i am facing error about apex images loading - apex

There is a problem with your environment because the Application Express files have not been loaded. Please verify that you have copied the images directory to your application server as instructed in the Installation Guide. In addition, please verify that your image prefix path is correct. Your current path is /i/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.

Starting with Apex 18.1.x.x.x we should be instead putting CDN location as static path for images. Local path will not be supported any further.
Take a look at below announcement :
CDN makes application faster.
Coming to problem you mentioned, can be easily resolved by performing below steps :
Locate reset_image_prefix.sql . It should be under 'apex/utilities'
change directory :
cd apex/utilities
Connect to DB and check what is image prefix
connect to SQL as SYS
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> begin
2 dbms_output.put_line(apex_200100.wwv_flow_image_prefix.g_image_prefix);
4 end;
5 /
It should list /i/ or any other location you may have configured with
Note: whenever you run the above command change to the correct APEX user (version), so for APEX 19.1 you use apex_190100.
4. Now, check CDN address. For example Apex 20.1.X.X.XX location is - https://static.oracle.com/cdn/apex/
Same can be checked from https://blogs.oracle.com/apex/announcing-oracle-apex-static-resources-on-oracle-content-delivery-network
5. Now, its time to run SQL (assuming you have APEX 19.2.0.X.XX version)
SQL> #reset_image_prefix.sql
Enter the Application Express image prefix [/i/] https://static.oracle.com/cdn/apex/
...Changing Application Express image prefix
Go to http://your-host:your-port/ords/apex_admin
Problem should be resolved by now!


Testing Jetty server of Jasper Reports Integration

I am trying to use JasperReports integration for the first time. I am using the included Jetty server, Oracle database XE 18c and Windows 7.
I am following the quick start guide https://github.com/daust/JasperReportsIntegration/blob/main/src/doc/github/installation-quickstart.md
I downloaded the zip folder, configuired database access through adding schema credentials in application.properties file as follows...
[datasource:default] type=jdbc
url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:XEPDB1 username=hr password=hr
this parameter is limiting access to the integration for the specified
list of ip addresses, e.g.:
ipAddressesAllowed=,, if the list is
empty, ALL addresses are allowed.
Then I deployed the jri.war file successfully. Then I started the server successfully as well. But when I tried to test it through http://localhost:8090/, I got the following page, and I do not know if that's the norm or there's something wrong...
I need to know if testing is successful, and what's meant by "context" here?
You deployed the jri.war to the context path /jri, this isn't an error, and is quite normal.
Just access your webapp via http://localhost:8080/jri/

What is the "[full path]" component of the SSL Certificate Authority given by MySQL and PostgreSQL (boto3) calls in the AWS docs?

In the AWS documentation for "Connecting to your DB instance using IAM authentication and the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)", the following call is made to both psycopg2.connect (shown) and mysql.connector.connect:
conn = psycopg2.connect(host=ENDPOINT, port=PORT, database=DBNAME, user=USR, password=token, sslmode='prefer', sslrootcert="[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""SELECT now()""")
query_results = cur.fetchall()
I see some discussion about the ssl_ca path (here and here) and what those bundles are used for. But none of the three links I've given here describe the [full path] component given by the AWS docs, or where it is pointing to. My current guess (from the second link) is this URL, but I'd like to be sure.
Additionally, what are the advantages to having this bundle downloaded to the remote EC2 on which these Python 3 (boto3) scripts are running?
EDIT: By the way, the above call to psycopg2.connect is working in Jupyter with Python 3.9.5 on an EC2 currently, with the [full path] written as-is...
You should replace the '[full path]' with the filesystem path (directory path) to where you saved the pem file when you downloaded it (from that last URL you gave) to the local computer.
The advantage of using it is that your client will verify it connected to the correct database, and not some malicious system which is intercepting your traffic. I don't how advantageous you consider this: if someone has compromised Amazon enough to be intercepting their internal traffic, they might also have compromised their CA as well. But there is at least some possibility they did one without the other.
Your code as shown does not work for me, because ssl_ca is not how it is spelled. Assuming you used the code actually given at your first link for PostgreSQL:
sslmode='prefer', sslrootcert="[full path]rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem"
Then the reason it works despite the bogus path is that "prefer" means it doesn't care if the rootcert is missing, it just skips validating in that case. If you change it to 'verify-full', then presumably it would stop working.

yii, i am getting sql error when using restful api

I am writing restful API with Yii, but I am getting an SQL error in create function. My purpose is to add new data to the news table, but it asks me for the author_id. How can I do it without crushing the default create method?
Solution 1. Run this below query on mysql/phpmyadmin and restart server
Solution 2.
Open the my.ini or my.cnf file for editing (the file you have depends on whether you are running Windows or Linux).
Find the following line:
Replace it with the line below:
If the line is not found, insert the line under the [mysqld] section (if there is no [mysqld] section, create it).
sql_mode= ""
Restart the MySQL service for the change to take effect.
If restarting is not a feasible option at the moment, you may log into the database server and execute the below command for the changes to take effect immediately. However, the change will be discarded the next time the MySQL service restarts unless the above process is performed.
set global sql_mode='';

Azure batch Application package not getting copied to Working Directory of Task

I have created Azure Batch pool with Linux Machine and specified Application Package for the Pool.
My command line is
command='python $AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py',
python3: can't open file '$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
when i connect to node and look at working directory non of the Application Package files are present there.
How do i make sure that files from Application Package are available in working directory or I can invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line ?
Make sure that your async operation have proper await in place before you start using the package in your code.
Also please share your design \ pseudo-code scenario and how you are approaching it as a design?
Further to add:
Seems like this one is pool level package.
The error seems like that the application env variable is either incorrectly used or there is some other user level issue. Please checkout linmk below and specially the section where use of env variable is mentioned.
This seems like user level issue because In case of downloading the package resource, if there will be an error it will be visible to you via exception handler or at the tool level is you are using batch explorer \ Batch-labs or code level exception handling.
Reason \ Rationale:
If the pool level or the task application has error, an error-list will come back if there was an error in the application package then it will be returned as the UserError or and AppPackageError which will be visible in the exception handle of the code.
Key you can always RDP into your node and checkout the package availability: information here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#connecting-to-compute-nodes
I once created a small sample to help peeps around so this resource might help you to checkeout the use here.
Hope rest helps.
On Linux, the application package with version string is formatted as:
On Windows it is formatted as:
Where 0 is the application name and 1 is the version.
$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1 will take you to the root folder where the application was unzipped.
Does this "exact" path exist in that location?
You can see more information here:
Edit: Just saw this question: "or can I invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line"
Yes you can invoke and execute files from the application package directory with the environment variable above.
If you type env on the node you will see the environment variables that have been set.

Setting moodle online

Good day everyone, I have been trying to put my moodle online so pcs from internet can access it, but until now, no luck at all. (Im using moodle 2.3.2 on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7).
I tried to configure the moodle file config.php, setting the directive $CFG -> wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle". Then, when I access to moodel from the server, I can access it by "http://my-public-ip/moodle", when I try to access via localhost, it sends an error which it is OK.
But the funny part comes when I try to access the server from an outside pc. When I type "http://my-public-ip/moodle" it simply cant "see" the configuration I made to the config.php file (it says: This server cna only be accessed via localhost/moodle) it looks like the outside pcs are either ignoring it, or searching for another configuration file. I dont know what the hell is happening, this is very odd.
Any ideas?? tnx!!!
Change the following file:
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 3);
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 0);
I realise this is an old question, but it's also worth pointing out you may need to also run the database search and replace script, at:
as referenced in Method 2 here.
This is required if you change the name of the site once you have installed it. If you were already using Moodle under "localhost", then there will be a number of references to the old localhost address stored in the database that need to be updated to the new IP-based address.
It might be because the http:// part is missing?
$CFG->wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle"
should be
$CFG->wwwroot = "http://my-public-ip/moodle"