I'm wondering if I can get some help on understanding how to use the timeline
I plan to have the character walking along a path with triggers that will activate the timeline,
I have set up a simple state machine on the monkey
which would be triggered by the path to play the timeline, that part works fine and I can see the events firing
How could I play part of the timeline when triggered (is that even possible?)
where the entire sequence is held Walk>Jump>Walk>Look>Walk>Idle
Or what would I need to do to be able to achieve playback of a clip/or part of a sequence of clips
On the monkey:
public enum State
IEnumerator WalkHappyState()
Debug.Log("WalkHappy: Enter");
**//walk sequence with timeline here??**
while (state == State.WalkHappy)
yield return 0;
Debug.Log("WalkHappy: Exit");
Called on the paths event listener when triggered
private void OnCustomEvent(string eventname)
if (eventname.Contains("MonkeyRunningJumpUp"))
GameObject tempMonkey = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
Monkey tempMonkeyState = tempMonkey.GetComponent<Monkey>();
tempMonkeyState.state = Monkey.State.Jump;
I have seen its possible to control where the playback starts on a timeline, but I don't know how to force a range/clip to play then pause at the end of the clip rather than the end of the entire sequence
THE question is.. how to stop/pause at end of a clip to resume later?
playableDirector = myPlayableDirectorGO.GetComponent<PlayableDirector>();
playableDirector.time = timeLinePosition / ((TimelineAsset)playableDirector.playableAsset).editorSettings.fps;
with thanks Natalie :)
First of all, I recommend to install Default Playables if you haven’t done it yet.
Use Timeline Signals and markers to do something at the end of timeline or at certain point. Also, there is PlayableDirector.stopped event.
You can use pause and resume methods;
does anyone know how to fix this? In my unity game when I go to pause menu and then continue playing, my scoreboard stops updating. I have two scoreboards, one in game and one in pause menu. The one in pause menu works well and updates but the one in game freezes after once visited in pause menu.
Here is my pausecodes and codes to add money (score):
public void PauseGame()
Time.timeScale = 0;
public void UnPauseGame()
Time.timeScale = 1;
if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Respawn") // When player lifts fish up
// TODO: Player gets money (points) when this happens
Debug.Log("Add money");
public class textManager : MonoBehaviour
public static textManager instance;
public Text moneyText;
public int money;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
Data data = SaveSystem.LoadData();
money = data.balance;
moneyText.text = "Balance: " + money.ToString() + " $";
public void AddMoney()
money = money + 10;
moneyText.text = "Balance: " + money.ToString() + " $";
public int findMoney()
return money;
Please ask more info if needed.
I have tried to delete the one scoreboard in pause menu and after that the in-game pause menu started working right, but I would like to have still that other scoreboard too.
if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Respawn") // When player lifts fish up
// TODO: Player gets money (points) when this happens
Debug.Log("Add money");
As I said this is the fix for what you posted as for the pause unpause problem you have to post the actual code where you do the pause unpause behavior so can people help you out my friend. As for what you posted what you've been doing is destroying the script just before excuting the call to textManager.instance.AddMoney(); and this will never run in the order you set in your code.
The scope of a static field is global, this means there can only be one.
Your textManager (side note: a classes first letter has to be upper case) is certainly attached to multiple GameObjects, once to the object displaying the score in the scene UI and once to a UI element in the pause menu.
As soon as you pause your game the first time, the TextManager attached to the object in the pause menu will run Awake() and the instance (please capitalise your properties as well) will be overriden and the reference to the ingame TextManager gets discarded.
The sloppy fix is re-initializing the ingame TextManager when you unpause the game, assigning it to be the Instance again. I'd not recommend doing that though.
The better solution is to implement an event on the player that gets triggered when the score changes and making the player instance a Singleton object since there will be only one player in all circumstances.
The UI elements displaying the score can then subscribe to this event in OnEnable() and unsubscribe in OnDisable() (do not forget to unsubscribe from events).
Addendum: You should not destroy your object before all code has been executed. Your code will still work because of how things are managed on the C++ layer of Unity, but it is definitely bad practice.
Even the official documentation has borderline insane recommendations to solve what is probably one of the most common UI/3D interaction issues:
If I click while the cursor is over a UI button, both the button (via the graphics raycaster) and the 3D world (via the physics raycaster) will receive the event.
The official manual:
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem#1.2/manual/UISupport.html#handling-ambiguities-for-pointer-type-input essentially says "how about you design your game so you don't need 3D and UI at the same time?".
I cannot believe this is not a solved problem. But everything I've tried failed. EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject is sticky, not hover. PointerData is protected and thus not accessible (and one guy offered a workaround via deriving your own class from Standalone Input Module to get around that, but that workaround apparently doesn't work anymore). The old IsPointerOverGameObject throws a warning if you query it in the callback and is always true if you query it in Update().
That's all just mental. Please someone tell me there's a simple, obvious solution to this common, trivial problem that I'm just missing. The graphics raycaster certainly stores somewhere if it's over a UI element, right? Please?
I've looked into this a fair bit and in the end, the easiest solution seems to be to do what the manual says and put it in the Update function.
bool pointerOverUI = false;
void Update()
pointerOverUI = EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject();
Your frustration is well founded: there are NO examples of making UI work with NewInput which I've found. I can share a more robust version of the Raycaster workaround, from Youtube:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/* Danndx 2021 (youtube.com/danndx)
From video: youtu.be/7h1cnGggY2M
thanks - delete me! :) */
public class SCR_UiInteraction : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject ui_canvas;
GraphicRaycaster ui_raycaster;
PointerEventData click_data;
List<RaycastResult> click_results;
void Start()
ui_raycaster = ui_canvas.GetComponent<GraphicRaycaster>();
click_data = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
click_results = new List<RaycastResult>();
void Update()
// use isPressed if you wish to ray cast every frame:
// use wasReleasedThisFrame if you wish to ray cast just once per click:
void GetUiElementsClicked()
/** Get all the UI elements clicked, using the current mouse position and raycasting. **/
click_data.position = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
ui_raycaster.Raycast(click_data, click_results);
foreach(RaycastResult result in click_results)
GameObject ui_element = result.gameObject;
So, just drop into my "Menusscript.cs"?
But as a pattern, this is terrible for separating UI concerns. I'm currently rewiring EVERY separately-concerned PointerEventData click I had already working, and my question is, Why? I can't even find how it's supposed to work: to your point there IS no official guide at all around clicking UI, and it does NOT just drop-on-top.
Anyway, I haven't found anything yet which makes new input work easily on UI, and definitely not found how I'm going to sensibly separate Menuclicks from Activityclicks while keeping game & ui assemblies separate.
Good luck to us all.
Unity documentation for this issue with regard to Unity.InputSystem can be found at https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem#1.3/manual/UISupport.html#handling-ambiguities-for-pointer-type-input.
IsPointerOverGameObject() can always return true if the extent of your canvas covers the camera's entire field of view.
For clarity, here is the solution which I found worked best (accumulated from several other posts across the web).
Attach this script to your UI Canvas object:
public class CanvasHitDetector : MonoBehaviour {
private GraphicRaycaster _graphicRaycaster;
private void Start()
// This instance is needed to compare between UI interactions and
// game interactions with the mouse.
_graphicRaycaster = GetComponent<GraphicRaycaster>();
public bool IsPointerOverUI()
// Obtain the current mouse position.
var mousePosition = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
// Create a pointer event data structure with the current mouse position.
var pointerEventData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
pointerEventData.position = mousePosition;
// Use the GraphicRaycaster instance to determine how many UI items
// the pointer event hits. If this value is greater-than zero, skip
// further processing.
var results = new List<RaycastResult>();
_graphicRaycaster.Raycast(pointerEventData, results);
return results.Count > 0;
In class containing the method which is handling the mouse clicks, obtain the reference to the Canvas UI either using GameObject.Find() or a public exposed variable, and call IsPointerOverUI() to filter clicks when over UI.
Reply to #Milad Qasemi's answer
From the docs you have attached in your answer, I have tried the following to check if the user clicked on a UI element or not.
// gets called in the Update method
if(Input.GetMouseButton(0) {
int layerMask = 1 << 5;
// raycast in the UI layer
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), Vector2.zero, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask);
// if the ray hit any UI element, return
// don't handle player movement
if (hit.collider) { return; }
Debug.Log("Touched not on UI");
The raycast doesn't seem to detect collisions on UI elements. Below is a picture of the Graphics Raycaster component of the Canvas:
Reply to #Lowelltech
Your solution worked for me except that instead of Mouse I used Touchscreen
// Obtain the current touch position.
var pointerPosition = Touchscreen.current.position.ReadValue();
An InputSytem is a way to receive new inputs provided by Unity. You can't use existing scripts there, and you'll run into problems like the original questioner. Answers with code like "if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)" are invalid because they use the old system.
First of all, I'm quite noob with animator and animation systems in unity.
What I'm trying to achieve (and I was trying with Animator component) is a randomized attack only while I keep my mouse button pressed on the enemy and which completes the execution of the attack clip that is playing even if i release the button meanwhile.
I tried adding my 2 attack animations to a list and play it, with something like
anim.Play(Random.Range(0, list.Count))
...but I don'tknow if the problem is that while I keep pressed one animation cancels the other or what.
Therefore I prefer to ask, because I'm probably doing things in the wrong way.
Thank you.
Yes the issue is probably what you said: You have to wait until one Animation finished before starting a new one otherwise you would start a new animation every frame.
You could use a Coroutine (also check the API) to do that.
Ofcourse the same thing could be implemented also only in Update without using a Coroutine but most of the times that becomes really cluttered and sometimes even more complicated to handle. And there is not really any loss or gain (regarding performance) in simply "exporting" it to a Coroutine.
// Reference those in the Inspector or get them elsewhere
public List<AnimationClip> Clips;
public AnimationClip Idle;
private Animator _anim;
// A flag to make sure you can never start the Coroutine multiple times
private bool _isAnimating;
private void Awake()
_anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
private void Update()
// To make sure there is only one routine running
// This would immediately interrupt the animations when mouse is not pressed anymore
// uncomment if you prefer this otherwise the Coroutine waits for the last animation to finish
// and returns to Idle state afterwards
//else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
// // Interrupts the coroutine
// StopCoroutine (RandomAnimations());
// // and returns to Idle state
// _anim.Play(Idle.name);
// // Reset flag
// _isAnimating = false;
private IEnumerator RandomAnimations()
// Set flag to prevent another start of this routine
_isAnimating = true;
// Go on picking clips while mouse stays pressed
// Pick random clip from list
var randClip = Clips[Random.Range(0, Clips.Count)];
// Switch to the random clip
// Wait until clip finished before picking next one
yield return new WaitForSeconds(randClip.length);
// Even if MouseButton not pressed anymore waits until the last animation finished
// then returns to the Idle state
// If you rather want to interrupt immediately if the button is released
// skip this and uncomment the else part in Update
// Reset flag
_isAnimating = false;
Note that this way of randomizing does not provide things like "Don't play the same animation twice in a row" or "Play all animations before repeating one".
If you want this checkout this answer to a very similar question. There I used a randomized list to run through so there are no doubles
Hi I'm struggling with this issue.I searched a lot before asking here.
So i have programmed an arcade game which when it dies it pops up a menu with a continue option using one life out of five.Like Subway Surfers with the keys.
The issue is that when i use one heart i want to save it.But everytime i restart the game it keeps saying the initial number which is five.Or without using a life,it by itself,subtracts by one without even clicking the "Save me" button.
Here is my code:
public Text heart;
public Text heart2;
public int counter;
void Start () {
heart.text = "" + counter;
heart2.text = "" +counter;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void SaveMe()
heart.text = counter.ToString();
heart2.text = counter.ToString();
int heartScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0);
heartScore = counter;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Life2", heartScore);
heart.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
heart2.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
Then i call this method in the button script.
You should need to save life counter in a file or PlayerPrefs in unity so that loading a scene doesn't effect the counters.
Stores and accesses player preferences between game sessions.
When Unity loads a new scene (if not in an additive way) it will destroy everything that belongs to it before loading the new one. If you don't want a GameObject to be destroyed automatically, read the instructions for DontDestroyOnLoad
Also consider generally to separate your game model (in this occasion the variable counter) to a different Component and use scriptable objects for managing it/them. It will make your life easier in the long run.
Ive got the following code to check for agent collision.
I want to fire a MIDI message only once when they start colliding.
Ive got this so far.
void draw(){
//Loop through people, and check collision, then play note, if intersecting
for(int i=0;i<people.size();i++){
Person p = people.get(i);
public void collide(ArrayList<Person> people, ArrayList<Person> connections) {
for(Person other : people) {
if (other != this) {
if (this.collide(other)) {
//connections.add(other); // when a collision is found, add it to a list for later use.
void triggerMidi(){
if(!hasPlayed && this.isIntersecting==true){
MIDI.sendNoteOn(channel, agentNote, 127);
MIDI.sendNoteOff(channel,agentNote, 127);
This works to play the sound only once at the start of collision.
But how do I get it to play again at the start of another collision.
Obviously I have to set hasPlayed back to false.
But where?
When I set it to false in the collide loop, the sound play a million times.
Any ideas?
First off, you probably shouldn't have a call to delay() from your drawing thread. That will cause your sketch to become laggy and unresponsive. Instead, you might want to put your sound playing on a different thread.
Then, to answer your original question- do you know how long the note plays for? If so, just record the time that the note starts, and then use that time to check the elapsed time. The millis() function might come in handy for that. When the elapsed time is greater than the duration of the note, then you can set hasPlayed back to false.