Batch file explore directory for PostgreSQL connection - postgresql

Once again, I am asking for your help to manage a small batch script.
As announced, in a previous post, I'm used to work on linux and automation tasks are more obvious to me but I have to work today under Microsoft environment.
Writting a Batch file is definitly not an easy things.
I am able with this script to be connected to a PostgreSQL database and load data via ogr2ogr. Until then, no problem.
Currently, the path of the folder is hard written in my code, but I would like to have the possibility of choosing the working directory through windows explorer.
Also, concerning this directory, I would like to have the possibility to process the subfolders at the same time.
Here, below the piece of my *.bat code:
TITLE Upload Shapefile Files to PostgreSQL
#echo off
color 9
echo ******************************************************************************
echo * Upload Shapefile Files to PostgreSQL *
echo ******************************************************************************
set /P Host=Please enter your Server Host (default:localhost):
set /P Port=Please enter your PGSQL port (default:5432):
set /p Database=Please enter your PGSQL Database Name (default:postgres):
set /P Schema=Please enter your Edigeo Schema (default:public):
set /P User=Please enter your PGSQL username (default:postgres):
set /P Password=Please enter your PGSQL password (default:postgres):
For /F %%H In ("C:\Users\stephj\Desktop\SHP\*.shp") do ogr2ogr -overwrite -t_srs EPSG:2154 -s_srs EPSG:2154 -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=%Host% port=%Port% user=%User% password=%Password% dbname=%Database%" -lco schema=%Schema%
Thanks in advance for your time and your help.

Ok, here is a way. This will just demonstrate by echoing the files, you need to amend it to follow your command structure:
Note!! This is a batch/PowerShell hybrid script. It needs to be saved with a batch file extension, preferably .cmd:
#echo off
set "pshell="(new-object -COM 'Shell.Application').BrowseForFolder(0,'Select Folder',0,0).self.path""
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell %pshell%') do set "workdir=%%a"
for /r "%workdir%" %%i in (*.shp) do echo "%%~i"


Simple xcopy script using variables and a target text list to copy a folder to different computers

I wrote a script that wil copy a particular folder to a list of hosts, stored in a text file.
It works great from a short source path but fails to find the folder when located in a long path, which is how i need it to function.
Thsi what i tried, which should copy the folder to the list in the text.
Code below
set source=%~dp0%data
set source2=%~dp0%\target.txt
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN (%source2%) DO XCOPY /d /y /f /i "%source%" "\%%~A\c$\users\test\test"
Error: The system cannot find the file C:\Users\lenovo\OneDrive\Company\Red.
The above path is not the full path.
I understand there may well be more modern ways to achive this such as ropcopy or powershell and am open to ideas if this is not teh best method.
Thanks in advance for any help

PostgreSQL Backup Batch file not working

I have the following batch file/script to backup a PostgreSQL database on a Windows 2012 server which works fine on two servers I have running. On the new server, it works but prompts me for the password. I recall I had the same problem on the other two servers but don't recall what I did to make it work some 4 years ago. Can someone help? I have searched all over including here and have not found the solution yet. I did not write the script. I was passed on to me some 4 years ago
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM The next line sets the following DayTime variables: DT_Day, DT_DayOfWeek, DT_Hour, DT_Minute, DT_Month, DT_Quarter, DT_Second, DT_WeekInMonth, DT_Year
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic.exe Path Win32_LocalTime GET * /value') do (for /f "delims=" %%b in ("%%a") do set DT_%%b)
for %%a in (DT_Month DT_Day DT_Hour DT_Minute DT_Second) do (if !%%a! LSS 10 set %%a=0!%%a!)
set Timestamp=%DT_Year%%DT_Month%%DT_Day%_%DT_Hour%%DT_Minute%%DT_Second%
echo Timestamp: %Timestamp%
set PGPassFile=%APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf
REM database/PostgreSQL Information
SET PRODDB=database_name
SET PGUSER=username
SET PGPASS=password
SET PGHOST=localhost
SET PGBIN="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin"
REM formats can be custom/plain/tar
SET GLOBALS=globals-%Timestamp%.sql
for %%a in (%PGPASS%) do (>"%PGPassFile%" echo %PG_HOST%:%PG_PORT%:%PRODDB%:%PGUSER%:%%~a)
#ECHO Backing up globals to %GLOBALS%...
%pgbin%\pg_dumpall -U %PGUSER% -p %PGPORT% -g > %BACKUPDES%\%GLOBALS%
%pgbin%\pg_dump -U %PGUSER% -p %PGPORT% --format=%FORMAT% -C %PRODDB% > %BACKUPDES%\%BACKUPFILENAME%
REM del "%PGPassFile%"
So it was a problem with the ph_hba.conf. I had identical entries on a working server and the new server. It did not work. I copied the pg_hba.conf file from the working server to the new server. The backup/pg_dump script is running now without prompting for a password.

Calling Date Modified in CMD

Basically just attempting to create a very basic program that will display the last modified date of a file on our server. Problem is I have no idea how to write it. This is what I attempted
cd \\Server\Folder
msg dir
I also ran into the problem "CMD Does not support UNC Paths as Current Directories" when I tried to change the CD to our servers directory.
What I would like it to do is display in a dialog box the modified date of a "Text.txt" located on our server \\Server\Folder
Any and all help is appreciated
Next .bat script should work:
set "_folder=\\Server\Folder"
set "_filename=Text.txt"
set "_filedatetime=N/A"
pushd %_folder%
for %%G in (%_filename%) do (
rem echo %%~tG %%~fG
if not "%%~tG"=="" set "_filedatetime=%%~tG"
echo file %_folder%\%_filename% date and time: %_filedatetime%
Note there is no dialog box in pure cmd command line interpreter, try set /P.
SET: Display, set, or remove CMD environment variables
PUSHD, POPD: and UNC Network paths
FOR commands
~ Parameter Extensions

How to Copy files that are in a directory to another directory recursively in Windows?

I have to create an script to copy files from a folder structure to other.
My source folder structure is similar to this:
/*Here are the files to copy*/
/*Here are the files to copy*/
I want to copy the files that are in the "ToCopy" folders, into another folder, with this structure:
Destination folder structure:
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the SubParentsFolder1
//Here the files that were in the ToCopy folder inside the OtherSubParentFolder
Notice that I use the name of the "ToCopy" parent folder in the destination subfolders.
I know how I would do this with code (like C#), but I am at a lost on how to achieve it with a Batch file. Is it even possible? Or I would need to use something like powershell?
How can I copy my files following the structure I described?
I think, this should work...
$Folder= gci -path "d:\pstest" -recurse -Filter "ToCopy" | where { $_.psiscontainer }
Foreach ($Foldername in $Folder) {
copy-item $Foldername.fullname -Destination "d:\Outputfolder\$Destinationfolder" -recurse
Hi to follow is a script I hacked away (via help from stack overflow), that reads the files from a txt document, then requests destination folder input and also src folder name it then just goes and recursively copies all the files to the new folder without keeping the old subfolder structure.
I will update this in future with the link to the person that I got the base template from for the admin area, but to keep in mind once you click that Batch can run as though it was a php script then everything makes sense. Took me whole day to research every command and alternative on
Major thing to note is the pushd "%~dp0" this I use to make sure batch always uses my current directory as root.
As said I will do a proper write up on this and further stream lining since I am using it actively for moving files during a woocommerce shop update. P.S. the text file name should be entered without the .txt extention and every file name should start on a new line. Also if the destination directory does not exist it will create it. Use excel maybe to list the names then for renaming could output to new column and compile the batch rename command copy to new batch run first batch to fetch files and second batch to rename to preferred title, I do it in steps to keep my sanity.
Sorry was just a example of how I use it, but yes go ahead and enjoy hope this works for you.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Changes root path to relative of current bat folder
pushd "%~dp0"
REM finds files in provided .txt file and copies them to destination directory
COPY /b/y NUL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
DEL %WINDIR%\06CF2EB6-94E6-4a60-91D8-AB945AE8CF38 >NUL 2>&1
ECHO Please wait...
set /p DEST_DIR="Copy files to:"%=%
set /p SEARCH_DIR="Copy files from:"%=%
#echo Please check folder name for accuracy.
#echo Copy files to: %DEST_DIR%
#echo Copy files from: %SEARCH_DIR%
set /p CORRECT_FOLDERS="Are these correct? (please check spelling) y/n:"
#echo you answered yes
if not exist %DEST_DIR% md %DEST_DIR%&GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo you answered no
set /p TRY_AGAIN="Try again? y/n:"
#echo "So Sorry"
set /p GET_FILENAMES="What is the name of the text file your filenames are stored in?"%=%
if exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo We will now read and copy the files for you, have some coffee might take awhile & GOTO:WRITE_DATA
if not exist %GET_FILENAMES%.txt #echo Filename does not match, please type only the name without .txt extention & GOTO:READ_DATA
#echo reading file name...
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%GET_FILENAMES%.txt") do (
for /r "%SEARCH_DIR%" %%b in ("%%a*") do (
#echo Copy Started...
copy "%%b" "%DEST_DIR%\%%~nxb"
#echo Copy finished, please review actions. Lekker Man.

Deploy SQL File from VSS to SQL Server using Batch File

I want to know if there is any way for me to deploy a stored procedure (sql file) that is checked-in at VSS? I have a couple of procedures that I want to deploy to SQL Server. I'm trying to create a batch file to deploy them from VSS to SQL Server.
I want to achieve this since we would like to remove direct access to SQL Server. So that everything step we do on the procedures could be monitored.
I have also read that it's possible in Powershell. If anyone can point me to a good way to do it, that would be appreciated so much! I'm new to the VSS, Batch Files, and Powershells. So I'm a little bit confused where to start. Thanks!
This is what I have so far. But it doesn't work.
#echo off
set path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
set ssdir=\\MySampel_VSS\VSS\SampleDB
set Recursive = Yes
set /p SName=Server Name :
set /p UName=User Name :
set /p Pwd=Password :
set /p DbName=Database Name :
set /p choice=ARE YOU SURE TO EXECUTE SCRIPTS in %DbName% (y/n) ?
if '%choice%'=='y' goto begin
goto end
if exist C:\Scripts\error.txt del C:\Scripts\error.txt
#echo on
sqlcmd -S %SName% -U %UName% -P %Pwd% -d %DbName% -I -i $/Database/SampleDB/Procedures/MySample.sql >> error.txt 2>&1
#notepad error.txt
You need to use Visual Source Safe command line in a batch file to deploy a project that is checked in. Take a look at the Checkout and Deploy commands in particular.