search string and insert value in table - postgresql

i have table having below records.The below product description are given by user in textbox in
front end( product description will come with single quotes or double quotes.i want to insert in the how can we check whether single quotes or double quotes are exists in the
the input and insert value in the table.please help.
String s=Textbook
CREATE TABLE Product_Details(Product_Description varchar(50))
Required Output
Insert statement will be differ for above two string?.

I'm not sure what exactly what you are looking for. You should be able to store text with quotes or double quotes without any trouble (note, I'm testing on Postgresql 9.4, don't have 9.2).
The problem is sometimes creating the text with the single quotes. In those cases it is common to have two single quotes like this insert into product_details values ('STORE(''COVERED)') The double quotes (") should not be a problem. You can use the syntax E'STORE(\'COVERED)' instead of the two quotes. Sometimes more readable.
If you just want to check if there are ' or "" in the input, this check is convenient:
select length(replace(product_description,'''',''))!=length(product_description),
which return true/false columns telling if single-quote exists in string in first column and double-quote in the latter.
To delete the quotes in string you can do:
select replace(replace(product_description,'"',''),'''','')
Best regards,


ADF dynamic content using concat - need to embed commas inside of string for long list of columns

The use case seems pretty simple....
Produce a sql statement as part of a copy activity that includes a hard coded column listing and also concatenated to a parameter-provided database and table name (since the database and table names can change across environments such as dev/test/prod).
The problem is....If you use concat function it treats every comma as a new value to be concatenated. I was hoping for a way to escape the comma and treat it as a value but nothing I've tried works.
For example....concatenate the following string ....
SELECT event_date, event_timestamp,
(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 'page_title') AS page_title
to... pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm + . + pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm
The workaround has been to quote the beginning and end of every line so the comma is treated as data so every column/line is a separate concatenation such as this....
#concat('SELECT event_date,',
'(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = ''page_title'') AS page_title,',
'from ', pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm, '.', pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm
That works...but I have over a hundred columns so this is just a bit silly as a solution. Am I missing a simpler method? TIA!
When most of your string is hard coded and not expressions you can use the following string interpolation expression format:
SELECT event_date,
(SELECT value.string_value FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key = 'page_title') AS page_title
from #{pipeline().parameters.Database_Nm}.#{pipeline().parameters.Table_Nm}

How to save a string that contains both single and double quotes to postgres column

I have the following string:
SELECT hello as "helloHello", '' as "empty" FROM tbl_test
I want to do something like this:
INSERT INTO tbl_x (a, b, c) VALUES (x, y, string_from_above)
The strings are going to be dynamic (basically they're strings of sql statements), so I do not want to escape all the ' and ". If I open the postgres database and double click on the varchar column, I can copy and paste the string and it goes in exactly as it looks. I want to be able to programmatically do so. Is there a way using an insert command? I tried using pgFormat, but that didn't work. See attached pic with what it looks like in the table.
All PostgreSQL APIs worth their money have a way to escape strings for inclusion in a dynamic SQL statement.
For example, if you write in C, you can use libpq's PQescapeLiteral().
There are also SQL functions for this: quote_literal() and format(). They can be used in PL/pgSQL code.
Don't try to write your own code for this. Use prior art and avoid the risk of getting it wrong.

Why can't I delete a row in Postgresql-Pgadmin when I already followed the format?

I have a table Department with 2 columns, DEPT_CODE the PK and DEPT_NAME and both have data types name. I inserted:
INSERT INTO public."Department"("DEPT_CODE", "DEPT_NAME")
VALUES ('CIS', 'Computer Info Systems');
then I want to delete it so I wrote:
DELETE FROM public."Department"
This didn't delete the row (I used the delete script provided by pgadmin). If I don't use quote for the 'DEPT_CODE', it gave an error:
ERROR: column "dept_code" does not exist
Idk what to do. Every tutorial I see seemed to be able to delete just fine, why not mine? This is my first time using pgadmin-postgres.
As documented in the manual identifiers (column & table names) need to be enclosed in double quotes. Single quotes are only for string constants.
And because you used the dreaded double quotes for the table and column names when you created the table, you now need to use them always:
DELETE FROM public."Department"
^ ^
| column name | string constant
It's strongly recommended to avoid those dreaded quoted identifiers completely. So never use double quotes when you create tables, then you never need to use them when working with the tables

export records from a table by modifying without double quotes for the numeric columns from the table in db2(udb)

I am trying to remove the double quotes for the numeric columns using export command by using replace function but it wont worked out, below is the query I used in Linux environment,
EXPORT TO '/Staging/ebi/src/CLP/legal_bill_charge_adjustment11.csv' OF DEL
MESSAGES '/Staging/ebi/src/CLP/legal_bill_charge_adjustment11.log'
WF_TASK_DESC from CLP.legal_bill_charge_adjustment1;
If anyone suggest me the exact db2 query it would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Export will not have quotes around numeric data types. You have not provided any data type information so I suppose your numeric content may be stored in a CHAR/VARCHAR column.
Try casting the columns to numeric data types in the export SQL statement.
SELECT cast(Textcol as integer) as colname

Omitting the double quote to do query on PostgreSQL

Simple question, is there any way to omit the double quote in PostgreSQL?
Here is an example, giving select * from A;, I will retrieve ERROR: relation "a" does not exist, and I would have to give select * from "A"; to get the real result.
Is there any way not to do the second and instead do the first on PostgreSQL?
Your problem with this query started when you created your table. When you create your table, don't use quotes.
Use this:
CREATE TABLE a ( ... );
Not this:
CREATE TABLE "A" ( ... );
The latter will make it so that you always have to quote it later. The former makes it a normal name and you can use SELECT * FROM a; or SELECT * FROM A;
If you can't just recreate your table, use the ALTER TABLE syntax:
double quotes are required if you include capital letters in your table name in postgres
to avoid the requirements name your table "a"
Postgresql has some particular behaviour in regard to quoting and case sentivity: it folds every non-quoted identifier to lower case (also at creation time) and then works case-sensitively.
Double quotes in identifiers are only needed when the identifier (table name, column name, etc) was defined (at schema creation time) with uppercase letters (some or all) and between double quotes.
In that case (which I advice against), when you use that identifier, you must type it in the same way: case sensitively (type upper/lower case letter exactly as defined) and between double quotes.
In other cases, you can use non-quoted identifiers and work always case-insensitively.
Don't use upper case letter in your table name or it's column name, if you are using such thing then the postgres will required double quote for accessing it.
Please see the detailed description of what is happening here.
The PostgreSQL server table names are case-sensitive, but forced to be lower-case by default: when you type CREATE TABLE AAA, it will become CREATE TABLE aaa before the query execution.
Double-quoted names keep their case as it was, so after CREATE TABLE "AaA" you get the table AaA and have to write it double-quoted again and again.
Have no idea why did they do so :)