Swagger Specification file for SurveyMonkey API - rest

I'm currently working on developing connector for the surveymonkey Rest API. Is there any OpenAPI Specification file for the same that has all the endpoints as per the docs? If not, can I get it in the near future?

In researching the same question, I discovered that you can export the Survey Monkey collection from Postman as a JSON file, then convert it to OpenAPI format using this tool: https://kevinswiber.github.io/postman2openapi/.
Postman is working on a new feature to make this functionality available directly within their tool as well.


Is there an OpenAPI or other API Specification for the Amazon Connect API?

I'm looking to get familiar with the Amazon Connect API. I've seen the reference below but it's difficult to use for me because the navigation is a flat, alphabetical list of endpoints ordered by action instead of resource. Of note, the endpoints are alphabetized beginning with "Delete", Get", "List", "Update" and others, while it would be great to have these grouped by resource.
I'd like to reorganize the docs which can be done by editing an OpenAPI or other API specification and adding tags for each operation. I looked though the reference and conducted a few searches unsuccessfully.
I'm using the following API Reference:
Any other spec format such as RAML or a proprietary format would be okay as well. For example, Google provides their own "Google Discovery Format" which can be converted to OpenAPI. The following is mentioned at https://googleapis.github.io/ .
We recommend using OpenAPI and OpenAPI-based tools for working with Google’s REST APIs. Several tools for converting Google Discovery Format to OpenAPI have been published:
google-discovery-to-swagger, an MIT-licensed open source script for converting Google Discovery format into Swagger 2.0.
API Spec Converter, an online converter from LucyBot.
The API Transformer from APIMatic.
Google’s OpenAPI tools include gnostic, a front-end for OpenAPI tools that reads OpenAPI descriptions, puts them in an efficient binary representation, and allows efficient plugins and standalone tools to be easily written in any programming language with Protocol Buffer support.
Is there an OpenAPI or other spec available for this API? If there is, I'd like to update it with tags and then render it in an easier to consume format.
Update: Aossey notes that Amazon doesn't publish OpenAPI specs for their APIs. To address this, I've started to assemble some information in the repo below, potentially resulting in an OpenAPI spec. Feel free to contribute.
The short answer is no, there is no OpenAPI spec for these APIs.
These functions (listed in the docs you linked) are implemented in AWS SDK and the AWS CLI. While there are underlying HTTP endpoints, they are not easily consumable in the way you're most likely looking for. The SDK and CLI take care of authentication/authorization (via IAM service) and request signing for you, which you would have to implement yourself if you were going to leverage the endpoints directly.

Is there tool that can be used to Visually design Swagger REST APIs and then generate the Swagger Specification YAML specification?

These days everyone is making REST applications. So far i used only swagger editor for generating those files.
Does anyone know if there is good mature tool or IDE that thave ability to visually design Swagger REST APIs and then generate the Swagger Specification YAML specification file?
Tool can be commercial or opensource
I am using https://studio.restlet.com for that.
It is a great tool and it is pretty in intuitive..
You can do export/import from Swagger and RAML.
I'm using postman for testing api. Postman collections can be exported and transformed to valid Swagger 2.0 YAML on https://apimatic.io/transformer.
Exported YAML file then import on swaggerhub https://app.swaggerhub.com were changes can be made if needed.
Folders from postman are transformed into tags, request models are generated by body of request and response examples can be used to document different error responses.

How to upload a folder and subfolders within documents using Alfresco Rest API?

I want to upload a folder that contains many subfolders, those subfolders contains also many documents, into alfresco repository. I did this with Bulk Import Tool using for each folder/document an xml metadata file for importing also their properties. But to do this I must generate for each an xml file containing the metadata. So I search for an alternative solution and I found that I can do this with Alfresco Rest API calls without that xml metadata file. But I really don't know how to use it for upload.
Please if someone can help me with that. Thanks a lot.
If you can get your files moved to the same server where Alfresco is running, using the Bulk File System Import Tool (BFSIT) is likely going to be the best import approach in terms of performance, even if you have to create the XML manifest files that describe the metadata that accompanies each file you are importing.
If that approach does not meet your needs you can use a variety of alternatives to do the import. That includes:
Writing a client that leverages CMIS using Java, Python, .NET, or any other languages for which you can find a CMIS client library. Apache Chemistry has several, but there are others out there.
Using the client-side JavaScript API that is shipped as part of ADF.
Using the Alfresco public REST API. Prior to Alfresco 5.2, the "Alfresco API" was a mix of CMIS and Alfresco-specific REST calls that handled things the CMIS API did not cover. With 5.2 there is a new set of RESTful endpoints that can be used for all sorts of things, including creating nodes.
Defintely recommend taking a look at the API Explorer to see the Swagger doc on the API.

Documenting API with Swagger

I'm new in Swagger. I have an API and I want to document it with Swagger based on model, not on annotation. Please provide some guide how can I do it? Thanks in advance! I need literature, examples, tutorial etc.
Swagger is the easiest way to create REST API documentation and the sand box for your API, You need to just follow some annotation rule defined by swagger API.
You have to learn the following thing first-
Basic REST API concepts
REST API with Play.
Look in Swagger annotations.
You can see the demo at http://petstore.swagger.io/
To understand the flow see in the following files

Writing an api-doc for Swagger

I'm trying to use the Swagger UI, and it says that I should begin by writing an api-doc that describes the exact api for a REST api. The problem is that I have no idea what this means. Is this document written in plain English? Or is there a certain format that will be able to generate the UI?
Thank you!
Swagger is a specification for describing REST APIs. Documentation of the specification can be found here - https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec.
Generally, there are two ways to document your API. If you already have an existing API with code, you can use any of the existing libraries (https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec#additional-libraries) to integrate into your code and generate documentation at run time. Some of those libraries also offer offline generation of such docs.
If you're looking to design an API, or would rather not integrate another library into your application, you can use https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor either locally or with the online version - http://editor.swagger.io.
Once you have the documentation, you can use Swagger UI to visualize and test it.