Facebook API: Error Creating Ad: Payment disabled for user (error_subcode: 1815010) - facebook

We are having an issue with the Marketing API when trying to create Ads in Facebook.
The error we are getting is the following:
"message":"Invalid parameter",
"error_user_title":"Payment disabled for the user",
"error_user_msg":"Payment has been disabled for the user",
This error only happens when I create Ads.
We can correctly create: Campaigns, AdSets and LeadForms to all the accounts, but for certain accounts the Ad endpoint fails with that error.
The Accounts that fail and the ones that work correctly they have the same System User associated, and same payment method, under the same Business Manager and they promote the same Page.
Did anyone experience this? How did you solve it? Why does the same code call works for 1 account and not the other (same BM, Page, Payment Method and Users)


Facebook Messenger Bot verification

I submitted my facebook messenger bot for app review and the rejection reason was "received no response".
I've tested my bot from my own account and some other testers that I added to my facebook app for testing.
However, when I try to test using the default Open Graph Test User I don't get any response. The Send Message API fails with error:
{"error": {"message":"(#100) No matching user found", "type":"OAuthException", ...}}
What am I doing wrong here? How can I send message to test users using the Send/Receive message API?
I had the same problem and got responses in the facebook developers community. It seems like it is confirmed bug:
It seems to work now. Since Tuesday this week I can see reviewers sending messages to the bot and get responses in the messages of the page.
My problem was
I am sending recipient id instead sender id in my json data.
dict_to_send = {
'message': {'text': u'hello FB'},
'recipient': {'id': **'*sender_id_here*'**}
res = requests.post("https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages?access_token=your_token_here", <br>data=json.dumps(dict_to_send), headers = {'content-type':'application/json'})
The FB application webhooks should be subscribed only for the following events:
subscribing to one of the others events might throw that exception.
source here:
Answers below:
1) You shouldn't submit for App Review without testing to see if your stuff works.
2) I'm guessing you used the user ID from the Test User interface. If you read the docs more closely, you'll see that the user IDs used for Messenger Platform is different than user IDs you get from Facebook Login (which is what the test user interface shows). Read the "Send/Receive API" section under https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/implementation#send_message

Unable to add ad account in the facebook business manager

I created a business manager and connected an application which access level is development.
Create one ad account.
When i try to create another, i receive the following message:
"You have reached the maximum number of advertising accounts
associated with this Business Manager's account. This limit helps to
prevent potential violations and fraud. If you need to add more
advertising accounts, contact your representative from Facebook or
click the gear icon and let us know about this issue. "
When i try to create an ad account through the api, api returns the following response:
"error": {
"message": "(# 275) Ad account can not be determined for this request",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 275
Can you explain why I can not create a new account, although the level of access for development, you can create 5 advertising account?
Is it possible to create ad accounts without business manager?
Advertising accounts must be linked to the real facebook user?
I will be grateful for explanations of how i can manage ad accounts on facebook
You can contact Facebook support or submit a request for more accounts, they generally give them very easily.

Facebook Local Currency Payments Error 1383003

I'm trying to integrate the Facebook Local Currency Payments with my new still-in-sandbox Facebook game.
Everything works fine except for the test payments; if I add a user ID to the Test Payers and try to open the Payment Dialog, I get this error:
An error occurred. Please try again later.
API Error Code: 1383003
API Error Description: Account id missing. sender: 55387993 receiver: 0
This only happens with the test payment IDs; regular users (or even test users) open the Payment Dialog normally.
It's strange because it says that the test users will open the test payment Dialog instead of the normal payment but for the test users I create it also appears the normal Dialog.
I've created the company, everything is working fine except to test the Payments! Any ideas?
This is a known issue, Facebook are working on it. The bug info is here: https://developers.facebook.com/x/bugs/620035204723206/
I'm waiting on a reply as well.

CreateAndSend Invoices User Access

So I was able to test CreateAndSend Successfully in sandbox, and have now moved my credentials to the live versions.
I created a new business account for using the live version, and have gotten my api credentials for it.
Replaced API ID,PASS,SIGNATURE with those credentials.
Connecting to svcs.paypal.com/Invoice/CreateAndSendnvoice.
and an error I'm getting back is user is not allowed to perform this action.
I set the merchant and payeremail to my email (I tried the paypal email and then the api1 email)
I was wondering if my paypal account needs to be verified to do this API call.
Thank you.
Make sure that you have a live app id and that it is approved for this feature.
Following up on this. Having my business account verified fixed the "user is not allowed to perform this action" problem I was having.

Error code 1353013. User is not confirmed or is a gray account

We are using the facebook payments subscription api.
We log all errors received by client side FB calls. Recently we have started to see the following errors in our client callbacks:
Error code: 1353013.
Error message: "user is not confirmed or is a gray account"
This does not affect all accounts, we have not been able to reproduce this even with our test users. When looking at /me of the affected users it sais verified: true, however we cannot view the profile of the user.
The following FB call is the one we use:
method: 'pay',
action: 'create_subscription',
product: 'http://example.com/our/product'
Anyone knows what this error message means? We cannot find any documentation on this error code.
We have found out this relates to facebook business account. I just tried creating one on https://www.facebook.com/business. The error message you get from facebook first is the following:
"You must confirm your account before making purchases on Facebook."
However the business account has a verified cell phone number and can certainly purchase ads through our connected card.
How would one go to report this kind of issues to facebook, Seems like they refer to stackoverflow.com for this kind of reporting?