Understanding Firestore's Underlying Serialisation Mechanism - scala

I would like to get some information on how the serialisation/deserialisation mechanism works in Firestore. The issue I am having is that I am passing a Scala (JVM language) object into the Firestore create method but it blows up at the point of serialising that data. After some investigation, it appears that Firestore requires values created from classes which have an empty public constructor, why is this a constraint? This is something that Scala classes do not have. Is there anyway to side-step Firestore's serialisation and provide my own?

Firestore requires values created from classes which have an empty public constructor, why is this a constraint?
When you load data from Firestore, you have the option to read a Java object from the document by calling DocumentSnapshot.toObject(Class<T> valueType). In order to create the object that it returns, the Firestore SDK must be able to call a constructor on the class that you pass in. And the only constructor it can reasonably call, is one without any arguments, as it has no way to determine what argument values to pass in otherwise.
Note that calling toObject is not the only option to create an object out of a DocumentSnapshot. You can also construct the Java object yourself, and extract the individual values from the snapshot by calling its get methods.
A quick search seems to hint that it is possible to add a no-argument constructor in Scala too, so I also recommend checking out:
Scala case classes with new firebase-server-sdk
A quick overview of using Firebase in a Scala application


Kotlin immutable entities changing unexpectedly when using it with JPA

In our project we are using kotlin with JPA. All of our entities are immutable so, it is not possible to set fields of our entities directly. You have to create a new instance by using the copy method. If you want these changes to be reflected to database, you must persist this newly created entity with an explicit function call.
In the beginning, this approach looks perfect to us. However, nowadays we are having some problems like some of our instances are changing unexpectedly in the memory.
val instance1 = repository.findById(entityId)
repository.save(instance1.copy(deletedAt = Instant.now()))
In the code snipped above, instance1 is retrieved from database and its deletedAt field is set with copy method and the new instance which is created with this copy method is passed to save method of the repository. We don't set any field of instance1, we create a new instance to do these changes. However, the result on assert line is unexpectedly not-null.
It seems, There is a confliction on JPA persistence context (first level cache) and kotlin's immutable and copy method logic.
Is anyone facing this problem or any suggestion or best practices when using JPA and immutable Kotlin entities?
I suspect the problem is that you're ignoring the return value from save().  Its docs say:
Saves a given entity. Use the returned instance for further operations as the save operation might have changed the entity instance completely.
But you're not doing that; you're instead continuing to use the original instance which (as that says) may have changed.
Instead, store the return value from save(), and use that thereafter.  (Either by making instance1 a var, or creating a new val and not referring to instance1 afterward.)
(This isn't a Kotlin-specific problem, and is exactly the same in Java.  JPA , Spring, &c work their magic by futzing with the bytecode, so can do things your code can't — such as changing immutable values.  Most of the time you can ignore it, but this case makes it obvious.)
Immutable types are not compatible on how JPA works.
JPA works around the concept of UnitOfWork, which mean objects retrieved from the database lives in a PersistedContext (1st level cache) and they get discarded once the EntityManager is closed (on a web application at the end of the HTTP request).
When using the copy method in an entity you just retrieved from the database, the copied object is considered detached from the current session meaning that changes on it cannot be tracked by JPA and the underlying implememtation (Hibernate / EclipseLink) have hard time figuring out which SQL statement needs to be fired (Insert/Update/Delete ????)
Things got way more complex when you have complex object graph with OneToMany associations and cascading options.
So my recommendation is unfortunately is to avoid Immutable types when using JPA.

How to update object in Mongo with an immutable Salat case class

I'm working on a project with Scala, Salat, Casbah, Mongo, Play2, BackboneJS... But it's quite a lot of new things to learn in the same time... I'm ok with Scala but I find my code crappy and I don't really know what's the solution to improve it.
Basically my usecase is:
A MongoDB object is sent to the browser's JS code by Play2
The JS code update the object data (through a Backbone model)
The JS send back the the updated JSON to the server (sent by Backbone save method, and received by Play with a json bodyparser)
The JSON received by Play should update the object in MongoDB
Some fields should not be updatable for security reasons (object id, creationDate...)
My problem is the last part.
I'm using case classes with Salat as a representation of the objects stored in MongoDB.
I don't really know how to handle the JSON i receive from the JS code.
Should I bind the JSON into the Salat case class and then ask Mongo to override the previous object data by the full new case class object?
If so is there a way with Play2 or Salat to automatically create back the case class from the received JSON?
Should I handle my JSON fields individually with $set for the fields I want to update?
Should i make the elements of my case class mutable? It's what we actually do in Java with Hibernate for exemple: get the object from DB, change its state, and save it. But it doesn't seem to be the appropriate way to do with Scala...
If someone can give me some advices for my usecase it would be nice because I really don't know what to do :(
Edit: I asked a related question here: Should I represent database data with immutable or mutable data structures?
Salat handles JSON using lift-json - see https://github.com/novus/salat/wiki/SalatWithPlay2.
Play itself uses Jerkson, which is another way to decode your model objects - see http://blog.xebia.com/2012/07/22/play-body-parsing-with-jerkson/ for an example.
Feel free to make a small sample Github project that demonstrates your issue and post to the Salat mailing list at https://groups.google.com/group/scala-salat for help.
There are really two problems in your question:
How do I use Play Salat.
How do I prevent updates to certain fields.
The answer to your first question lies in the Play Salat documentation. Your second question could be answered a few ways.
a. When the update is pushed to the server from Backbone, you could grab the object id and find it in the database. At that point you have both copies of the object. At that point, you can fire a business rule to make sure the sender didn't attempt to change those fields.
b. You could put some of your fields in another document of an embedded document. The client would have access to them for rendering purposes but your API wouldn't allow them to be pushed back to Mongo.
c. You could write a custom update query that ignores the fields you don't want changed.
Actually the answer is pretty simple: I didn't know there was a built-in copy method on case classes that allows to copy an immutable case class while changing some data.
I don't have nested case class structures but the Tony Morris suggestion of using Lenses seems nice too.

casbah mongodb more typesafe way to access object parameters

In casbah, there are two methods called .getAs and .getAsOrElse in MongoDBObject, which returns the relevant fields' values in the type which given as the type parameter.
val dbo:MongoDBObject = ...
This must be using type casting, because we can get a Long as a String by giving it as the type parameter, which might caused to type cast exception in runtime. Is there any other typesafe way to retrieve the original type in the result?
This must be possible because the type information of the element should be there in the getAs's output.
Check out this excellent presentation on Salat by it's author. What you're looking for is Salat grater which can convert to and from DBObject.
Disclamer: I am biased as I'm the author of Subset
I built this small library "Subset" exactly for the reason to be able to work effectively with DBObject's fields (both scalar and sub-documents) in a type-safe manner. Look through Examples and see if it fits your needs.
The problem is that mongodb can store multiple types for a single field, so, I'm not sure what you mean by making this typesafe. There's no way to enforce it on the database side, so were you hoping that there is a way to enforce it on the casbah side? You could just do get("fieldName"), and get an Object, to be safest--but that's hardly an improvement, in my opinion.
I've been happy using Salat + Casbah, and when my database record doesn't match my Salat case class, I get a runtime exception. I just know that I have to run migration scripts when I change the types in my model, or create a new model for the new types (multiple models can be stored in the same collection). At least the Salat grater/DAO methods make it less of a hassle (you don't have to specify types every time you access a variable).

Morphia and object graphs

I've yet to use Morphia, but I'm considering it for a current project.
Suppose I have a POJO with a number of #Reference annotations and I ask Morphia to fetch the object graph from the database. If I then make another DAO or DataStore call and ask Morphia to fetch some object that was already instantiated in the first graph, would Morphia return a reference to the already instantiated object or would it create a new instance?
If Morphia returns a new instance of the object each time, does anyone have a recommendation of how to best approach creating a Morphia-backed repository that won't duplicate already-instantiated objects?
As I see it in Morphia, it will re read every reference.
This is one of the problems, why I created Morphium. I integrated a caching layer there, so if you read a reference, this one won't be read again (at least, if you search by ID...)
We use morphia in production and there are two ways to make sure you don't load the references which is something we came across too.
One is to use the lazy loading option when you define the #Reference element in your main class. This of course means that this behavior is 'global' to that object.
The better way to do this is to not define an #Reference using Morphia and instead managing the references yourself. Let me know if you need a code sample.
I've stopped using #Reference too and instead declare something like:
ObjectId itemId
rather than having a field item. This has 2 benefits: (1) it lets me define a getter through a helper getObject(...) method which I have written with object caching and (2) it stores a simple ObjectId in the Mongo object rather than a full DBRef which includes the collection name and thus about twice the data size.

Why eGet in EMF returns Object rather than EObject?

I am working on some code using the EMF framework in Java, but it is really hard to use, e.g. I cannot implement OCL-like query API on top of EMF which would be type-safe.
One of the reasons is that eGet() for a EStructuralFeature returns just an Object, not EObject. So anything I would write must use much of null checking, type checking and type casting which is unsafe, not performant and cannot be generalized in a reusable way.
Why doesn't EMF generate dummy implementations with EObject wrappers for arbitrary Object value?
Implementing the EObject and hence the EClass interfaces even with simple throw UnsupportedOperationException is really a pain (the APIs are too big). The same holds for the eContainer() method which makes navigating the model upwards painful.
The same method is used for accessing simple attribute values (which can be of any Java type) and traverse relationships to other modeled objects, and those can be single or multivalued.
EMF provides generic mechanisms for checking whether an object is an instance of an EClass, or if an EClass is assignable to another, so I don't really see the problem with that.
The eGet() method is part of the EMF reflective API. As EMF can wrap any serializable object you cannot restrict the returned object of such a reflective API.
Why do you need to use this reflective API instead of the generated Java implementation of your ecore model? This way you will have all the direct well typed API to manipulate your domain objects.