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Closed 3 years ago.
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hi, I developed a new app and implemented a 1 dollar pay button in it using anjlab library
when I tried to test it and pay from a credit card it shows me as google will take 0.3 from that dollar
shown in photo
For apps and in-app products offered through Google Play, the service
fee is equivalent to 30% of the price. You receive 70% of the payment.
The remaining 30% goes to the distribution partner and operating fees.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I live in Pakistan. I just made a Django E-Commerce Website and wish to set up a payment integration with PayPal (Paypal is not available for transactions) to take money transactions from other countries.
To receive PayPal payments you typically need a PayPal Business account from a supported country. Since Pakistan is not one of those supported countries, it will be difficult for you to obtain one and especially withdraw any funds later.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am an individual, not a company.
I need to start receiving payments online via PayPal.
Is that possible? Can I integrate paypal 'Buy Now' button? Will they ask details about my bussiness?
Thank you!
edit: What kind of membership do I need - standart,premier or business?
You don't need to be a business to use PayPal. They will probably require your SSN at some point. Creating a Buy Now button on your site is 100% allowed, and they won't ask you any questions other than your tax information.
Go to Tools, PayPal Buttons, Create a Button to make your first Buy it Now button. Then take that source code and paste it in your site.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Paypal support forums keep mentioning about getting a credit card number automatically. However, it does not show any credit card information automatically anymore - I tried 100 times.
I searched on internet, a famous link popups and all the credit card numbers have been linked to the maximum accounts.
How and where do I find a fake Visa/Master Credit card number that I can use for sandbox paypal account?
I am so screwed up! Please help!
The fake CC numbers used in the sandbox are displayed in the test accounts setup.
See the top half of page 22 here:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing an Iphone app that allows to buy products and pay via credit card.
Do i have to pay some fee from every payment that being maid inside the app?
No, provided that the products are not digital (i.e. real tangible items), or features within the app.
It is perfectly fine to accept credit card payments for goods (for example the eBay and Amazon apps), without having to pay the 30% fee to Apple.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Under a corporate apple developer account, is it possible to add more than one bank account to a given paid app and specify which percentage of the commission Apple will pay out the commissions? I'm asking because I'm developing an app with a partner, and we've agreed to split the commissions, so this kind of setup would be easy & convenient.
You can’t configure iTunes Connect this way, so the answer is likely “no,” but you can always e-mail Apple’s Developer Support team.