NAOqi (Pepper) - Navigating in Web View - tablet

Does anyone know how i can navigate through websites while in Peppers Web View? As there are no back/forward buttons and the back button on the backside of the tablet doesn't do anything.


Flutter: Unable to go to login view from a persistent bottom nav bar based view

I have a persistent bottom nav bar based on this plugin.
The plugin allows building a page with few footer buttons and navigation etc. But, Once such a page has a logout button that must send the user back to Login view (outside of navbar) and I am stuck here. I've permuted with all the navigator operations available and am stuck here, unable to show a page without the bottom navbar appearing.
Any help is much appreciated! :)

Toolbar in an iphone app

I'm currently developing an iphone app where I have one screen that includes a web view. I was wondering where to place the toolbar (back, forward, and refresh buttons) knowing that I have to keep the navigation bar for consistency reasons and there is the tab bar which is always showing in my app. I don't want to place the toolbar just under the navigation bar in order not to loose space for the content of the web page.
Can I include my toolbar controls (back, forward, and refresh buttons) in the navigation bar or by that I will by violating the iOS guidelines ? What is the best user experience here ?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Place your toolbar at the bottom of the screen. It wouldn't be a good user experience to have browser controls on the nav bar because it's easy to confuse nav bar "back" with browser "back", and generally there isn't enough rooom.
You'd be in good company if you did this - it's what the Facebook iPhone app does (and many others).
Note: the iPad Facebook app does put some browser controls on the RHS of the nav bar, because there's enough room.
You should use a toolbar, but set controller.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES on the web view controller, so that your tab bar is not visible while in the web view.
You should probably also use and save yourself a lot of time ;)

iphone - Back button in an app without view controller

I'm completely new to iphone apps. I'm creating an iphone app that is designed in HTML and jquery with phonegap. I want to include a back button on the top like the default one in the iphone. I searched on net but all i found, required view controllers.I don't have multiple views so how can i include a back button on my app. Step by step explanation would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance..:)
Why would you include a "back" button if you don't have multiple views? What exactly will you navigate "back" to?
"The net" is correct, you need a UINavigationController to house a "back" button which would pop a view to the previous view.
Other than a UINavigationController, you could use a UIToolbar and set a button to the left hand corner and give it the title of "Back" to simulate the native appearance — but this would be misleading and pointless.
I don't use PhoneGap, but I am sure there is a way to simulate a NavigationController and manually place a button there. I'm also sure it won't be shaped like a back button either (with the pointy end).
UINavigationController is a native control which is in iOS frameworks. As you are using HTML, jQueryMobile and phonegap you should not be looking at those controls. You should totally work in your HTML pages and CSS for that purpose.
The below page contains that back button in jquery mobile. You should be implementing this in your html page.

Touch event propagation through web view

I have a web view in my iphone app. It has a few links and i should allow my users to click my links. But I also must provide them the option of moving the entire web view.
This is what I want to do:
On long press, the event is intercepted by the native code and it allows me to reposition the web view
For normal touch presses, the event is intercepted by the web view and it is possible to click the links in the web view using the normal touch.
My problem:
The webview seems to intercept all the touches. Hence I cannot propagate the long presses to my application to reposition the webview
Is there any solution for this?
Have you tried adding a UILongPressGestureRecognizer to your web view?

problem with iOS 4.2 when user press the list view item to go to UIwebview page and the navigation button disappears on the second visit

My app is a Navigation based application. The main menu contains the list view items. if I clicks one of them, it goes to next view which in this case take me to UIwebview embedded web site. Everything is looking great. I can view the content of web page, the navigation control back button which takes to the main menu if I press it. However, I'm having issue when I try to go back to main menu if i visit that subview the second time. It loads the content of UIwebview web page, but the navigation button is gone and won't let me go back to main menu. This problem only appears on latest iOS 4.2 version. Otherwise it works great on 3.1 to 4.1. I would appreciate any hints or inputs.
Note this seems not working for subview using UIWebview embedded web content. I don't have any issue with other subviews
Can you show us the code ? Did you try this: self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = NO; in viewDidLoad method where you are adding UIWebView to your view..