encapsulating SidebarRowView into its own view.
However, that solution works if the active binding (activeItem) is stored as a #State variable on the SidebarList view (see where I've marked //#1). If the active item is stored on an ObservableObject view model (see //#2), the scrolling behavior is affected.
I assume this is because the diffing algorithm somehow works differently with the #Published value and the #State value. I'd like to figure out a way to use the #Published value since the active item needs to be manipulated by the state of the app and used in the NavigationLink via isActive: (say if a push notification comes in that affects it).
Is there a way to use the #Published value and not have it re-render the whole List and thus not affect the scrolled position?
Reproducible code follows -- see the commented line for what to change to see the behavior with #Published vs #State
struct Item : Identifiable, Hashable {
let id = UUID()
var name : String
class SidebarListViewModel : ObservableObject {
#Published var items = Array(0...300).map { Item(name: "Item \($0)") }
#Published var activeItem : Item? //#2
struct SidebarList : View {
#StateObject private var viewModel = SidebarListViewModel()
#State private var activeItem : Item? //#1
var body: some View {
List(viewModel.items) {
SidebarRowView(item: $0, activeItem: $viewModel.activeItem) //change this to $activeItem and the scrolling works as expected
struct SidebarRowView: View {
let item: Item
#Binding var activeItem: Item?
func navigationBindingForItem(item: Item) -> Binding<Bool> {
.init {
activeItem == item
} set: { newValue in
if newValue {
activeItem = item
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: Text(item.name),
isActive: navigationBindingForItem(item: item)) {
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Text("No selection")
Text("No selection")
.frame(minWidth: 300)
(Built and tested with Xcode 13.0 on macOS 11.3)
Update. I still think that the original answer identified the problem, however seems that there's an even easier workaround to this: push the view model one level upstream, to the root ContentView, and inject the items array to the SidebarList view.
Thus, the following changes should fix the "jumping" issue:
struct SidebarList : View {
let items: [Item]
#Binding var activeItemId: UUID?
// ...
// ...
struct ContentView : View {
#StateObject private var viewModel = SidebarListViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
SidebarList(items: viewModel.items,
activeItemId: $viewModel.activeItemId)
// ...
For some reason, this works, I don't have an explanation why. However, there's one problem left, that's caused by SwiftUI: programatically changing the selection won't make the list scroll to the new selection. Scroll SwiftUI List to new selection might help fixing this too.
Also, warmly recommending to move the NavigationLink from the body of SidebarRowView to the List part of SidebarList, this will help you limit the amount of details that get leaked to the row view.
Another recommendation I would make, would be to use the tag:selection: alternative to isActive. This works better when you have a pool of possible navigation links from which only one can be active at a certain time. This involves of course changing the view model from var activeItem: Item? to var activeItemId: UUID?, this will avoid the need of the hacky navigationBindingForItem function:
class SidebarListViewModel : ObservableObject {
#Published var items = // ...
#Published var activeItemId : UUID?
// ...
NavigationLink(destination: ...,
tag: item.id,
selection: $activeItemId) {
Original Answer
This is most likely what's causing the problematic behaviour:
func navigationBindingForItem(item: Item) -> Binding<Bool> {
.init {
activeItem == item
} set: { newValue in
if newValue {
activeItem = item
If you put a breakpoint on the binding setter, you'll see that the setter gets called every time you select something, and if you also print the item name, you'll see that when the problematic scrolling happens, it always scroll to the previous selected item.
Seems this "manual" binding interferes with the SwiftUI update cycle, causing the framework to malfunction.
The solution here is simple: remove the #Binding declaration from the activeItem property, and keep it as a "regular" one. You also can safely remove the isActive argument passed to the navigation link.
Bindings are needed only when you need to update values in parent components, most of the time simple values are enough. This also makes your views simpler, and more in line with the Swift/SwiftUI principles of using immutable values as much as possible.

focusedSceneValue fixed by searchable

I'm getting this odd issue where focusedSceneValue doesn't work on macOS Monterey Beta 6, but adding searchable to one of the views fixes it.
Here's how to reproduce:
First paste this code into ContentView:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var search = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
.focusedSceneValue(\.customAction) {
.searchable(text: $search) // Comment this line and focusedSceneValue breaks
struct ActionKey: FocusedValueKey {
typealias Value = () -> Void
extension FocusedValues {
var customAction: (() -> Void)? {
get { self[ActionKey.self] }
set { self[ActionKey.self] = newValue }
And then paste this into your app file:
struct CustomCommands: Commands {
#FocusedValue(\.customAction) var action
var body: some Commands {
CommandGroup(before: .newItem) {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Press me")
.disabled(action == nil)
And add this into the body of your Scene:
.commands {
This just adds a menu item to File, and the menu item is enabled only if a variable named action is not nil.
action is supposed to be assigned in the focusedSceneValue line in ContentView. This should always happen, as long as the ContentView is visible.
This code only works if I add the searchable modifier to one of the views however. If I don't add it, then the menu item is permanently disabled.
Is anybody else able to reproduce this?
There seems to be a bug with implementing focusedSceneValue (SwiftUI and focusedSceneValue on macOS, what am I doing wrong?).
From what you have shared, it seems that the .searchable modifier provides a focus for a view in the scene so that the focusedSceneValue is updated when the focus changes.
In the focusedSceneValue documentation, it recommends using this method "for values that must be visible regardless of where focus is located in the active scene." Implicitly, it could be that focusedSceneValue only works when an active scene has focus somewhere within.
This appears to be fixed in Monterey 12.1 (21C52), so the .searchable workaround should no longer be needed.

Swift ui macOS event detect change accent color

Is there an event to determine the change of accent color type in the general settings?
A possible approach is to use changes in NSUserDefaults via AppStorage observer, like
struct ContentView: View {
#AppStorage("AppleAccentColor") var appleAccentColor: Int = 0
var body: some View {
Text("Hello world!")
.foregroundColor(.accentColor) // << updated automatically
.onChange(of: appleAccentColor) { _ in
print("Side-effect is here")
// also can be read via NSColor.controlAccentColor
Tested with Xcode 15 / macOS 11.5
Here's a potentially more flexible approach you could use, for instance, with your view model:
import Combine
class SomeClass {
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
init() {
cancellable = NSApp.publisher(for: \.effectiveAppearance).sink { appearance in
You might have to ensure cancellable?.cancel() is called so the object can be deinitialized.

SwiftUI: How do I avoid modifying state during view update?

I want to update a text label after it is being pressed, but I am getting this error while my app runs (there is no compile error): [SwiftUI] Modifying state during view update, this will cause undefined behaviour.
This is my code:
import SwiftUI
var randomNum = Int.random(in: 0 ..< 230)
struct Flashcard : View {
#State var cardText = String()
var body: some View {
randomNum = Int.random(in: 0 ..< 230)
cardText = myArray[randomNum].kana
let stack = VStack {
.tapAction {
return stack
func flipCard() {
cardText = myArray[randomNum].romaji
If you're running into this issue inside a function that isn't returning a View (and therefore can't use onAppear or gestures), another workaround is to wrap the update in an async update:
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {
if fooVariable { do a thing }
DispatchQueue.main.async { fooVariable = nil }
I can't speak to whether this is best practices, however.
Edit: I work at Apple now; this is an acceptable method. An alternative is using a view model that conforms to ObservableObject.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var cardText: String = "Hello"
var body: some View {
self.cardText = "Goodbye" // <<< This mutation is no good.
return Text(cardText)
.onTapGesture {
self.cardText = "World"
Here I'm modifying a #State variable within the body of the body view. The problem is that mutations to #State variables cause the view to update, which in turn call the body method on the view. So, already in the middle of a call to body, another call to body initiated. This could go on and on.
On the other hand, a #State variable can be mutated in the onTapGesture block, because it's asynchronous and won't get called until after the update is finished.
For example, let's say I want to change the text every time a user taps the text view. I could have a #State variable isFlipped and when the text view is tapped, the code in the gesture's block toggles the isFlipped variable. Since it's a special #State variable, that change will drive the view to update. Since we're no longer in the middle of a view update, we won't get the "Modifying state during view update" warning.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var isFlipped = false
var body: some View {
return Text(isFlipped ? "World" : "Hello")
.onTapGesture {
self.isFlipped.toggle() // <<< This mutation is ok.
For your FlashcardView, you might want to define the card outside of the view itself and pass it into the view as a parameter to initialization.
struct Card {
let kana: String
let romaji: String
let myCard = Card(
kana: "Hello",
romaji: "World"
struct FlashcardView: View {
let card: Card
#State var isFlipped = false
var body: some View {
return Text(isFlipped ? card.romaji : card.kana)
.onTapGesture {
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
return FlashcardView(card: myCard)
However, if you want the view to change when card itself changes (not that you necessarily should do that as a logical next step), then this code is insufficient. You'll need to import Combine and reconfigure the card variable and the Card type itself, in addition to figuring out how and where the mutation going to happen. And that's a different question.
Long story short: modify #State variables within gesture blocks. If you want to modify them outside of the view itself, then you need something else besides a #State annotation. #State is for local/private use only.
(I'm using Xcode 11 beta 5)
On every redraw (in case a state variable changes) var body: some View gets reevaluated. Doing so in your case changes another state variable, which would without mitigation end in a loop since on every reevaluation another state variable change gets made.
How SwiftUI handles this is neither guaranteed to be stable, nor safe. That is why SwiftUI warns you that next time it may crash due to this.
Be it due to an implementation change, suddenly triggering an edge condition, or bad luck when something async changes text while it is being read from the same variable, giving you a garbage string/crash.
In most cases you will probably be fine, but that is less so guaranteed than usual.

How to use #State and #Binding parallel?

My setup:
I am having a ContentView that represents a the length of a final selection (selection.count). Therefore I need a selection variable on my ContentView using a #State propertyWrapper since I want the View to get update as soon as the value changes. The selection is supposed to be made on my SelectionView therefore I am creating a Binding between my selection variables on the ContentView and SelectionView.
My Problem: The UI on my SelectionView is supposed to be updated as well when the selection variable changes but since it is using #Binding and not #State the view does not get updated. So I would need something where I can use a #State and #Binding at the same time or a #Binding which also makes the UI reload.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var selection: [Int] = []
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
NavigationLink(destination: SelectionView(selection: $selection)) {
Text("Selection: \(selection.count)")
struct SelectionView: View {
#Binding var selection: [Int]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
ForEach((0...9).identified(by: \.self)) { i in
Button(action: {
if self.selection.contains(i) {
self.selection = self.selection.filter { !($0 == i) }
} else {
}) {
if self.selection.contains(i) {
Text("Unselect \(i)")
} else {
Text("Select \(i)")
Note: If I am using #State on the SelectionView instead of #Binding it works properly (which obviously requires me to not create the binding which I want).
There's nothing wrong with your binding. It is the right thing to do and it works the way you want it to. A binding is the way you pass mutable state around in SwiftUI, and you are doing that, and it works. A change to a binding does make the view reload.
To convince yourself of that, just get rid of all the extra stuff in your example, and concentrate on the heart of the matter, the binding:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var selection: [Int] = []
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
NavigationLink(destination: SelectionView(selection: $selection)) {
Text("Selection: \(selection.count)")
struct SelectionView: View {
#Binding var selection: [Int]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Button.init("Append") {
Text("Selection: \(selection.count)")
Run the example, tap the link, tap the button repeatedly. The display of selection.count is changed in both views. That's what you wanted and that's what happens.
Here's a variant on your original code that displays selection more explicitly (instead of selection.count), and you can see that the right thing is happening:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var selection: [Int] = []
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
NavigationLink(destination: SelectionView(selection: $selection)) {
Text("Selection: \(String(describing:selection))")
struct SelectionView: View {
#Binding var selection: [Int]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(0...9, id:\.self) { i in
Button(action: {
if let ix = self.selection.firstIndex(of:i) {
self.selection.remove(at: ix)
} else {
}) {
if self.selection.contains(i) {
Text("Unselect \(i)")
} else {
Text("Select \(i)")
The solution to your problem is: upgrade to the latest Xcode.
I tested your code in a playground under Xcode 11 beta 4 and it worked correctly.
I tested your code in a playground under Xcode 11 beta 3 and it failed in the way you describe (I think).
The current version of Xcode 11 as of this answer is beta 5, under which your code doesn't compile because the identified(by:) modifier has been removed. When I changed your code to work under beta 5, by replacing ForEach((0...9).identified(by: \.self)) with ForEach(0...9, id: \.self), it worked correctly.
Therefore I deduce that you are still running beta 2 or beta 3. (Form wasn't available in beta 1 so I know you're not using that version.)
Please understand that, at the moment, SwiftUI is still quite buggy, and also still undergoing incompatible API changes. The bugs are unfortunate, but the API evolution is good. It's better that we suffer a few months of changes now than years of less optimal API later.
This means that you need to try to stay on the latest Xcode 11 beta unless it introduces bugs (like the Path bug in beta 5, if your app uses Path) that prevent you from making any progress.
Thanks to #robmayoff I was able to solve the problem. It was a problem with Xcode 11 Beta 3, installing the newest beta version solved the problem