PowerShell analysing variables and objects - powershell

I found that I do .GetType() and | Get-Member a lot, and sometimes I forget that it's .GetType and I try .Get-Type duh! error!), so I've been writing a function to try and gather that info quickly. This has proven to be quite useful when working on the console (I make sure to put the core command before each output so that I never forget the connection to real commands, so more of a techy summary to keep me connected to the language).
I'm curious if there are additional compound commands to extract useful generic information that we could use to report on the structure of a given object (things that we can quickly obtain in a nicely compact summary format even though more complex commands are required for some useful insight about given objects)?
• $a = #(1,2,"x") ; obj $a. This returns 71 Methods (System.String and System.Int32) Types, so I've removed duplicates down to 50 (good to quickly see what is usable but maybe good to somehow also mention the different Types that are contained in that array?).
• Some input will break the function of course, but even a ScriptBlock example like this also works fine obj {$a; $x}. You can even do things like obj "".GetType() to see the Methods and properties in there.
• The use of .Module in the GetType() might be redundant as usually outputs CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary, but maybe other useful information from these members (everything is useful at different times of course, but I'm curious for generic summary output)?
• In general any improvements or other compound commands that you use or could be useful to crack open object information in a quick summary view would be great to know? :-)
Updated with -Force that #Clint suggested:
function obj ($cmd) {
if ($cmd -eq $null) { Write-Host "Object is `$null" ; return }
Write-Host "Contents:" -F Cyan
Write-Host "(`$object).GetType()" -F Cyan -NoNewline ; Write-Host " :: [BaseType|Name|IsPublic|IsSerial|Module]"
($cmd).GetType() | % { "$($_.BaseType), $($_.Name), $($_.IsPublic), $($_.IsSerializable), $($_.Module)" }
Write-Host "`$object | Get-Member -Force" -F Cyan
$m = "" ; $p = "" ; $pp = "" ; $np = "" ; $sp = ""
$msum = 0 ; $psum = 0 ; $ppsum = 0 ; $npsum = 0 ; $spsum = 0
$($cmd | Get-Member -Force) | % {
if ($_.MemberType -eq "Method") { if(!($m -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $m += "$($_.Name), " ; $msum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "Property") { if(!($p -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $p += "$($_.Name), " ; $psum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "ParameterizedProperty") { if(!($pp -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $pp += "$($_.Name), " ; $ppsum++} }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty") { if(!($np -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $np += "$($_.Name), " ; $npsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "ScriptProperty") { if(!($sp -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $sp += "$($_.Name), " ; $npsum++ } }
if($msum -ne 0) { Write-Host ":: Method [$msum] => $($m.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($psum -ne 0) { Write-Host ":: Property [$psum] => $($p.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($ppsum -ne 0) { Write-Host ":: ParameterizedProperty [$ppsum] => $($pp.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($npsum -ne 0) { Write-Host ":: NoteProperty [$npsum] => $($np.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($spsum -ne 0) { Write-Host ":: ScriptProperty [$spsum] => $($sp.TrimEnd(", "))" }
An example of output:
C:\> $a = #(123,"x")
C:\> def $a
($object).GetType() :: [BaseType|Name|IsPublic|IsSerial|Module]
array, Object[], True, True, CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary
$object | Get-Member -Force
:: Method [50] => CompareTo, Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, GetTypeCode, ToBoolean, ToByte, ToChar, ToDateTime, ToDecimal, ToDouble, ToInt16,
ToInt32, ToInt64, ToSByte, ToSingle, ToString, ToType, ToUInt16, ToUInt32, ToUInt64, Clone, Contains, CopyTo, EndsWith, GetEnumerator,
get_Chars, get_Length, IndexOf, IndexOfAny, Insert, IsNormalized, LastIndexOf, LastIndexOfAny, Normalize, PadLeft, PadRight, Remove, Replace,
Split, StartsWith, Substring, ToCharArray, ToLower, ToLowerInvariant, ToUpper, ToUpperInvariant, Trim, TrimEnd, TrimStart
:: Property [1] => Length
:: ParameterizedProperty [1] => Chars

You have summarized it quite well as it is, you might as well add
object | gm -Force # To add members that are usually hidden by default
The Get-Member command uses the Force parameter to add the intrinsic
members and compiler-generated members of the objects to the display.
Get-Member gets these members, but it hides them by default.
Intrinsic members (PSBase, PSAdapted, PSObject, PSTypeNames)
Compiler-generated get_ and set_ methods
object.PSObject #Wraps the information pertaining to different members
object.PSObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties #You can do the same for other members
$object |gm -force -static #even with force the static members are not listed by default, so we need to explicitly mention static
maybe good to somehow also mention the different Types that are contained in that array?).
$object | ForEach-Object {$_.GetType().FullName}
OffTopic, additionally, if you want to capture the time taken for the function to execute
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
Write-Host "Execution time" $sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds "ms"

Knowing that PowerShell isn't very clear in displaying an object (as e.g.: '', $Null, #() and #{$Null) all result in an empty line, or nothing at all), I think you need start with the first paragraph of you question and visualize the types and the structure of your objects in question and later concern with the methods which might differ on every
level in the object structure.
*note: you might also reveal the types by using .PSTypeNames, which doesn't error on a $Null (presuming that strict mode isn't switch on).
Taken a little bit more advanced example: $a = #($Null, 1, '2', #(3))
The Write-Host cmdlet (used by your function) doesn't reveal much where is concerns types and the structure of the object:
(Besides you should try to avoid Write-Host as it is Host specific)
PS C:\> $a
PS C:\> Write-Host $a
1 2 3
To better understand such an object, you might want to serializes it.
Quote from WikiPedia:
In computer science, in the context of data storage, serialization (or
serialisation) is the process of translating data structures or object
state into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or
memory buffer) or transmitted (for example, across a network
connection link) and reconstructed later (possibly in a different
computer environment)
This means that the string representation of the object basically contains all the information to rebuild (and to understand) the object (or at least to a certain level).
There are a few serializers that might come at hand here:
The ConvertTo-Json cmdlet converts any object to a string in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format a therefore might be handy to get an idea of the structure but not for the PowerShell types:
PS C:\> ConvertTo-Json $a
The ConvertTo-Xml cmdlet creates an XML-based representation of an object which is pretty verbose:
PS C:\> ConvertTo-Xml $a -as String
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Object Type="System.Object[]">
<Property />
<Property Type="System.Int32">1</Property>
<Property Type="System.String">2</Property>
<Property Type="System.Object[]">
<Property Type="System.Int32">3</Property>
</Objects>**strong text**
This (.Net) class provides public functionality for serializing a PSObject and is internally used by PowerShell:
PS C:\> [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($a)
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
<Obj RefId="0">
<TN RefId="0">
<Nil />
<Obj RefId="1">
<Obj RefId="2">
<TNRef RefId="0" />
The ConvertTo-Expression cmdlet originated from the question: Save hash table in PowerShell object notation (PSON) and gives you a PowerShell representation of the object:
PS C:\> ConvertTo-Expression $a
PS C:\> ConvertTo-Expression $a -Strong
To explorer .Net classes that are not native to PowerShell:
*note that you might not reconstruct from -Explore expressions
PS C:\> Get-Service | Select -First 1 | ConvertTo-Expression -Strong -Explore
'UserName' = [string]''
'Description' = [string]'Runtime for activating conversational agent applications'
'DelayedAutoStart' = [bool]$False
'BinaryPathName' = [string]'C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k AarSvcGroup -p'
'StartupType' = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ServiceStartupType]3
'CanPauseAndContinue' = [bool]$False
'CanShutdown' = [bool]$False
'CanStop' = [bool]$False
'DisplayName' = [string]'Agent Activation Runtime_131b90'
'DependentServices' = [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[]]#()
'MachineName' = [string]'.'
'ServiceName' = [string]'AarSvc_131b90'
'ServicesDependedOn' = [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController[]]#()
'StartType' = [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode]3
'ServiceHandle' = $Null
'Status' = [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]1
'ServiceType' = [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceType]224
'Site' = $Null
'Container' = $Null
To drill down in known (accelerated) PowerShell types:
PS C:\>Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Expression
Date : 1963-10-07 12:00:00 AM
DateTime : Monday, October 7, 1963 10:47:00 PM
Day : 7
DayOfWeek : Monday
DayOfYear : 280
DisplayHint : DateTime
Hour : 22
Kind : Local
Millisecond : 0
Minute : 22
Month : 1
Second : 0
Ticks : 619388596200000000
TimeOfDay : 22:47:00
Year : 1963


PowerShell Ast for injection detection

I am generating a ScriptBlock based on DB input which I invoke later in the script. I now want to ensure that a malicious user is not injecting any PS code in the DB varchar field that then gets executed.
First, I filtered the String Script Block for forbidden chars such as $ or ;. But I want to take it one step further and use AST to check if there is any executable code in the DB field.
When I use $Ast.FindAll for a specific element such as ForEachStatementAst it works fine.
However, I also want to be able to detect cmdlets etc in the String.
Examples that should be recognised as being ok:
Examples that should be recognised as being not ok:
Write-host or Remove-Item or any other get-command cmdlet.
When using AST visualisation, I get the same tree for both examples. ('abc', 'Write-Host')
ScriptBlockAst-> NamedBlockAst -> PipelineAst -> CommandAst -> StringConstantExpressionAst
Is there any way I can use AST to determine whether the DB field (or any string) contains only allowed entries such as non PS keywords / cmdlets, numbers etc but nothing that could be used as a PS command and that could be invoked?
The following code works for the test cases but I wonder if this can be achieved in a better way. If Res.count > 0, the input was not ok, if =0, it was ok.
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
[System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]]$InputStringList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]"
$InputStringList.Add("foreach (`$x in #('a','b')){;}")
$InputStringList.Add("New-item -Path 'C:\Test.txt' -ItemType File")
$InputStringList.Add("Write-host 'as'")
[System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Type]]$TypeList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Type]"
[String[]]$CommandArray = (Get-Command | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Name')
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$Predicate =
Write-Debug -Message $AstObject.GetType().FullName
if($AstObject -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst])
if($AstObject.Value -in $CommandArray)
return $true
return $false
return (-not($AstObject.GetType() -in $TypeList))
$InputStringList.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object -Process `
Write-Debug -Message ("Processing string: "+$PsItem.ToString())
$ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($PsItem, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
$res=$ast.FindAll($Predicate, $true)
Write-Debug -Message $res.count.ToString()
As commented, what you trying to do is creating your own restricted languagemode. Meaning that it would probably be easier to invoke the concerned scriptblock in an restricted runspace.
Derived from #mklement0 great answer for Automatically retrieve Allowed Types for Constrained Language mode:
Function Invoke-Restricted {
$Restricted = [powershell]::Create()
$Restricted.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode = 'Restricted'
Try { $Restricted.AddScript($expression).Invoke() }
Catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }
Restricted expression
Invoke-Restricted #'
string = 'abc'
int = 123
array = 'a','b'
hashtable = #{ a = 1; b = 2 }
boolean = $true
Name Value
---- -----
array {a, b}
int 123
boolean True
string abc
hashtable {b, a}
Invalid expression
Invoke-Restricted #'
TimeSpan = [TimeSpan]'12:34:45'
Throws an error:
Invoke-Restricted: Exception calling "Invoke" with "0" argument(s): "At line:1 char:1
+ [TimeSpan]"12:34:45"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~
The type TimeSpan is not allowed in restricted language mode or a Data section."
Yet, it has some limitations as it does not prevent e.g. the use of cmdlets.
For an easy and secure way to retrieve a (structured) configuration file I would depend on a serialized format as JSON using the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet
Related: #12377 Running partly trusted PowerShell code in a restricted security environment.

Printing useful variable values in powershell (in particular, involving $null/empty string)

If I have:
write-host $a
write-host $b
write-host $c
write-host $d
the output is
I'd really like to be able to easily get output that shows the variable values, e.g.,
I can write a function to do this, but I'm guessing/hoping there's something built-in that I'm missing. Is there, or does everyone just roll their own function for something like this?
At the moment the quickest thing I've come up with is running a value through ConvertTo-Json before printing it. It doesn't handle a plain $null, but it shows me the other values nicely.
What you're looking for is similar to Ruby's .inspect method. It's something I always loved in Ruby and do miss in PowerShell/.Net.
Unfortunately there is no such thing to my knowledge, so you will somewhat have to roll your own.
The closest you get in .Net is the .ToString() method that, at a minimum, just displays the object type (it's inherited from [System.Object]).
So you're going to have to do some checking on your own. Let's talk about the edge case checks.
You should check if you're dealing with an array first, because PowerShell often unrolls arrays and coalesces objects for you so if you start doing other checks you may not handle them correctly.
To check that you have an array:
$obj -is [array]
1 -is [array] # false
1,2,3 -is [array] # true
,1 -is [array] #true
In the case of an array, you'll have to iterate it if you want to properly serialize its elements as well. This is basically the part where your function will end up being recursive.
function Format-MyObject {
if ($obj -is [array]) {
# initial array display, like "#(" or "["
foreach ($o in $obj) {
Format-MyObject $obj
# closing array display, like ")" or "]"
Simply check if it's equal to $null:
$obj -eq $null
You can first test that you're dealing with a string by using -is [string].
For empty, you can compare the string to an empty string, or better, to [string]::Empty. You can also use the .IsNullOrEmpty() method, but only if you've already ruled out a null value (or checked that it is indeed a string):
if ($obj -is [string) {
# pick one
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj)) {
# display empty string
if ($obj -eq [string]::Empty) {
# display empty string
if ($obj -eq "") { # this has no advantage over the previous test
# display empty string
You could use the built-in XML serialization, then parse the XML to get the values out of it.
It's work (enough that I'm not going to do it in an SO answer), but it removes a lot of potential human error, and sort of future-proofs the approach.
The basic idea:
$serialized = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($obj) -as [xml]
Now, use the built in XML methods to parse it and pull out what you need. You still need to convert some stuff to other stuff to display the way you want (like interpreting <nil /> and the list of types to properly display arrays and such), but I like leaving the actual serialization to an official component.
Quick example:
'start of nested array',
'2 empty strings next',
And the output:
<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
<Obj RefId="0">
<TN RefId="0">
<Nil />
<Obj RefId="1">
<TNRef RefId="0" />
<S>start of nested array</S>
<Nil />
<S>2 empty strings next</S>
I shared two functions that reveal PowerShell values (including the empty $Null's, empty arrays etc.) further than the usually do:
One that the serializes the PowerShell objects to a PowerShell
Object Notation (PSON)
which ultimate goal is to be able to reverse everything with the
standard command Invoke-Expression and parse it back to a
PowerShell object.
The other is the ConvertTo-Text (alias CText) function that I used in
my Log-Entry
framework. note the
specific line: Log "Several examples that usually aren't displayed
by Write-Host:" $NotSet #() #(#()) #(#(), #()) #($Null) that I wrote
in the example.
Function Global:ConvertTo-Text1([Alias("Value")]$O, [Int]$Depth = 9, [Switch]$Type, [Switch]$Expand, [Int]$Strip = -1, [String]$Prefix, [Int]$i) {
Function Iterate($Value, [String]$Prefix, [Int]$i = $i + 1) {ConvertTo-Text $Value -Depth:$Depth -Strip:$Strip -Type:$Type -Expand:$Expand -Prefix:$Prefix -i:$i}
$NewLine, $Space = If ($Expand) {"`r`n", ("`t" * $i)} Else{"", ""}
If ($O -eq $Null) {$V = '$Null'} Else {
$V = If ($O -is "Boolean") {"`$$O"}
ElseIf ($O -is "String") {If ($Strip -ge 0) {'"' + (($O -Replace "[\s]+", " ") -Replace "(?<=[\s\S]{$Strip})[\s\S]+", "...") + '"'} Else {"""$O"""}}
ElseIf ($O -is "DateTime") {$O.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}
ElseIf ($O -is "ValueType" -or ($O.Value.GetTypeCode -and $O.ToString.OverloadDefinitions)) {$O.ToString()}
ElseIf ($O -is "Xml") {(#(Select-XML -XML $O *) -Join "$NewLine$Space") + $NewLine}
ElseIf ($i -gt $Depth) {$Type = $True; "..."}
ElseIf ($O -is "Array") {"#(", #(&{For ($_ = 0; $_ -lt $O.Count; $_++) {Iterate $O[$_]}}), ")"}
ElseIf ($O.GetEnumerator.OverloadDefinitions) {"#{", (#(ForEach($_ in $O.Keys) {Iterate $O.$_ "$_ = "}) -Join "; "), "}"}
ElseIf ($O.PSObject.Properties -and !$O.value.GetTypeCode) {"{", (#(ForEach($_ in $O.PSObject.Properties | Select -Exp Name) {Iterate $O.$_ "$_`: "}) -Join "; "), "}"}
Else {$Type = $True; "?"}}
If ($Type) {$Prefix += "[" + $(Try {$O.GetType()} Catch {$Error.Remove($Error[0]); "$Var.PSTypeNames[0]"}).ToString().Split(".")[-1] + "]"}
"$Space$Prefix" + $(If ($V -is "Array") {$V[0] + $(If ($V[1]) {$NewLine + ($V[1] -Join ", $NewLine") + "$NewLine$Space"} Else {""}) + $V[2]} Else {$V})
}; Set-Alias CText ConvertTo-Text -Scope:Global -Description "Convert value to readable text"
The ConvertTo-Text function (Alias CText) recursively converts PowerShell object to readable text this includes hash tables, custom objects and revealing type details (like $Null vs an empty string).
ConvertTo-Text [<Object>] [[-Depth] <int>] [[-Strip] <int>] <string>] [-Expand] [-Type]
The object (position 0) that should be converted a readable value.
-⁠Depth <int>
The maximal number of recursive iterations to reveal embedded objects.
The default depth for ConvertTo-Text is 9.
-Strip <int>
Truncates strings at the given length and removes redundant white space characters if the value supplied is equal or larger than 0. Set -Strip -1 prevents truncating and the removal of with space characters.
The default value for ConvertTo-Text is -1.
Expands embedded objects over multiple lines for better readability.
Explicitly reveals the type of the object by adding [<Type>] in front of the objects.
Note: the parameter $Prefix is for internal use.
The following command returns a string that describes the object contained by the $var variable:
ConvertTo-Text $Var
The following command returns a string containing the hash table as shown in the example (rather then System.Collections.DictionaryEntry...):
ConvertTo-Text #{one = 1; two = 2; three = 3}
The following command reveals values (as e.g. $Null) that are usually not displayed by PowerShell:
ConvertTo-Text #{Null = $Null; EmptyString = ""; EmptyArray = #(); ArrayWithNull = #($Null); DoubleEmptyArray = #(#(), #())} -Expand
The following command returns a string revealing the WinNT User object up to a level of 5 deep and expands the embedded object over multiple lines:
ConvertTo-Text ([ADSI]"WinNT://./$Env:Username") -Depth 5 -Expand
A quick self-rolled option good for some datatypes.
function Format-MyObject {
#equality comparison order is important due to array -eq overloading
if ($null -eq $obj)
return 'null'
#Specify depth because the default is 2, because powershell
return ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $obj

Powershell script to table doesn't output anything [duplicate]

I have a problem in a PowerShell script:
When I want to pass a Hashtable to a function, this hashtable is not recognized as a hashtable.
function getLength(){
$input.Length | Write-Output
$table = #{};
$obj = New-Object PSObject;$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Size 2895 | Add-Member NoteProperty Count 5124587
$table["Test"] = $obj
$table.GetType() | Write-Output ` Hashtable
$tx_table = getLength $table `Unable to convert System.Collections.ArrayList+ArrayListEnumeratorSimple in System.Collections.Hashtable
$Input is an automatic variable that enumerates the input given.
Chose any other variable name and it'll work - although not necessarily as you might expect - to get the number of entries in a hashtable you need to inspect the Count property:
function Get-Length {
Write-Output is implied when you just leave the $Table.Count as is.
Also, the () suffix in the function name is unnecessary syntactic sugar with zero meaning when you declare your parameters inline with Param() - drop it
I'm not really sure what to comment here, it seems self-explanatory. If not, leave a comment and I'll clarify.
$ExampleHashTable = #{
"one" = "the loneliest number"
"two" = "just as bad as one"
Function PassingAHashtableToAFunctionTest {
[hashtable] $PassedHashTable,
[string] $AHashTableElement
Write-Host "One is ... "
Write-Host $PassedHashTable["one"]
Write-Host "Two is ... "
Write-Host $AHashTableElement
PassingAHashtableToAFunctionTest -PassedHashTable $ExampleHashTable `
-AHashTableElement $ExampleHashTable["two"]
One is ...
the loneliest number
Two is ...
just as bad as one

Why is an empty PowerShell pipeline not the same as null?

I am trying to understand the behavior of the #() array constructor, and I came across this very strange test.
It seems that the value of an empty pipeline is "not quite" the same as $null, even though it is -eq $null
The output of each statement is shown after the ###
$y = 1,2,3,4 | ? { $_ -ge 5 }
$z = $null
if ($y -eq $null) {'y is null'} else {'y NOT null'} ### y is null
if ($z -eq $null) {'z is null'} else {'z NOT null'} ### z is null
$ay = #($y)
$az = #($z)
"ay.length = " + $ay.length ### ay.length = 0
"az.length = " + $az.length ### az.length = 1
$az[0].GetType() ### throws exception because $az[0] is null
So the $az array has length one, and $az[0] is $null.
But the real question is: how is it possible that both $y and $z are both -eq $null, and yet when I construct arrays with #(...) then one array is empty, and the other contains a single $null element?
Expanding on Frode F.'s answer, "nothing" is a mostly magical value in PowerShell - it's called [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value. The following will work similarly:
$y = 1,2,3,4 | ? { $_ -ge 5 }
$y = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value
PowerShell treats the value AutomationNull.Value like $null in most places, but not everywhere. One notable example is in a pipeline:
$null | % { 'saw $null' }
[System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value | % { 'saw AutomationNull.Value' }
This will only print:
saw $null
Note that expressions are themselves pipelines even if you don't have a pipeline character, so the following are roughly equivalent:
#($y | Write-Output)
Understanding this, it should be clear that if $y holds the value AutomationNull.Value, nothing is written to the pipeline, and hence the array is empty.
One might ask why $null is written to the pipeline. It's a reasonable question. There are some situations where scripts/cmdlets need to indicate "failed" without using exceptions - so "no result" must be different, $null is the obvious value to use for such situations.
I've never run across a scenario where one needs to know if you have "no value" or $null, but if you did, you could use something like this:
function Test-IsAutomationNull
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InputObject'))
throw "Test-IsAutomationNull only works with piped input"
$isAutomationNull = $true
$isAutomationNull = $false
return $isAutomationNull
dir nosuchfile* | Test-IsAutomationNull
$null | Test-IsAutomationNull
The reason you're experiencing this behaviour is becuase $null is a value. It's a "nothing value", but it's still a value.
PS P:\> $y = 1,2,3,4 | ? { $_ -ge 5 }
PS P:\> Get-Variable y | fl *
#No value survived the where-test, so y was never saved as a variable, just as a "reference"
Name : y
Description :
Value :
Visibility : Public
Module :
ModuleName :
Options : None
Attributes : {}
PS P:\> $z = $null
PS P:\> Get-Variable z | fl *
#Our $null variable is saved as a variable, with a $null value.
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Variable::z
PSDrive : Variable
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Variable
PSIsContainer : False
Name : z
Description :
Value :
Visibility : Public
Module :
ModuleName :
Options : None
Attributes : {}
The way #() works, is that it guarantees that the result is delievered inside a wrapper(an array). This means that as long as you have one or more objects, it will wrap it inside an array(if it's not already in an array like multiple objects would be).
$y is nothing, it's a reference, but no variable data was stored. So there is nothing to create an array with. $z however, IS a stored variable, with nothing(null-object) as the value. Since this object exists, the array constructor can create an array with that one item.

Getting all Named Parameters from Powershell including empty and set ones

I'm trying to find a way to get all parameter information from a powershell script. Ex script:
function test()
[string]$baz = "baz"
foreach ($key in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.keys)
write-host "Parameter: $($key) -> $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters[$key])"
test -foo "foo!"
I'd like to get the values of $bar and $baz in a dynamic way without knowing the names of the parameters ahead of time.
I've looked through $MyInvocation properties and methods but I don't see anything besides parameters that are set/passed.
Update 1:
I'm close to getting it with:
function test()
[string]$baz = "baz"
foreach($var in (get-variable -scope private))
write-host "$($var.name) -> $($var.value)"
test -foo "foo!"
If i could filter out the script parameters vs the default parameters I would be good to go.
Update 2:
The final working solution looks like this:
function test {
param (
[string] $Bar = 'test'
, [string] $Baz
, [string] $Asdf
$ParameterList = (Get-Command -Name $MyInvocation.InvocationName).Parameters;
foreach ($key in $ParameterList.keys)
$var = Get-Variable -Name $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
write-host "$($var.name) > $($var.value)"
test -asdf blah;
Check this solution out. This uses the CmdletBinding() attribute, which provides some additional metadata through the use of the $PSCmdlet built-in variable. You can:
Dynamically retrieve the command's name, using $PSCmdlet
Get a list of the parameter for the command, using Get-Command
Examine the value of each parameter, using the Get-Variable cmdlet
function test {
param (
[string] $Bar = 'test'
, [string] $Baz
, [string] $Asdf
# Get the command name
$CommandName = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName;
# Get the list of parameters for the command
$ParameterList = (Get-Command -Name $CommandName).Parameters;
# Grab each parameter value, using Get-Variable
foreach ($Parameter in $ParameterList) {
Get-Variable -Name $Parameter.Values.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
#Get-Variable -Name $ParameterList;
test -asdf blah;
The output from the command looks like this:
Name Value
---- -----
Bar test
Asdf blah
To read the value dynamically use the get-variable function / cmdlet
write-host (get-variable "foo")
To print out all of the parameters do the following
foreach ($key in $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.keys)
$value = (get-variable $key).Value
write-host "$key -> $value"
Hopefully, some may find this one-liner useful:
function test()
[string]$baz = "baz"
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters | Format-Table -AutoSize #{ Label = "Key"; Expression={$_.Key}; }, #{ Label = "Value"; Expression={(Get-Variable -Name $_.Key -EA SilentlyContinue).Value}; }
test -foo "foo!"
Keys Value
---- -----
foo foo!
baz baz
I found this most useful for PS4 (Windows 2012 R2) - it includes default values / optional parameters:
$cmdName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
$paramList = (Get-Command -Name $cmdName).Parameters
foreach ( $key in $paramList.Keys ) {
$value = (Get-Variable $key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value
if ( $value -or $value -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host "$key -> $value"
For those of you who do not want to use cmdletbinding() here's a variation on the one liner I found above:
(Get-Command -Name $PSCommandPath).Parameters | Format-Table -AutoSize #{ Label = "Key"; Expression={$_.Key}; }, #{ Label = "Value"; Expression={(Get-Variable -Name $_.Key -EA SilentlyContinue).Value}; }
$PSCommandPath is always available
I played with the 2 solutions i liked in this thread, they both work.
however I needed to produce an error out on missing parameter for a build script
$cmdName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
$paramList = (Get-Command -Name $cmdName).Parameters
foreach ( $key in $paramList.Keys ) {
$value = (Get-Variable $key -ErrorAction Stop)
#Write-Host $value.Value #remove comment for error checking
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value.Value)){
$(throw ("$key is a mandatory value please declare with -$key <Required value> " ))
What if I don't know what arguments or how many will be passed? For example, the function could be called with:
test -foo "value1" -bar "value2" -baz "value3"
and someone else might call it with:
test -variable1 "somevalue" -variable2 "somevalue2" -variable3 "somevalue3" -variable4 "value4"
I looked at $MyInvocation and the arguments come across as UnboundArguments, so theoretically I could "pair up" argument 0 with argument 1, 2 with 3, etc and error out if there's an odd number of UnboundArguments.
Stumbled upon this trying to do something similar and figured out my preferred option.
Function ParamTest {
Param (
$t1 = '1234',
$MyInvocation |Add-Member -Name:'Param' -MemberType:'NoteProperty' -Value:(
(Get-Variable -Scope:'Local' -Include:#($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.keys)|
ForEach-Object -begin:{$h=#{}} -process:{$h.add($_.Name,$_.Value)} -end:{$h}
Name Value
---- -----
t1 1234
3 False
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.19041.1320
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.19041.1320
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
A streamlined solution that:
builds on your own approach now shown at the bottom of the question,
while also including an additional piece of information, namely whether each parameter was bound on invocation, i.e. whether an argument was passed or not, based on its presence in the automatic $PSBoundParameter variable, which is a dictionary containing the bound parameters and their values (arguments).
Note: $PSBoundParameters does not include parameters bound by a default value, only those parameters to which an argument was explicitly passed; for your use case, that is arguably desirable in order to distinguish between a default value and an explicit one, but in scenarios where arguments should be passed through it may be desirable to have default-value parameters included - see GitHub issue #3285.
function test {
param (
[string]$baz = "baz"
foreach ($paramName in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys) {
$bound = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($paramName)
[pscustomobject] #{
ParameterName = $paramName
ParameterValue = if ($bound) { $PSBoundParameters[$paramName] }
else { Get-Variable -Scope Local -ErrorAction Ignore -ValueOnly $paramName }
Bound = $bound
test -foo "foo!"
The above yields the following:
ParameterName ParameterValue Bound
------------- -------------- -----
foo foo! True
bar False
baz baz False
Note: This solution also handles dynamic parameters correctly:
Such parameters are reflected in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters if they situationally apply, but - unlike regular static parameters - are never reflected in scope-local variables. If they apply and are also bound, they and their values are reflected in $PSBoundParameters.
Thus - given that an applicable dynamic parameter may not be bound - the Get-Variable call to look for scope-local variables representing static parameters:
Must explicitly be limited to the current scope with -Scope Local so as not to accidentally pick up unrelated variables of the same name from ancestral scopes for unbound dynamic parameters.
Must ignore errors from the potentially resulting failure to find a variable in the current scope, using -ErrorAction Ignore.
I wanted a compact string of parameter key/value pairs that I can write out when catching error. Use content of the other answers, I came up with this:
$parameters = (Get-Variable -Scope:'Local' -Include:#($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.keys) |
Select-Object Name, Value | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name) : $($_.Value)" }) -join ' | '
Sample output:
ComputerName : SomePC | Directory : C:\Tools\LogExpert | UserName : Hans Wurst | YesOrNo : False
Thanks to all other posters with great & helpful answers above!
I'm cobbling together some of the above posts to try to meet my requirements.
I'd like to show Params in a Powershell-language-compatible format, so that one could easily see & display these params, and then also copy+pasta back into either a script as Param() Defaults (ParamsFormat1) or into a commandline/function call (CommandFormat2). I struggled with this for a while, so I hope this saves someone some time.
Collection of various Scripts from above:
# Note: there are some subtle differences between these versions below
# Specifically in the first line for *which* object you're checking for Parameters, and subsequently what type of Parameters you're looking at.
# PSCmdlet version REQUIRES [CmdletBinding()] on your function!!!
# $($(Get-Command -Name $($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName)).Parameters) | `
# %{ Get-Variable -Name $_.Values.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; }
# -Scope:'Local' FILTERS out any global params
# (Get-Variable -Scope:'Local' -Include:#($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.keys)) | ft
# PSCommandPath supposedly available/usable "in all situations" - so this may be the most useful of all of them, BUT it shows global params [Debug, ErrorAction, etc...]
# (Get-Command -Name $PSCommandPath).Parameters | `
# %{ Get-Variable -Name $_.Values.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; }
ParamsFormat1 / HYBRID VERSION: To output "Default Params" as you would see them in a function definition. Combines the -Scope:"Local" and "always available" versions to get BOTH param TYPES as well as Name, Value
Write-Host "Params("
# TBD Figure out how to expand #{} of System.Collections.Hashtable
# HYBRID VERSION: Combine the -Scope:"Local" and "always available" versions to get BOTH param TYPES as well as Name, Value
# If you remove LocalList Filter here, it will also show "Global" function properties like Debug, ErrorAction, etc...
$LocalList = $(Get-Variable -Scope:'Local' -Include:#($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.keys) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -join "|"
# VERSION: Wrapper script with DEFAULTS : normally DOES include Global vars [Debug, ErrorAction, etc]. but DOES preserve param order as-written.
((Get-Command -Name $PSCommandPath).Parameters | `
Select -ExpandProperty Values | `
Where-Object { $_.Name -Match $LocalList } | `
Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize `
#{ Label="Type"; Expression={"[$($_.ParameterType )]"}; }, `
#{ Label="Name"; Expression={"`t`$$($_.Name)"}; }, `
#{ Label="Equals"; Expression={"="}; }, `
#{ Label="Value"; Expression={ If( $_.ParameterType -Match "String" ) { "`"$((Get-Variable -Name $_.Name -EA SilentlyContinue).Value)`"" } Else{ $((Get-Variable -Name $_.Name -EA SilentlyContinue).Value)}; }; }, `
#{ Label="RowEndComma"; Expression={ "," }; }
##{ Label="Value"; Expression={ $((Get-Variable -Name $_.Name -EA SilentlyContinue).Value) }; } # (OPTIONAL) Values only, no wrapping quotes
Write-Host ")";
CommandFormat2 / SIMPLER VERSION: Call with CommandLine Args (TYPES not needed). This filters out Global vars, does NOT preserve param ordering. (sorted alphabetically?)
# VERSION: Call with CommandLine Args (TYPES not available - TBD needs more work to display String, Array, and Hashmap/PsCustomObject ["", #() and {}] types better): filters out Global vars, does NOT preserve param ordering.
# If needed, cut+paste OPTIONAL lines down above Format-Table line.
# Where-Object { $_.Value } | ` # (Optional) remove any Null items.
# Sort-Object -Property Name | ` # (Optional) sort output
(Get-Variable -Scope:'Local' -Include:#($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.keys) | `
Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -AutoSize `
#{ Label="Name"; Expression={"`t-$($_.Name)"}; }, `
#{ Label="Equals"; Expression ={":"}; }, `
#{ Label="Value"; Expression={ If( $_.ParameterType -NotMatch "String" ) { $_.Value; } Else {"`"$($_.Value)`"";} }; Alignment="left"; }