How to make animation in ARkit by changing position per second - arkit

I what to make animation in ARkit to a SCNnode by changing its positions, kind of like a render loop. Means to change the location 60 time per second, how can I do that?

If you just want to change your node's position 60 times a second, then you could just implement the renderer 'updateAtTime' function for the 'ARSCNViewDelegate'.
That function should be called at around 60 times a second.
A dumb version might be
extension ViewController: ARSCNViewDelegate, ARSessionDelegate {
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
yourNode.simdWorldPosition.z -= 0.01
That would move the previously defined yourNode 1 cm in the -Z direction 60 times a second. You could write this with an iteration tracker to loop whatever position actions you want.
You could also do an actual animation with something like
let startingZ = node.simdWorldPosition.z
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "simdWorldPosition.z")
animation.fromValue = startingZ
animation.toValue = startingZ - 2.0
animation.duration = 1
animation.autoreverses = true
animation.repeatCount = .infinity
yourNode.addAnimation(animation, forKey: "backAndForth")
Or you could use SCNActions as shown here: Adding animation to 3D models in ARKit


How to smoothly finish infinity animation

I have infinity CABasicAnimation which actually simulate pulsating by increasing and decreasing scale:
scaleAnimation.fromValue = 0.5
scaleAnimation.toValue = 1.0
scaleAnimation.duration = 0.8
scaleAnimation.autoreverses = true
scaleAnimation.repeatCount = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
scaleAnimation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: .easeInEaseOut)
I want to smoothly stop this animation in toValue. In other words, I want to allow current animation cycle finish, but stop repeating. Is there a nice and clean way to do this? I had a few ideas about freezing current animation, removing it and creating a new one with time offset, but maybe there is a better way?
There is a standard way to do this cleanly — though it's actually quite tricky if you don't know about it:
The first thing you do is set the layer's scale to the scale of its presentationLayer.
Then call removeAllAnimations on the layer.
Now do a fast animation where you set the layer's scale to 1.
Here's a possible implementation (for extra credit, I suppose we could adjust the duration of the fast animation to match what the current scale is, but I didn't bother to do that here):
#IBAction func doStop(_ sender: Any) {
let lay = v.layer
lay.transform = lay.presentation()!.transform
lay.transform = CATransform3DIdentity
let scaleAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform")
scaleAnimation.duration = 0.4
scaleAnimation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: .easeOut)
lay.add(scaleAnimation, forKey: nil)

Get frame's position at an specific rate per second

I'm trying to get the current position of camera in scene adding a renderer delegate method (a method in ARSCNViewDelegate):
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, willRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval) {
guard let pointOfView = sceneView.pointOfView else { return }
let transform = pointOfView.transform
let position = SCNVector3Make(transform.m41, transform.m42, transform.m43)
let orientation = SCNVector3Make(transform.m31, transform.m32, transform.m33)
And I would like to get these positions for a specific number of frames per second (25 fps in my case). I can get this by modifying this parameter: preferredFramesPerSecond but it always adjusts automatically to 30 fps, not 25.
It works ok for 5, 15, 20, 30, 45 or 60, but why not for 25 fps?
override func viewDidLoad() {
sceneView.preferredFramesPerSecond = 25
Anyway, of course reducing FPS means poorer AR performance so... is there another way to ask ARKit for a frame camera position each time I need one? specifically every 25 fps.
Thanks a lot in advance!
This is used to run block of code after certain time in second. (1/25 in your case)
func recurringFunction(){
// your code here
guard let pointOfView = sceneView.pointOfView else { return }
let transform = pointOfView.transform
let position = SCNVector3Make(transform.m41, transform.m42, transform.m43)
let orientation = SCNVector3Make(transform.m31, transform.m32, transform.m33)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1/25) {
It will also help in running your app without dropping your usual fps.

Move camera in Scenekit with Swift

I want to move the camera every frame automatic in the z-axis in Scenekit. I have write this code in Swift:
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer,
updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
cameraNode.position.z = cameraNode.position.z + 2
This works only for 3 frames, after that the camera doesn't move anymore. Can someone give me the correct code so the camera moves automatic every frame?
According to SceneKit documentation:
SceneKit calls this method exactly once per frame, so long as the SCNView object (or other SCNSceneRenderer object) displaying the scene is not paused.
If nothing else in your view is moving, the scene is ‘paused’ and does not render. According to this question, in order to force the render every frame, the workaround should be:
sceneView.loops = true
However, updating the position every frame is not the best practice because FPS can change, which would affect the camera speed. But you can keep a consistent camera speed using SCNAction without using the render function:
let move = SCNAction.moveBy(x: 0, y: 0, z: 120, duration: 1.0)
let moveForever = SCNAction.repeatActionForever(move)
This will also make controlling your camera easier if it needs to stop, and it does not force the render if it is unnecessary.

How do I programmatically move an ARAnchor?

I'm trying out the new ARKit to replace another similar solution I have. It's pretty great! But I can't seem to figure out how to move an ARAnchor programmatically. I want to slowly move the anchor to the left of the user.
Creating the anchor to be 2 meters in front of the user:
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -2.0
let transform = simd_mul(, translation)
let anchor = ARAnchor(transform: transform)
sceneView.session.add(anchor: anchor)
later, moving the object to the left/right of the user (x-axis)...
anchor.transform.columns.3.x = anchor.transform.columns.3.x + 0.1
repeated every 50 milliseconds (or whatever).
The above does not work because transform is a get-only property.
I need a way to change the position of an AR object in space relative to the user in a way that keeps the AR experience intact - meaning, if you move your device, the AR object will be moving but also won't be "stuck" to the camera like it's simply painted on, but moves like you would see a person move while you were walking by - they are moving and you are moving and it looks natural.
Please note the scope of this question relates only to how to move an object in space in relation to the user (ARAnchor), not in relation to a plane (ARPlaneAnchor) or to another detected surface (ARHitTestResult).
You don't need to move anchors. (hand wave) That's not the API you're looking for...
Adding ARAnchor objects to a session is effectively about "labeling" a point in real-world space so that you can refer to it later. The point (1,1,1) (for example) is always the point (1,1,1) — you can't move it someplace else because then it's not the point (1,1,1) anymore.
To make a 2D analogy: anchors are reference points sort of like the bounds of a view. The system (or another piece of your code) tells the view where it's boundaries are, and the view draws its content relative to those boundaries. Anchors in AR give you reference points you can use for drawing content in 3D.
What you're asking is really about moving (and animating the movement of) virtual content between two points. And ARKit itself really isn't about displaying or animating virtual content — there are plenty of great graphics engines out there, so ARKit doesn't need to reinvent that wheel. What ARKit does is provide a real-world frame of reference for you to display or animate content using an existing graphics technology like SceneKit or SpriteKit (or Unity or Unreal, or a custom engine built with Metal or GL).
Since you mentioned trying to do this with SpriteKit... beware, it gets messy. SpriteKit is a 2D engine, and while ARSKView provides some ways to shoehorn a third dimension in there, those ways have their limits.
ARSKView automatically updates the xScale, yScale, and zRotation of each sprite associated with an ARAnchor, providing the illusion of 3D perspective. But that applies only to nodes attached to anchors, and as noted above, anchors are static.
You can, however, add other nodes to your scene, and use those same properties to make those nodes match the ARSKView-managed nodes. Here's some code you can add/replace in the ARKit/SpriteKit Xcode template project to do that. We'll start with some basic logic to run a bouncing animation on the third tap (after using the first two taps to place anchors).
var anchors: [ARAnchor] = []
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
// Start bouncing on touch after placing 2 anchors (don't allow more)
if anchors.count > 1 {
startBouncing(time: 1)
// Create anchor using the camera's current position
guard let sceneView = self.view as? ARSKView else { return }
if let currentFrame = sceneView.session.currentFrame {
// Create a transform with a translation of 30 cm in front of the camera
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -0.3
let transform = simd_mul(, translation)
// Add a new anchor to the session
let anchor = ARAnchor(transform: transform)
sceneView.session.add(anchor: anchor)
Then, some SpriteKit fun for making that animation happen:
var ballNode: SKLabelNode = {
let labelNode = SKLabelNode(text: "🏀")
labelNode.horizontalAlignmentMode = .center
labelNode.verticalAlignmentMode = .center
return labelNode
func startBouncing(time: TimeInterval) {
let sceneView = self.view as? ARSKView,
let first = anchors.first, let start = sceneView.node(for: first),
let last = anchors.last, let end = sceneView.node(for: last)
else { return }
if ballNode.parent == nil {
ballNode.zRotation = start.zRotation
ballNode.position = start.position
let scale = SKAction.scale(to: end.xScale, duration: time)
let rotate = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: end.zRotation, duration: time)
let move = SKAction.move(to: end.position, duration: time)
let scaleBack = SKAction.scale(to: start.xScale, duration: time)
let rotateBack = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: start.zRotation, duration: time)
let moveBack = SKAction.move(to: start.position, duration: time)
let action = SKAction.repeatForever(.sequence([
.group([scale, rotate, move]),
.group([scaleBack, rotateBack, moveBack])
Here's a video so you can see this code in action. You'll notice that the illusion only works as long as you don't move the camera — not so great for AR. When using SKAction, we can't adjust the start/end states of the animation while animating, so the ball keeps bouncing back and forth between its original (screen-space) positions/rotations/scales.
You could do better by animating the ball directly, but it's a lot of work. You'd need to, on every frame (or every view(_:didUpdate:for:) delegate callback):
Save off the updated position, rotation, and scale values for the anchor-based nodes at each end of the animation. You'll need to do this twice per didUpdate callback, because you'll get one callback for each node.
Work out position, rotation, and scale values for the node being animated, by interpolating between the two endpoint values based on the current time.
Set the new attributes on the node. (Or maybe animate it to those attributes over a very short duration, so it doesn't jump too much in one frame?)
That's kind of a lot of work to shoehorn a fake 3D illusion into a 2D graphics toolkit — hence my comments about SpriteKit not being a great first step into ARKit.
If you want 3D positioning and animation for your AR overlays, it's a lot easier to use a 3D graphics toolkit. Here's a repeat of the previous example, but using SceneKit instead. Start with the ARKit/SceneKit Xcode template, take the spaceship out, and paste the same touchesBegan function from above into the ViewController. (Change the as ARSKView casts to as ARSCNView, too.)
Then, some quick code for placing 2D billboarded sprites, matching via SceneKit the behavior of the ARKit/SpriteKit template:
// in global scope
func makeBillboardNode(image: UIImage) -> SCNNode {
let plane = SCNPlane(width: 0.1, height: 0.1)
plane.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = image
let node = SCNNode(geometry: plane)
node.constraints = [SCNBillboardConstraint()]
return node
// inside ViewController
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor) {
// emoji to image based on
let billboard = makeBillboardNode(image: "⛹️".image())
Finally, adding the animation for the bouncing ball:
let ballNode = makeBillboardNode(image: "🏀".image())
func startBouncing(time: TimeInterval) {
let sceneView = self.view as? ARSCNView,
let first = anchors.first, let start = sceneView.node(for: first),
let last = anchors.last, let end = sceneView.node(for: last)
else { return }
if ballNode.parent == nil {
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: #keyPath(SCNNode.transform))
animation.fromValue = start.transform
animation.toValue = end.transform
animation.duration = time
animation.autoreverses = true
animation.repeatCount = .infinity
ballNode.addAnimation(animation, forKey: nil)
This time the animation code is a lot shorter than the SpriteKit version.
Here's how it looks in action.
Because we're working in 3D to start with, we're actually animating between two 3D positions — unlike in the SpriteKit version, the animation stays where it's supposed to. (And without the extra work for directly interpolating and animating attributes.)

CAShapeLayer stroke animated with CADisplayLink not completed

I have set up a CADisplayLink that calls the following drawCircle() function to draw a circle path animation in 10 seconds:
func drawCircle() {
currentDuration = currentDuration + displayLink.duration
circleLayer.strokeEnd = min(CGFloat(currentDuration/maxDuration), 1)
if (currentDuration >= maxDuration) {
func stopCircleAnimation() {
let pausedTime = circleLayer.convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), fromLayer: nil)
circleLayer.speed = 0
circleLayer.timeOffset = pausedTime
where currentDuration is the elapsed time, and maxDuration is equal to 10. This works fine, except when currentDuration >= maxDuration. Even though the strokeEnd is set to 1, it never fully completes the circle. Why is this??
I think it could have something to do with the speed property of the circleLayer. If I set it to a higher amount, e.g. 10, then the circle is completely closed.
This is due to the fact that setting the strokeEnd of your CAShapeLayer generates an implicit animation to the new value. You then set the layer's speed to zero before this animation is complete, therefore 'pausing' the animation, so that it appears 'incomplete'.
While you can work around by disabling implicit animations through setDisableActions – you should probably be considering if using a CADisplayLink is really appropriate here. Core Animation is designed to generate and run animations for you in the first place by generating its own intermediate steps, so why not achieve the same result with an explicit or implicit animation of your layer's strokeEnd?
Here's an example of how you could do this with an implicit animation:
// if you really want a linear timing function – generally makes the animation look ugly
CATransaction.setAnimationTimingFunction(CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear))
circleLayer.strokeEnd = 1
Or if you want it as an explicit animation:
let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
anim.fromValue = 0
anim.toValue = 1
anim.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear)
anim.duration = 10
circleLayer.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "strokeEndAnim")
// update model layer value
circleLayer.strokeEnd = 1
Found the answer – disable animations when setting the strokeEnd property:
circleLayer.strokeEnd = min(CGFloat(currentDuration/maxDuration), 1)