Kafka Topic, Broker, ZooKeeper architecture overview - apache-kafka

I have read a bunch of articles regarding Kafka architecture but I'm still brand-new in this and when it came to coding there was some confusion if I get the things correctly.
From what I understand Kafka server, broker and node are synonyms. There can be a few brokers within Kafka cluster. There is a Kafka topic (T1) and it consists of a few partitions (P1, P2..). These partitions can be replicated across the brokers (B1, B2..). B1 can be leader for P1, B2 for P2 and so on. Do we say that there is topic T1 defined for broker or cluster, and if we treat topic as set of partitions can we say 'topic replicas'?
From the official Kafka documentation:
bootstrap.servers: A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is down).
So from what I understand, defining host1:port1,host2:port2 says that there are two brokers.
In this case, does ZooKeeper automatically distribute a message to a leader when executing bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list host1:port1,host2:port2 --topic test ? (I believe somewhere I have read that a producer should read broker id from ZooKeeper, but wouldn't it be unnecessary here?)
Is it equal to publishing using bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --zookeeper host1:z_port1,host2:z_port2 --topic test ?
How should I basically understand bin/kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper host1:z_port1,host2:z_port2? We have only one zookeeper instance?

Do we say that there is topic T1 defined for broker or cluster, and if we treat topic as set of partitions can we say 'topic replicas'?
1) Cluster. 2) Partitions are individually replicated across multiple brokers, often more than the replication factor itself. The more proper term would be the "in sync replicas (ISR)"
does ZooKeeper automatically distribute a message to a leader when executing
Zookeeper does not, no. Your client communicates with a Broker Controller, then receives all brokers in the cluster, which also returns metadata about which broker is the leader for which topic-partitions. The client then individually connects and produces to each leader broker for the calculated partitions
Is it equal to publishing
Producing*, yes.
We have only one zookeeper instance?
One Zookeeper cluster can manage multiple Kafka clusters via a feature called a chroot, the root directory in the Zookeeper znodes that contains information about the managed service.
Also, kafka-topics command can now use --bootstrap-server, not --zookeeper


Kafka, questions about setting up

I'm testing Kafka on Linux, but I don't know what's wrong because the test results are different from what I understand.
Let me explain the setting.
Currently, three brokers were configured with kafka version 2.8.1 in centos7 using 9092, 9093, and 9094 ports, respectively.
In the case of producers, all three ports were connected to the bootstrap-server setting and then executed.
kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --topic test
In the case of consumers, three were set up so that they could be attached to each of the three ports.
1. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9092 --topic test
2. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9093 --topic test
3. kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-serverlocalhost:9094 --topic test
If I were to explain what I understood here,
In the case of Kafka, the leader broker acts as a controller, and the follow brokers copy the leader broker's data.
If one of the follower brokers dies, a disconnection message simply appears on the consumer connected to the broker.Other brokers operate normally.
If a leader broker dies, one of the follow brokers will be changed to a leader broker, and the changed leader broker will act as a controller.
If I were to explain the problem,
If you kill a leader broker, check the describe option, and the other follow broker has changed to a leader, but both producers and consumers cannot find a new leader and fail.
Even if a broker running on 9092 ports kills the broker without being a leader, the producer and consumer will fail.
If the leader broker dies, should the producer and consumer also set up a new connection?
Am I misunderstanding the producer and consumer?
Is there anything wrong with the setting?
I'm testing Kafka on Linux
But you're using Batch files, and connecting to localhost, which are for Windows...
so that they could be attached to each of the three ports.
This isn't how Kafka distributes load. You can only have one consumer thread active per topic partition. Unclear how many partitions your topic has, but if you have only one and that specific broker died (it is the only replica and leader), this explains why your clients would stop working.
Besides that, Kafka is generally on the same port, on mulitple hosts. Using one host is not truly fault-tolerant, and is a waste of resources (CPU, RAM, and disk).
Regarding producers, there is a property for retries that can be configured; I'm not sure if the console producer overrides the default or not, but it should connect to the next available broker upon a new request.
For consumers, the same, however, you'll want to make sure your offsets.topic.replication.factor (and transactions topic factor, if you use them) is higher than 1; otherwise, consumers will be unable to read anything (or transactions will not work, which are enabled by default in newer versions)

Kafka setup strategy for replication?

I have two vm servers (say S1 and S2) and need to install kafka in cluster mode where there will be topic with only one partition and two replicas(one is leader in itself and other is follower ) for reliability.
Got high level idea from this cluster setup Want to confirm If below strategy is correct.
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that node goes down, complete cluster
will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is hosted on different nodes.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as follower
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as there is only
one node live now ?
Is above strategy correct ?
Useful resources
ISR vs replication factor
First set up zookeeper as cluster on both nodes for high
availability(HA). If I do setup zk on single node only and then that
node goes down, complete cluster will be down. Right ? Is it mandatory
to use zk in latest kafka version also ? Looks it is must for older
version Is Zookeeper a must for Kafka?
Answer: Yes. Zookeeper is still must until KIP-500 will be released. Zookeeper is responsible for electing controller, storing metadata about Kafka cluster and managing broker membership (link). Ideally the number of Zookeeper nodes should be at least 3. By this way you can tolerate one node failure. (2 healthy Zookeeper nodes (majority in cluster) are still capable of selecting a controller)) You should also consider to set up Zookeeper cluster on different machines other than the machines that Kafka is installed. Thus the failure of a server won't lead to loss of both Zookeeper and Kafka nodes.
Start the kafka broker on both nodes . It can be on same port as it is
hosted on different nodes.
Answer: You should first start Zookeeper cluster, then Kafka cluster. Same ports on different nodes are appropriate.
Create Topic on any node with partition 1 and replica as two.
Answer: Partitions are used for horizontal scalability. If you don't need this, one partition is okay. By having replication factor 2, one of the nodes will be leader and one of the nodes will be follower at any time. But it is not enough for avoiding data loss completely as well as providing HA. You should have at least 3 Kafka brokers, 3 replication factor of topics, min.insync.replicas=2 as broker config and acks=all as producer config in the ideal configuration for avoiding data loss by not compromising HA. (you can check this for more information)
zookeeper will select any broker on one node as leader and another as
Answer: Controller broker is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions. One broker will be partition leader and another one will be follower. You can check partition leaders/followers with this command.
bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic my-replicated-topic
Producer will connect to any broker and start publishing the message.
Answer: Yes. Setting only one broker as bootstrap.servers is enough to connect to Kafka cluster. But for redundancy you should provide more than one broker in bootstrap.servers.
bootstrap.servers: A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing
the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. The client will make use
of all servers irrespective of which servers are specified here for
bootstrapping—this list only impacts the initial hosts used to
discover the full set of servers. This list should be in the form
host1:port1,host2:port2,.... Since these servers are just used for the
initial connection to discover the full cluster membership (which may
change dynamically), this list need not contain the full set of
servers (you may want more than one, though, in case a server is
If leader goes down, zookeeper will select another node as leader
automatically . Not sure how replica of 2 will be maintained now as
there is only one node live now ?
Answer: If Controller broker goes down, Zookeeper will select another broker as new Controller. If broker which is leader of your partition goes down, one of the in-sync-replicas will be the new leader. (Controller broker is responsible for this) But of course, if you have just two brokers then replication won't be possible. That's why you should have at least 3 brokers in your Kafka cluster.
Yes - ZooKeeper is still needed on Kafka 2.4, but you can read about KIP-500 which plans to remove the dependency on ZooKeeper in the near future and start using the Raft algorithm in order to create the quorum.
As you already understood, if you will install ZK on a single node it will work in a standalone mode and you won't have any resiliency. The classic ZK ensemble consist 3 nodes and it allows you to lose 1 ZK node.
After pointing your Kafka brokers to the right ZK cluster you can start your brokers and the cluster will be up and running.
In your example, I would suggest you to create another node in order to gain better resiliency and met the replication factor that you wanted, while still be able to lose one node without losing data.
Bear in mind that using single partition means that you are bounded to single consumer per Consumer Group. The rest of the consumers will be idle.
I suggest you to read this blog about Kafka Best Practices and how to choose the number of topics/partitions in a Kafka cluster.

Doubts Regarding Kafka Cluster Setup

I have a use case I want to set up a Kafka cluster initially at the starting I have 1 Kafka Broker(A) and 1 Zookeeper Node. So below mentioned are my queries:
On adding a new Kafka Broker(B) to the cluster. Will all data present on broker A will be distributed automatically? If not what I need to do distribute the data.
Not let's suppose somehow the case! is solved my data is distributed on both the brokers. Now due to some maintenance issue, I want to take down the server B.
How to transfer the data of Broker B to the already existing broker A or to a new Broker C.
How can I increase the replication factor of my brokers at runtime
How can I change the zookeeper IPs present in Kafka Broker Config at runtime without restarting Kafka?
How can I dynamically change the Kafka Configuration at runtime
Regarding Kafka Client:
Do I need to specify all Kafka broker IP to kafkaClient for connection?
And each and every time a broker is added or removed does I need to add or remove my IP in Kafka Client connection String. As it will always require to restart my producer and consumers?
Kafka Version: 2.0.0
Zookeeper: 3.4.9
Broker Size : (2 core, 8 GB RAM) [4GB for Kafka and 4 GB for OS]
To run a topic from a single kafka broker you will have to set a replication factor of 1 when creating that topic (explicitly, or implicitly via default.replication.factor). This means that the topic's partitions will be on a single broker, even after increasing the number of brokers.
You will have to increase the number of replicas as described in the kafka documentation. You will also have to pay attention that the internal __consumer_offsets topic has enough replicas. This will start the replication process and eventually the original broker will be the leader of every topic partition, and the other broker will be the follower and fully caught up. You can use kafka-topics.sh --describe to check that every partition has both brokers in the ISR (in-sync replicas).
Once that is done you should be able to take the original broker offline and kafka will elect the new broker as the leader of every topic partition. Don't forget to update the clients so they are aware of the new broker as well, in case a client needs to restart when the original broker is down (otherwise it won't find the cluster).
Here are the answers in brief:
Yes, the data present on broker A will also be distributed in Kafka broker B
You can set up three brokers A, B and C so if A fails then B and C will, and if B fails then, C will take over and so on.
You can increase the replication factor of your broker
you could create increase-replication-factor.json and put this content in it:
To increase the number of replicas for a given topic, you have to:
Specify the extra partitions to the existing topic with below command(let us say the increase from 2 to 3)
bin/kafktopics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --topic topic-to-increase --partitions 3
There is zoo.cfg file where you can add the IP and configuration related to ZooKeeper.

Why is my kafka topic not consumable with a broker down?

My issue is that I have a three broker Kafka Cluster and an availability requirement to have access to consume and produce to a topic when one or two of my three brokers is down.
I also have a reliability requirement to have a replication factor of 3. These seem to be conflicting requirements to me. Here is how my problem manifests:
I create a new topic with replication factor 3
I send several messages to that topic
I kill one of my brokers to simulate a broker issue
I attempt to consume the topic I created
My consumer hangs
I review my logs and see the error:
Number of alive brokers '2' does not meet the required replication factor '3' for the offsets topic
If I set all my broker's offsets.topic.replication.factor setting to 1, then I'm able to produce and consume my topics, even if I set the topic level replication factor to 3.
Is this an okay configuration? Or can you see any pitfalls in setting things up this way?
You only need as many brokers as your replication factor when creating the topic.
I'm guessing in your case, you start with a fresh cluster and no consumers have connected yet. In this case, the __consumer_offsets internal topic does not exist as it is only created when it's first needed. So first connect a consumer for a moment and then kill one of the brokers.
Apart from that, in order to consume you only need 1 broker up, the leader for the partition.

Why does kafka producer take a broker endpoint when being initialized instead of the zk

If I have multiple brokers, which broker should my producer use? Do I need to manually switch the broker to balance the load? Also why does the consumer only need a zookeeper endpoint instead of a broker endpoint?
quick example from tutorial:
> bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
> bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning
which broker should my producer use? Do I need to manually switch the broker to balance the load?
Kafka runs on cluster, meaning set of nodes, so while producing anything you need to tell him the LIST of brokers that you've configured for your application, below is a small note taken from their documentation.
“metadata.broker.list” defines where the Producer can find a one or more Brokers to determine the Leader for each topic. This does not need to be the full set of Brokers in your cluster but should include at least two in case the first Broker is not available. No need to worry about figuring out which Broker is the leader for the topic (and partition), the Producer knows how to connect to the Broker and ask for the meta data then connect to the correct Broker.
Hope this clear some of your confusion
Also why does the consumer only need a zookeeper endpoint instead of a
broker endpoint
This is not technically correct, as there are two types of APIs available, High level and Low level consumer.
The high level consumer basically takes care of most of the thing like leader detection, threading issue, etc. but does not provide much control over messages which exactly the purpose of using the other alternatives Simple or Low level consumer, in which you will see that you need to provide the brokers, partition related details.
So Consumer need zookeeper end point only when you are going with the high level API, in case of using Simple you do need to provide other information
Kafka sets a single broker as the leader for each partition of each topic. The leader is responsible for handling both reads and writes to that partition. You cannot decide to read or write from a non-Leader broker.
So, what does it mean to provide a broker or list of brokers to the kafka-console-producer ? Well, the broker or brokers you provide on the command-line are just the first contact point for your producer. If the broker you list is not the leader for the topic/partition you need, your producer will get the current leader info (called "topic metadata" in kafka-speak) and reconnect to other brokers as necessary before sending writes. In fact, if your topic has multiple partitions it may even connect to several brokers in parallel (if the partition leaders are different brokers).
Second q: why does the consumer require a zookeeper list for connections instead of a broker list? The answer to that is that kafka consumers can operate in "groups" and zookeeper is used to coordinate those groups (how groups work is a larger issue, beyond the scope of this Q). Zookeeper also stores broker lists for topics, so the consumer can pull broker lists directly from zookeeper, making an additional --broker-list a bit redundant.
Kafka Producer API does not interact directly with Zookeeper. However, the High Level Consumer API connects to Zookeeper to fetch/update the partition offset information for each consumer. So, the consumer API would fail if it cannot connect to Zookeeper.
All above answers are correct in older versions of Kafka, but things have changed with arrival of Kafka 0.9.
Now there is no longer any direct interaction with zookeeper from either the producer or consumer. Another interesting things is with 0.9, Kafka has removed the dissimilarity between High-level and Low-level APIs, since both follows a uniformed consumer API.