Export Jaspersoft Dashboard to PDF (already working with phantomJS for PNG) - jasperserver

I have a strange problem, I can export my dashboard to PNG but I can't export it in any other format (PDF, DOCX, PPT, ...).
When I try to export in PDF, I have a 403 error (forbidden), is it normal that I can export to PNG but not in PDF ?
Thanks for your help.

I have contacted the Jaspersoft Support and after a live debugging session, the support found that the Temp folder at the organization level wasn't here (deleted during the setup of Jasperserver because we thought that it was useless), this Temp folder should have ROLE_USER permissions (all permissions).


how to display power point file and word file in flutter after getting file path

I listed all docx and pptx files from device storage now I want to open them using file path I tried different packages but I am getting a lot of issues can someone provide me a material related to opening document files or any package that can open files using file path thanks
You can try this package, it will open the files in default application from its path.

How do I browse all the files uploaded to Moodle

Moodle stores references to all files uploaded to it in its database, the files themselves get hashed and stored on disk but you cannot work out what the files are by looking at them on the disk.
Is there somewhere in the Moodle interface that lets you browse all the files that have been uploaded as an admin?
Is this available as a plugin? Looking for some kind of global file store browser.

SVG files not displaying with Cloudberry PSSnapIn

I am uploading a folder with subfolders containg SVG files. MIME-Type is set to image/svg+xml.
When I transfer the folder using the Cloudberry GUI interface there is no problem and the publication with the SVG files display perfectly.
When I transfer the same folder using PowerShell with the Cloudberry PSSnapIn with -CheckFileConsistency set. the folder uploads but the SVG files do not render.
I believe that the files with the snap-in are being handled as 'octet-stream' whilst those transferred manually are being handled correctly as svg+xml. I've tried transferring with TNTDrive and again the files display with no issue.
found the answer. Not enough to set the .svg content-type using the Cloudberry GUI. You have to set it in the PS script as well using Add-CloudContentType.

Jaspersoft Server V5.5 Catalogue Import Creates Directories in Repository But No Reports, Import Controls, Or Queries Are Imported

I have a zip file created using the Export function in Jaspersoft Server V5.5. This zip file contains a catalogue of all reports, input controls, and queries from a development server.
When I try to import the catalogue to V5.5 on my production server by logging in as superuser and going to "Manage > Server Settings > Import", selecting the zip file, and clicking Submit, I receive an "Import Succeeded" message.
When I check the repository however, most of the directories have been created (but not the input control or queries folders) but none of the actual reports, input controls or queries have been imported.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to modify any of the files within the zip file?

Unable to attach certain file types to MoinMoin page?

I configured a a local MoinMoin server and am trying to attach an excel file to a page. Upload for cpp, ods and txt files works fine but pdf, exe, doc, xls and xlsx files DON'T get attached. Once I click the 'upload' button, I get redirected back to the wiki page. When I go back to the Attachments sections I don't see the file attached to the page.
(Running MoinMoin 1.9.3 + Apache2.2 on Windows XP.)
It seems to be an issue only when moin python scripts are called as CGI scripts. I switched to using WSGI in Apache (following instructions from http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/IntegrationWithMoinMoin) and am able to upload any file.