Gatling Build from Frontline Exception - gatling-plugin

Gatling Build is failing with exception:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
io.gatling.frontline:frontline-maven-plugin:1.0.3:package (default) on
project msg-service-prf: Execution default of goal
io.gatling.frontline:frontline-maven-plugin:1.0.3:package failed: error in opening zip file -> [Help 1].
Same thing is working fine from local laptop.
Gatling version using: 3.3.1.
More details on what I did:
Since, the existing Gatling support is not able providing support for multiple connections, we tried to extend it from Gatling code. As part of that, one scala Gatling source file is modified and tried testing it.
It worked fine in local laptop. But, I configured the TC in Frontline and started test, it went to Broken state. logs showing the above error.
What I did to resolve this:
1) excluded the Gatling jms jar in pom.xml. because, "gatling jms" source project is available for the targeted project as source. locally, it's not giving any issue.
If anyone of you come across such issue, please let me know how did you solve the issue.

It looks like maven didn't properly download the frontline-maven-plugin jar and it ended up corrupted in the maven local cache on your FrontLine machine.
Please remove ~/.m2/repository/io/gatling/frontline/frontline-maven-plugin directory and try again.


Module not found error (JavaFX) -- running a cloned repo on my Eclipse

Please help. I am trying to run an app that is cloned from a GitHub repository. I could run it fine from the terminal (with ./gradlew run (I'm using MacOS)), but if I open the project in Eclipse and run it from there, it fails. (My goal is not just to run the app on my computer but to run it from Eclipse so that I could add a feature or two in the future for personal use).
I searched for solutions all day and tried different things, but solving one error led to another.
What I've done in detail:
Open the project from "Open Projects from File System.."
Right click on the project and "Configure" -> "Add Gradle Nature" (Not sure if this is the right step to take)
Right click on project -> build path -> library -> move the "project and external dependencies" library (includes all jar files such as javafx-controls-17-mac.jar) from classpath to modulepath (This step gets rid of all errors except one within the src/test/java folder, which I believe does not directly affect running the app).
If I run the app I get the following error:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found
I tried adding
--module-path /Users/julie/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/javafx-controls--add-modules javafx.controls
under VM Arguments in Run Configurations but it would give me this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class javafx.controls
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.controls
The path is what I found by looking at "project and external dependencies" library that came with the code (provided by the author). Not sure if that's the right way to do it, but I thought it makes sense to use something within the cloned repo rather than downloading a new javafx and use that path.
I've tried many more things for 8+ hrs.. I don't recall all of them but here are some different error messages I got:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Error reading module: . . .
module-info 2.class found in top-level directory
I think the last error has to do with creating second .class files in bin folder.. I don't know what's causing it but I had to delete all duplicate .class files manually many times. (If somebody can tell me why this is happening, it will be greatly appreciated...)
I've never used Gradle nor JavaFX in my life so this might be a dumb question but please help me out.
FYI, the repo I cloned is

How to trigger sonarqube analysis for multi-module Scala project?

I need to analyse a multi-module Scala legacy project in Sonarqube v7.6 that has the Scala plugin already installed.
I am not very used to Scala and I overheard someone at the office saying it's not a standard project. Inside [ROOT_DIR] there is a folder app, that has only the launcher. Then I have domain and roles folders which contains modules, in [ROOT_DIR]/domain/[MODULE]/src and [ROOT_DIR]/roles/[MODULE]/src.
I have tried a few things with no data being passed to Sonarqube. One of the most promising leads is from this question: Multi module project analysis with SonarQube.
I don't mind having a file I can just run sbt sonarScan off the [ROOT_DIR] and check the analysis in sonarqube.
So far my looks like:
sonar.modules=moduleA, moduleB, moduleC
While this looks good, I am getting the following error:
[error] (moduleA / sonarScan) Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password.
The login and password error is a bit weird because Sonarqube is behind OneLogin so I don't have any issues scanning the other projects that use Maven and Java/Kotlin.
How can I get this running?
Managed to solve the issue with sbt sonarScan With this, the is (apparently!) not needed.

Scalatest building and running in Intellij, but not building the project when run on the command line with maven

I'm able to run my tests in a spec file individually when using intellij, however when I try running with Maven on the command line the project will not build with a
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to load a Suite class that was
discovered in the runpath: project.uitest.spec.aTestFile
error. I've tried restarting everything I can think of, and it works fine on my coworkers computer that has been running the tests for a long time. The issue reproduces on two other new coworkers environments however.
We tried copying the .m2 folder from the working environment onto the new environment machines however still run into the same issue.
We are using the same version of the JRE, and the scala and scalatest versions are specified in our pom.xml file.
We can also ignore the test that won't load and are able to run the tests.
Any insight or ideas of ways to fix this will be greatly appreciated.
What version of ScalaTest are you using?
ScalaTest Maven Plugin 1.0 doesn't support ScalaTest 3

Nutch Exception: ''..cannot be resolved to a type"

I followed the steps using this site :
I encountered a problem while running which that says
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
String cannot be resolved to a type
Exception cannot be resolved to a type
System cannot be resolved
at org.apache.nutch.crawl.Crawl.main(
The build was successful.
I am using nutch 1.4.
Moreover, I would like to tell that i didnt understood the point 3 of section "Establish the Eclipse environment for Nutch" and skipped it. I guess the problem lies there only.
Can you please help me as the more I try to resolve it, the more i get frustrated.Trying it from past 2 days.
It's a humble request please help.
Do you want it to run from eclipse? AFAIK only if you want to modify Nutch code it makes sense to run from eclipse and do all set up. In case if you want to run from eclipse for some reason, 3rd point means: You need to add those path. i.e within plugin folder there are many other folder. You need to manually expand each folder and add src/test and src/java. Ex: there is folder called creative commons. In that there src and within that there is java and test folder. You need to select both. Similarly do for all directories within plugin folder.

Spring STS can't find META-INF/spring.schemas

Trying to set up a new project, and running into a weird issue. I made a new app context file named backend-context.xml, I've added spring-context as a dependency, and am trying to add namespaces through the bean config file, but it's showing as 1 error, with no explaination.
If I browse into problem explorer, it states the following error:
'Unable to load schema mappings from location [META-INF/spring.schemas]'
If I browse through the Maven Dependencies I can see this file located under the spring-beans jar.
If anyone has ideas on how to fix this, that'd be awesome!
Ended up being caused by a local maven jar being corrupt. Found this out by uploading the code to github and trying on a different computer which worked like a charm. So, cleaned out my local repository from all spring jars and redownloaded.