Im trying to convert a script from PLSQL to TSQL and am stuff with a couple of lines
table(cast(multiset(select level from dual connect by level <= len (regexp_replace(t.image, '[^**]+'))/2) as sys.OdciNumberList)) levels
where substr(REGEXP_SUBSTR (t.image, '[^**]+',1, levels.column_value),1,instr( REGEXP_SUBSTR (t.image, '[^**]+',1, levels.column_value),'=',1) -1)
Any help would be great.
For a better answer it would be good to include some sample input and desired results. Especially when addressing a different version of SQL. Perhaps including a PL/SQL tag would help find someone who understands PL/SQL and T-SQL. It would also be helpful to include DDL, specifically the datatype for "Level". Again, I say this not to be critical but rather guide you towards getting better answers here.
All That said, you can accomplish what you are trying to do in T-SQL leveraging a tally table, an N-Grams function and a couple other functions which I are included at the end of this post.
To replace or remove characters that match a pattern in t-SQL you can use patreplace8k. Here's an example of how to use it to replace numbers with *'s:
SELECT pr.NewString
FROM samd.patReplace8K('My phone number is 555-2211','[0-9]','*') AS pr;
Returns: My phone number is -*
Here's an example of how to extract all phone numbers from a string:
#string VARCHAR(8000) = 'Call me later at 222-3333 or tomorrow at 312.555.2222,
(313)555-6789, or at 1+800-555-4444 before noon. Thanks!',
#pattern VARCHAR(50) = '%[^0-9()+.-]%';
SELECT ItemNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY f.position),
ItemIndex = f.position,
ItemLength = itemLen.l,
Item = SUBSTRING(f.token, 1, itemLen.l)
SELECT ng.position, SUBSTRING(#string,ng.position,DATALENGTH(#string))
FROM samd.NGrams8k(#string, 1) AS ng
WHERE PATINDEX(#pattern, ng.token) < --<< this token does NOT match the pattern
ABS(SIGN(ng.position-1)-1) + --<< are you the first row? OR
PATINDEX(#pattern,SUBSTRING(#string,ng.position-1,1)) --<< always 0 for 1st row
) AS f(position, token)
DATALENGTH(#string)+2-f.position)-1)) AS itemLen(l)
WHERE itemLen.L > 6 -- this filter is more harmful to the extractor than the splitter
ORDER BY ItemNumber;
T-SQL INSTR Function
I included a T-SQL version of Oracles INSTR function at the end of this post. Note these examples:
#string VARCHAR(8000) = 'AABBCC-AA123-AAXYZPDQ-AA-54321',
#search VARCHAR(8000) = '-AA',
#position INT = 1,
#occurance INT = 2;
-- 1.1. Get me the 2nd #occurance "-AA" in #string beginning at #position 1
SELECT f.* FROM samd.instr8k(#string,#search,#position,#occurance) AS f;
-- 1.2. Retreive everything *BEFORE* the second instance of "-AA"
ItemIndex = f.ItemIndex,
Item = SUBSTRING(#string,1,f.itemindex-1)
FROM samd.instr8k(#string,#search,#position,#occurance) AS f;
-- 1.3. Retreive everything *AFTER* the second instance of "-AA"
ItemIndex = MAX(f.ItemIndex),
Item = MAX(SUBSTRING(#string,f.itemindex+f.itemLength,8000))
FROM samd.instr8k(#string,#search,#position,#occurance) AS f;
regexp_replace (ADVANCED)
Here's a more complex example, leveraging ngrams8k to replace phone numbers with the text "REMOVED"
#string VARCHAR(8000) = 'Call me later at 222-3333 or tomorrow at 312.555.2222, (313)555-6789, or at 1+800-555-4444 before noon. Thanks!',
#pattern VARCHAR(50) = '%[0-9()+.-]%';
SELECT NewString = (
SELECT IIF(IsMatch=1 AND patSplit.item LIKE '%[0-9][0-9][0-9]%','<REMOVED>', patSplit.item)
SELECT 1, i.Idx, SUBSTRING(#string,1,i.Idx), CAST(0 AS BIT)
FROM (VALUES(PATINDEX(#pattern,#string)-1)) AS i(Idx) --FROM (VALUES(PATINDEX('%'+#pattern+'%',#string)-1)) AS i(Idx)
WHERE SUBSTRING(#string,1,1) NOT LIKE #pattern
itemLength = LEAD(r.RN,1,DATALENGTH(#string)+1) OVER (ORDER BY r.RN)-r.RN,
item = SUBSTRING(#string,r.RN,
LEAD(r.RN,1,DATALENGTH(#string)+1) OVER (ORDER BY r.RN)-r.RN),
isMatch = ABS(t.p-2+1)
FROM core.rangeAB(1,DATALENGTH(#string),1,1) AS r
CAST(PATINDEX(#pattern,SUBSTRING(#string,r.RN,1)) AS BIT),
CAST(PATINDEX(#pattern,SUBSTRING(#string,r.RN-1,1)) AS BIT),
SUBSTRING(#string,r.RN,r.Op+1))) AS t(c,p,s)
WHERE t.c^t.p = 1
) AS patSplit(ItemIndex, ItemLength, Item, IsMatch)
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(8000)');
Call me later at or tomorrow at , , or at before noon. Thanks!
#Low BIGINT, -- (start) Lowest number in the set
#High BIGINT, -- (stop) Highest number in the set
#Gap BIGINT, -- (step) Difference between each number in the set
#Row1 BIT -- Base: 0 or 1; should RN begin with 0 or 1?
Creates a lazy, in-memory, forward-ordered sequence of up to 531,441,000,000 integers
starting with #Low and ending with #High (inclusive). RangeAB is a pure, 100% set-based
alternative to solving SQL problems using iterative methods such as loops, cursors and
recursive CTEs. RangeAB is based on Itzik Ben-Gan's getnums function for producing a
sequence of integers and uses logic from Jeff Moden's fnTally function which includes a
parameter for determining if the "row-number" (RN) should begin with 0 or 1.
I wanted to use the name "Range" because it functions and performs almost identically to
the Range function built into Python and Clojure. RANGE is a reserved SQL keyword so I
went with "RangeAB". Functions/Algorithms developed using rangeAB can be easilty ported
over to Python, Clojure or any other programming language that leverages a lazy sequence.
The two major differences between RangeAB and the Python/Clojure versions are:
1. RangeAB is *Inclusive* where the other two are *Exclusive". range(0,3) in Python and
Clojure return [0 1 2], core.rangeAB(0,3) returns [0 1 2 3].
2. RangeAB has a fourth Parameter (#Row1) to determine if RN should begin with 0 or 1.
Alan Burstein
SQL Server 2008+
SELECT r.RN, r.OP, r.N1, r.N2
FROM core.rangeAB(#Low,#High,#Gap,#Row1) AS r;
#Low = BIGINT; represents the lowest value for N1.
#High = BIGINT; represents the highest value for N1.
#Gap = BIGINT; represents how much N1 and N2 will increase each row. #Gap is also the
difference between N1 and N2.
#Row1 = BIT; represents the base (first) value of RN. When #Row1 = 0, RN begins with 0,
when #row = 1 then RN begins with 1.
Inline Table Valued Function returns:
RN = BIGINT; a row number that works just like T-SQL ROW_NUMBER() except that it can
start at 0 or 1 which is dictated by #Row1. If you need the numbers:
(0 or 1) through #High, then use RN as your "N" value, ((#Row1=0 for 0, #Row1=1),
otherwise use N1.
OP = BIGINT; returns the "finite opposite" of RN. When RN begins with 0 the first number
in the set will be 0 for RN, the last number in will be 0 for OP. When returning the
numbers 1 to 10, 1 to 10 is retrurned in ascending order for RN and in descending
order for OP.
Given the Numbers 1 to 3, 3 is the opposite of 1, 2 the opposite of 2, and 1 is the
opposite of 3. Given the numbers -1 to 2, the opposite of -1 is 2, the opposite of 0
is 1, and the opposite of 1 is 0.
The best practie is to only use OP when #Gap > 1; use core.O instead. Doing so will
improve performance by 1-2% (not huge but every little bit counts)
N1 = BIGINT; This is the "N" in your tally table/numbers function. this is your *Lazy*
sequence of numbers starting at #Low and incrementing by #Gap until the next number
in the sequence is greater than #High.
N2 = BIGINT; a lazy sequence of numbers starting #Low+#Gap and incrementing by #Gap. N2
will always be greater than N1 by #Gap. N2 can also be thought of as:
[Developer Notes]:
1. core.rangeAB returns one billion rows in exactly 90 seconds on my laptop:
4X 2.7GHz CPU's, 32 GB - multiple versions of SQL Server (2005-2019)
2. The lowest and highest possible numbers returned are whatever is allowable by a
bigint. The function, however, returns no more than 531,441,000,000 rows (8100^3).
3. #Gap does not affect RN, RN will begin at #Row1 and increase by 1 until the last row
unless its used in a subquery where a filter is applied to RN.
4. #Gap must be greater than 0 or the function will not return any rows.
5. Keep in mind that when #Row1 is 0 then the highest RN value (ROWNUMBER) will be the
number of rows returned minus 1
6. If you only need is a sequential set beginning at 0 or 1 then, for best performance
use the RN column. Use N1 and/or N2 when you need to begin your sequence at any
number other than 0 or 1 or if you need a gap between your sequence of numbers.
7. Although #Gap is a bigint it must be a positive integer or the function will
not return any rows.
8. The function will not return any rows when one of the following conditions are true:
* any of the input parameters are NULL
* #High is less than #Low
* #Gap is not greater than 0
To force the function to return all NULLs instead of not returning anything you can
add the following code to the end of the query:
WHERE NOT (#High&#Low&#Gap&#Row1 IS NOT NULL AND #High >= #Low AND #Gap > 0)
This code was excluded as it adds a ~5% performance penalty.
9. There is no performance penalty for sorting by RN ASC; there is a large performance
penalty, however for sorting in descending order. If you need a descending sort the
use OP in place of RN then sort by rn ASC.
10. When setting the #Row1 to 0 and sorting by RN you will see that the 0 is added via
MERGE JOIN concatination. Under the hood the function is essentially concatinating
but, because it's using a MERGE JOIN operator instead of concatination the cost
estimations are needlessly high. You can circumvent this problem by changing:
[Revision History]:
Rev 00 - 20140518 - Initial Development - AJB
Rev 05 - 20191122 - Developed this "core" version for open source distribution;
updated notes and did some final code clean-up
L1(N) AS
($),($)) T(N) -- 90 values
SELECT r.RN, r.OP, r.N1, r.N2
RN = 0,
OP = (#High-#Low)/#Gap,
N1 = #Low,
N2 = #Gap+#Low
WHERE #Row1 = 0
UNION ALL -- (#High-#Low)/#Gap+1:
SELECT TOP (ABS((ISNULL(#High,0)-ISNULL(#Low,0))/ISNULL(#Gap,0)+ISNULL(#Row1,1)))
RN = i.RN,
OP = (#High-#Low)/#Gap+(2*#Row1)-i.RN,
N1 = (i.rn-#Row1)*#Gap+#Low,
N2 = (i.rn-(#Row1-1))*#Gap+#Low
FROM iTally AS i
) AS r
WHERE #High&#Low&#Gap&#Row1 IS NOT NULL AND #High >= #Low
AND #Gap > 0;
CREATE FUNCTION samd.ngrams8k
#String VARCHAR(8000), -- Input string
#N INT -- requested token size
A character-level N-Grams function that outputs a contiguous stream of #N-sized tokens
based on an input string (#String). Accepts strings up to 8000 varchar characters long.
For more information about N-Grams see:
Alan Burstein
SQL Server 2008+, Azure SQL Database
--===== Autonomous
SELECT ng.Position, ng.Token
FROM samd.ngrams8k(#String,#N) AS ng;
--===== Against a table using APPLY
SELECT s.SomeID, ng.Position, ng.Token
FROM dbo.SomeTable AS s
CROSS APPLY samd.ngrams8k(s.SomeValue,#N) AS ng;
#String = The input string to split into tokens.
#N = The size of each token returned.
Position = BIGINT; the position of the token in the input string
token = VARCHAR(8000); a #N-sized character-level N-Gram token
1. core.rangeAB (iTVF)
[Developer Notes]:
1. ngrams8k is not case sensitive;
2. Many functions that use ngrams8k will see a huge performance gain when the optimizer
creates a parallel execution plan. One way to get a parallel query plan (if the
optimizer does not choose one) is to use make_parallel by Adam Machanic which can be
found here:
3. When #N is less than 1 or greater than the datalength of the input string then no
tokens (rows) are returned. If either #String or #N are NULL no rows are returned.
This is a debatable topic but the thinking behind this decision is that: because you
can't split 'xxx' into 4-grams, you can't split a NULL value into unigrams and you
can't turn anything into NULL-grams, no rows should be returned.
For people who would prefer that a NULL input forces the function to return a single
NULL output you could add this code to the end of the function:
4. ngrams8k is deterministic. For more about deterministic functions see:
--===== 1. Split the string, "abcd" into unigrams, bigrams and trigrams
SELECT ng.Position, ng.Token FROM samd.ngrams8k('abcd',1) AS ng; -- unigrams (#N=1)
SELECT ng.Position, ng.Token FROM samd.ngrams8k('abcd',2) AS ng; -- bigrams (#N=2)
SELECT ng.Position, ng.Token FROM samd.ngrams8k('abcd',3) AS ng; -- trigrams (#N=3)
[Revision History]:
Rev 00 - 20140310 - Initial Development - Alan Burstein
Rev 01 - 20150522 - Removed DQS N-Grams functionality, improved iTally logic. Also Added
conversion to bigint in the TOP logic to remove implicit conversion
to bigint - Alan Burstein
Rev 05 - 20171228 - Small simplification; changed:
Rev 06 - 20180612 - Using CHECKSUM(N) in the to convert N in the token output instead of
using (CAST N as int). CHECKSUM removes the need to convert to int.
Rev 07 - 20180612 - re-designed to: Use core.rangeAB - Alan Burstein
Position = r.RN,
Token = SUBSTRING(#String,CHECKSUM(r.RN),#N)
FROM core.rangeAB(1,LEN(#String)+1-#N,1,1) AS r
WHERE #N > 0 AND #N <= LEN(#String);
CREATE FUNCTION samd.patReplace8K
#string VARCHAR(8000),
#pattern VARCHAR(50),
#replace VARCHAR(20)
Given a string (#string), a pattern (#pattern), and a replacement character (#replace)
patReplace8K will replace any character in #string that matches the #Pattern parameter
with the character, #replace.
Alan Burstein
SQL Server 2008+
--===== Basic Syntax Example
SELECT pr.NewString
FROM samd.patReplace8K(#String,#Pattern,#Replace) AS pr;
[Developer Notes]:
1. Required SQL Server 2008+
2. #Pattern IS case sensitive but can be easily modified to make it case insensitive
3. There is no need to include the "%" before and/or after your pattern since since we
are evaluating each character individually
4. Certain special characters, such as "$" and "%" need to be escaped with a "/"
like so: [/$/%]
--===== 1. Replace numeric characters with a "*"
SELECT pr.NewString
FROM samd.patReplace8K('My phone number is 555-2211','[0-9]','*') AS pr;
[Revision History]:
Rev 00 - 10/27/2014 Initial Development - Alan Burstein
Rev 01 - 10/29/2014 Mar 2007 - Alan Burstein
- Redesigned based on the dbo.STRIP_NUM_EE by Eirikur Eiriksson
- change how the cte tally table is created
- put the include/exclude logic in a CASE statement instead of a WHERE clause
- Added Latin1_General_BIN Colation
- Add code to use the pattern as a parameter.
Rev 02 - 20141106
- Added final performane enhancement (more cudo's to Eirikur Eiriksson)
- Put 0 = PATINDEX filter logic into the WHERE clause
Rev 03 - 20150516
- Updated to deal with special XML characters
Rev 04 - 20170320
- changed #replace from char(1) to varchar(1) to address how spaces are handled
Rev 05 - Re-write using samd.NGrams
SELECT newString =
WHEN #pattern+#replace+#string IS NOT NULL THEN
CASE WHEN PATINDEX(#pattern,token COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN)=0
THEN ng.token ELSE #replace END END
FROM samd.NGrams8K(#string, 1) AS ng
ORDER BY ng.position
).value('text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)');
#string VARCHAR(8000),
#search VARCHAR(8000),
#position INT,
#occurance INT
Returns the position (ItemIndex) of the Nth(#occurance) occurrence of one string(#search) within
another(#string). Similar to Oracle's PL/SQL INSTR funtion.
Alan Burstein
SQL Server 2008+
--===== Autonomous
SELECT ins.ItemIndex, ins.ItemLength, ins.ItemCount
FROM samd.Instr8k(#string,#search,#position,#occurance) AS ins;
--===== Against a table using APPLY
SELECT s.SomeID, ins.ItemIndex, ins.ItemLength, ins.ItemCount
FROM dbo.SomeTable AS s
CROSS APPLY samd.Instr8k(s.string,#search,#position,#occurance) AS ins
#string = VARCHAR(8000); Input sting to evaluate
#search = VARCHAR(8000); Token to search for inside of #string
#position = INT; Where to begin searching for #search; identical to the third
parameter in SQL Server CHARINDEX [, start_location]
#occurance = INT; Represents the Nth instance of the search string (#search)
ItemIndex = Position of the Nth (#occurance) instance of #search inside #string
ItemLength = Length of #search (in case you need it, no need to re-evaluate the string)
ItemCount = Number of times #search appears inside #string
1. samd.ngrams8k
1.1. dbo.rangeAB (iTVF)
2. samd.substringCount8K_lazy
[Developer Notes]:
1. samd.Instr8k does not treat the input strings (#string and #search) as case sensitive.
2. Don't use instr8k for "SubstringBetween" functionality; for better performance use
samd.SubstringBetween8k instead.
3. The #position parameter is the key benefit of this function when dealing with long
strings where the search item is towards the back of the string. For example, take a
5000 character string where, what you are looking for is always *at least* 3000
characters deep. Setting #position to 3000 will dramatically improve performance.
4. Unlike Oracle's PL/SQL INSTR function, Instr8k does not accept numbers less than 1.
[Revision History]:
Rev 00 - 20191112 - Initial Development - Alan Burstein
ItemIndex = ISNULL(MAX(ISNULL(instr.Position,1)+(a.Pos-1)),0),
ItemLength = ISNULL(MAX(LEN(#search)),LEN(#search)),
ItemCount = ISNULL(MAX(items.SubstringCount),0)
FROM (VALUES(ISNULL(#position,1),LEN(#search))) AS a(Pos,SrchLn)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(SUBSTRING(#string,a.Pos,8000))) AS f(String)
CROSS APPLY samd.substringCount8K_lazy(f.string,#search) AS items
SELECT TOP (#occurance) RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ng.position), ng.position
FROM samd.ngrams8k(f.string,a.SrchLn) AS ng
WHERE ng.token = #search
) AS instr
WHERE a.Pos > 0
AND #occurance <= items.SubstringCount
AND instr.RN = #occurance;
CREATE FUNCTION samd.substringCount8K_lazy
#string varchar(8000),
#searchstring varchar(1000)
Scans the input string (#string) and counts how many times the search character
(#searchChar) appears. This function is Based on Itzik Ben-Gans cte numbers table logic
SQL Server 2008+
Uses TABLE VALUES constructor (not available pre-2008)
[Author]: Alan Burstein
--===== Autonomous
SELECT f.substringCount
FROM samd.substringCount8K_lazy(#string,#searchString) AS f;
--===== Against a table using APPLY
SELECT f.substringCount
FROM dbo.someTable AS t
CROSS APPLY samd.substringCount8K_lazy(t.col, #searchString) AS f;
#string = VARCHAR(8000); input string to analyze
#searchString = VARCHAR(1000); substring to search for
Inline table valued function returns -
substringCount = int; Number of times that #searchChar appears in #string
[Developer Notes]:
1. substringCount8K_lazy does NOT take overlapping values into consideration. For
example, this query will return a 1 but the correct result is 2:
SELECT substringCount FROM samd.substringCount8K_lazy('xxx','xx')
When overlapping values are a possibility or concern then use substringCountAdvanced8k
2. substringCount8K_lazy is what is referred to as an "inline" scalar UDF." Technically
it's aninline table valued function (iTVF) but performs the same task as a scalar
valued user defined function (UDF); the difference is that it requires the APPLY table
operator to accept column values as a parameter. For more about "inline" scalar UDFs
see thisarticle by SQL MVP Jeff Moden:
and for more about how to use APPLY see the this article by SQL MVP Paul White:
Note the above syntax example and usage examples below to better understand how to
use the function. Although the function is slightly more complicated to use than a
scalar UDF it will yield notably better performance for many reasons. For example,
unlike a scalar UDFs or multi-line table valued functions, the inline scalar UDF does
not restrict the query optimizer's ability generate a parallel query execution plan.
3. substringCount8K_lazy returns NULL when either input parameter is NULL and returns 0
when either input parameter is blank.
4. substringCount8K_lazy does not treat parameters as cases senstitive
5. substringCount8K_lazy is deterministic. For more deterministic functions see:
--===== 1. How many times does the substring "abc" appear?
SELECT f.* FROM samd.substringCount8k_lazy('abc123xxxabc','abc') AS f;
--===== 2. Return records from a table where the substring "ab" appears more than once
DECLARE #table TABLE (string varchar(8000));
DECLARE #searchString varchar(1000) = 'ab';
INSERT #table VALUES ('abcabc'),('abcd'),('bababab'),('baba'),(NULL);
SELECT searchString = #searchString, t.string, f.substringCount
FROM #table AS t
CROSS APPLY samd.substringCount8k_lazy(string,'ab') AS f
WHERE f.substringCount > 1;
[Revision History]:
Rev 00 - 20180625 - Initial Development - Alan Burstein
Rev 01 - 20190102 - Added logic to better handle #searchstring = char(32) - Alan Burstein
SELECT substringCount = (LEN(v.s)-LEN(REPLACE(v.s,,'')))/d.l
FROM (VALUES(DATALENGTH(#searchstring))) AS d(l)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(#string,CASE WHEN d.l>0 THEN #searchstring END)) AS v(s,st);
How to make a self referential window functions
I have a table like this: amount type app owe 1 a 10 10 2 a 8 -2 3 a 20 12 4 i 30 10 5 a 40 10 owe is: (type == 'a')?app - sum(owe) where amount < (amount for current row):max(app-sum(owe)where amount<(amount for current row),0) So I'd need a window function on the column that the window function is on. There are these partition on rows between rows unlimited preceding and prior row, but it has to be on a different column, not the column I'm summing. Is there a way to reference the same column the window function is on I tried an alias case when type = a then app - sum(owe)over(ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 preceding) as owe else greatest(0,app - sum(owe)over(ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 preceding)) end as owe But since owe doesn't exist when I made it, I get: owe doesn't exist. Is there some other way?
You cannot do that with window functions. Your only chance using SQL is a recursive CTE: WITH RECURSIVE tab_owe AS ( SELECT amount, type, app, CASE WHEN type = 'a' THEN app ELSE GREATEST(app, 0) END AS owe FROM tab ORDER BY amount LIMIT 1 UNION ALL SELECT t.amount, t.type,, CASE WHEN t.type = 'a' THEN - sum(tab_owe.owe) ELSE GREATEST( - sum(tab_owe.owe), 0) END AS owe FROM (SELECT amount, type, app FROM tab WHERE amount > (SELECT max(amount) FROM tab_owe) ORDER BY amount LIMIT 1) AS t CROSS JOIN tab_owe GROUP BY t.amount, t.type, ) SELECT amount, type, app, owe FROM tab_owe; (untested) This would be much easier to write in procedural code, sou consider using a table function.
This is what I came up with. Of course, I'm not a real programmer, so I'm sure there's a smarter way: insert into mort (amount, "type", app) values (1,'a',10), (2,'a',8), (3,'a',20), (4,'i',30), (5,'a',40) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mort_v () RETURNS TABLE ( zamount int, ztype text, zapp int, zowe double precision ) AS $$ DECLARE var_r record; charlie double precision; sam double precision; BEGIN charlie = 0; FOR var_r IN(SELECT amount, "type", app FROM mort order by 1) LOOP zamount = var_r.amount; ztype = var_r.type; zapp =; sam = - charlie; if ztype = 'a' then zowe = sam; else zowe = greatest(sam, 0); end if; charlie = charlie + zowe; RETURN NEXT; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; select * from mort_v() So with my limited skills you'll notice I had to add a 'z' in front of the columns that are already in the table so I can spit it out again. If your table has 30 columns you'd normally have to do this 30 times. But, I asked a real engineer and he mentioned that if you just spit out the primary key with the calculated column, you can just join it back to the original table. That's smarter than what I have. If there's an even better solution, that would be great. This does serve as a nice reference to how to do something like a cursor in postgre and how to make variables without a '#' in front like in mssqlserver.
How to find/replace weird whitespace in string
I find in my sql database string whit weird whitespace which cannot be replace like REPLACE(string, ' ', '') RTRIM and cant it even find with string = '% %'. This space is even transfered to new table when using SELECT string INTO If i select this string in managment studio and copy that is seems is normal space and when everything is works but cant do nothing directly from database. What else can i do? Its some kind of error or can i try some special character for this?
First, you must identify the character. You can do that by using a tally table (or a cte) and the Unicode function: The following script will return a table with two columns: one contains a char and the other it's unicode value: DECLARE #Str nvarchar(100) = N'This is a string containing 1 number and some words.'; with Tally(n) as ( SELECT TOP(LEN(#str)) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ##SPID) FROM sys.objects a --CROSS JOIN sys.objects b -- (unremark if there are not enough rows in the tally cte) ) SELECT SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1) As TheChar, UNICODE(SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1)) As TheCode FROM Tally WHERE n <= LEN(#str) You can also add a condition to the where clause to only include "special" chars: AND SUBSTRING(#str, n, 1) NOT LIKE '[a-zA-Z0-9]' Then you can replace it using it's unicode value using nchar (I've used 32 in this example since it's unicode "regular" space: SELECT REPLACE(#str, NCHAR(32), '|') Result: This|is|a|string|containing|1|number|and|some|words.
PostgreSQL ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06"
The full error message is: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1e+06" SQL state: 22P02 Context: In PL/R function sample The query I'm using is: WITH a as ( SELECT a.tract_id_alias, array_agg(a.pgid ORDER BY a.pgid) as pgids, array_agg(a.sample_weight_geo ORDER BY a.pgid) as block_weights FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined a WHERE a.tract_id_alias in (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813) AND a.bldg_count_res > 0 GROUP BY a.tract_id_alias ) SELECT NULL::INTEGER agent_id, a.tract_id_alias, b.year, unnest(shared.sample(a.pgids, b.n_agents, 1 * b.year, True, a.block_weights) ) as pgid FROM a LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b ON a.tract_id_alias = b.tract_id_alias ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, pgid; And the shared.sample function I'm using is: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION shared.sample(ids bigint[], size integer, seed integer DEFAULT 1, with_replacement boolean DEFAULT false, probabilities numeric[] DEFAULT NULL::numeric[]) RETURNS integer[] AS $BODY$ set.seed(seed) if (length(ids) == 1) { s = rep(ids,size) } else { s = sample(ids,size, with_replacement,probabilities) } return(s) $BODY$ LANGUAGE plr VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION shared.sample(bigint[], integer, integer, boolean, numeric[]) OWNER TO "server-superusers"; I'm pretty new to this stuff, so any help would be appreciated.
Not a problem of the function. Like the error messages says: The string '1e+06' cannot be cast to integer. Obviously, the columns n_agents in your table results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 is not an integer column. Probably type text or varchar? (That info would help in your question.) Either way, the assignment cast does not work for the target type integer. But it does for numeric: Does not work: SELECT '1e+06'::text::int; -- error as in question Works: SELECT '1e+06'::text::numeric::int; If my assumptions hold, you can use this as stepping stone. Replace b.n_agents in your query with b.n_agents::numeric::int. It's your responsibility that numbers stay in integer range, or you get the next exception. If that did not nail it, you need to look into function overloading: Is there a way to disable function overloading in Postgres And function type resolution: PostgreSQL function call The schema search path is relevant in many related cases, but you did schema-qualify all objects, so we can rule that out. How does the search_path influence identifier resolution and the "current schema" Your query generally looks good. I had a look and only found minor improvements: SELECT NULL::int AS agent_id -- never omit the AS keyword for column alias , a.tract_id_alias , b.year , s.pgid FROM ( SELECT tract_id_alias , array_agg(pgid) AS pgids , array_agg(sample_weight_geo) AS block_weights FROM ( -- use a subquery, cheaper than CTE SELECT tract_id_alias , pgid , sample_weight_geo FROM results_20161109.block_microdata_res_joined WHERE tract_id_alias IN (66772, 66773, 66785, 66802, 66805, 66806, 66813) AND bldg_count_res > 0 ORDER BY pgid -- sort once in a subquery. cheaper. ) sub GROUP BY 1 ) a LEFT JOIN results_20161109.initial_agent_count_by_tract_res_11 b USING (tract_id_alias) LEFT JOIN LATERAL unnest(shared.sample(a.pgids , b.n_agents , b.year -- why "1 * b.year"? , true , a.block_weights)) s(pgid) ON true ORDER BY b.year, a.tract_id_alias, s.pgid;
Count previous occurences of a value split by date ranges
Here's a simple query we do for ad hoc requests from our Marketing department on the leads we received in the last 90 days. SELECT ID ,FIRST_NAME ,LAST_NAME ,ADDRESS_1 ,ADDRESS_2 ,CITY ,STATE ,ZIP ,HOME_PHONE ,MOBILE_PHONE ,EMAIL_ADDRESS ,ROW_ADDED_DTM FROM WEB_LEADS WHERE ROW_ADDED_DTM BETWEEN #START AND #END They are asking for more derived columns to be added that show the number of previous occurences of ADDRESS_1 where the EMAIL_ADDRESS matches. But they want is for different date ranges. So the derived columns would look like this: ,COUNT_ADDRESS_1_LAST_1_DAYS, ,COUNT_ADDRESS_1_LAST_7_DAYS ,COUNT_ADDRESS_1_LAST_14_DAYS etc. I've manually filled these derived columns using update statements when there was just a few. The above query is really just a sample of a much larger query with many more columns. The actual request has blossomed into 6 date ranges for 13 columns. I'm asking if there's a better way then using 78 additional update statements.
I think you will have a hard time writing a query that includes all of these 78 metrics per e-mail address without actually creating a query that hard-codes the different choices. However you can generate such a pivot query with dynamic SQL, which will save you some keystrokes and will adjust dynamically as you add more columns to the table. The result you want to end up with will look something like this (but of course you won't want to type it): ;WITH y AS ( SELECT EMAIL_ADDRESS, /* aggregation portion */ [ADDRESS_1] = COUNT(DISTINCT [ADDRESS_1]), [ADDRESS_2] = COUNT(DISTINCT [ADDRESS_2]), ... other columns /* end agg portion */ FROM dbo.WEB_LEADS AS wl WHERE ROW_ADDED_DTM >= /* one of 6 past dates */ GROUP BY wl.EMAIL_ADDRESS ) SELECT EMAIL_ADDRESS, /* pivot portion */ COUNT_ADDRESS_1_LAST_1_DAYS = *count address 1 from 1 day ago*, COUNT_ADDRESS_1_LAST_7_DAYS = *count address 1 from 7 days ago*, ... other date ranges ... COUNT_ADDRESS_2_LAST_1_DAYS = *count address 2 from 1 day ago*, COUNT_ADDRESS_2_LAST_7_DAYS = *count address 2 from 7 days ago*, ... other date ranges ... ... repeat for 11 more columns ... /* end pivot portion */ FROM y GROUP BY EMAIL_ADDRESS ORDER BY EMAIL_ADDRESS; This is a little involved, and it should all be run as one script, but I'm going to break it up into chunks to intersperse comments on how the above portions are populated without typing them. (And before long #Bluefeet will probably come along with a much better PIVOT alternative.) I'll enclose my interspersed comments in /* */ so that you can still copy the bulk of this answer into Management Studio and run it with the comments intact. Code/comments to copy follows: /* First, let's build a table of dates that can be used both to derive labels for pivoting and to assist with aggregation. I've added the three ranges you've mentioned and guessed at a fourth, but hopefully it is clear how to add more: */ DECLARE #d DATE = SYSDATETIME(); CREATE TABLE #L(label NVARCHAR(15), d DATE); INSERT #L(label, d) VALUES (N'LAST_1_DAYS', DATEADD(DAY, -1, #d)), (N'LAST_7_DAYS', DATEADD(DAY, -8, #d)), (N'LAST_14_DAYS', DATEADD(DAY, -15, #d)), (N'LAST_MONTH', DATEADD(MONTH, -1, #d)); /* Next, let's build the portions of the query that are repeated per column name. First, the aggregation portion is just in the format col = COUNT(DISTINCT col). We're going to go to the catalog views to dynamically derive the list of column names (except ID, EMAIL_ADDRESS and ROW_ADDED_DTM) and stuff them into a #temp table for re-use. */ SELECT name INTO #N FROM sys.columns WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.WEB_LEADS') AND name NOT IN (N'ID', N'EMAIL_ADDRESS', N'ROW_ADDED_DTM'); DECLARE #agg NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'', #piv NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''; SELECT #agg += ', ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ' = COUNT(DISTINCT ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ')' FROM #N; PRINT #agg; /* Next we'll build the "pivot" portion (even though I am angling for the poor man's pivot - a bunch of CASE expressions). For each column name we need a conditional against each range, so we can accomplish this by cross joining the list of column names against our labels table. (And we'll use this exact technique again in the query later to make the /* one of past 6 dates */ portion work. */ SELECT #piv += ', COUNT_' + + '_' + l.label + ' = MAX(CASE WHEN label = N''' + l.label + ''' THEN ' + QUOTENAME( + ' END)' FROM #N as n CROSS JOIN #L AS l; PRINT #piv; /* Now, with those two portions populated as we'd like them, we can build a dynamic SQL statement that fills out the rest: */ DECLARE #sql NVARCHAR(MAX) = N';WITH y AS ( SELECT EMAIL_ADDRESS, l.label' + #agg + ' FROM dbo.WEB_LEADS AS wl CROSS JOIN #L AS l WHERE wl.ROW_ADDED_DTM >= l.d GROUP BY wl.EMAIL_ADDRESS, l.label ) SELECT EMAIL_ADDRESS' + #piv + ' FROM y GROUP BY EMAIL_ADDRESS ORDER BY EMAIL_ADDRESS;'; PRINT #sql; EXEC sp_executesql #sql; GO DROP TABLE #N, #L; /* Now again, this is a pretty complex piece of code, and perhaps it can be made easier with PIVOT. But I think even #Bluefeet will write a version of PIVOT that uses dynamic SQL because there is just way too much to hard-code here IMHO. */
Dynamic pivot - how to obtain column titles parametrically?
I wish to write a Query for SAP B1 (t-sql) that will list all Income and Expenses Items by total and month by month. I have successfully written a Query using PIVOT, but I do not want the column headings to be hardcoded like: Jan-11, Feb-11, Mar-11 ... Dec-11. Rather I want the column headings to be parametrically generated, so that if I input: -------------------------------------- Query - Selection Criteria -------------------------------------- Posting Date greater or equal 01.09.10 Posting Date smaller or equal 31.08.11 [OK] [Cancel] the Query will generate the following columns: Sep-10, Oct-10, Nov-10, ..... Aug-11 I guess DYNAMIC PIVOT can do the trick. So, I modified one SQL obtained from another forum to suit my purpose, but it does not work. The error message I get is Incorrect Syntax near 20100901. Could anybody help me locate my error? Note: In SAP B1, '[%1]' is an input variable Here's my query: /*Section 1*/ DECLARE #listCol VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE #query VARCHAR(4000) ------------------------------------- /*Section 2*/ SELECT #listCol = STUFF( ( SELECT DISTINCT '],[' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, MONTH(T0.RefDate), 102) FROM JDT1 FOR XML PATH('')) , 1, 2, '') + ']' ------------------------------------ /*Section 3*/ SET #query = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT T0.Account, T1.GroupMask, T1.AcctName, MONTH(T0.RefDate) as [Month], (T0.Debit - T0.Credit) as [Amount] FROM dbo.JDT1 T0 JOIN dbo.OACT T1 ON T0.Account = T1.AcctCode WHERE T1.GroupMask IN (4,5,6,7) AND T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]' ) S PIVOT ( Sum(Amount) FOR [Month] IN ('+#listCol+') ) AS pvt ' -------------------------------------------- /*Section 4*/ EXECUTE (#query)
I don't know SAP, but a couple of things spring to mind: It looks like you want #listCol to contain a collection of numbers within square brackets, for example [07],[08],[09].... However, your code appears not to put a [ at the start of this string. Try replacing the lines T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]' with T0.[Refdate] >= ''[%1]'' AND T0.[Refdate] <= ''[%2]'' (I also added a space before the AND in the first of these two lines while I was editing your question.)