Calling Powershell from MATLAB does not move to next line in MATLAB - matlab

I have a command that calls powershell using !powershell . it works fine but, the first command will execute a publishing of data action from an external program and does not proceed to next line of code in MATLAB until there is a subscriber to the published data. the problem is that the next line of code is the one that subscribes to the published data so it just runs for ever waiting for the data. any ideas how to make the code continue? I have tried the continue statement but since I have called powershell, it stays there and MATLAB commands do not get executed. Also, I have tried to run the commands backwards, so subscriber first and publisher after but get same issue. Any ideas?
pubPath = 'powershell -inputformat none cd path' ;
subPath = 'powershell -inputformat none cd path2';
[status_one,publish] = system(pubPath);
[status_two,subscribe] = system(subPath);

You need to start the job in the background, such that PowerShell returns immediately before the job finishes. Note that it is PowerShell that waits for the job to finish, not MATLAB.
End the PowerShell command with an ampersand (&) to run it in the background:
[status_one,publish] = system('powershell -inputformat none cd path &');


Silent bat file execute powershell command

We have an application server running as a service, when some configuration is loaded it starts a bat script which has to run the powershell command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES and then start it again.
The bat file works flawless when I manually execute it by dobbelt clicking. But when the service is running the bat, it does not finish, or execute the powershell command.
Bat file looks as follows
#echo off
powershell -command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
powershell -command Start-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
The service runs the bat file in silent mode, as a main difference.
I have tried with various switches including the -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and START /wait etc
Creating a seperate ps1 file and have the bat execute this instead.
All with the same output:
Manually executing the bat works
When the service executes the bat, it does not work.
I know the bat file is executed by the service, as inserting NET STOP servicename is working correct.
In the powershell event viewer I can also see event of the powershell commands take place.
The difference between manually executing and have the service execute the command in the event viewer, is event id 800 which states info about 'execution pipe' this is not present when the service is executing the bat.
The service does not wait for the powershell, and thus it does not have time to stop the cluster before exiting.
I'm lost whether this is a permission issue, syntax error or whatever.
Hopefully somebody can help
I have tried with all proposed solutions, all with same result, the bat file works when double clicked, but the service does not execute the powershell command. Pure cmd is executed, as I can pipe to a txt file. I even got to a point when trying runas that the output log text wrote "insert administrator password"
I even managed to have our software guy change our software to call a powershell directly instead of a bat, same result. Powershell won't execute the command, this tells me it probably is permission, but everything have been set to log in as admin and run as admin for the sake of success, but still nothing.
I solved the problem.
Because the service is a 32bit process, it will execute a 32bit powershell.
FailoverClusters module only exists as a 64bit module.
By using %SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
The service is able to open a 64bit session, and thus use the failover cluster module.
As a side note, the sysnative folder is only visible from a 32bit session, therefore it cannot be found via browsing in a 64bit os.
I think i have dealt with this kind of issue before, after the,
powershell -command Stop-ClusterGroup DRMSERVICES
you need to have cmd wait for a certain number of seconds, and then test if the DRMSERVICES is now stopped, if it is stopped then to start the DRMSERVICES again. This way cmd will keep waiting, and then check if the service has stopped.
After a certain number of tries, maybe have a way to stop checking and exit the script, for example it is trying to stop the service, and has run into a problem.
There is a timeout command in cmd

Close a CMD window which opened through MATLAB

I am running a program which calls powershell via the system command multiple times. At the end I end up with many opened windows. I would like either these windows to close after each iteration has been completed or run in the background without opening the command window.
pubPath = 'powershell -inputformat none cd C:some path in my pc &';
[status,publisher] = system(pubPath);
I've tried the exit and exit() commands at the end of my paths but nothing has worked so far. Any help would be great.
For future reference, I found a solution to my issue. Execute this command after the loop executes all its instances and all the spawned command windows will be closed. BECAREFUL, you might kill more processes than you want.
system('taskkill /IM cmd.exe')

Batch Script not Releasing after Execution

I have a batch script which performs file version controlling after a Backup event has taken place. This batch script, writing to a normal txt logfile, calls a PowerShell script to send this Logfile as an attachment with a success notification email. I have managed to release the writing lock on the log file, to allow PS to attach and send the file, but the Batch script does not stop after the entire sequence has been completed.
When I check the log file, I see that the shell instance has placed a 'Pause' in the script, instead of a self-termination (as it is instructed), and results in:
Press any key to continue... with a waiting shell
an app locked logfile, which won't allow the script to run again, unless the logfile is released.
This is the sequence of events:
The only Pause I have, is in < bak_send_exec.bat > - its sole purpose is to start a PS script:
PowerShell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass
If I remove it, the PS does not start. If I have it in there, the PS starts and executes flawlessly, but the logfile stays locked in a shell instances which is in Paused state, until someone kills the cmd.exe instances which locked the file.
This runs on a weekend at 01:00 am, so user intervention should not be required.
VC Script Summary:
This inter-connected batch files renames two identical files (in different locations) with timestamps. The timestamp is written to a variable for use in a notification email, which is sent using a PowerShell command. The entire process is logged to a txt log file (file overwritten when script runs again), and the log file is included with a Notification Email, mentioned earlier.
Script Calls:
Initial Start Command: Triggers the Version Control Procedures and Logs Progress with versioncontrol_post.bat > TSLog.txt 2>&1
versioncontrol_post.bat: Performs main procedure, then ends with CALL bak_send_exec.bat
bak_send_exec.bat: The suspected cause... Coding of entire file is three lines long, but required as mentioned earlier, for policy relaxation:
PowerShell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file bak_send.ps1
bak_send.ps1: Performs main procedure to make a copy of the temporary log (TSLog.txt) to its final home, releases the TSLog file to work with the new duplicate of it, and continues to take that new duplicate and attach it to an email and sends email. The final line in the procedure is EXIT.
Fault finding tells me that the issue is not with the PowerShell script, but rather with the script that calls it. Taking out the PAUSE command results in the PowerShell not starting.
Does anyone have a possible solution to this "feature"?

PowerShell script called from within the Jenkins PowerShell build step hangs indefinitely

I have a Jenkins (1.493) project that uses the Jenkins PowerShell build step to execute a PowerShell script. Inside that script I want to invoke another script that is stored inside a file. I have now reduced it to the following:
Script inside Jenkins PowerShell build step:
& "\\stemmer.local\sidevelopment\cvdev\devbase\jenkins\PowerShell\Test.ps1"
Content of Test.ps1:
write-host 'Hello world!'
Whenever this Jenkins project executes, the PowerShell build step hangs indefinitely.
Things I have tried/verified so far:
Adding some output before the invocation of Test.ps1 shows me that the Jenkins PowerShell script is being execute normally up to the point where Test.ps1 is called.
The file Test.ps1 exists and is reachable from the build slave that executes the script. If I alter the file's name, I get the expected error message from PowerShell...
Exchanging the " for ' in the 1st script does not change anything. Also, using dot-sourcing rather than & does not help.
The file Test.ps1 can be executed properly from the powershell itself using the same command line that is being used in the Jenkins PowerShell script.
The execution policy for PowerShell has been set to unrestricted on my development host as well as on the Jenkins build slave.
I've tried replacing the PowerShell build step with a Windows batch command build step that looks like this:powershell.exe -InputFormat None -File "\\stemmer.local\sidevelopment\cvdev\devbase\jenkins\PowerShell\Test.ps1"and played around a little with the parameters of powershell.exe, but the results were - in those cases that were syntactically and otherwise correct as far as I can tell - always the same.
I only found few references to problems that sounded similar, but none of the approaches mentioned elsewhere did help me fix this. I am absolutely puzzled, and wondering whether someone encountered this issue before (and maybe even got a scenario like the one I have in mind running).
Thanks a lot for any input!
have you tried to set execution policy to bypass ?
Copy the script file locally, then invoke it from within the Jenkins PowerShell plugin - that way it works as expected.

Powershell script to run multiple batch files in order

Real n00b to powershell. I was wondering if the community could help me build a pretty simple script.
Really, I can achieve everything I need in windows batch files - but these only complete one task at a time. I want a master script (a powershell script) to call each individual batch process in turn. That is, I want to run Batch_1 and then run Batch_2 only when a task from a program that Batch_1 calls has finished.
Is this possible? Is it a case of using some form of IF THEN ELSE type scenario or is there a way to make powershell wait for some event to happen?
You can use the FOR command, from regular windows shell (cmd.exe) to solve this problem. The following command executes every cmd file in current directory:
FOR %f IN (*.cmd) DO %f
The following command executes every file, in order, as returned by inner ´DIR´ command:
FOR /F %f IN ('DIR /b /oen *.cmd *.bat') DO %f
Normally calling out from a batch file to a console program is synchronous. A PowerShell script for this is trivial:
master-script.ps1 contents:
Now if the batch file is calling a Windows subsystem exe (non a console EXE) then this gets trickier because those execute async. If that's the case, update your question to indicate that.
