Getting a error from smartsheet API when trying to delete a workspace I created - smartsheet-api

I am in the process of learning smartsheet API. This is a Rails application, using the smartsheet gem.
I was able to create a workspace, and verified it visually, using the smartsheet UI, via the application.
Next, I was trying to delete the workspace I created earlier, using the same credentials (API key).
I am getting a 1004 error, specifically, when I process the error, I see:
Error Code: 1004
Message: You are not authorized to perform this action.
Ref Id: xxxxxx
When the workspace was created, I received the following success message:
# {:message=>"SUCCESS", :result_code=>0, :result=>{:id=>xxxxxxxx, :name=>"My Test", :access_level=>"OWNER", :permalink=>""}}
Any idea why the delete operation, when the create operation was successful?


Creating WML credentials - 400 error in IBM Cloud Shell

I am following this tutorial ( for machine learning.
In lab 3, I am trying to create predictions in Node-RED. However, to link these I need WML credentials (API key and instance ID). Since, there is no longer a credentials tab in the UI on IBM Cloud I have tried to create the credentials following steps here
This creates an API key but there is no associated instance ID that I can find.
I also tried creating them programmatically following
but I get the following error
Error response from server. Status code: 400; description: 400 Service Broker returned error status code 400.
Is anyone else facing the same issue and know how to resolve it?

Why do I get authentication error when trying to access PayPal Sandbox (ref REST API app)?

As requested by Preston PHX, I uploaded a full copy of my
code to Dropbox:
My test ASP.NET Web App
I hope this helps someone to identify what I may have done wrong
I am trying to use the sample code at to make contact with the Sandbox but it doesn't work for me. In order to find out why, I ran my code in Visual Studio under Localhost in debugging mode, using several breakpoints.
This line of code in my test page ...
var createOrderResponse = CreateOrderSample.CreateOrder(true).Result;
... displayed the following error:
Inner Exception 2:
HttpException: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"Client Authentication failed"}
However, it was the environment function in PayPalClient.cs (modified to use my PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID and PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET) that appears to have generated the error:
public static PayPalEnvironment environment()
return new SandboxEnvironment(
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID") != null ?
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET") != null ?
I very carefully copied my PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID and PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET from the REST API app I created via the PayPal Developer Dashboard. Apart from that, the GitHub sample code has not been modified. I could see no requirement in the GitHub code to specify a Sandbox URL and assume that this is provided by the PayPalCheckoutSdk via the use of "return new SandboxEnvironment()".
It's not obvious to me why my attempt to connect to this Sandbox account is failing the authentication process. What might I be doing wrong? Is it anything to do with my use of Localhost?
EDIT on 1 Nov 2021 in response to Preston PHX
Creating a new Sandbox Client ID and Secret made no difference. Prompted by another forum post I read some time ago, I also tried using ngrok (for the first time) to open http port 80 to facilitate PayPal testing via Localhost, but the connection to the Sandbox still failed authentication.
Sandbox Client ID: AZcb8XrqhJEUO7lS_JtKSe3sdNDLESmo3ekhupDKTL1J9vQCKVOzacCjO3PBQwSfngYkLGa-qS7EUrGV
I installed curl (plus Bash and Git) on my Windows 10 PC and ran the curl command specified on the get-an-access-token page. I couldn't find a way to post the result here in an easily readable form so I put it in a Word doc and uploaded that to Dropbox.
Edit on 2 Nov 2021
As requested by Preston PHX, I have uploaded a copy of the ASP.NET Web App I have been using for my tests to Dropbox.
I've only uploaded the project folder, as I'm guessing that it is unnecessary to upload my Solution files.
Create a new sandbox client ID and secret in the developer dashboard. Test with the new client ID and secret.
If issues persist,
Update your question with both the new sandbox client ID, and the new sandbox secret.
Update your question with a sample curl command to get an access token, showing the entire command and the entire response in your question.

Could Huawei AppGallery Connect API be used with specific project?

A connect API client is created using AGC Console Connect API option. When creating the client, a project is selected as well to limit the scope of access. Credentials are created without problem.
Obtained access token by using POST to this AGC URL, then passed the token to publishing API, Connect API server returned 403 error code when using GET method to query the API. Checking the document, there is mention of setting the project to N/A to avoid the error.
My question is why the project could not be set here?
Connect API is team-level access. It is valid for all projects under the account ID which created the connect API client. To use connect API, a project should always be set to N/A.
The project would be specified when server SDK is used in a project.
The value of project must be set to N/A because the Connect API requires some account-level permissions. If an application is restricted, the permissions cannot be obtained. Therefore, you cannot set a specific application.

Azure DevOps login via github fails

I get the following error
We cannot complete your request
server_error: The request could not be completed. Please try again later.
Error link:
I used GitHub to log in to Azure before, and published a plugin. Now, when I want to log in to Azure using GitHub, I will be forced to log in to my MS account. My mailbox is on both MS and GitHub.
At the same time, I created an organization rxliuli after logging in with an MS account, Azure did not have any errors, but when I want to log in to rxliuli (create a personal token), it will prompt ERROR Failed request: (401) What's wrong, is there any way for me to use the publisher name rxliuli after logging in with GitHub before?
I can't use vsce to create any new users right now. . .
Currently, I can use github to log in to azure, but using vsce login rxliuli still shows ERROR Failed request: (401), I am sure that the token has all permissions and has not expired
Well, actually because the token I created has no choice to allow all organizations. . .

Postman request showing IBM cloud down for maintenance

I am trying to send post request to create a toolchain on ibm cloud but getting this error mentioned in screenshot since last three days.
Why this error is coming up,am i doing something wrong?
Also i checked ibm none of the servers are down,cloud is normal
EDIT:So now i am able to create the toolchain,seems it was Authorization token error.
But now i am not Able to add a delivery pipeline through an api to an existing toolchain,is this functionality provided in IBM?
We are trying to understand your situation, but we have not been able to reproduce that Error 500 and "IBM Cloud console is down for maintenance" error you're seeing.
Could you try it again and let us know the datestamp&timezone of when you tried (so we can check our logs)?
Also can you give us the details of your default region, please?, as in if you open
does it redirect to:
or to some other non-(eu-de) region?
We did see this entry in the log files:
[2019-07-31T15:06:43.934] [ERROR] template-v2 - Failed to read template from repo, branch master, type null: Authorization header contains invalid or expired credentials.
but that occurs when using an invalid Authorization header token, and the response to the browser is not Error 500, but is Error 400 with:
"errorDetails\":\"Property 'access_token' either missing or empty \"
Also, when attempting to create the open-toolchain/simple-toolchain template, it doesn't work; it gives Error 400:
"description":"Failed Schema Validation at prod-region,prod-organization,prod-space,api-key for pipeline"
but creating a toolchain works ok using the repository:
You can provision a toolchain with components such as a delivery pipeline using a GET request. The building blocks are described in the documentation for the IBM Cloud Continous Delivery service as part of creating a "Deploy" button.
There are some tutorials that use that deploy button to build more complex solutions, like the secure-file-storage, logistics-wizard-toolchain, or insurance-toolchain.
The GET request starts off a more complex flow because you need to log in, often provide values, etc. So I would recommend to try that request in a browser and not POSTMAN.
I am now able to create toolchain using POST request.
I was using wrong token for Authorization and got confused since no error message was shown instead "IBM cloud is under maintenance" popped up.