Managing nuget updates in local nuget repository - nuget

Let's suppose there is a .NET Core project that has a reference to a nuget package say nugetD. That nuget package in turn have references to 3 other nuget packages say nugetA, nugetB and nugetC.
The nuget packages are managed locally in a local nuget repository.
When the nuget package nugetD is modified and new version is pushed into the nuget repository then Visual Studio will alert us in the "Manage Nuget Packages" window saying there are updates for that nugetD.
Is there a way to alert us using any tool if let's suppose any of the underlying dependent packages (for nugetD): nugetA, nugetB and nugetC were modified and new versions were pushed to the local nuget repository?
How can the parent nuget package know or track that if they have any dependent child nuget references were modified and that the parent nuget package needs to update to the latest dependent packages?


upstream packages not showing up in VSTS Package Management

I've configured the Package Management extension in my VSTS project and added as an upstream source.
I've configured my Visual Studio project to use my VSTS feed as the only package source.
I've installed a nuget package from via my VSTS feed using Install-Package on the Package Manager Console. I'm expecting the package to then show up in my VSTS feed, but it's not.
Are my expectations wrong, or am I missing a step?
I had previously installed this nuget package so it was in my local nuget cache. I cleared the local nuget cache (Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Settings->General->Clear All NuGet Cache(s)) and re-installed the package, and then saw it pull through my VSTS feed and cache it there.

NuGet package restore tries to retrieve in all configured NuGet sources

While installing the NuGet packages from the NuGet package manage, having configured multiple NuGet package sources in VS2017, the NuGet client tries to retrieve the package in all the configured NuGet sources and returns messages like "Not Found".
I have configured the below NuGet sources in my NuGet.Config,
I have tried to restore the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package from the command prompt by using the nuget restore command. The NuGet client will try to retrieve the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package from my custom NuGet feed, which does not contain the Newtonsoft.Json package and returns a NotFound message in the output:
However the package is restored perfectly without issues. But why does the package manager search all the sources which are configured and prints not found errors even it found it in the first NuGet source?
Why does the NuGet client try to retrieve in all configures sources? Is this a bug from NuGet? I am using Visual Studio 2017 (15.4) and NuGet package Manager (4.4.0).
No, it's not a bug.
When the NuGet client is doing a restore and sees you have a dependency on some package, it has no way of knowing which feed the package exists in. In the past, the NuGet client would query each source in order, but at some point it was changed to query all sources concurrently and use the first successful response.
There are also several scenarios where you would want to get a package that is available on, from a source other than One example is you might have a private feed with commonly used packages on the same network as your build servers, so that package restore is as quick as possible and more resilient to network outages.

Force update TeamCity NuGet feed

When we push a new version of a NuGet package to our NuGet feed the package will appear in the file system on the NuGet server. The NuGet feed API and in visual studio, however only update roughly every hour so we may have to wait up to an hour for new packages to show. Is there a way to force update the NuGet feed to accurately depict what is in the file system?
I've encountered very similar issue, after publishing new package version to private TeamCity NuGet feed it hasn't appeared in visual studio immediately. It took time to update.
However, new package version itself was available via request:
For example:
I resolved it by cleaning local NuGet cache
Tools → Options →  NuGet Package Manager → General → Clear all NuGet cache(s)
dotnet nuget locals all --clear
See related answer:

Remove Nuget Package when feed url is no longer available

I have a project that uses a package that is no longer available.
When trying to restore the packages I get and error.
When trying to remove the packages using the "Manage Nuget Packages" windows it fails because the feed is no longer available.
How do I remove this package even though the feed is no longer available?
If you do not have access to the original NuGet package (.nupkg) then unfortunately the only way to do this is to manually remove the reference information from the project file and the packages.config file.
NuGet requires the original NuGet package (.nupkg) so it can determine what files should be removed from the project when the NuGet package is uninstalled.

Stop support of a NuGet package

How to gracefully stop support of NuGet package in repository? Actually I moved the package to another NuGet channel (e.g. moved to And want to notify existing subscribers that they should switch.
Currently, I consider the following solutions:
Publish last build with description like "This package is no longer
supported. Switch to other package..."
Simply delete package - not sure how will it affect customers.
What approach can you recommend?
You can unlist the old NuGet package so it will not be found when searching for packages. Unlisting is what happens when you delete the package either from the command line using NuGet.exe or from the gallery on
With the NuGet package being unlisted existing users can still use that package. Restoring the package will still work since the NuGet package still exists.
Notifying existing users of the NuGet package not being supported is not a feature of NuGet. If you need that you would have to implement yourself. For example, you could add a readme.txt to the latest NuGet package which informs the user that this package is now deprecated and they should be using a different NuGet package. The readme.txt will automatically be opened by Visual Studio when the package installed. The only problem here is that this approach is incompatible with unlisting the NuGet package. The NuGet package with the readme.txt would still need to be listed on
Another approach, which may or may not be a possibility, is to have your old NuGet package simply install the other NuGet package. So the old NuGet package has no content itself but just has a dependency on the other NuGet package.
Of these approaches I think I would just unlist all the versions of the old NuGet package. You could also update the package description on by editing the metadata directly on the site to indicate the old NuGet package is deprecated.