Counting returned objects from jobs in powershell? - powershell

quick question, I've got a short little script that creates 2 background jobs and pings some websites, now since jobs cannot return variables apparently I figured I'd try it as follows (which is probably a stupid way of doing it but okay).
Now the weird thing is that it seems to work somewhat? But the count it returns is nowhere near what it should be, it's very random, sometimes it stops at 2, sometimes at 3, can anyone maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? Shouldn't $i end up equalling 7?
Initially I wanted parallel runspaces but I've been trying to wrap my head around that for weeks now and I've come to the conclusion that I'm too dumb for that apparently.
Is what I'm trying to do here even possible?
$1 = #('', '', '', '')
$2 = #('', '', '')
function run {
$pwd = Get-Location
$i = 0
$list = {
function list1 ($1, $pwd) {
foreach ($ping in $1) {
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ping -Count 1 -Quiet) {
"$pwd\" + "$ping"
function list2 ($2, $pwd) {
foreach ($ping in $2) {
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ping -Count 1 -Quiet) {
"$pwd\" + "$ping"
echo "ping?`nyes or no`n"; $y = Read-Host
if ($y -eq 'y') {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list1 $using:1 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list2 $using:2 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
While (Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData) {
Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData | Receive-Job | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "&" } | Tee-Object -FilePath ping.txt -Append
Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData | Receive-Job | Where-Object { $_ -like "&" } | Foreach-Object { $i += 1 }
$i | Add-Content totalcount.txt

Fix to the script is below.
Everytime you use Receive-Job, it takes the data from stream and displays it. After displaying it, that data is no longer accessible via Receive-job. To fix this, either Use -Keep switch or store the data you get from Receive-Object in a variable to use it multiple times.
if ($y -eq 'y') {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list1 $using:1 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list2 $using:2 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
While (Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData) {
Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData | Receive-Job -Keep | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "&" } | Tee-Object -FilePath ping.txt -Append
Get-Job | Where-Object HasMoreData | Receive-Job | Where-Object { $_ -like "&" } | Foreach-Object { $i += 1 }
$i | Add-Content totalcount.txt
I would however recommend a little different route than what you have. Instead of getting the data while you are checking to see if the job completed, run the loop and output this way,
if ($y -eq 'y') {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list1 $using:1 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { list2 $using:2 $using:pwd } -InitializationScript $list
While ((Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq "Running" }).Count -gt 0) {
# wait for all jobs to complete...
Start-Sleep 1
#Once all the jobs are done, you can check the results.
$data = Get-Job | Receive-Job | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "&" }
$data | Tee-Object -FilePath ping.txt -Append
$data.Count | Add-Content totalcount.txt
Get-Job | Remove-Job # Dont forget to clean up.


Slow Processing Script in Powershell, Worklfow first steps

as i was wondering why my script takes so long i was seachring on google and also here in stackoverflow.
But all that i could find any close to helpful was this one here, Powershell Script Running Slowly
As I'm still pretty new to Powershell this is a little complicated to get through and take over to my script as i dont know how to handle those mentiond things anyway as i never heard of it before.
My Script is pretty easy and just gives me some Informations if there is something that returns an echo or not.
I wanted to "scan" our entire Network so I made an csv with out local Networks IP's and pass it to Powershell to "Ping" those.
But I realised that the "was not responing" part takes a long time to execute.
$list = Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($y in $x)
if(Test-Connection $y -Count 1 -quiet)
write-host "$y responded"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingSucceded.csv -Append
Write-Host "$y was not responding"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\Pingfailed.csv -Append
Write-Warning "Other Error occured"
There are not only Windows Clients out there so WMI is not an option and I don't know how to achvie this otherwise
After the Workflow input this is my "Try Version"
workflow Test-IPrange
$tocheck= $IPs.IP
foreach -parallel ($IP in $tocheck)
$pingsucceed = Test-Connection $IP -Count 1 -quiet
if($pingsucceed -eq "True")
$IP | Export-Csv -Path D:\testj.csv -Append
$IP | Export-Csv -Path D:\testn.csv -Append
Test-IPrange -IPs $(Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture)
My Output of Workflow Try
#TYPE System.String
With the Help of #Fourat
i edited my code to this form
Function Custom-Ping {
$ping = ping $Address /w 1 /n 1
$result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ping -Like "*(0% Verlust)*")
return $result
$list = Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($y in $x)
if(Custom-Ping $y)
Write-Host "$y responded"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingsuccededV3.csv -Append
Write-Host "$y was not responding"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingfailedV3.csv -Append
Write-Warning "Textline from CMD Command or other Error"
which works properly good and is faster
I think that your process time is spoiled by the timeouts. If all your IPs are in the local network, try to reduce the timeout (because the default value is 5 seconds).
If you have Powershell 6 :
Test-Connection $y -Count 1 -quiet -TimeoutSeconds 1
If you don't, just use ping :
ping /w 1 /n 1
You can also use a parallel for each loop, but it won't help much if you have multiple fails :
ForEach -Parallel ($x in $y)
In order to handle ping results, you can use a function like this (I used the keyword 'perte' because my computer is in French) :
Function Custom-Ping {
$ping = ping $Address /w 1 /n 1
$result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ping -Like "*(perte 0%)*")
return $result
I've used Workflow to solve this issue my self. It's a few years ago I did it, so something better and newer is out there. But this works great for me...
I've ping over 2000 computers within a few Min...
workflow Test-ComputersConnection
# Param1 help description
# Param2 help description
# [int]
# $Param2
foreach -parallel ($ComputerName in $Computernames)
$ConnectionTest = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Count 1
if ($ConnectionTest.Address -eq $ComputerName) {
Write-Output $(Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computername" -Value $ComputerName -InputObject $ConnectionTest -PassThru )
#Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "[$($ComputerName)]: Replays on Ping."
Else {
#Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "[$($ComputerName)]: Do not replays on Ping."
$OnlineNow0 = Test-ComputersConnection -Computernames $( Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty name)
The code above is a quick edit of what I use... You will need to edit the $(Import ...) statement first, to make sure the PC name is being deliveret to the workflow.
I've just testet on my own computer and it gave me a reply...

Powershell output logging when using a text file to gather server names

Have a bit of an issue whereby would like to figure out the best way to handle success or failures. Have a powershell query which checks the dcom port range, if it is within the specified value output to a success file, if not a failure file. The issue is, it seems to be outputting the entire serverlist.txt for a success and need to know a way to break this down so it only appends a server (either success/failure) to it, not all at once.
Here is the powershell script contents:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\DCOMPortRange.ps1
Where DCOMPortRange.ps1 contains
$computername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Folderpath\serverlist.txt"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ports
if($val -eq "50000-50500")
Write-Output "$computername" | out-file C:\folderpath\Success.log -append
} Else {
Write-Output "$computername" | out-file C:\folderpath\Failure.log -append
The issue is the error path lets say is a success it appends the entire server list.
Please advise?
This is how I would do it. This does require that you do have PSremoting enabled on the servers
$computername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Folderpath\serverlist.txt"
ForEach ($server in $computername) {
$val = Invoke-Command -Computername $server -ScriptBlock {(Get-ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ports}
if ($val -ge 50000 -and $val -le 50500) {
Write-Output "$server" | out-file C:\folderpath\Success.log -append
Else {
Write-Output "$server" | out-file C:\folderpath\Failure.log -append
Edit: A change to the if statement
$remotecomputername = #("PC1","PC2","RealServerName")
ForEach ($computer in $remotecomputername) {
Invoke-Command -Computername $computer -ScriptBlock { $val = (Get-
ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -
ExpandProperty Ports} }
if($val -eq "50000-50500") {
write-host $computer DCOM Port in Range
} else {
write-host $computer DCOM Port not in range

Using Start-Job on script

Using a script in PowerShell to recursivly pass through all folders on multiple NAS boxes to display every folder with its full path in an Out-File.
Using the Get-FolderEntry script I found here.
Since I have multiple NAS boxes with more then 260 chars in the filename/pathlength I figured I'd use multithreading to speed the process up.
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
# list with the servers
$Computers = Get-Content C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\servers.txt
# scriptblock calling on get-FolderEntry
$sb = {
param ($Computer, $fname)
C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1 -Path $Computer |
fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 -FilePath $fname
foreach($Computer in $Computers)
$name = $Computer.Replace("\", "")
$fname = $("C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\" + $name + ".txt")
#Get-FolderEntry -Path $Computer | fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 $fname
$res = Start-Job $sb -ArgumentList $Computer, $fname
# Wait for all jobs
while(Get-Job -State "Running")
Write-Host "Running..."
Start-Sleep 2
# Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job | Out-GridView
So far:
I either get empty files with the correct naming of the file.
I get the correct named file with the code of Get-FolderEntry in it.
I get errors depend on what I pass along to the scriptblock.
In short, it's probably stupid but don't see it.
Found it eventually myself after some trial and error:
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
# list with the servers
$Computers = Get-Content C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\servers.txt
# scriptblock calling on get-FolderEntry
$sb = {
Param ($Computer, $fname)
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
(Get-FolderEntry -Path $Computer | fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 -FilePath $fname)
foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
$name = $Computer.Replace("\", "")
$fname = $("C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\" + $name + ".txt")
$res = Start-Job $sb -ArgumentList $Computer, $fname
# Wait for all jobs
while (Get-Job -State "Running")
Write-Host "Running..."
Start-Sleep 2
# Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job | Out-GridView
Thanks a lot Ansgar for pointing my in the right direction!

Start services in parallel

I have a script which checks if certain service on different servers is up, if it is not, the script should start the service.
The problem is, it doesn't start the services in parallel, instead it waits until each service is started.
$server_list = Get-Content -path D:\Path\list_of_servers.txt
$server_list | foreach {
(Get-Service -Name '*Service Name*' -computername $_) | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Stopped"} | Set-Service -Status Running
I know it's due to the way the script is written, but maybe some of you have any suggestions how to make it better?
Here is an example of parallel processing using Powershell and Workflows:
$server_list = Get-Content -path D:\Path\list_of_servers.txt
workflow MyWorkflow
foreach -parallel($s in $server_list) {
inlinescript { (Get-Service -Name '*Service Name*' -PSComputerName $s) | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Stopped"} | Set-Service -Status Running
Using Powershell V2 and jobs
Untested code, but should be close:
$server_list = Get-Content -path D:\Path\list_of_servers.txt
$maxJobs = 5
$scriptblock = {
(Get-Service -Name $args[1] -ComputerName $args[0]) | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Stopped"} | Set-Service -Status Running
foreach ($s in $server_list)
$arguments = #($s, $service)
$running = #(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' })
while ($running.Count -gt ($maxJobs -1)) {
$done = Get-Job | Wait-Job -Any
$running = #(Get-Job | ? {$_.State -eq 'Running'})
start-job -scriptblock $scriptblock -ArgumentList $arguments
Get-Job | Wait-Job
Get-Job | Receive-Job

Use PowerShell to run virus scan on multiple servers

I'm trying to run a virus scan on a list of servers in our environment. There are hundreds of machines, so we'd like to run the scan (using a command line prompt that we already have) around 10 at a time. We're totally new to PowerShell so any help would be really appreciated. We have a general idea of what commands we need to use -- here's how we think it might work for now:
$server = Get-Content "serverlist.txt"
$server | % {
$VirusScan = { Scan32.exe }
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $VirusScan } -computerName $server -ThrottleLimit 10 -Authentication domain/admin
Does anyone have any suggestions on how we might orchestrate this?
I'm using something like this for running tasks in parallel on remote hosts:
$maxSlots = 10
$hosts = "foo", "bar", "baz", ...
$job = {
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Scan32.exe } -Computer $ARGV[0] -ThrottleLimit 10 -Authentication domain/admin
$queue = [System.Collections.Queue]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.Queue))
$hosts | ForEach-Object { $queue.Enqueue($_) }
while ( $queue.Count -gt 0 -or #(Get-Job -State Running).Count -gt 0 ) {
$freeSlots = $maxSlots - #(Get-Job -State Running).Count
for ( $i = $freeSlots; $i -gt 0 -and $queue.Count -gt 0; $i-- ) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $job -ArgumentList $queue.Dequeue() | Out-Null
Get-Job -State Completed | ForEach-Object {
Receive-Job -Id $_.Id
Remove-Job -Id $_.Id
Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# Remove all remaining jobs.
Get-Job | ForEach-Object {
Receive-Job -Id $_.Id
Remove-Job -Id $_.Id