Computing the median of all users in all trips - postgresql

Got my hand dirty on GPS trajectory dataset. This data set consists of sequence of the GPS points of trips for users, until the length of trip:
SELECT * FROM gps_track;
| user_id | lat | lon |
| 1 | 39.984702 | 116.318417 |
| 1 | 39.984683 | 116.31845 |
| 1 | 39.984611 | 116.318026 |
| . | . | . |
| 2 | 26.162202 | 119.943787 |
| 2 | 26.161528 | 119.943234 |
| 2 | 26.1619 | 119.943228 |
| . | . | . |
| 3 | 22.8143366666667 | 108.332281666667 |
| 3 | 22.81429 | 108.332256666667 |
| 3 | 22.81432 | 108.332258333333 |
| . | . | . |
| 4 | 32.9239666666667 | 117.386683333333 |
| 4 | 32.9235166666667 | 117.386616666667 |
| 4 | 32.9232833333333 | 117.386683333333 |
| . | . | . |
I can get the COUNT of GPS points for each user_id 1, 2,3,.. etc.
SELECT distinct user_id
, COUNT(lat) AS lat_count
FROM gps_track
GROUP BY user_id
How do I then get the median of the number of GPS points in all the trips? Not the median point for each user. Here's the fiddle for sample points from my dataset.

SELECT percentile_disc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY lat_count)
FROM (SELECT user_id
, COUNT(lat) AS lat_count
FROM gps_track
GROUP BY user_id) du;


T-SQL : Pivot table without aggregate

I am trying to understand how to pivot data within T-SQL but can't seem to get it working. I have the following table structure
| Name | Value |
| TaskId | 12417 |
| TaskUid | XX00044497 |
| TaskDefId | 23 |
| TaskStatusId | 4 |
| Notes | |
| TaskActivityIndex | 0 |
| ModifiedBy | Orange |
| Modified | /Date(1554540200000)/ |
| CreatedBy | Apple |
| Created | /Date(2121212100000)/ |
| TaskPriorityId | 40 |
| OId | 2 |
I want to pivot the name column to be columns expected output
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 12417 | XX00044497 | 23 | 4 | | 0 | Orange | /Date(1554540200000)/ | Apple | /Date(2121212100000)/ | 40 | 2 |
Is there an easy way of doing it? The columns are fixed (not dynamic).
Any help appreciated
Try this:
select * from yourtable
for Name in ([TaskID],[TaskUID],[TaskDefID]......)
) as pivotable
You can also use case statements.
You must use the aggregate function in the pivot table.
If you want to learn more, here is the reference:
Output (I only tried three columns):

Add columns but keep a specific id

I have a table "Listing" that looks like this:
| listing_id | amenities |
| 5629709 | {"Air conditioning",Heating, Essentials,Shampoo} |
| 4156372 | {"Wireless Internet",Kitchen,"Pets allowed"} |
And another table "Amenity" like this:
| amenity_id | amenities |
| 1 | Air conditioning |
| 2 | Kitchen |
| 3 | Heating |
Is there a way to join the two tables in a new one "Listing_Amenity" like this:
| listing_id | amenities |
| 5629709 | 1 |
| 5629709 | 3 |
| 4156372 | 2 |
You could use unnest:
CREATE TABLE Listing_Amenity
SELECT l.listing_id, a.amenity_id
FROM Listing l
, unnest(l.ammenities) sub(elem)
JOIN Amenity a
ON a.ammenities = sub.elem;
db<>fiddle demo

Is there a V-lookup effect in Microsoft Access?

I am a novice self-teaching Microsoft Access.
I have an MS Access database with a table of students (Table1).
| id | firstname | lastname | Year_Group | Form_Group |
| 2 | mnb | nbgfv | 7 | 1 |
| 3 | jhg | uhgf | 8 | 2 |
| 4 | poi | ijuy | 9 | 2 |
| 5 | tgf | tgfd | 10 | 2 |
| 6 | wer | qwes | 11 | 2 |
Every day students days are recorded sort of like Table2.
| Date | id | firstname | lastname | Year_Group | Effort | Behaviour | Homework |
| 28/02/19 | 2 | mnb | nbgfv | 7 | Good | Good | Y |
| 28/02/19 | 3 | jhg | uhgf | 8 | OK | OK | Y |
| 28/02/19 | 4 | poi | ijuy | 9 | Bad | Bad | N |
| 01/03/19 | 5 | tgf | tgfd | 10 | Good | OK | Y |
| 01/03/19 | 6 | wer | qwes | 11 | Good | Good | Y |
Is there a way (when using a list box or combo box) to select a student from Table1 so that their information is used for the corresponding columns in Table2?
Or is there a more efficient way to do this?
Firstly, you should normalise your data.
Currently, you are repeating the firstname, lastname, and Year_Group data in two separate tables, which not only bloats your database, but also means that such data must be maintained in two separate places, potentially leading to inconsistencies and then uncertainty as to which is the master.
Instead, I would suggest that your Students table should contain all information pertaining to the characteristics of a student:
| id | firstname | lastname | Year_Group | Form_Group |
| 2 | mnb | nbgfv | 7 | 1 |
| 3 | jhg | uhgf | 8 | 2 |
| 4 | poi | ijuy | 9 | 2 |
| 5 | tgf | tgfd | 10 | 2 |
| 6 | wer | qwes | 11 | 2 |
And the information pertaining to each school day should only reference the student ID in the Students table:
| Date | id | Effort | Behaviour | Homework |
| 28/02/19 | 2 | Good | Good | Y |
| 28/02/19 | 3 | OK | OK | Y |
| 28/02/19 | 4 | Bad | Bad | N |
| 01/03/19 | 5 | Good | OK | Y |
| 01/03/19 | 6 | Good | Good | Y |
Then, if you want to display the data in its entirety, you would use a query which joins the two tables, e.g.:
students t1 inner join schooldays t2 on =

Create Calculated Pivot from Several Query Results in PostgreSQL

I have question regarding how to make a calculated pivot table from several query results on PostgreSQL. I've managed to make three queries results but don't have any idea how to combine and calculate all the data into a single table. I've tried to google it but found out that most of the question is about how to make a pivot table from a single table, which I'm able to do using sum, case, and group by. Well, Here's the simplified version of my query results
Query from query 1 which contains gross value
| city | code | gross |
| city1 | 21 | 194793 |
| city1 | 25 | 139241 |
| city1 | 28 | 231365 |
| city2 | 21 | 282025 |
| city2 | 25 | 334458 |
| city2 | 28 | 410852 |
| city3 | 21 | 109237 |
Result from query 2 which contains positive adjustments
| city | code | adj_pos |
| city1 | 21 | 16259 |
| city1 | 25 | 13634 |
| city1 | 28 | 45854 |
| city2 | 25 | 18060 |
| city2 | 28 | 18220 |
Result from query 3 which contains negative adjustments
| city | code | adj_neg |
| city1 | 25 | 23364 |
| city2 | 21 | 27478 |
| city2 | 25 | 23474 |
And what I want to to is to create something like this
| city | 21_gross | 25_gross | 28_gross | 21_pos | 25_pos | 28_pos | 21_neg | 25_neg | 28_neg |
| city1 | 194793 | 139241 | 231365 | 16259 | 13634 | 45854 | | 23364 | |
| city2 | 282025 | 334458 | 410852 | | 18060 | 18220 | 27478 | 23474 | |
| city3 | 109237 | | | | | | | | |
or probably final calculation which come from gross + positive adjustment -
negative adjustment from each city on each code like this
| city | 21_nett | 25_nett | 28_nett |
| city1 | 211052 | 129511 | 277219 |
| city2 | 254547 | 329044 | 429072 |
| city3 | 109237 | 0 | 0 |
Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you!
I think the best you can achieve is to get the pivoting part as JSON -!17/b7d64/23:
coalesce(gross,0) + coalesce(adj_pos,0) - coalesce(adj_neg,0)
) as js
from q1
left join q2 using (city,code)
left join q3 using (city,code)
group by city

Sort In MDX Query not work

I use SSAS and SQL Server 2008R2
I use AdventureWorkDW dimensional Database.
I write this query :
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,
[Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory],
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],
) on rows
From [Adventure Works]
I got result like this :
also i write this query :
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,
non empty order(
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],
) on rows
From [Adventure Works]
And result is not sorted also :
Why result was not sorted?
Query (2012sql):
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,
[Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory],
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],
) on rows
From [Adventure Works]
The problem was I think because data was hierarchical and with basc you sort just with Amount.
The Order function can either be hierarchical (as specified by using
the ASC or DESC flag) or nonhierarchical (as specified by using the
BASC or BDESC flag
Result (2012sql):
| Lights | (null) |
| Locks | (null) |
| Panniers | (null) |
| Pumps | (null) |
| Bib-Shorts | (null) |
| Tights | (null) |
| Bottom Brackets | (null) |
| Brakes | (null) |
| Chains | (null) |
| Cranksets | (null) |
| Derailleurs | (null) |
| Forks | (null) |
| Handlebars | (null) |
| Headsets | (null) |
| Mountain Frames | (null) |
| Pedals | (null) |
| Road Frames | (null) |
| Saddles | (null) |
| Touring Frames | (null) |
| Wheels | (null) |
| Socks | $5,106.32 |
| Cleaners | $7,218.60 |
| Caps | $19,688.10 |
| Gloves | $35,020.70 |
| Vests | $35,687.00 |
| Bike Racks | $39,360.00 |
| Bike Stands | $39,591.00 |
| Hydration Packs | $40,307.67 |
| Fenders | $46,619.58 |
| Bottles and Cages | $56,798.19 |
| Shorts | $71,319.81 |
| Jerseys | $172,950.68 |
| Helmets | $225,335.60 |
| Tires and Tubes | $245,529.32 |
| Touring Bikes | $3,844,801.05 |
| Mountain Bikes | $9,952,759.56 |
| Road Bikes | $14,520,584.04 |