Conversion of Looping to Recursive Solution - scala

I have written a method pythagoreanTriplets in scala using nested loops. As a newbie in scala, I am struggling with how can we do the same thing using recursion and use Lazy Evaluation for the returning list(List of tuples). Any help will be highly appreciated.
P.S: The following method is working perfectly fine.
// This method returns the list of all pythagorean triples whose components are
// at most a given limit. Formula a^2 + b^2 = c^2
def pythagoreanTriplets(limit: Int): List[(Int, Int, Int)] = {
// triplet: a^2 + b^2 = c^2
var (a,b,c,m) = (0,0,0,2)
var triplets:List[(Int, Int, Int)] = List()
while (c < limit) {
breakable {
for (n <- 1 until m) {
a = m * m - n * n
b = 2 * m * n
c = m * m + n * n
if (c > limit)
triplets = triplets :+ (a, b, c)
m += 1
}// end of while

I don't see where recursion would offer significant advantages.
def pythagoreanTriplets(limit: Int): List[(Int, Int, Int)] =
for {
m <- (2 to limit/2).toList
n <- 1 until m
c = m*m + n*n if c <= limit
} yield (m*m - n*n, 2*m*n, c)


What is the flow of execution in the following functions?

I dont undertand after of call y(k), in the function "y" what execute first? the parameters or the body
the function. How the number 5 arrive at the function k
def k(x:Int) = x*x
def y(h:Int => Int) = h(5)
So the beauty of Functional Programming is that we can reason about or programs as expressions.
def k(x: Int) = x * x // 1.
def y(h: Int => Int) = h(5) // 2.
y(k) = k(5) // By definition of y (2).
y(k) = 5 * 5 // By definition of k (1).
y(k) = 25 // By definition of multiplication.
Here I made some simplifications. like I didn't do type checking, but that should be pretty straight forward.

Scala: Orthogonal projection of a point onto a line

I'm trying to make a function that takes 3 points as arguments. The first two of which represent two points on a line. The third one represents another point, outside of that line. Suppose a perpendicular through the third point on the line defined by the first two points. Now what I want to do, is calculate that intersection. I've come up with this procedure so far, but somehow it works only like 50% of the time. Could somebody figure out what I'm doing wrong here?
def calculateIntersection(p1: (Double, Double), p2: (Double, Double), c: (Double, Double)): (Double, Double) = {
var intersection: (Double, Double) = null
// CASE 1: line is vertical
if(p1._1 == p2._1) {
intersection = (p1._1, c._2)
// CASE 2: line is horizontal
else if(p1._2 == p2._2) {
intersection = (c._1, p1._2)
// CASE 3: line is neither vertical, nor horizontal
else {
val slope1: Double = (p2._2 - p1._2) / (p2._1 - p1._1) // slope of the line
val slope2: Double = pow(slope1, -1) * -1 // slope of the perpendicular
val intercept1: Double = p1._2 - (slope1 * p1._1) // y-intercept of the line
val intercept2: Double = c._2 - (slope2 * c._1) // y-intercept of the perpendicular
intersection = ((intercept2 - intercept1) / (slope1 - slope2),
slope1 * ((intercept2 - intercept1) / (slope1 - slope2)) + intercept1)
Given the following definitions:
type Point = (Double, Double)
implicit class PointOps(p: Point) {
def +(other: Point) = (p._1 + other._1, p._2 + other._2)
def -(other: Point) = (p._1 - other._1, p._2 - other._2)
def dot(other: Point) = p._1 * other._1 + p._2 * other._2
def *(scalar: Double) = (p._1 * scalar, p._2 * scalar)
def normSquare: Double = p._1 * p._1 + p._2 * p._2
meaning that
a + b // is vector addition
a - b // is vector subtraction
a dot b // is the dot product (scalar product)
a * f // is multiplication of a vector `a` with a scalar factor `f`
a.normSquare // is the squared length of a vector
you obtain the projection of a point p on line going through points line1 and line2 as follows:
/** Projects point `p` on line going through two points `line1` and `line2`. */
def projectPointOnLine(line1: Point, line2: Point, p: Point): Point = {
val v = p - line1
val d = line2 - line1
line1 + d * ((v dot d) / d.normSquare)
println(projectPointOnLine((-1.0, 10.0), (7.0, 4.0), (6.0, 11.0)))
(3.0, 7.0)
This works in 3D (or n-D) in exactly the same way.
Some math behind that (How to derive it from scratch)
(notation as above)
We have three points: l1 and l2 for the line and p for the target point.
We want to project the point p orthogonally onto the line that goes through l1 and l2 (assuming l1 != l2).
Let d = l2 - l1 be the direction from l1 to l2. Then every point on the line can be represented as
l1 + d * t
with some scalar factor t. Now we want to find a t such that the vector connecting p and l1 + d * t is orthogonal to d, that is:
(p - (l1 + d * t)) dot d == 0
Recall that
(v1 + v2) dot v3 = (v1 dot v3) + (v2 dot v3)
for all vectors v1, v2, v3, and that
(v1 * s) dot v2 = (v1 dot v2) * s
for scalar factors s. Using this and the definition v.normSquared = v dot v, we obtain:
(p - l1 - d * t) dot d
= (p - l1) dot d - (d dot d) * t
= (p - l1) dot d - d.normSquare * t
and this should become 0. Resolving for t gives:
t = ((p - l1) dot d) / d.normSquare
and this is exactly the formula that is used in the code.
(Thanks at SergGr for adding an initial sketch of the derivation)

Add a vector to every column of a matrix, using Scala Breeze

I have a matrix M of (L x N) rank and I want to add the same vector v of length L to every column of the matrix. Is there a way do this please, using Scala Breeze?
I tried:
val H = DenseMatrix.zeros(L,N)
for (j <- 0 to L) {
H (::,j) = M(::,j) + v
but this doesn't really fit Scala's immutability as H is then already defined and therefore gives a reassignment to val error. Any suggestions appreciated!
To add a vector to all columns of a matrix, you don't need to loop through columns; you can use the column broadcasting feature, for your example:
H(::,*) + v // assume v is breeze dense vector
Should work.
import breeze.linalg._
val L = 3
val N = 2
val v = DenseVector(1.0,2.0,3.0)
val H = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](L, N)
val result = H(::,*) + v
//result: breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[Double] = 1.0 1.0
// 2.0 2.0
// 3.0 3.0

Scala for the Impatient, chapter 2, exercise on recursive pow function

I am reading Scala for the Impatient, Chapter 2 and there is an exercise question I don't understanding what exactly does it want:
Write a function that computes x^n, where n is an integer. Use the
following recursive definition:
X^n = y * y if n is even and positive, where y = x^(n/2)
X^n = x * x^(n-1) if n is odd and positive
x^0 = 1
x^n = 1 / x^-n if n is negative
If the question want x^n, I could just use the pow method defined in scala.math:
def pow(x: Double, y: Double): Double
The question is asking to (re)implement a recursive pow function on integers:
def pow(x: Int, y: Int): Int = ...
You need write a smarter implementation than the naive O(n) algorithm:
def slowPow(x: Int, y: Int): Int =
if (y == 0) 1 else x * slowPow(x, y - 1)
Try to use the given recursive definition instead...
To answer your question directly, I don't think you can dodge the question using the one from scala.math. As you noted it only works on Doubles. Also is neither recursive nor implemented in Scala.
def pow(x: Double, n: Int): Double = {
if (n == 0) 1
else if (n < 0) 1 / (x - n)
else if (n % 2 == 1) x * pow(x, n - 1)
else {
val y = pow(x, n / 2)
y * y
pow(2, 0) == 1
pow(2, -2) == 0.25
pow(2, 4) == 16
pow(2, 5) == 32

How to solve a linear system of matrices in scala breeze?

How to solve a linear system of matrices in scala breeze? ie, I have Ax = b, where A is a matrix (usually positive definite), and x and b are vectors.
I can see that there is a cholesky decomposition available, but I couldn't seem to find a solver? (if it was matlab I could do x = b \ A. If it was scipy I could do x = A.solve(b) )
Apparently, it is quite simple in fact, and built into scala-breeze as an operator:
x = A \ b
It doesnt use Cholesky, it uses LU decomposition, which is I think about half as fast, but they are both O(n^3), so comparable.
Well, I wrote my own solver in the end. I'm not sure if this is the optimal way to do it, but it doesn't seem unreasonable? :
// Copyright Hugh Perkins 2012
// You can use this under the terms of the Apache Public License 2.0
package root
import breeze.linalg._
object Solver {
// solve Ax = b, for x, where A = choleskyMatrix * choleskyMatrix.t
// choleskyMatrix should be lower triangular
def solve( choleskyMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double], b: DenseVector[Double] ) : DenseVector[Double] = {
val C = choleskyMatrix
val size = C.rows
if( C.rows != C.cols ) {
// throw exception or something
if( b.length != size ) {
// throw exception or something
// first we solve C * y = b
// (then we will solve C.t * x = y)
val y = DenseVector.zeros[Double](size)
// now we just work our way down from the top of the lower triangular matrix
for( i <- 0 until size ) {
var sum = 0.
for( j <- 0 until i ) {
sum += C(i,j) * y(j)
y(i) = ( b(i) - sum ) / C(i,i)
// now calculate x
val x = DenseVector.zeros[Double](size)
val Ct = C.t
// work up from bottom this time
for( i <- size -1 to 0 by -1 ) {
var sum = 0.
for( j <- i + 1 until size ) {
sum += Ct(i,j) * x(j)
x(i) = ( y(i) - sum ) / Ct(i,i)