Netlify Nitro Deploys - deployment

What are Netlify nitro deploys? I am now seeing this in my deploy logs, but there is nothing in their documentation explaining what this is doing:
11:37:18 AM: [feature enabled]: Nitro deploys enabled. Buckle up! ⚡️

Official answer from Netlify community
Nitro deploys enabled. Buckle up! ⚡️
This indicates the build used a new optimization for how files are uploaded when a deploy is finished.
This feature is enabled for all Netlify sites at this time. It is a new feature and this log entry is there to help us know when it is in use.


Service worker not working only in production

I built a PWA and it works/installs fine when in development, but when in production I can't install it and this error comes up in dev tools screenshot of dev tools error, how can I fix it?
My App is hosted on netlify.
I tried putting my service worker files in the root directory as I kept seeing that come up in my long search for a solution but that didn't fix it

Installing a SonarQube Plugin Programmatically

I have a SonarQube service and API deployed in containers as part of my build pipeline. The SonarQube service needs to have the SonarJava plugin installed to understand my code rules.
As it's not an option to manually install this plugin, I'd like to do it through the API.
I saw this post: How to install or uninstall SonarQube plug-ins with HTTP? which seemed helpful, however attempting "POST /api/plugins/install?key=SonarJava" hasn't led to much success.
Thanks in advance.
Please use /api/plugins/install?key=java, it will automatically install SonarJava plugins.

optashift-employee-rostering build fails on openshift

Trying to build the optashift-employee-rostering project
I followed the instructions in the readme file to build the app from this repo, but it fails every time. When I try it locally on my Windows 10 with Docker and the "oc.exe" tool, it simply hangs and the oc fails to open even the openshift local console (the one on localhost).
I've created an account on openshift (Starter: US East (Virginia) For individual learning and experimenting.)
When I do it in openshift online, it fails the build but doesn't tell me the reason.
Here are the logs:
How can I deploy this app to openshift or to some other cloud (Google Cloud/Microsoft Azure etc.)
OpenShift Online (= free edition) has less than 1GB of RAM for the build pods, which isn't enough to build it (GWT compilations needs more). That leads to error code 137 during GWT compilation.
But OpenShift Online is enough to run it.
Workaround: Build the war locally with ./ deploy employee-rostering --binary
as explained here in the readme. I hope that GWT and OpenShift play along better in the future.

The latest application is not deployed in wso2cloud

It seems to me like the latest code that I submitted to WSO2 App cloud is not deployed. I tried to access the jenkins server ( I see there that the latest code is built(upto build 29) but on the App cloud still build 24 is deployed. It seems to like the jenkins builds are not synced and deployed.
I also tried to build and deploy manually but It seems that it is not having an effect.
Please suggest what should be done in order to deploy the latest build.
Thanks in advance.
This is a kind of problem which you can get when your app is not properly deployed in jenkins. (There may be configuration issues). Please do contact for assistance.

quickstart Apache DayTrader

I am trying to get the Apache DayTrader benchmarking app on OpenShift quickstart working see link!17609
I have a free 3 gear openshift online account and the quickstart starts up but then after a while posts the message
"Application creation is taking longer than expected. Please wait a few minutes, then refresh this page."
Waiting and refreshing the page shows the whole application rolled back and removed from the gear.
I suspected it might need a larger gear but I can build an openshift gear manually with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and PostgreSQL 9.2 as per requirements in a small gear
I tried manually building the application via jboss developer studio and downloaded the git locally, imported it as a general project,converted to Mavern project, started openshift application wizard and choose the jbosseap-6 app type with postgresql-9.2 cartridge and went through using the existing daytrader project.
That all seemed to work and the app was created in my openshift online gear
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Status: Started
1 small, Storage 1 GB PostgreSQL 9.2
the account webpage then displays
"Welcome to your JBoss EAP application on OpenShift"
but I cant seem to access the daytrader index.jsp or app from there.
If anyone has successfully built Daytrader on openshift either manually or via quickstart could they please post the steps.
I am just starting with jboss and the solution may be an absurdly simple oversight on my part.
Much appreciated John
I am assuming this is not your cartridge. If that is the case, you should try logging an issue on the github project that feeds into that quickstart here:
The creator of the cartridge should be able to help you out.
I posted ( some time ago ) the issue in github for gvijayar but there has been no reponse. I have managed to build via command line as per "Deploying from Source" making allowance for the error.
The application name needs to change in the create command to be consistent across all the commands you list.
rhc app create -a daytradereap -t jbosseap-6 -g large
but the quickstart still fails consistently.