Redirect to page after successfully entering in information in Squarespace - forms

I have a page in Squarespace that I only want viewable after someone inputs their contact information. For example, I would create a Form Block, and then direct them to the otherwise locked page so they can view for that session. But if they close the window, they would need to re-enter their information (Name + Email).
lets say the address to the otherwise unviewable page is
Once the viewer puts in their Name + Email and hit submit, they can see the /access page. If they do that and say share the address with someone who has not entered in their information, then they would get the Form Block where they need to enter their information.
Is there a way to do this in Squarespace? Would that need to be done with some sort of PHP Session that can be injected into the header of the specific page?
Ideally it would be like if they could see the page which is normally hidden, but of course unless they are an admin, the page is not viewable to the public.

Squarespace doesn't support PHP since it uses JSON template, so you can't create a session there. Please refer to this page:
The only option to achieve this will be to create a cookie via JS and redirect if there is no cookie. The page will be still accessible if you turnoff the JS.
Please have in mind that SquareSpace is very limited when it comes to this kind of changes.


Using spfx webparts, would there be a way to either programmatically send an email which has a link to open a modal or using flow?

I want an spfx made webpart that I've made be able to send an email (I'm using IEmailProperties at the moment) which provides a link to a modal form?
For example:
User clicks button in webpart, form loads.
User fills out form and submits it to SP list.
Form sends email on submission. Email has a link to the actual item created, so when the user clicks the provided email link, it opens up the modal form.
I would presume that the user would HAVE to be sent to the SP page where the webpart is unconditionally, but would it be possible to open up the modal corresponding to the SP list item?
Is this feature available in SharePoint framework, because if it isn't, compared to something like InfoPath 2013 or PowerApps it's quite a limitation.
I've researched this with several shallow Google searches and on gitHub for any premade stuff, but alas there is nothing that I've spotted.
I've been told IT IS possible:
"Yeah, they’d have to visit the page. Email clients don’t do JavaScript so you can’t really do interactive stuff there. If you want to take them directly to a page that then displays a modal, that’s plenty possible though. (e.g. display the modal based on if the URL contains a certain string)"
But wouldn't know how to do the above, can anyone start me on the right path?
In the email, pass a query string containing the item ID/list ID etc of the item, then have the webpart read the See: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? If your values exist. If they do exist, then open the modal using some kind of framework like bootstrap or fluent UI. You can write your own form using PnPjs or use an iframe potentially to display the OOTB edit form.
Additionally, you can link to any page in SharePoint provided you use an extension instead of a webpart to host the modal. You can install extensions tenant wide, and have it listen for the query string.

GWT stand alone page?

My app has an email newsletter and i'd like to implement an "Unsubscribe" option on the HTML email itself. This link would bring them to an isolated page that simply lets them know they've been unsubscribed, i'll grab their user info from URL parameters. There should be no way to access this page from within the app.
I was able to create an html file that's a sibling in the war folder to my host page and access it. How, in my app, do i detect that a user has accessed this page and then handle it? I don't need code to be shown to me, i just need a point in the right direction.

How do I disable or redirect a php page unless its hot-linked?

I have a page called club.php. I want to disable people from being able to see my webpage if they type in unless they are linked from another page. I have a page where you need to enter a password to access this.
I'm hoping I can simply drop code into my pages (javascript or something?)
There is an HTTP header called Referer, which contains the URI of the site from which the request to your site originated from. You can read the content of this header in PHP via $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] (see
But please be aware that you can't rely on that this header field is set or not, so testing against the content of the header is not a serious security measure for protecting a particular page from beeing viewed from unauthorized visitors. You can set/unset the value of the header to any arbitrary value with your Browser or Addon.

Callback from Facebook app as a tab app on multiple pages

Salon owners can create an account with their salon information on our platform and they get a page that they can use as a tab app.
I want to be able to serve all these pages from one app instead of having to install each one seprately and I also want to make the life of the salon owner easier by helping them to install the tab.
I know about the link I can create to help them install the app and I know that when a visitor visits the app that facebook will send the page ID. So far so good.
But how do I make sure that when the salonowner follows the link to install the app that I get the page ID back (through callback or other) so that I can register which page ID belongs to which salon account.
I've read sone 2011 article about a callback but I can't find any recent info on this.
I think it should be possible as a lot of sites offer easy fb apps to businesses.
Any help would be welcome!
EDIT: Could this last piece of info in the Facebook link above be used to do this? I don't quite get it yet.
In addition, your app will also receive a string parameter called app_data as part of signed_request if an app_data parameter was set in the original query string in the URL your tab is loaded on. It could look like this: "". You can use that to customize the content you render if you control the generation of the link.
Well... Preventing users from adding your application to their page is impossible. You can't prevent that.
What you will be able to do is to detect who has added your application and according to that, change the content (or not display it at all). So you'll have to start with a list of "allowed" page_ids to match to the accounts you want.
Your application will receive a signed_request each time a user arrives at your application (within a page). Inside that signed_request is information not only on the user but also on the page that the application is on (provided it is a page tab app).
Once you have obtained the signed_request, it will hold a page key which contains:
A JSON object containing the page id string, the liked boolean (set to
true if the user has liked the page, false if not) and the admin
boolean (set to true if the user is an admin of the page, false if
they're not). This field is only present if your app is being loaded
within a Page Tab.
So you'll be able to access the page_id from within this variable and make a decision on the type of content you want to be displayed.
Ok, after running some tests I found out that when you add a URL as 'next' parameter to the install URL Facebook will send the admin(user) back to this URL while adding an array to the request containing all the page Id's the app was installed to.
Like this: YOUR_CALLBACK_URL?tabs_added[ID]=1
Proved to be quite easy in the end

Approach to bookmarkable pages only available to logged in users in Wicket

I have a bunch of pages which should only be accessible when the user is logged in. So that the URLs make sense, and also so that the user may bookmark them, I have made them bookmarkable URLs in Wicket.
Now the problem occurs, that if the user comes to view these pages, but is not yet logged in. The constuctor which takes a PageParameters on my page is called.
My approach is going to be:
For all pages which should only be available logged in, but which are bookmarkable, put an if statement in this constructor to test if the user is logged in or not.
If the user is not logged in:
Store (a) this.class (b) the PageParameters in a special place in the session
setReponsePage to be my login page
In the login page, if the login is successful, check to see if these special attributes in the session are set, and if so, then setResponsePage to be the class/parameters of the desired bookmarkable URL
Is this approach correct? It seems to be a bit of extra/manual work (although not too much!), but Wicket provides a lot of useful stuff "out of the box": so my question is: is this necessary or is there some Wicket facility I'm not aware of which I can take advantage of?
You should use a IAuthorizationStrategy to protect your pages. See for example wicket-auth-roles for a simplistic roles based library.
When Wicket tries to render the page that is mapped to the bookmarked URL of the user it will notice the user is not yet logged in (since the session has no user assigned to it), store the current requested URL, redirect to the login page and wait until the user correctly signs in. In the onSubmit of your login form you then call
if(!continueToOriginalDestination()) {
See for an example the Authentication example in the Wicket Examples project (online demo here)
continueToOriginalDestination will instruct Wicket to render the original URL that the user requested, if one is stored, and otherwise return false.