How to define and execute a function in python script? - python-3.7

def calculation_of_salary(hours_worked,pay_per_hour):
salary = hours_worked*pay_per_hour
return salary
name = "kamil"
hw = 6
pph = 10
I know how to define but I don't know how to execute the function.
I'm fairly new to coding...
Looking for assistance
Thank you.

try this
def calculation_of_salary(hours_worked,pay_per_hour):
salary = hours_worked*pay_per_hour
return salary
name = "kamil"
hw = 6
pph = 10
live :


Can someone help me with the update function in Matlab to move values to MySQL?

I'm dealing with a problem with the update function in Matlab.
selectquery_select = 'SELECT * FROM inputs WHERE i_read = 0';
data_select = select(conn,selectquery_select);
for j=1:size(data_select)
id_data = data_select(j,1);
id_data = string(id_data.(1));
time_data = data_select(j,4);
time_data = string(time_data.(1));
time_dataform = datetime(time_data,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
y0 = str2num(string(y0.(1)));
r0 = str2num(string(r0.(1)));
if id_data == "115"
update(conn,'inputs','i_read',1,'WHERE (ID_code = "115") AND WHERE (i_Time = time_data)');
Basically, I'm taking some value from the database when i_read is equal to 0 (i_read is a boolean variable in the database that should give 1 if the value is already processed and 0 if not). After a value is read, we want to change the i_read in the database from 0 to 1. We decide to use the update function, but this gave us the following error:
Error using database.odbc.connection/update
Too many input arguments.
Error in Patient_Identification (line 57)
update(conn,'inputs','i_read',1,'WHERE (ID_code = "112") AND WHERE (i_Time = ', time_data,')');
Someone is able to help us with this problem? Thank you.

MATLAB filename separation

In filename "name" like '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048' I need to separate
'10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20' from '20200312_213048'
name_sep = split(name,"_");
sep = '_';
name_join=[name_sep{1,1} sep name_sep{2,1} sep .....];
is not working, because a number of "_" are variable.
So I need to move a file:
movefile([confpath,name(without 20200312_213048),'.config'],[name(without 20200312_213048), filesep, name, '.config']);
Do you have any idea? Thank you!
Maybe you can try regexp to find the starting position for the separation:
ind = regexp(name,'_\d+_\d+$');
name1 = name(1:ind-1);
name2 = name(ind+1:end);
such that
name1 = 10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20
name2 = 20200312_213048
Or the code below with option tokens:
name_sep = cell2mat(regexp(name,'(.*)_(\d+_\d+$)','tokens','match'));
which gives
name_sep =
[1,1] = 10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20
[1,2] = 20200312_213048
You can use strfind. Either if you have a key that is always present before or after the point where you want to split the name:
nm = '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048';
key = 'waves_90_20_';
idx = strfind(nm,key) + length(key);
Or if you know how may _ are in the part that you want to have:
idx = strfind(nm,'_');
In both cases, the result is:
As long as the timestamp is always at the end of the string, you can use strfind and count backwards from the end of the string:
name = '10_m1_m2_const_m1_waves_20_90_m2_waves_90_20_20200312_213048';
udscr = strfind(name,'_');
name_date = name(udscr(end-1)+1:end)
name_meta = name(1:udscr(end-1)-1)
name_date =
name_meta =

PowerBI end of month

I'm using monthly data and trying to display YoY% calculations.
However, my code is not robust for different end-of-month dates caused by leap years, I think.
Value YoY% 2 =
I'm very much a power BI novice. Thank you for your help.
Try the following:
Value YoY% 2 =
VAR Last_Year = Curr_Year - 1

Proper usage of lua tables/classes

I'm trying to use class behavior in lua where there is a ship that has two other classes pos and vector
But I cannot get it working like I assumed I would be able to
Point = {x=0, y=0}
function Point:new(p)
p = p or {}
return p
Ship =
pos = {Point:new{x=0,y=0}},
vector = {Point:new{x=0,y=0}} -- I thought this would be sufficient for access being available for vector
-- create new ship class
function Ship:new(pos)
p = p or {}
p.pos = pos
p.vector = Point:new{x=0,y=0} -- I need to do this or accessing vector will crash (The problem)
return p
-- Create new ship...
plrShip = Ship:new{}
plrShip.pos.x = 300
plrShip.pos.y = 300
If anyone knows how to make the above code cleaner/better I would be thankful
You can use metatables to set default fields. (I've made some assumptions about what you're trying to do. If this doesn't work for you, please add some clarification to your question.)
local Point = {x=0, y=0}
Point.__index = Point
function Point:new(p)
p = p or {}
setmetatable(p, self)
return p
-- create new ship class
local Ship = {}
Ship.__index = Ship
function Ship:new(pos)
setmetatable(pos, Point)
local p = {pos = pos, vector = Point:new()}
setmetatable(p, self)
return p
-- Create new ship...
local plrShip = Ship:new{}
plrShip.pos.x = 300
plrShip.pos.y = 300
I found solution to do this, it still not perfect but only I got working was this modified code:
Ship =
pos = Point:new{x=0,y=0},
vector = Point:new{x=0,y=0}
function Ship:new()
p = p or {}
p.pos = self.pos
p.vector = self.vector
return p
plrShip = Ship:new()
plrShip.pos.x = 300
plrShip.pos.y = 300

Converting classic ASP ADODB script to TSQL

Hi i inherited a load of old classic ASP code that makes some updates to some tables in what i think was old MS access db.
The databases have now been converted to SQL and work OK, however i have a need to convert some old ASP code to the equivalent TSQL. TSQL is NOT my strong point and would appreciate some help converting the vb script to the equivalent TSQL for a stored procedure called 'UpdateCircuitOrdersComments' its not the basic syntax i'm struggling with, its more what can be done IE FOR's IF's Cases, loops etc in order to achieve the below in sql.
I know the code below is not great or could be done far better, but that's what i inherited sorry.
Every field is available to me via c# parameters passed to the sproc using ajax apart from the "Contract Period"
Looking forward to learning from any sound advice from you guys...
The script is below:
Dim connect2, Class2, Query2, Counter
Dim indate1, indate2, indate3, aday1, amonth1, ayear1, aday2, amonth2, ayear2, aday3, amonth3, ayear3, length, maintrate, equiprate, stqrrate, startserial, liveserial, endserial
Dim splitArray
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open QuotebaseDB
Set Class1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Query = "SELECT * FROM circuits WHERE ID=" & Request("ID")
Class1.Open Query,Connect,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic
if Class1("Contract Period") <> "" Then
length = Class1("Contract Period")
splitArray = split(length, " ")
length = CInt(splitArray(0))
length = 1
end if
Class1("actual live date") = Request("actuallivedate")
Class1("lastupdater") = Session("username")
Class1("lastupdate") = Date()
Class1("Contract Period") = length
' Add Rate Information - Based On Actuals
indate1 = Request("actuallivedate")
indate2 = Request("actuallivedate")
indate3 = Request("actuallivedate")
aday1 = Left(indate1, 2)
amonth1 = Mid(indate1, 4, 2)
ayear1 = Right(indate1, 2)
aday2 = Left(indate2, 2)
amonth2 = Mid(indate2, 4, 2)
ayear2 = Right(indate2, 2)
aday3 = Left(indate3, 2)
amonth3 = Mid(indate3, 4, 2)
ayear3 = Right(indate3, 2) + length
startserial = dateserial(ayear1, amonth1, aday1)
liveserial = dateserial(ayear2, amonth2, aday2)
endserial = dateserial(ayear3, amonth3, aday3)
' Check that current maintenance rate will be superseded
Dim MaintConnect1, MaintRS1, MaintQuery1
Set MaintConnect1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MaintConnect1.Open QuotebaseDB
Set MaintRS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
MaintQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM maintenancetable WHERE CircuitID=" & Request("ID")
MaintRS1.Open MaintQuery1,MaintConnect1,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic
Do while not MaintRS1.eof
If (MaintRS1("startdate") < startserial) OR (MaintRS1("enddate") > endserial) Then
MaintRS1("startdate") = StartSerial
MaintRS1("enddate") = EndSerial
MaintRS1("circuitnum") = Class1("circuit number")
MaintRS1("modifieddate") = now
End If
set MaintRS1 = nothing
set MaintConnect1 = nothing
' Check that current equipment rate will be superseded
Dim EquipConnect1, EquipRS1, EquipQuery1
Set EquipConnect1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
EquipConnect1.Open QuotebaseDB
Set EquipRS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
EquipQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM [equipment table] WHERE CircuitID=" & Request("ID")
EquipRS1.Open EquipQuery1,EquipConnect1,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic
Do while not EquipRS1.eof
If (EquipRS1("startdate") < startserial) OR (EquipRS1("enddate") > endserial) Then
EquipRS1("startdate") = StartSerial
EquipRS1("enddate") = EndSerial
EquipRS1("circuitnum") = Class1("circuit number")
EquipRS1("modifieddate") = now
End If
set EquipRS1 = nothing
set EquipConnect1 = nothing
' Check that current rental rate will be superseded
Dim STQRConnect1, STQRRS1, STQRQuery1
Set STQRConnect1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
STQRConnect1.Open QuotebaseDB
Set STQRRS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
STQRQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM STQRtable WHERE CircuitID=" & Request("ID")
STQRRS1.Open STQRQuery1,STQRConnect1,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic
Do while not STQRRS1.eof
If (STQRRS1("startdate") < startserial) OR (STQRRS1("enddate") > endserial) Then
STQRRS1("startdate") = StartSerial
STQRRS1("enddate") = EndSerial
STQRRS1("circuitnum") = Class1("circuit number")
STQRRS1("modifieddate") = now
End If
set STQRRS1 = nothing
set STQRConnect1 = nothing
' Update Connection Charge As A One Off Charge
Dim OneConnect, OneRS, OneQuery
Set OneConnect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
OneConnect.Open QuotebaseDB
Set OneRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
OneQuery = "SELECT * FROM OneOffCharges WHERE chargetype = 'Connection Charge' and CircuitID=" & Request("ID")
OneRS.Open OneQuery,OneConnect,adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic
If not oners.eof Then
OneRS("chargedate") = startserial
OneRS("modifieddate") = now
OneRS("chargetype") = "Connection Charge"
End If
set OneRS = nothing
set OneConnect = nothing
set Class1 = nothing
set Connect = nothing
The loops don't appear to do much other then iterate over the record set. It is unlikely that you will need to do this in T-SQL as you can probably deduce everything from queries.
Most of it just looks like update statements
-- Check that current maintenance rate will be superseded
UPDATE maintenancetable
SET StartDate = #startSerial,
EndDate = #endSerial,
CircuitNum = #circuitNumber,
WHERE CircuitID=#circuitId
AND (Startdate < #startSerial OR EndDate > #endSerial)
The contract period is a bit confusing it seems to be getting the first item of an array so maybe this is the equivalent of
SELECT TOP 1 ContractPeriod FROM circuits WHERE ID=#id
-- ? ORDER BY ContractPeriod ?