Powershell filter ignored in pipeline - powershell

I am writing a Chef library to make writing a custom resource for managing Microsoft MSMQ resources on Windows Server easier. Chef interfaces with Windows using Powershell 5.1.
I want to raise an error if my call to Get-MsmqQueue fails and returns $Null. To do so, I have created a filter to raise an error if the value is invalid. This seems to work if I pipeline a $Null value, but if the value is returned from Get-MsmqQueue and is $Null, it does not work.
Does anybody have an idea why line #5 does not raise an error, even if the value is equal to $Null?
#1 filter Test-Null{ if ($Null -ne $_) { $_ } else { Write-Error "object does not exist" }}
#2 $a = $Null
#3 $a | Test-Null | ConvertTo-Json # this raises an error
#4 $a = Get-MsmqQueue -Name DoesNotExist
#5 $a | Test-Null | ConvertTo-Json # this does NOT raise an error
#6 $Null -eq $a # this evaluates to $True

A cmdlet that produces no output doesn't actually emit $null - it (implicitly) emits the [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value singleton that in expressions acts like $null, but in enumeration contexts such as the pipeline enumerates nothing and therefore sends nothing through the pipeline - unlike an actual $null value.
# True $null *is* sent through the pipeline.
PS> $var = $null; $var | ForEach-Object { 'here' }
# [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value is *not*.
# `& {}` is a simple way to create this value.
PS> $var = & {}; $var | ForEach-Object { 'here' }
# !! No output
As of PowerShell 7.0, [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value can only be discovered indirectly, using obscure techniques such as the following:
# Only returns $true if $var contains
# [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value
$null -eq $var -and #($var).Count -eq 0
This lack of discoverability is problematic, and improving the situation by enabling the following is the subject of this GitHub proposal.
$var -is [AutomationNull] # WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell 7.0

A different way to test it. This tests the standard output being non-null, not the exit code. I'm not testing the equality. The assignment is a side effect.
if (not ($a = Get-MsmqQueue -Name DoesNotExist)) {
Write-Error "object does not exist" }


When running a command in powershell how can I prepend a date/time for all output on stdout/stderr?

Is it possible in powershell when running a script to add a date prefix to all log output?
I know that it would be possible to do something like:
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format 'u') my log output"
But I dont want to have to call some function for each time we output a line. Instead I want to modify all output when running any script or command and have the time prefix for every line.
To insert a date in front of all output, that is stdout, stderr and the PowerShell-specific streams, you can use the redirection operator *>&1 to redirect (merge) all streams of a command or scriptblock, pipe to Out-String -Stream to format the stream objects into lines of text and then use ForEach-Object to process each line and prepend the date.
Let me start with a simple example, a more complete solution can be found below.
# Run a scriptblock
# Test output to all possible streams, using various formatting methods.
# Added a few delays to test if the final output is still streaming.
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightGreen)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Start-Sleep -Millis 250
$DebugPreference = 'Continue' # To avoid prompt, needed for Windows Powershell
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream'
} *>&1 | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Add date in front of each output line
$date = Get-Date -Format "yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss"
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
"$($PSStyle.Reset)[$date] $line"
Output in PS 7.2 console:
Using Out-String we use the standard PowerShell formatting system to have the output look normally, as it would appear without redirection (e. g. things like tables stay intact). The -Stream parameter is crucial to keep the streaming output behaviour of PowerShell. Without this parameter, output would only be received once the whole scriptblock has completed.
While the output already looks quite nice, there are some minor issues:
The verbose, warning and debug messages are not colored as usual.
The word "text" in the 2nd line should be colored in green. This isn't working due to the use of $PSStyle.Reset. When removed, the colors of the error message leak into the date column, which looks far worse. It can be fixed, but it is not trivial.
The line wrapping isn't right (it wraps into the date column in the middle of the output).
As a more general, reusable solution I've created a function Invoke-WithDateLog that runs a scriptblock, captures all of its output, inserts a date in front of each line and outputs it again:
Function Invoke-WithDateLog {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[string] $DateFormat = '[yy\/MM\/dd H:mm:ss] ',
[string] $DateStyle = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack,
[switch] $CatchExceptions,
[switch] $ExceptionStackTrace,
[Collections.ICollection] $ErrorCollection
# Variables are private so they are not visible from within the ScriptBlock.
$private:ansiEscapePattern = "`e\[[0-9;]*m"
$private:lastFmt = ''
& {
if( $CatchExceptions ) {
try { & $scriptBlock }
catch {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
# Write as regular output, colored like an error message.
"`n" + $PSStyle.Formatting.Error + "EXCEPTION ($($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)):`n $_" + $PSStyle.Reset
# Optionally write stacktrace. Using the -replace operator we indent each line.
Write-Debug ($_.ScriptStackTrace -replace '^|\r?\n', "`n ") -Debug:$ExceptionStackTrace
else {
& $scriptBlock
} *>&1 | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable record {
# Here the $_ variable is either:
# - a string in case of simple output
# - an instance of one of the System.Management.Automation.*Record classes (output of Write-Error, Write-Debug, ...)
# - an instance of one of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.* classes (output of a Format-* cmdlet)
if( $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] ) {
# The common parameter -ErrorVariable doesn't work in scripted cmdlets, so use our own error variable parameter.
if( $null -ne $ErrorCollection ) {
$null = $ErrorCollection.Add( $_ )
$_ # Forward current record
} | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
# Here the $_ variable is always a (possibly multiline) string of formatted output.
# Out-String doesn't add any ANSI escape codes to colorize Verbose, Warning and Debug messages,
# so we have to do it by ourselfs.
$overrideFmt = switch( $record ) {
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Warning; break }
{ $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord] } { $PSStyle.Formatting.Debug; break }
# Prefix for each line. It resets the ANSI escape formatting before the date.
$prefix = $DateStyle + (Get-Date -Format $DateFormat) + $PSStyle.Reset
foreach( $line in $_ -split '\r?\n' ) {
# Produce the final, formatted output.
$prefix + ($overrideFmt ?? $lastFmt) + $line + ($overrideFmt ? $PSStyle.Reset : '')
# Remember last ANSI escape sequence (if any) of current line, for cases where formatting spans multiple lines.
$lastFmt = [regex]::Match( $line, $ansiEscapePattern, 'RightToLeft' ).Value
Usage example:
# To differentiate debug and verbose output from warnings
$PSStyle.Formatting.Debug = $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow
$PSStyle.Formatting.Verbose = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace {
"Write $($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)colored`ntext$($PSStyle.Reset) to stdout"
[PSCustomObject]#{ Answer = 42; Question = 'What?' } | Format-Table
Get-Content -Path not-exists -EA Continue # produce a non-terminating error
Write-Host 'Write to information stream'
Write-Warning 'Write to warning stream'
Write-Verbose 'Write to verbose stream' -Verbose
Write-Debug 'Write to debug stream' -Debug
throw 'Critical error'
Output in PS 7.2 console:
The code requires PowerShell 7+.
The date formatting can be changed through parameters -DateFormat (see formatting specifiers) and -DateStyle (ANSI escape sequence for coloring).
Script-terminating errors such as created by throwing an exception or using Write-Error -EA Stop, are not logged by default. Instead they bubble up from the scriptblock as usual. You can pass parameter -CatchExceptions to catch exceptions and log them like regular non-terminating errors. Pass -ExceptionStackTrace to also log the script stacktrace, which is very useful for debugging.
Scripted cmdlets such as this one don't set the automatic variable $? and also don't add errors to the automatic $Error variable when an error is written via Write-Error. Neither the common parameter -ErrorVariable works. To still be able to collect error information I've added parameter -ErrorCollection which can be used like this:
$scriptErrors = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Invoke-WithDateLog -CatchExceptions -ExceptionStackTrace -ErrorCollection $scriptErrors {
Write-Error 'Write to stderr' -EA Continue
throw 'Critical error'
if( $scriptErrors ) {
# Outputs "Number of errors: 2"
"`nNumber of errors: $($scriptErrors.Count)"
The objects generated by Write-Host already come with a timestamp, you can use Update-TypeData to override the .ToString() Method from the InformationRecord Class and then redirect the output from the Information Stream to the Success Stream.
Update-TypeData -TypeName System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord -Value {
return $this.TimeGenerated.ToString('u') + $this.MessageData.Message.PadLeft(10)
} -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName ToString -Force
'Hello', 'World', 123 | Write-Host 6>&1

In powershell, Have Out-Host with conditional statement

I have a requirement to append | Out-Host with each Powershell execution.
But the response with out-host changes as below
>> some crap
>> $? --> returns false
>> some crap | Out-Host
>> $? --> returns false as expected
>> $(some crap) | Out-Host
>> $? --> returns true not expected
I understand that the true return might be because of the subexpression that I have introduced. But I see it needed in scenarios where I have a conditional script. There simple appending Out-Host doesn't work. For example,
$condition = $true; if ( $condition ) {echo "The condition was true"} | Out-Host
The above fails that an empty pipe is not allowed
If I change it to the below, it works
$($condition = $true; if ( $condition ) {echo "The condition was true"} )| Out-Host
I basically want to append Out-Host such that my output/response of run doesn't get affected. Since Out-Host is said to be the default, there should be a way to handle it for conditional statements as well.
Any help is appreciated.
It's still not entirely clear to me why you need to add Out-Host all over the place, but the safest option for programmatically adding | Out-Host to all your pipelines is to parse the existing script using the Parser class:
function Add-TrailingOutHost {
# Start by parsing the script
$parserErrors = #()
$AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Script, [ref]$null, [ref]$parserErrors)
Write-Error 'Errors encountered parsing script'
# Locate all pipeline expressions in the AST returned by the parser
$pipelines = $AST.FindAll({
# We only want "free-standing" pipelines - ignore pipelines in flow control statements and assignments
$Tree -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst] -and $Tree.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.StatementAst]
}, $true)
# We'll be injecting code into the script, thereby modifying the offsets of the existing statements
# To avoid inject code at the wrong offset we need to traverse the script bottom-up
for($i = $pipelines.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--){
$pipeline = $pipelines[$i]
# Check if the last command in the pipeline is already `Out-*` something - ignore those
$lastCommand = $pipeline.PipelineElements[-1]
if($lastCommand.CommandElements[0] -like 'Out-*'){
# Otherwise, inject the string `| Out-Host` at the end of the pipeline
$Script = $Script.Insert($lastCommand.Extent.EndOffset, ' | Out-Host')
# return modified script
return $Script
Now you can add Out-Host to the relevant parts of any script with:
Add-TrailingOutHost -Script #'
echo "Hello there"
if(Test-Path .){
echo "Something else"
The output of which is:
echo "Hello there" | Out-Host
if(Test-Path .){
echo "Something else" | Out-Host

Unexpected Behaviour with Where-Object

I just came across an unexpected behaviour of Where-Object which I couldn't find any explanation for:
$foo = $null | Where-Object {$false}
$foo -eq $null
> True
($null, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($foo, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($null, $null, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($foo, $foo, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 0
If the condition of Where-Object is false, $foo should be $null (which appears to be correct).
However, piping $foo at least twice before any value into the pipeline seems to break it.
What is causing this?
Other inconsistencies:
($foo, $null, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($foo, $null, $foo, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 0
($null, $foo, $null, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($foo, 1, $foo, $foo | Measure-Object).Count
> 1
($null, $foo, $null, $foo, 1 | Measure-Object).Count
> 0
Not all apparent $null values are the same, as Jeroen Mostert's comments indicate: PowerShell has two types of null that situationally behave differently - see the next section.
Additionally, you're seeing perhaps surprising Measure-Object behavior and a pipeline bug - see the bottom section.
It's best to eliminate Measure-Object from your test commands and simply invoke .Count directly on your arrays; e.g. (the simplest way to create the type of null as in your question is: $foo = & {}):
($foo, $null, 1).Count yields 3
($null, $foo, $null, $foo, 1).Count yields 5
As you can see, both types of null (discussed below) properly become elements of an array.
There are two distinct kinds of null values in PowerShell:
There's bona fide scalar null (corresponding to null in C#, for instance).
This null is contained in the automatic $null variable.
.NET methods may return it. (While PowerShell code may output it too, doing so is best avoided).
There's also the enumerable "collection null" (also called "AutomationNull", based on its class name), which is technically the System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull.Value singleton, which is itself a [psobject] instance.
This value is technically output by the pipeline when PowerShell commands (both binary cmdlets and PowerShell scripts/functions) produce no output.
The simplest way to get this value is with & {} , i.e. by executing an empty script block; of course, you can also use [System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value explicitly).
Unfortunately, the collection null value is nontrivial to distinguish from the scalar null, as of PowerShell 7.2:
GitHub issue #13465 proposes allowing detection of collection null via $var -is [AutomationNull] in a future PowerShell version.
For now, there are several workarounds for testing whether a given value $var contains collection null; perhaps the simplest (but non-obvious) is:
$null -eq $var -and $var -is [psobject] is $true only if $var contains the collection null value, because only collection null is technically an object.
Behavioral differences:
In expression contexts and in parameter binding, there is no difference in that collection null is implicitly converted to $null.
Note that this means that you cannot pass collection null as an argument - see the discussion in GitHub issue #9150.
The exception in the context of expressions is the LHS of operators that support collections as their LHS: they treat collection null as an empty collection and therefore evaluate to an empty array (#()) rather than $null:
E.g., $var -replace 'foo' | ForEach-Object { 'hi' } prints 'hi' only if $var is scalar $null, not with with collection null, because the -replace operation then outputs an empty array, which sends nothing through the pipeline.
See GitHub issue #3866.
In the pipeline:
Scalar $null is sent through the pipeline - it behaves like a single object: $null | ForEach-Object { '$_ is $null? ' + ($null -eq $_) } prints '$_ is $null? True';
Collection null is not sent through the pipeline - it behaves like a collection without elements; that is, just like #() | ForEach-Object { 'hi' } (sending an empty array), & {} | ForEach-Object { 'hi' } sends nothing through the pipeline, because there is nothing to enumerate, and therefore never outputs 'hi'.
Curiously, by contrast, in a foreach loop statement (as opposed to the ForEach-Object cmdlet) scalar $null too is not enumerated and the loop body is never entered in the following (ditto for collection null):
foreach ($i in $null) { 'hi' }
Measure-Object and pipeline problems:
Measure-Object generally ignores $null values, presumably by design.
This is discussed in GitHub issue #10905, which proposes introducing an -IncludeNull switch to support considering $null values on an opt-in basis. (The default behavior will not change so as not to break backward compatibility.)
However, you've discovered an outright bug in PowerShell's pipeline with respect to multi-object input involving collection nulls (as of PowerShell 7.1.2) , which Measure-Object only surfaces, as you've noted yourself:
On encountering a second collection null in multi-object input, sending objects through the pipeline unexpectedly stops:
E.g., (1, (& {}), 2, (& {}), 3, 4, 5 | Measure-Object).Count yields just 2: only 1 and 2 are counted (the collection nulls themselves are not sent through the pipeline), because the second collection null unexpectedly stops enumeration, so that the remaining objects - 3, 4, and 5 - aren't even sent to Measure-Object.
See GitHub issue #14920.
To add to mklement0's very detailed and much appreciated answer, I want to share the workaround I used:
$numbers = 3, 42, 7, 69, 13
$no1 = $numbers | Where-Object {$_ -eq 1}
$no2 = $numbers | Where-Object {$_ -eq 2}
$no3 = $numbers | Where-Object {$_ -eq 3}
Instead of piping the variables directly to ForEach-Object, which produces no output ... :
$no1, $no2, $no3 | ForEach-Object {$_}
... pipe the variable names to ForEach-Object and make use of Get-Variable to get the desired result:
'no1', 'no2', 'no3' | ForEach-Object {(Get-Variable $_).Value}
> 3

How do I assign a null value to a variable in PowerShell?

I want to assign a null value to a variable called $dec, but it gives me errors. Here is my code:
import-module activedirectory
$domain = "domain.example.com"
$dec = null
Get-ADComputer -Filter {Description -eq $dec}
These are automatic variables, like $null, $true, $false etc.
about_Automatic_Variables, see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847768.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
$null is an automatic variable that contains a NULL or empty
value. You can use this variable to represent an absent or undefined
value in commands and scripts.
Windows PowerShell treats $null as an object with a value, that is, as
an explicit placeholder, so you can use $null to represent an empty
value in a series of values.
For example, when $null is included in a collection, it is counted as
one of the objects.
C:\PS> $a = ".dir", $null, ".pdf"
C:\PS> $a.count
If you pipe the $null variable to the ForEach-Object cmdlet, it
generates a value for $null, just as it does for the other objects.
PS C:\ps-test> ".dir", $null, ".pdf" | Foreach {"Hello"}
As a result, you cannot use $null to mean "no parameter value." A
parameter value of $null overrides the default parameter value.
However, because Windows PowerShell treats the $null variable as a
placeholder, you can use it scripts like the following one, which
would not work if $null were ignored.
$calendar = #($null, $null, “Meeting”, $null, $null, “Team Lunch”, $null)
$days = Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"
$currentDay = 0
foreach($day in $calendar)
if($day –ne $null)
"Appointment on $($days[$currentDay]): $day"
Appointment on Tuesday: Meeting
Appointment on Friday: Team lunch
Use $dec = $null
From the documentation:
$null is an automatic variable that contains a NULL or empty value. You can use this variable to represent an absent or undefined value in commands and scripts.
PowerShell treats $null as an object with a value, that is, as an explicit placeholder, so you can use $null to represent an empty value in a series of values.
If the goal simply is to list all computer objects with an empty description attribute try this
import-module activedirectory
$domain = "domain.example.com"
Get-ADComputer -Filter '*' -Properties Description | where { $_.Description -eq $null }
As others have said, use $null.
However, the handling of $null is not so simple.
In lists (or, more precisely, System.Array objects) $null is treated as a placeholding object when indexing the list, so ($null, $null).count outputs 2.
But otherwise $null is treated as a flag signifying that there is no content (no object; or, more precisely, a "null-valued expression", as reported by .GetType()), so ($null).count outputs 0.
$null.count; # Output = 0
($null).count; # Output = 0
(, $null).count; # Output = 1
($null, $null).count; # Output = 2
($null, $null, $null).count; # Output = 3
Note: the same output is returned from .count and .length in the above context.
Similarly if explicitly assigning any of the above to a variable, as in
$aaa = $null; $aaa.count
$bbb = ($null, $null); $bbb.count
which output, respectively, 0 and 2.
Similarly if looping with ForEach, as in
$aaa = $null; ForEach ($a in $aaa) {write-host "Foo" -NoNewLine}
$bbb = ($null, $null); ForEach ($b in $bbb) {write-host "Bar" -NoNewLine}
which output, respectively, nothing and BarBar.
However, note well that when operating on an individual item that has been returned from a list $null is again treated as a "null-valued expression", as can be confirmed by running
$xxx = ($null, "foo", $null); ForEach ($x in $xxx) {write-host "C=" $x.count "| " -NoNewLine}
which outputs C= 0 | C= 1 | C= 0 | .

How does Select-Object stop the pipeline in PowerShell v3?

In PowerShell v2, the following line:
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| select -First 1
Would display:
Value : 1
Value : 2
Value : 3
Since all elements were pushed down the pipeline. However, in v3 the above line displays only:
Value : 1
The pipeline is stopped before 2 and 3 are sent to Foreach-Object (Note: the -Wait switch for Select-Object allows all elements to reach the foreach block).
How does Select-Object stop the pipeline, and can I now stop the pipeline from a foreach or from my own function?
Edit: I know I can wrap a pipeline in a do...while loop and continue out of the pipeline. I have also found that in v3 I can do something like this (it doesn't work in v2):
function Start-Enumerate ($array) {
do{ $array } while($false)
Start-Enumerate (1..3)| foreach {if($_ -ge 2){break};$_}; 'V2 Will Not Get Here'
But Select-Object doesn't require either of these techniques so I was hoping that there was a way to stop the pipeline from a single point in the pipeline.
Check this post on how you can cancel a pipeline:
In PowerShell 3.0 it's an engine improvement. From the CTP1 samples folder ('\Engines Demos\Misc\ConnectBugFixes.ps1'):
# Connect Bug 332685
# Select-Object optimization
# Submitted by Shay Levi
# Connect Suggestion 286219
# PSV2: Lazy pipeline - ability for cmdlets to say "NO MORE"
# Submitted by Karl Prosser
# Stop the pipeline once the objects have been selected
# Useful for commands that return a lot of objects, like dealing with the event log
# In PS 2.0, this took a long time even though we only wanted the first 10 events
Start-Process powershell.exe -Args '-Version 2 -NoExit -Command Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10'
# In PS 3.0, the pipeline stops after retrieving the first 10 objects
Get-WinEvent | Select-Object -First 10
After trying several methods, including throwing StopUpstreamCommandsException, ActionPreferenceStopException, and PipelineClosedException, calling $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError and $ExecutionContext.Host.Runspace.GetCurrentlyRunningPipeline().stopper.set_IsStopping($true) I finally found that just utilizing select-object was the only thing that didn't abort the whole script (versus just the pipeline). [Note that some of the items mentioned above require access to private members, which I accessed via reflection.]
# This looks like it should put a zero in the pipeline but on PS 3.0 it doesn't
function stop-pipeline {
$sp = {select-object -f 1}.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
$x = $sp.Process(0) # this call doesn't return
New method follows based on comment from OP. Unfortunately this method is a lot more complicated and uses private members. Also I don't know how robust this - I just got the OP's example to work and stopped there. So FWIW:
# wh is alias for write-host
# sel is alias for select-object
# The following two use reflection to access private members:
# invoke-method invokes private methods
# select-properties is similar to select-object, but it gets private properties
# Get the system.management.automation assembly
? location -like "*system.management.automation*"
# Get the StopUpstreamCommandsException class
$upcet=$smaa.gettypes()| ? name -like "*upstream*"
filter x {
[object] $inputObject
process {
if ($inputObject -ge 5) {
# Create a StopUpstreamCommandsException
$upce = [activator]::CreateInstance($upcet,#($pscmdlet))
$PipelineProcessor=$pscmdlet.CommandRuntime|select-properties PipelineProcessor
$commands = $PipelineProcessor|select-properties commands
$commandProcessor= $commands[0]
$null = $upce.RequestingCommandProcessor|select-properties *
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.commandinfo =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandinfo
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor.Commandruntime =
$commandProcessor|select-properties commandruntime
$null = $PipelineProcessor|
invoke-method recordfailure #($upce, $commandProcessor.command)
1..($commands.count-1) | % {
$commands[$_] | invoke-method DoComplete
wh throwing
throw $upce
wh "< $inputObject >"
} # end process
end {
wh in x end
} # end filter x
filter y {
[object] $inputObject
process {
end {
wh in y end
1..5| x | y | measure -Sum
PowerShell code to retrieve PipelineProcessor value through reflection:
$t_cmdRun = $pscmdlet.CommandRuntime.gettype()
# Get pipelineprocessor value ($pipor)
$bindFlags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]"NonPublic,Instance"
$piporProp = $t_cmdRun.getproperty("PipelineProcessor", $bindFlags )
Powershell code to invoke method through reflection:
$proc = (gps)[12] # semi-random process
$methinfo = $proc.gettype().getmethod("GetComIUnknown", $bindFlags)
# Return ComIUnknown as an IntPtr
$comIUnknown = $methinfo.Invoke($proc, #($true))
I know that throwing a PipelineStoppedException stops the pipeline. The following example will simulate what you see with Select -first 1 in v3.0, in v2.0:
filter Select-Improved($first) {
$count = 0
if($count -ge $first){throw (new-object System.Management.Automation.PipelineStoppedException)}
1..3| foreach { Write-Host "Value : $_"; $_ }| Select-Improved -first 1
write-host "after"