Create Interceptor class for WSO2 API Manager - class

I am new to WSO2 AM and I would like to create interceptor class for APIs that are published on my company's server on API Manager. The thing is that I need to create a solution for DRM (Digital Rights Management), to do so I need to create the class that intercepts all calls to my APIs and do some control check from the JSON that arrives with the user token and some user's parameters.
Until now I was searching for the answers on google for weeks, but didn't find anything useful. Can someone help me with this?

API request/response interceptors in WSO2 API Manager are called handlers. APIM comes with a set of default handlers for authentication, rate limiting, analytics etc. and you can define your own custom handlers as well. Follow these docs for details.
APIM 2.6.0:
APIM 3.0.0:


REST API calls for setting namespace preferences and Program preferences

Can the namespace preferences and program preferences be set via REST API calls? If yes, what is the syntax for it?
Generally in Cloud Data Fusion, when we intend to perform the action on GCP side, like create/delete/restart etc. instance, it's feasible to use domestic Google Cloud API, giving the opportunity to interact with a service endpoint via JSON/HTTP calls interface as described in Google Cloud API design document.
Dedicated to Data Fusion you can follow the Cloud Data Fusion REST API reference document, nicely explaining the methods for composing REST API HTTP calls to manage Data Fusion instances, moreover every method description from the documentation contains Google API Explorer sub-panel, to get handy experience building JSON request on a live data.
Said above, I assume your initial question is related more to CDAP REST API, as it includes the methods for pure CDAP instance metadata/namespaces/application configuration.
From the user perspective your workflow might be the following:
Identify the CDAP API endpoint as explained in this guideline;
Compose an HTTP PUT/GET request relevant to Data Fusion
object via CDAP RESTful API.
Yes of course! You have two methods.
The first method is creating it from the platform. Follow the steps below:
Open your data fusion instance
Go to System Admin => Configuration => Make HTTP calls
To create a namespace, submit an HTTP PUT request:
PUT /v3/namespaces/<namespace-id>
Link of CDAP: CDAP
The second method is using terraform.

How Acumatica Cloud ERP integration works for third party application?

We have an application developed with react and NodeJs and already implemented an MYOB cloud ERP integration to import data. Now we are planning to add a new ERP integration for Acumatica, in the developer document it was mentioned that the rest API is available but I can't find the cloud instance URL, everywhere it was mentioned as localhost only. So can anyone please help me to understand how to connect the Acumatica cloud to fetch details?
Note: I understand the authorization flow like Authorization Code but I'm confused with which URL to use for and I hope it should be a fixed one as it is a cloud URL
The Integration end points is a rather large topic. I am in the process of writing a blog post on it which is more or less a getting started blog on automating stuff and getting info via ReST. The blog itself is in the context of using these services via PowerShell but if you are able to follow along and get to the point of establishing postman examples of what you need to do you should be able to get to the same end result in any language.
You will want to explore The Web Services Endpoint screen in the integration module as this is where all the Contract Based Soap/ReST definitions are managed. You can even set up custom endpoint if you need.
Do you have access to the Acumatica Portal? The best way to get started is with some of the course work there.
Stand by and ill forward some information for you to get started.
The URL for the RestAPI is whatever is the site URL of your Acumatica instance. For example if your Acumatica is hosted in To login to your API :

How might I apply multiple security mechanisms to a Swagger-generated REST service?

I have generated JAX-RS stubs for a REST service using Swagger and want to set up the security.
The security side is very new to me and I would like to use standards as far as possible. (In the past, for other J2EE applications, I have used Filters to handle Authentication which put User objects into a Session. As I understand it, Sessions should be avoided for REST.)
There are 4 types of user who will access the services
Customers and business partners (Authentication via oAuth or similar)
Employees (Authentication via NTLM & LDAP)
Developers (Mock authentication/authorisation of some kind)
Integration test (JUnit with pre-defined users and roles)
Is it possible to define a security mechanism which would handle all of these users?
How would I use the Swagger security directives?
Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?
You could use an open source API gateway like Tyk? Here’s a link to some handy info on API Security in the tyk docs.
And here is a blog post that describes taking a layered approach to API Security that goes beyond the gateway.
Disclosure: I work for Tyk!

Custom Authenticator for OpenID Keycloak realm

I am currently evaluating keycloak as central Identity Manager for multiple a backend with multiple REST services (Resteasy/Wildfly).
After a lot of trial and error and reading the docu, I have succeeded in succesfully making an openid connect login into my custom keycloakrealm (analogue to this post
I can see the acces token + id_token coming in the response and are able to make requests to the REST services by passing these tokes.
However I can only authenticate using the credentials of the users defined in keycloak itself. However, in our reallife case, the users reside in SAP and are unknown to keycloak.
We do, however have a javalibrary for authenticating these users over the SAPJCO connector.
Can anyone please tell me how to configure keycloak to use a "custom authentication" module for the actual authentication?
Is implementing a custom authenticator SPI ( the way to go? If not, what wuold be a possible solution???
Hope you guys can help!
Kim Zeevaarders
The Netherlands
If you can access the SAP users details via the SAPJCO connector then you could write a custom Federation Provider. The provided example is rudimentary but it give the basic idea and maven dependencies.
In a nutshell you will need to extend org.keycloak.models.UserFederationProvider and provide methods for obtaining user details, validation of credentials and searching by attributes. In your case you would use your SAPJCO connector to fulfil each of these functions against your existing user base.
Update 30 May 2018
The User Federation SPI was replaced with a new User Storage SPI in release 2.5. Migration Notes are available here

maintaining session in REST web service

I have a COTS application(PLM application) which has provided few SOAP APIs to access. Since this SOAP API is highly complex, we are developing a easy to use REST wrapper service. Before invoking any API in my COTS application, authentication API needs to be invoked. In my REST wrapper web service, I have a login resource which invokes COTS SOAP login API. To keep things simple for my API users, I store the logged in user details in user session. In every other REST resoruces, I retrieve the session and check whether session has user details. If yes, I proceed and invoke the SOAP API. if not, I return proper HTTP status code. I use Apache CXF for service and client. I mandate my APIusers to maintain the session in the client like this
In every REST tutorials, it said REST is stateless. I am doubtful whether what I am doing is correct as per REST standards. Please suggest. Thanks
Basically the idea of REST is a stateless interface. However it is common practice to use some kind of authentication for API calls since most of the time not all resources should be public (e.g. the timeline of a twitter user over the twitter API)
Therefore it is ok if you do some kind of authentication and validate a session on further requests (or maybe authenticate with every single request, e.g. with HTTP Basic Access Authentication) to check if access should be granted.
Not part of this and not the idea of a RESTful API would be to store complex session information that would really make the whole thing stateful. This for example includes storage of information of an older request for processing together with one following later.
client.getRequestContext().put(Message.MAINTAIN_SESSION, Boolean.TRUE)
This code causes cookies to be maintained in that specific client only.
If you want those cookies be available in another client, it needs to be programmed.
And if the second client receives additional cookies and you want those cookies available in the first client too, how is that possible?
I need something like a root client that maintains cookies of all sub clients. All cookies must be shared among all clients. Like a shared cookie repository for all clients. Does anyone know how to achieve this?