How to Find or Replace New Line Character in ORACLE SQL Developer - oracle-sqldeveloper

When I press Ctrl + F in SQL Developer the Find/Replace tool comes up. I need to replace a new line with ',' . I can't figure out how to search for a new line. In SSMS I could hit Ctrl+F and enter \n in the find or replace field if I wanted to find or replace a new line. How do I do this with ORACLE SQL Developers Find and Replace tool?

When you open Find/Replace, then:
enter \n into the search field
enter , into the replace field
push the Regular expresssion button in the toolbar (it is 4th in my 18.3 version, after Match Case, Whole word, Highlight)
push the "Replace all" button in the toolbar


How to edit all lines in Visual Studio Code

I have a list of data to which I need to put a ' symbol at the start of the line and at the end of the line. So the original data looks like this:
And I want all of the lines to look like this:
In my real data, I would have 10,000 of lines. So if I can do something like Ctrl+Shift+A to select the entire document and then have some magic shortcut to change from selecting all lines to editing all lines that would be perfect!
You could edit and replace with a regex:
Find (Ctrl+F):
This regex finds any content on a line and wraps it inside quotes. The $1 refers to whatever is matched inside the parentheses in the regex. In this case, it's "one or more characters" i.e. everything on the line. Be sure to tick the regex icon.
If every line may or may not have a space before the content, and you want every line to have a space, try this:
^ ?(.+)$
Replace (notice the space before the first quote):
Here is an easy way to do this:
Ctrl+A to select all or select your desired text.
Shift+Alt+I to put a cursor at the end of each line.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the end).
Home will move all your cursors to the beginning of the lines.
Type your ' (or whatever you want at the beginning of all the lines).
You can use the Alt + Shift shortcut.
First press Alt + Shift then click the mouse button on the first line.
Go to the last line, and then do the same.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Do the same on the other side too.
Use Toggle Multi curosr Modified from action pane.
Select the cursor points with ctrl + <Mouse click> , you can modify everything simultaneously.
This will require lots of manual efforts if lines are more
You can use Find and Replace.
Besides, paste to Excel and using a function to add character '.
The first thing that came to my mind - replace abcde with 'abcde' line by using option Find and Replace option. I'm pretty sure Visual Studio Code has something similar to that.
You can use the Shift +Alt shortcut for windows and for Mac use Shift + Option
First press Alt + Shift/Shift + Option then click the mouse button on the first line.
This will mark all the parts of one side. Whatever you type will be reflected in the marked spaces.
Place Cursor where you want to insert/delete text.
Goto Selection Menu and choose Column Selection Mode
Scroll to the bottom of the data and shift + click in the last line where you placed the first cursor.
Perform action (add/delete whatevs)
Repeat for whatever other areas you want to change.
v: 1.74.3
1- You can use the Ctrl + H shortcut (menu Edit → Replace)
Enter abcde in Find Control.
Enter 'abcde' in Replace Control.
Then press Ctrl + Alt + Enter.

Eclipse shortcut to select or remove all spaces up to (but excluding) the next word

For years I was working with Netbeans and the following is one of the very few features that I cannot find in eclipse:
How can I select or remove all trailing or preceding spaces up to (but excluding) the next or previous word respectively, in one keystroke combination.
In netbeans Ctrl+Shift+Right / Ctrl+Shift+Left and Ctrl+Backspace / Ctrl+Delete would just do this.
In eclipse,
Shift+Ctrl+Left = Select previous word
Shift+Ctrl+Right = Select next word
Use Ctrl+Right or Ctrl+Left = To jump to end or start of a word.
Then pressing
Shift+Ctrl+Right or Shift+Ctrl+Left twice selection will select white spaces between two words.

sublime text / ms word delete misc line breaks in code

I have a csv file that has random line breaks throughout the file. (probably load errors when the file was created where the loader somehow managed to put a carriage return into the field)
How do I go in and remove all carriage returns / line breaks where the last character is not "
I have word and sublime text available for text editors
I have tried ^p with a letter infront and find and replace, but that doesnt seem to work for some of the lines for some reason
"3203","Shelving Units
instead of
"3203","Shelving Units",".033"
instead of
Menu > Find > Replace... or Ctrl+H
Select "Regular Expression" (probably a .* icon in the bottom left, depending on your theme).
Use \n to select newlines (LF) or \r\n (CRLF).
As #GerardRoche said you can use search and replace in Sublime Text. Open it via ctrl+h and press alt+r to toggle regex to enable it. (You may want to create a backup of your file before doing such changes.)
Search for (?<=[^"\n])\n+ and replace it with nothing, press Replace All or ctrl+alt+enter to replace it.
The regex just mean: search for alt least one (+) newlines (\n), that are preceded by something different than a quotation mark or a newline (?<=[^"\n]).
You don't need to worry about carriage returns, because ST only uses them when reading and writing the file and not in the editor.

Eclipse : search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE

Is it possible to search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE .
For example i need to search for a word "sub" .
But the problem is that , when i did ctr l + H and typed the word "sub" , it producing all matching results such as
submit ----etc , but i want the exact word "sub" in my Search .
Please let me know if its possible ??
Thanks in advance .
Try using regular expressions in the File Search Dialogue (Ctrl + H). You can use the word boundaries modifier \b like so :
\bsub\b asks eclipse to search for all matches in which sub is both followed and preceded by a word boundary. Read more about word boundaries here.
Here is a sample snapshot of the Search Results using the above:
If you want to restrict the search to the current project then try selecting 'Enclosing Projects' radio option. This option will be disabled if you don't already have a file from the Project opened. To get past this annoyance, I would recommend creating a Working Set with just the project(s) of interest and then restricting the search on that Working Set.
You can do it from Find/Replace menu (CTRL+F) and flagging the Whole word option :
Otherwise from the standard Search menu(CTRL+H) you can achieve the same result using an appropriate regular expression, in your case you just need to append a space after(or/and before) the sub text and you will get only the whole word.
Select the word and then press Ctrl+Alt+letter(G) it will search the word where it is used.

How to search and replace 2 lines (together) in Eclipse?

I would like to search multiple files via eclipse for the following 2 lines:
#Length(max = L_255)
private String description;
and replace them with these two:
#Length(max = L_255, message="{validator.description.len}")
private String description;
Another tip on how to get the regex for a selected block.
Open one of the files that contains the multiple lines (multiline) to search or replace.
Click Ctrl+F and select "Regular expression". Close the Find/Replace window.
Select the block you need and click again Ctrl+F to open the Find/Replace window.
Now in the Find text box you have the regular expression that exactly matches your selection block.
(I discovered this, only after creating manually a regexp for very long block :)
Search are multi-line by default in Eclipse when you are using regex:
(\#Length\(max = L_255)\)([\r\n\s]+private)
I would like to add "private String description;"
(\#Length\(max = L_255)\)([\r\n\s]+private\s+?String\s+description\s*?;)
replaced by:
\1, message="{validator.description.len}")\2
It works perfectly in a File Search triggered by a CTRL-H.
As mentioned in Tika's answer, you can directly copy the two lines selected in the "Containing Text" field: those lines will be converted as a regexp for you by Eclipse.
CTRL+H does take two lines if you use regexp (and you don't have to write the regexp by yourself, eclipse does that for you).
Select your lines.
Click CTRL+H. The search dialog opens up.
If "Regular expression" is already checked, eclipse will have converted the two lines you search for into regexp for you, click Search.
If "Regular expression" if not already checked", check it and click Cancel (eclipse remembers your choice).
Select your lines again.
Click CTRL+H. The search dialog opens up. This time "Regular expression" is already selected. eclipse will have converted the two lines you search for into regexp for you, click Search.
A quick tip for including multiple lines as part of a manually constructed regular expression:
Where you would normally use .* to match any character zero or more times, instead consider using something like (?:.|\r?\n)*. Or put an extra ? at the end to make it non-greedy.
Explanation: . doesn't match new lines so need to do an "either-or": The parentheses match either the . before the pipe or the new line after it. The ? after \r makes the carriage return before the line feed optional to allow Windows or Unix new lines. The ?: excludes the whole thing as a capturing group (which helps to avoid a stack overflow).
Click Ctrl + F and select "Regular Expression" and then search the lines. In case to perform the same on multiple files, click Ctrl + H, click on 'File Search' and perform the same.
Select the folder that contains all your files and press Ctrl+H.