Looking for free collection of different vCards (*.vcf) [closed] - contacts

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am currently working on a vCard parser. For the testing of the different edge cases of vCards (the standard allows a high variance) I need a collection of vCards from different sources.
At the moment I am working with some vCards I created on my own and was wondering if there is a free collection of vCards (*.vcf) in the web which I can use for testing purposes.

Here is a LGPL vcard test suite for testing vCard parsers:
It cover valid and invalid card and looks extensive.


Playready for MP4 content [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any tools available for adding Playready protection to MP4 content?
You have to use Microsoft Expression Encoder to convert MP4 -> WMV.
Then you need to obtain PlayReady SDK and run the encryptor to encrypt the WMV file.
This will given you what you need.
If you need to protect the content in order to share via adaptive streaming use a Transformation Manager IIS extension.

Do we need adobe Digital Marketing Suite's authentication for appMeasurement for my ios app? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I just want to use adobe's omniture for my IOS app so do i need to make an account on Digital Marketing Suite in omniture.Can any one provide me any sample source code in which omniture has been used.
If you or your organization are an existing Digital Marketing Suite customer, you can obtain all the measurement libraries by navigating to the Code Manager in the Admin Console. You can also obtain implementation code examples in their help interface here:
If you are not an existing user, there's not much reason or use to implement code because you wouldn't be able to access any reports that result from it.

backup/restore from-to Gmail? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to implement in my app, written in Lua,the option to save a backup file to Gmail and restore it from there.
I just need how to save one file and restore that from the same account again.
Several apps use that feature now ( i guess using the Gmail as HD Feature).
Any ideas? I could read also PHP, Object-C and Java sources if you have nothing in Lua :)
I searched for infos in the net, but did not found a single demo source.
A google search turned up these IMAP clients:
And from the Lua mailing list

Is there an opensource "MSWord doc to PDF" convert library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to convert word(.doc) into PDF on iOS device. Is there an opensource solution where I can use as a C/C++ lib or something?
There really is no conveniently open-source library that will do this for you: you may get some mileage out of WvWare but I've never seen it used on iOS and I'm not sure what platform dependencies it may need.
If your iphone is connected to the net, then you can call a Docmosis web service to do it. You need to sign up though.

Looking for a library for vCard generation and parsing in Objective-C, C, C++ (for iPhone) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to be able to parse a vCard from a string and produce a string representation for a vCard.
Check out this library, I'm not the creator but i've used and it works just fine. Just take a look in the comments as there is a error that needs fixing in the library.