PowerShell switch parameter doesn't work as expected - powershell

I have the following PowerShell function to help me do benchmarks. The idea is that you provide the command and a number and the function will run the code that number of times. After that the function will report the testing result, such as Min, Max and Average time taken.
function Measure-MyCommand()
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[Parameter()] [int] $Count = 1,
[Parameter()] [switch] $ShowOutput
$time_elapsed = #();
while($Count -ge 1) {
$timer = New-Object 'Diagnostics.Stopwatch';
$temp = & $ScriptBlock;
if($ShowOutput) {
Write-Output $temp;
$time_elapsed += $timer.Elapsed;
$stats = $time_elapsed | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum -Property Ticks;
Write-Host "Min: $((New-Object 'System.TimeSpan' $stats.Minimum).TotalMilliseconds) ms";
Write-Host "Max: $((New-Object 'System.TimeSpan' $stats.Maximum).TotalMilliseconds) ms";
Write-Host "Avg: $((New-Object 'System.TimeSpan' $stats.Average).TotalMilliseconds) ms";
The problem is with the switch parameter $ShowOutput. As I understand, when you provide a switch parameter, its value is true. Otherwise it's false. However it doesn't seem to work. See my testing.
PS C:\> Measure-MyCommand -ScriptBlock {Write-Host "f"} -Count 3 -ShowOutput
Min: 0.4935 ms
Max: 0.8392 ms
Avg: 0.6115 ms
PS C:\> Measure-MyCommand -ScriptBlock {Write-Host "f"} -Count 3
Min: 0.4955 ms
Max: 0.8296 ms
Avg: 0.6251 ms
PS C:\>
Can anyone help to explain it please?

This is because Write-Host doesn't return the object and is not a part of pipeline stream, instead it sends text directly to console. You can't simply hide Write-Host output by writing it to variable, because Write-Host writes to console stream which isn't exposed in PowerShell before version 5. What you need is to replace Write-Host with Write-Output cmdlet call. Then you get what you expect. This solution is valid for PowerShell 2.0+.
Starting with PowerShell 5, Write-Host writes to its dedicated stream and you can handle and redirect this stream somewhere else. See this response for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60353648/3997611.

The problem is with the specific script block you're passing, not with your [switch] parameter declaration (which works fine):
{Write-Host "f"}
By using Write-Host, you're bypassing PowerShell's success output stream (which the assignment to variable $temp collects) and printing directly to the host[1] (the console), so your output always prints.
To print to the success output stream, use Write-Output, or better yet, use PowerShell's implicit output feature:
# "f", due not being capture or redirected, is implicitly sent
# to the success output stream.
Measure-MyCommand -ScriptBlock { "f" } -Count 3 -ShowOutput
[1] In PowerShell 5.0 and higher, Write-Host now writes to a new stream, the information stream (number 6), which by default prints to the host. See about_Redirection.
Therefore, a 6> redirection now does allow you to capture Write-Host output; e.g.: $temp = Write-Host hi 6>&1. Note that the type of the objects captured this way is System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord.


When running a command in powershell how can I prepend a date/time for all output on stdout/stderr?

Is it possible in powershell when running a script to add a date prefix to all log output?
I know that it would be possible to do something like:
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format 'u') my log output"
But I dont want to have to call some function for each time we output a line. Instead I want to modify all output when running any script or command and have the time prefix for every line.
To insert a date in front of all output, that is stdout, stderr and the PowerShell-specific streams, you can use the redirection operator *>&1 to redirect (merge) all streams of a command or scriptblock, pipe to Out-String -Stream to format the stream objects into lines of text and then use ForEach-Object to process each line and prepend the date.
Let me start with a simple example, a more complete solution can be found below.
# Run a scriptblock
# Test output to all possible streams, using various formatting methods.
# Added a few delays to test if the final output is still streaming.
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightGreen)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
$DebugPreference = 'Continue' # To avoid prompt, needed for Windows Powershell
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream'
} *>&1 | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Add date in front of each output line
$date = Get-Date -Format "yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss"
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
"$($PSStyle.Reset)[$date] $line"
Output in PS 7.2 console:
Using Out-String we use the standard PowerShell formatting system to have the output look normally, as it would appear without redirection (e. g. things like tables stay intact). The -Stream parameter is crucial to keep the streaming output behaviour of PowerShell. Without this parameter, output would only be received once the whole scriptblock has completed.
While the output already looks quite nice, there are some minor issues:
The verbose, warning and debug messages are not colored as usual.
The word "text" in the 2nd line should be colored in green. This isn't working due to the use of $PSStyle.Reset. When removed, the colors of the error message leak into the date column, which looks far worse. It can be fixed, but it is not trivial.
The line wrapping isn't right (it wraps into the date column in the middle of the output).
As a more general, reusable solution I've created a function Invoke-WithDateLog that runs a scriptblock, captures all of its output, inserts a date in front of each line and outputs it again:
Function Invoke-WithDateLog {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[string] $DateFormat = '[yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss] ',
[string] $DateStyle = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack,
[switch] $CatchExceptions,
[switch] $ExceptionStackTrace,
[Collections.ICollection] $ErrorCollection
# Variables are private so they are not visible from within the ScriptBlock.
$private:ansiEscapePattern = "`e\[[0-9;]*m"
$private:lastFmt = ''
& {
if( $CatchExceptions ) {
try { & $scriptBlock }
catch {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
# Write as regular output, colored like an error message.
"`n" + $PSStyle.Formatting.Error + "EXCEPTION ($($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)):`n $_" + $PSStyle.Reset
# Optionally write stacktrace. Using the -replace operator we indent each line.
Write-Debug ($_.ScriptStackTrace -replace '^|\r?\n', "`n ") -Debug:$ExceptionStackTrace
else {
& $scriptBlock
} *>&1 | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable record {
# Here the $_ variable is either:
# - a string in case of simple output
# - an instance of one of the System.Management.Automation.*Record classes (output of Write-Error, Write-Debug, ...)
# - an instance of one of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.* classes (output of a Format-* cmdlet)
if( $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] ) {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
$_ # Forward current record
} | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Here the $_ variable is always a (possibly multiline) string of formatted output.
# Out-String doesn't add any ANSI escape codes to colorize Verbose, Warning and Debug messages,
# so we have to do it by ourselfs.
$overrideFmt = switch( $record ) {
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Warning; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Debug; break }
# Prefix for each line. It resets the ANSI escape formatting before the date.
$prefix = $DateStyle + (Get-Date -Format $DateFormat) + $PSStyle.Reset
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
# Produce the final, formatted output.
$prefix + ($overrideFmt ?? $lastFmt) + $line + ($overrideFmt ? $PSStyle.Reset : '')
# Remember last ANSI escape sequence (if any) of current line, for cases where formatting spans multiple lines.
$lastFmt = [regex]::Match( $line, $ansiEscapePattern, 'RightToLeft' ).Value
Usage example:
# To differentiate debug and verbose output from warnings
$PSStyle.Formatting.Debug = $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace {
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream' -Debug
throw 'Critical error'
Output in PS 7.2 console:
The code requires PowerShell 7+.
The date formatting can be changed through parameters -DateFormat (see formatting specifiers) and -DateStyle (ANSI escape sequence for coloring).
Script-terminating errors such as created by throwing an exception or using Write-Error -EA Stop, are not logged by default. Instead they bubble up from the scriptblock as usual. You can pass parameter -CatchExceptions to catch exceptions and log them like regular non-terminating errors. Pass -ExceptionStackTrace to also log the script stacktrace, which is very useful for debugging.
Scripted cmdlets such as this one don't set the automatic variable $? and also don't add errors to the automatic $Error variable when an error is written via Write-Error. Neither the common parameter -ErrorVariable works. To still be able to collect error information I've added parameter -ErrorCollection which can be used like this:
$scriptErrors = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace -ErrorCollection $scriptErrors {
Write-Error 'Write to stderr' -EA Continue
throw 'Critical error'
if( $scriptErrors ) {
# Outputs "Number of errors: 2"
"`nNumber of errors: $($scriptErrors.Count)"
The objects generated by Write-Host already come with a timestamp, you can use Update-TypeData to override the .ToString() Method from the InformationRecord Class and then redirect the output from the Information Stream to the Success Stream.
Update-TypeData -TypeName System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord -Value {
return $this.TimeGenerated.ToString('u') + $this.MessageData.Message.PadLeft(10)
} -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName ToString -Force
'Hello', 'World', 123 | Write-Host 6>&1

Redirect/Capture Write-Host output even with -NoNewLine

The function Select-WriteHost from an answer to another Stackoverflow question (see code below) will redirect/capture Write-Host output:
PS> $test = 'a','b','c' |%{ Write-Host $_ } | Select-WriteHost
PS> $test
However, if I add -NoNewLine to Write-Host, Select-WriteHost will ignore it:
PS> $test = 'a','b','c' |%{ Write-Host -NoNewLine $_ } | Select-WriteHost
PS> $test
Can anyone figure out how to modify Select-WriteHost (code below) to also support -NoNewLine?
function Select-WriteHost
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FromPipeline')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FromPipeline')]
[object] $InputObject,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FromScriptblock', Position = 0)]
[ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[switch] $Quiet
function Cleanup
# Clear out our proxy version of write-host
remove-item function:\write-host -ea 0
function ReplaceWriteHost([switch] $Quiet, [string] $Scope)
# Create a proxy for write-host
$metaData = New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData (Get-Command 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host')
$proxy = [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::create($metaData)
# Change its behavior
$content = if($quiet)
# In quiet mode, whack the entire function body,
# simply pass input directly to the pipeline
$proxy -replace '(?s)\bbegin\b.+', '$Object'
# In noisy mode, pass input to the pipeline, but allow
# real Write-Host to process as well
$proxy -replace '(\$steppablePipeline\.Process)', '$Object; $1'
# Load our version into the specified scope
Invoke-Expression "function ${scope}:Write-Host { $content }"
# If we are running at the end of a pipeline, we need
# to immediately inject our version into global
# scope, so that everybody else in the pipeline
# uses it. This works great, but it is dangerous
# if we don't clean up properly.
if($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromPipeline')
ReplaceWriteHost -Quiet:$quiet -Scope 'global'
# If a scriptblock was passed to us, then we can declare
# our version as local scope and let the runtime take
# it out of scope for us. It is much safer, but it
# won't work in the pipeline scenario.
# The scriptblock will inherit our version automatically
# as it's in a child scope.
if($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromScriptBlock')
. ReplaceWriteHost -Quiet:$quiet -Scope 'local'
& $scriptblock
# In a pipeline scenario, just pass input along
PS: I tried inserting -NoNewLine to the line below (just to see how it would react) however, its producing the exception, "Missing function body in function declaration"
Invoke-Expression "function ${scope}:Write-Host { $content }"
Invoke-Expression "function ${scope}:Write-Host -NoNewLine { $content }"
(Just to recap) Write-Host is meant for host, i.e. display / console output only, and originally couldn't be captured (in-session) at all. In PowerShell 5, the ability to capture Write-Host output was introduced via the information stream, whose number is 6, enabling techniques such as redirection 6>&1 in order to merge Write-Host output into the success (output) stream (whose number is 1), where it can be captured as usual.
However, due to your desire to use the -NoNewLine switch across several calls, 6>&1 by itself is not enough, because the concept of not emitting a newline only applies to display output, not to distinct objects in the pipeline.
E.g., in the following call -NoNewLine is effectively ignored, because there are multiple Write-Host calls producing multiple output objects (strings) that are captured separately:
'a','b','c' | % { Write-Host $_ -NoNewline } 6>&1
Your Select-WriteHost function - necessary in PowerShell 4 and below only - would have the same problem if you adapted it to support the -NoNewLine switch.
An aside re 6>&1: The strings that Write-Host invariably outputs are wrapped in [System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord] instances, due to being re-routed via the information stream. In display output you will not notice the difference, but to get the actual string you need to access the .MessageData.Message property or simply call .ToString().
There is no general solution I am aware of, but situationally the following may work:
If you know that the code of interest uses only Write-Host -NoNewLine calls:
Simply join the resulting strings after the fact without a separator to emulate -NoNewLine behavior:
# -> 'abc'
# Note: Whether or not you use -NoNewLine here makes no difference.
-join ('a','b','c' | % { Write-Host -NoNewLine $_ })
If you know that all instances of Write-Host -NoNewLine calls apply only to their respective pipeline input, you can write a simplified proxy function that collects all input up front and performs separator-less concatenation of the stringified objects:
# -> 'abc'
$test = & {
# Simplified proxy function
function Write-Host {
param([switch] $NoNewLine)
if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { $allInput = $Input }
else { $allInput = $args }
if ($NoNewLine) { -join $allInput.ForEach({ "$_" }) }
else { $allInput.ForEach({ "$_" }) }
# Important: pipe all input directly.
'a','b','c' | Write-Host -NoNewLine

How to run a command against multiple servers simultaneously in Powershell

I am looking for a way to restart three services on multiple servers simultaneously. I know how to restart services against a list of servers by using a loop but as I have many servers it would take a long time to wait for each service on each server to restart in a sequential order. Is there a way to send restart service command to all servers at once instead of waiting for each server?
You could try to work with jobs. Jobs are run in the background and you have to retrieve them with Get-Job to see their status. Please read the information to Powershell jobs on these two sites:
Your code would look something like this:
$servernames | ForEach-Object {Start-Job -Name "Job-$_" -Scriptblock {"Enter your code here -Computername $_"}}
This will create a background job for each servername. As already mentioned you can see the status using the cmdlet Get-Job. To get the result use the cmdlet Receive-Job.
you can use the invoke-command cmdlet
invoke-command -computername computer1,computer2,computer3 {restart-service servicename}
I use and improove a multi-thread Function, you can use it like :
$Script = {
restart-service servicename -Computername $Computername
#('Srv1','Srv2') | Run-Parallel -ScriptBlock $Script
include this code in your script
function Run-Parallel {
This is a quick and open-ended script multi-threader searcher
Improove by Alban LOPEZ 2016
This script will allow any general, external script to be multithreaded by providing a single
argument to that script and opening it in a seperate thread. It works as a filter in the
pipeline, or as a standalone script. It will read the argument either from the pipeline
or from a filename provided. It will send the results of the child script down the pipeline,
so it is best to use a script that returns some sort of object.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
This is where you provide the PowerShell ScriptBlock that you want to multithread.
The ItemObj represents the arguments that are provided to the child script. This is an open ended
argument and can take a single object from the pipeline, an array, a collection, or a file name. The
multithreading script does it's best to find out which you have provided and handle it as such.
If you would like to provide a file, then the file is read with one object on each line and will
be provided as is to the script you are running as a string. If this is not desired, then use an array.
This allows you to specify the parameter for which your input objects are to be evaluated. As an example,
if you were to provide a computer name to the Get-Process cmdlet as just an argument, it would attempt to
find all processes where the name was the provided computername and fail. You need to specify that the
parameter that you are providing is the "ComputerName".
This allows you to specify additional parameters to the running command. For instance, if you are trying
to find the status of the "BITS" service on all servers in your list, you will need to specify the "Name"
parameter. This command takes a hash pair formatted as follows:
#{"key" = "Value"}
#{"key1" = "Value"; "key2" = 321; "key3" = 1..9}
This allows you to add additional switches to the command you are running. For instance, you may want
to include "RequiredServices" to the "Get-Service" cmdlet. This parameter will take a single string, or
an aray of strings as follows:
#("RequiredServices", "DependentServices")
This is the maximum number of threads to run at any given time. If ressources are too congested try lowering
this number. The default value is 20.
.PARAMETER SleepTimer_ms
This is the time between cycles of the child process detection cycle. The default value is 200ms. If CPU
utilization is high then you can consider increasing this delay. If the child script takes a long time to
run, then you might increase this value to around 1000 (or 1 second in the detection cycle).
.PARAMETER TimeOutGlobal
this is the TimeOut in second for listen the last thread, after this timeOut All thread are closed, only each other are returned
.PARAMETER TimeOutThread
this is the TimeOut in second for each thread, the thread are aborted at this time
List of PSModule name to include for use in ScriptBlock
List of PSSapin name to include for use in ScriptBlock
1..20 | Run-Parallel -ScriptBlock {param($i) Start-Sleep $i; "> $i sec <"} -TimeOutGlobal 15 -TimeOutThread 5
Both of these will execute the scriptBlock and provide each of the server names in AllServers.txt
while providing the results to GridView. The results will be the output of the child script.
gc AllServers.txt | Run-Parallel $ScriptBlock_GetTSUsers -MaxThreads $findOut_AD.ActiveDirectory.Servers.count -PSModules 'PSTerminalServices' | out-gridview
[ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = $null,
$InputParam = $Null,
[HashTable] $AddParam = #{},
[Array] $AddSwitch = #(),
$MaxThreads = 20,
$SleepTimer_ms = 100,
$TimeOutGlobal = 300,
$TimeOutThread = 100,
[string[]]$PSSapins = $null,
[string[]]$PSModules = $null,
$Modedebug = $true
$ISS = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
ForEach ($Snapin in $PSSapins){
[void]$ISS.ImportPSSnapIn($Snapin, [ref]$null)
ForEach ($Module in $PSModules){
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxThreads, $ISS, $Host)
$Jobs = #()
#ForEach ($Object in $ItemObj){
if ($ItemObj){
Write-Host $ItemObj -ForegroundColor Yellow
$PowershellThread = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
If ($InputParam -ne $Null){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($InputParam, $ItemObj.ToString()) | out-null
$PowershellThread.AddArgument($ItemObj.ToString()) | out-null
ForEach($Key in $AddParam.Keys){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($Key, $AddParam.$key) | out-null
ForEach($Switch in $AddSwitch){
$PowershellThread.AddParameter($Switch) | out-null
$PowershellThread.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Handle = $PowershellThread.BeginInvoke()
$Job = [pscustomobject][ordered]#{
Handle = $Handle
Thread = $PowershellThread
object = $ItemObj.ToString()
Started = Get-Date
$Jobs += $Job
$GlobalStartTime = Get-Date
$continue = $true
While (#($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle -ne $Null}).count -gt 0 -and $continue) {
ForEach ($Job in $($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle.IsCompleted -eq $True})){
$out = $Job.Thread.EndInvoke($Job.Handle)
$out # return vers la sortie srandard
#Write-Host $out -ForegroundColor green
$Job.Thread.Dispose() | Out-Null
$Job.Thread = $Null
$Job.Handle = $Null
foreach ($InProgress in $($Jobs | Where-Object {$_.Handle})) {
if ($TimeOutGlobal -and (($(Get-Date) - $GlobalStartTime).totalseconds -gt $TimeOutGlobal)){
$Continue = $false
#Write-Host $InProgress -ForegroundColor magenta
if (!$Continue -or ($TimeOutThread -and (($(Get-Date) - $InProgress.Started).totalseconds -gt $TimeOutThread))) {
$InProgress.thread.Stop() | Out-Null
$InProgress.thread.Dispose() | Out-Null
$InProgress.Thread = $Null
$InProgress.Handle = $Null
#Write-Host $InProgress -ForegroundColor red
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer_ms
$RunspacePool.Close() | Out-Null
$RunspacePool.Dispose() | Out-Null

Handling pipeline and parameter input in a Powershell function

I'm confused about something I saw in the book Learn PowerShell in a Month of lunches. In chapter 21 when the author discusses functions that accept input via parameter binding or the pipeline he gives two patterns.
The first as follows
function someworkerfunction {
# do some work
function Get-SomeWork {
param ([string[]]$computername)
$usedParameter = $False
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('computername')) {
$usedParameter = $True
if($usedParameter) {
foreach($computer in $computername) {
someworkerfunction -computername $comptuer
} else {
someworkerfunction -comptuername $_
END {}
The second like this
function someworkerfunction {
# do stuff
function Get-Work {
foreach($computer in $computername) {
someworkerfunction -comptuername $computer
END {}
I know the second sample is a standard Powershell 2.0 Advanced function. My question is with Powershell 2.0 support for the cmdletbinding directive would you ever want to use the first pattern. Is that just a legacy from Powershell 1.0? Basically is there ever a time when using Powershell 2.0 that I would want to mess around with the first pattern, when the second pattern is so much cleaner.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Thank you.
If you want to process pipeline input in your function but don't want to add all the parameter attributes or want backwards compatibility go with the cmdletbindingless way.
If you want to use the additional features of PowerShell script cmdlets like the parameter attributes, parameter sets etc... then go with the second one.
If anyone wishes for a very, very simple explanation of how to read from piped input see
How do you write a powershell function that reads from piped input?
Had this ^ existed when I had this question, I would have saved a lot of time because this thread is quite complicated and doesn't actually explain how to handle pipelined input into a function.
No, the first example is not just legacy. In order to create a PowerShell function that uses an array parameter and takes pipeline input you have to do some work.
I will even go as far as to say that the second example does not work. At least I could not get it to work.
Take this example...
function PipelineMadness()
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[int[]] $InputArray
Write-Host ('$InputArray.Count {0}' -f $InputArray.Count)
Write-Host $InputArray
Write-Host ('$input.Count {0}' -f $input.Count)
Write-Host $input
if($input) { Write-Host "input is true" }
else { Write-Host "input is false" }
results ...
PS C:\Windows\system32> 1..5 | PipelineMadness
$InputArray.Count 1
$input.Count 5
1 2 3 4 5
input is true
PS C:\Windows\system32> PipelineMadness (1..5)
$InputArray.Count 5
1 2 3 4 5
$input.Count 1
input is false
Notice that when the pipeline is used the $InputArray variable is a single value of 5...
Now with BEGIN and PROCESS blocks
function PipelineMadnessProcess()
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[int[]] $InputArray
Write-Host 'BEGIN'
Write-Host ('$InputArray.Count {0}' -f $InputArray.Count)
Write-Host $InputArray
Write-Host ('$input.Count {0}' -f $input.Count)
Write-Host $input
if($input) { Write-Host "input is true" }
else { Write-Host "input is false" }
Write-Host 'PROCESS'
Write-Host ('$InputArray.Count {0}' -f $InputArray.Count)
Write-Host $InputArray
Write-Host ('$input.Count {0}' -f $input.Count)
Write-Host $input
if($input) { Write-Host "input is true" }
else { Write-Host "input is false" }
Now this is where it gets weird
PS C:\Windows\system32> 1..5 | PipelineMadnessProcess
$InputArray.Count 0
$input.Count 0
input is false
$InputArray.Count 1
$input.Count 1
input is true
$InputArray.Count 1
$input.Count 1
input is true
$InputArray.Count 1
$input.Count 1
input is true
The BEGIN block does not have any data in there at all. And the process block works well however if you had a foreach like the example it would actually work but it would be running the foreach with 1 entry X times. Or if you passed in the array it would run the foreach once with the full set.
So I guess technically the example would work but it may not work the way you expect it to.
Also note that even though the BEGIN block had no data the function passed syntax validation.
To answer your question, I would say that the first pattern is just a legacy from PowerShell 1.0, you also can use $input in classical functions without Process script block. As far as you are just writting code for PowerShell 2.0 you can forget it.
Regarding pipeline functions, in powerShell V1.0 they can be handled with filters.
you just have to know that it have been done like that when you take samples from the Net or when you have to debug old Powerhell code.
Personally I still use old functions and filters inside my modules I reserve cmdletbinding for export functions or profile functions.
Powershell is a bit like lego blocks, you can do many things in many different ways.
The first form is expecting one or more computer names as string arguments either from an argumentlist or from the pipeline.
The second form is expecting either an array of string arguments from an argument list, or input objects from the pipeline that have the computer names as a property.

How does Select-Object stop the pipeline in PowerShell v3?

In PowerShell v2, the following line:
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| select -First 1
Would display:
Value : 1
Value : 2
Value : 3
Since all elements were pushed down the pipeline. However, in v3 the above line displays only:
Value : 1
The pipeline is stopped before 2 and 3 are sent to Foreach-Object (Note: the -Wait switch for Select-Object allows all elements to reach the foreach block).
How does Select-Object stop the pipeline, and can I now stop the pipeline from a foreach or from my own function?
Edit: I know I can wrap a pipeline in a do...while loop and continue out of the pipeline. I have also found that in v3 I can do something like this (it doesn't work in v2):
function Start-Enumerate ($array) {
do{ $array } while($false)
Start-Enumerate (1..3)| foreach {if($_ -ge 2){break};$_}; 'V2 Will Not Get Here'
But Select-Object doesn't require either of these techniques so I was hoping that there was a way to stop the pipeline from a single point in the pipeline.
Check this post on how you can cancel a pipeline:
In PowerShell 3.0 it's an engine improvement. From the CTP1 samples folder ('\Engines Demos\Misc\ConnectBugFixes.ps1'):
# Connect Bug 332685
# Select-Object optimization
# Submitted by Shay Levi
# Connect Suggestion 286219
# PSV2: Lazy pipeline - ability for cmdlets to say "NO MORE"
# Submitted by Karl Prosser
# Stop the pipeline once the objects have been selected
# Useful for commands that return a lot of objects, like dealing with the event log
# In PS 2.0, this took a long time even though we only wanted the first 10 events
Start-Process powershell.exe -Args '-Version 2 -NoExit -Command Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10'
# In PS 3.0, the pipeline stops after retrieving the first 10 objects
Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10
After trying several methods, including throwing StopUpstreamCommandsException, ActionPreferenceStopException, and PipelineClosedException, calling $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError and $ExecutionContext.Host.Runspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline().stopper.set_IsStopping($true) I finally found that just utilizing select-object was the only thing that didn't abort the whole script (versus just the pipeline). [Note that some of the items mentioned above require access to private members, which I accessed via reflection.]
# This looks like it should put a zero in the pipeline but on PS 3.0 it doesn't
function stop-pipeline {
$sp = {select-object -f 1}.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
$x = $sp.Process(0) # this call doesn't return
New method follows based on comment from OP. Unfortunately this method is a lot more complicated and uses private members. Also I don't know how robust this - I just got the OP's example to work and stopped there. So FWIW:
# wh is alias for write-host
# sel is alias for select-object
# The following two use reflection to access private members:
# invoke-method invokes private methods
# select-properties is similar to select-object, but it gets private properties
# Get the system.management.automation assembly
? location -like "*system.management.automation*"
# Get the StopUpstreamCommandsException class
$upcet=$smaa.gettypes()| ? name -like "*upstream*"
filter x {
[object] $inputObject
process {
if ($inputObject -ge 5) {
# Create a StopUpstreamCommandsException
$upce = [activator]::CreateInstance($upcet,#($pscmdlet))
$PipelineProcessor=$pscmdlet.CommandRuntime|select-properties PipelineProcessor
$commands = $PipelineProcessor|select-properties commands
$commandProcessor= $commands[0]
$null = $upce.RequestingCommandProcessor|select-properties *
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.commandinfo =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandinfo
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.Commandruntime =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandruntime
$null = $PipelineProcessor|
invoke-method recordfailure #($upce, $commandProcessor.command)
1..($commands.count-1) | % {
$commands[$_] | invoke-method DoComplete
wh throwing
throw $upce
wh "< $inputObject >"
} # end process
end {
wh in x end
} # end filter x
filter y {
[object] $inputObject
process {
end {
wh in y end
1..5| x | y | measure -Sum
PowerShell code to retrieve PipelineProcessor value through reflection:
$t_cmdRun = $pscmdlet.CommandRuntime.gettype()
# Get pipelineprocessor value ($pipor)
$bindFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]"NonPublic,Instance"
$piporProp = $t_cmdRun.getproperty("PipelineProcessor", $bindFlags )
Powershell code to invoke method through reflection:
$proc = (gps)[12] # semi-random process
$methinfo = $proc.gettype().getmethod("GetComIUnknown", $bindFlags)
# Return ComIUnknown as an IntPtr
$comIUnknown = $methinfo.Invoke($proc, #($true))
I know that throwing a PipelineStoppedException stops the pipeline. The following example will simulate what you see with Select -first 1 in v3.0, in v2.0:
filter Select-Improved($first) {
$count = 0
if($count -ge $first){throw (new-object System.Management.Automation.PipelineStoppedException)}
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| Select-Improved -first 1
write-host "after"