helmignore double-star syntax is not supported in helm 3 - kubernetes

I want to ignore specifics files in subchart folder (because some objects, like secrets, are created by all my subchart, so duplicated...). I don't know the depth of these objects. So I want to use this syntax in .helmignore :
But I got this error :
Error: double-star (**) syntax is not supported
How can I do that in helm 3 ?

Unfortunately, this feature doesn't supported nether in helm2 nor helm3.
helm2 source code: link
helm3 source code: link
Try to ignore it explicitly:
$ cat .helmignore
# or


Helmchart values yaml override with helmfile

I try to my custom chart's values.yaml change with overridevalue.yaml to override values. However when I install the chart with helm repo add command and try to reach values yaml it throws me "values.yaml does not exist in ".".
Helm automatically uses values.yaml file from chart's root directory.
you can pass additional values or override existing ones by passing the file during installation:
$ helm install -f override_values.yaml app ./app
you can pass multiple -f <values_yaml> .. ... The priority will be given to the last (right-most) file specified for overriding existing values.

Is there any way to define own options in *.pc files except standard options

I am trying to make a .pc file and want to define a flag ldflags and use it something like this
pkg-config package --ldflags
but it's showing unknown option ldflags.
Is there a way to define my own option in pc file.
.pc file has special format, check here:
The file format contains predefined metadata keywords and freeform
keywords are fixed, e.g. Cflags and most of them correspond to pkg-config tool options e.g. --cflags. But variables:
... can be used by the keyword definitions for flexibility or to store
data not covered by pkg-config
So, it possible to add own, for example I created minimum possible one (Name, Version, Description are mandatory keywords):
$ cat test.pc
Name: test
Version: 1
Description: test
$ pkg-config --variable=aaa
It's possible to list all with --print-variables option (interestingly though that pcfiledir variable is added automatically):
$ pkg-config --print-variables test.pc
$ pkg-config --variable=pcfiledir
It can even (re)define one variable using another:
$ cat test.pc
Name: test
Version: 1
Description: test
$ pkg-config test.pc --variable=aaa --define-variable=ccc=xxx
Wonder about your use case? since contents of this file is just for keeping metadata about dependencies some package has. Maybe you should add instead these flags to Libs or Libs.private keywords?

Use different name of the kustomization.yaml

For CI/CD purposes, the project is maintaining 2 kustomization.yaml files
Regular deployments - kustomization_deploy.yaml
Rollback deployment - kustomization_rollback.yaml
To run kustomize build, a file with the name "kustomization.yaml" is required in the current directory.
If the project wants to use kustomization_rollback.yaml and NOT kustomization.yaml, how is this possible? Does kustomize accept file name as an argument? Docs do not specify anything on this.
Currently there is no possibility to change the behavior of kustomize to support other file names (by using precompiled binaries) than:
All of the below cases will produce the same error output:
kubectl kustomize dir/
kubectl apply -k dir/
kustomize build dir/
Error: unable to find one of 'kustomization.yaml', 'kustomization.yml' or 'Kustomization' in directory 'FULL_PATH/dir'
Depending on the CI/CD platform/solution/tool you should try other way around like for example:
split the Deployment into 2 directories kustomization_deploy/kustomization_rollback with kustomization.yaml
As a side note!
File names that kustomize uses are placed in the:
// Package constants holds global constants for the kustomize tool.
package constants
// KustomizationFileNames is a list of filenames that can be recognized and consumbed
// by Kustomize.
// In each directory, Kustomize searches for file with the name in this list.
// Only one match is allowed.
var KustomizationFileNames = []string{
The logic behind choosing the Kustomization file is placed in:
Additional reference:
Github.com: Kubernetes-sigs: Kustomize
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Tasks: Manage kubernetes objects: Kustomization

Unset/remove default value in helm values.yaml

I have a downloaded file through helm inspect called sftp.yaml
I have a parameter in that sftp.yaml file:-
allowedMACs: "hmac-sha2-512"
allowedCiphers: aes256-ctr
Now if i install the corresponding helm chart after commenting out the entire line of "allowedMACs" from custom values files i.e. "sftp.yaml", then K8s takes the delta of sftp.yaml and the actual values.yaml and then use values.yaml's "allowedMACs".
However What i want is if "allowedMACs" line is commented in "sftp.yaml" custom values file, then it should not set the env variable at all, or sets it as null.
presently my deployment file's env section looks like
- name: MACs
value: {{ default "" .Values.sftp.allowedMACs | quote }}
You need to either override (with new value) or unset the value, if you only comment out the section you are not doing any of the above and the default value is going to be used.
Basically you are looking to unset a default value. As per banzaicloud example this can be done like so:
helm install stable/chart-name --set sftp.allowedMACs=null
You can also use override value file in a similar way:
allowedMACs: null
allowedCiphers: aes256-ctr
This is available in Helm since version 2.6. If you like in-depth information you can review the issue and the subsequent PR that introduced the feature.
yeah I think helm would retrieve values from all values files, so if allowedMACs is in one of those it'll get populated. If this parameter is affected only by sftp.yaml file should it really belong only to it and would i make sense to remove it from main values.yaml?

How to render only selected template in Helm?

I have ~20 yamls in my helm chart + tons of dependencies and I want to check the rendered output of the specific one. helm template renders all yamls and produces a hundred lines of code. Is there a way (it would be nice to have even a regex) to render only selected template (by a file or eg. a name).
From helm template documentation
-s, --show-only stringArray only show manifests rendered from the given templates
For rendering only one resource use helm template -s templates/deployment.yaml .
If you have multiple charts in one directory:
|- chart2
If you want to generate only one file e.g. chart1/deployment.yaml using values from file chart1/values.yaml follow these steps:
Enter to the chart folder:
cd chart1
Run this command:
helm template . --values values.yaml -s templates/deployment.yaml --name-template myReleaseName > chart1-deployment.yaml
Generated manifest will be inside file chart1-deployment.yaml.