Migration & Technology Alignment: Sails.js from Wakanda - sails.js

I am evaluating Sails.js as potentially the most closely aligned alternative for a migration of about four years of development on the Wakanda JS full stack platform. I would appreciate perspectives from the Sails.js community based on the following overview:
AS-IS: WakandaDB, Node.js / SSJS / Node Workers / Shared Workers; Client side: Angular 5 for Web and for Ionic/Cordova hybrid mobile apps.
Wakanda DB and Wakanda API and dataclass / dataclass method architecture and all of its off the shelf capabilities will no longer be in play.
It seems that Sails.js is the most closely aligned to my current technology stack. Does the community agree with this? I understand the community is pretty large, but I do not see evidence of this in terms of books on Amazon (as compared to the Meteor platform for example).
Appreciate perspectives and any references to migration related guides/references.

I'm using sails.js professionnaly for four years now.
I worked with version V0.12 and now V1.0.
I've never heard of the Framework Wakanda so i can't tell you if the technology stack match.
All i can say is Sails.JS have strenghs and weaknesses.
I will just give you the cons so you can see if this is a no go for you.
The community is not the most active, a lots of good stuff developed for v0.12 isn't ready for v1.0 after years (i'm thinking of sails-auth and sails-permissions who provide good ACL structure).
He could be to big for small projects but i don't think it's a problem for your needs.
He works great with MongoDB but not that much with other DB system (even if community developed adapters for other DB as postgresql).
And for me the biggest weakness of this framework is his ORM.
This one will play with your nerves, you will have to rewrite some parts like the one who create the criteria of the query from express req and set default limit to your query even if you don't ask it.
I you don't use mongo, don't use the migration script provide by the adapter and build your own with db-migrate.
So i will recommend Sails JS for project with complex API but simple DB structure.
Hope this will help you in your choice ;)


To run a GraphQL server in Python that allows queries and subscriptions, do I have to combine it with a web framework service?

Excuse my ignorance in this area: most of my programming has been in optimization and research. I am very new to GraphQL and client-server programming.
My organization is working on an automated scheduler in Python 3.9 for scheduling observations for a large-scale telescope.
We are relying on many different services to all communicate via GraphQL. At the moment, I am trying to implement a GraphQL server that can be queried or accept subscriptions to disseminate when a new schedule for the night is created (for any number of reasons such as changing weather conditions, instrument faults, modifications to observations). Eventually, we will need to allow mutations (e.g. to the priority of observations, or to fix an observation at a given time).
I am looking at both Strawberry and Graphene as my possible options, but what is unclear to me is if I require them to be combined with a web framework service like Django or Flask to achieve the functionality that I need.
I see that Strawberry has a built-in (possibly only debug) server, but it also discusses integration with Django, Flask, and others, and I am not certain if I need to go to that level. I have been working through examples and completed a JavaScript course using Apollo Server / Client, but I'm not sure how these compare to Python GraphQL server implementations.
I apologize for my lack of knowledge: I am trying to keep the project as simple as possible for now, and having played around with Graphene and Django, I'm not sure if I'm overcomplicating things of if this approach is necessary.
Statements like "Graphene is fully featured with integrations for the most popular web frameworks and ORMs" lead me to believe a web framework is required, but again, I am not sure and feel very out of my depth since in this area is virtually nonexistent.
I'm the maintainer of Strawberry GraphQL 😊
For both Strawberry and Graphene you'd need framework like Django or Flask.
Strawberry has support for Subscriptions when using an ASGI framework like Starlette or FastAPI, there's some example here: https://strawberry.rocks/docs/general/subscriptions#subscriptions
We also have an almost-done PR that adds support for subscriptions using django: https://github.com/strawberry-graphql/strawberry/pull/1407

Why does a complete DynamoDB Object Mapper for JPA support NOT exist?

There are Object Mappers for JPA support for NoSQL databases like Mongo, Couch in Hibernate OGM, Spring Data. But, I could not able to find any reliable and actively developed framework for Dynamodb.
I looked spring-data-dynamodb, but it is stated that:
Due to external time and project commitments, I'm no longer able to continue active development of this project as of January 2016. Thank you to everyone involved in shaping the project over the past few years and thanks to all those who have raised issues and submitted pull requests over the time.
This lack of support causes model integration problems with widely used Java MVC frameworks.
Could you please explain me the technical details, why there is not a complete Dynamodb Object Mapper for JPA support?

Need a small sample application based on the technology stack (Durandal, Knockout, Require, Mongo and Breeze)

Currently, I am working on a project that is basically an ASP.NET SPA web application using durandal much like the John Papa's Code Camper SPA demo application.
The application is currently using the following javascript libraries/technologies:
require (AMD)
and NoSQL (MongoDB) as the database.
The plan now is to integrate the breeze to utilise its rich data management and other features. The problem is that the breeze is based on the concept of metadata. I have looked on the samples that were mostly based on the Entity Framework and those are not solving my purpose.
I have even looked into the samples in the breeze website with NoDB (Edmunds and Todo Lists) and these are also not solving the purpose due to the same metadata dependency issue as the application is quite big. Recently, a new sample named MongoDB (Zza Pizza Ordering) based on the BMEAN stack (Breeze, Mongo, Express, Angular and Node javascript applications) got released but the question is I didn't want to concentrate on including more javascript files (Express, Angular and Node).
Please provide me a small sample application based on the technology stack (Durandal, Knockout, Require, Mongo and Breeze) in case anyone have worked on the similar technology stack as I mentioned about.
Take a look at the samples here. You will probably not find the exact technology stack that you are using but the samples include examples of knockout, require, durandel, and mongoDB.
have a look at DurandalAuth the Demo ist here or Pluralsight from john Papa i hope this will help you starting

Is Meteor an option, if i need an additional REST API?

I'm, going to write a web app, which should be CRUD accessible from both, the web and native mobile device apps. For the latter i'm definitely committed to a REST API. Is it possible to realize that with Meteor.com ? Would it be an option to use Meteor for just the web and a second REST interface to directly talk to the mongo? Since the meteor client listens for changes in the mongodb this should not cause conflicts, does it?
As of 2015, look at Gadi's answer for the Meteorpedia entry on REST APIs, and at krose's answer comparing REST API packages. Discussion for folding REST APIs into core is on Hackpad. This question is a duplicate of How to expose a RESTful service with Meteor, which has much better answers. -- Dan Dascalescu
Old answer (2012) below.
For adding RESTful methods on top of your data, look into the Collection API written for Meteor:
As for authentication for accessing the database, take a look at this project:
Both are definitely infantile in development, but you can create a RESTful API and integrate it with a mobile native client pretty easily.
There are a lot of duplicates of this question. I did a full write-on on this in Meteorpedia which I believe covers all issues:
The post reviews all 6 options for creating REST interfaces, from highest level (e.g. smart packages that handle everything for you) to lowest level (e.g. writing your own connectHandler).
Additionally the post covers when using a REST interface is the right or wrong thing to do in Meteor, references Meteor REST testing tools, and explains common pitfalls like CORS security issues.
If you are planning to develop a production application, then Meteor is not an option right now. Its under constant change, and there are still many common features it has to support before its ready to use, which will be quite some time.
For your Question, Somebody has already asked and answered the question about support for file uploading in meteor(also contains HTTP handing related information).
How would one handle a file upload with Meteor?

Spring MVC / Restful services - how to get started

I'd like to build a restful service to return some JSON data to a mobile application. I've worked with Grails in the past - it's pretty much perfect for this - but I'd like to learn Spring for my own purposes, mostly because it's the dominant Java-based server technology. So, I'm thinking about building the service in Spring MVC 3 for my own edification. But, one problem already is my hosting service doesn't support Spring - nor Grails for that matter. They do support Ruby on Rails and PHP.
My question - how heavy of a learning curve is it to get Spring up and running with a restful service? Is there a really good tutorial/learning resource to learn Spring in a short amount of time? Also, will it be difficult/expensive to find a hosting server? Or should I throw in the towel and go with Ruby or PHP?
There are loads of tutorials and some very good ones as well
This one was recommended by SpringSource a couple of weeks ago. It's in 5 parts so make sure to check out the other ones as well :)
At first glance it might look like alot of work but it really isn't, you do the initial wiring pretty fast and then adding new Controllers are really simple so in long term it's going to be fast and easy.