How to install multiple versions of a compatible package in CentOS with YUM - centos

Is there a way to install multiple versions of the same package in CentOS/RHEL (7/8) if the package installs separate files in each version?
We have an application we've recently converted to using RPM instead of a home-built package manager based on tar. In order to make atomic-like switches between versions, each version installed in separate directories with the version number in the name, and a symlink with the unversioned name pointed to the current, or previous, version at any given moment in time. The application, of course, used the unversioned name to get init script, configuration files, interpreter version and code. I'm thinking that the alternatives package would be the basis for this, although we wouldn't use the alternatives command to manage symlinks (although there's no technical reason not to).

Not exactly as you describe.
Some packages allow this (Kernel and Kernel-devel being two of them) but i beilieve this is an exception added within the package manager.
Certain Applications like PHP and Python which is perfectly acceptable to have multiple version (Python2.X and 3.X) do this by changing the base name of the application/rpm.
Take a look at:
It gives a good insight on how to achieve what you want


Trouble installing SUMO 0.30.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 from source code

I need to install SUMO 0.30.0 to be used with the VEINS_INET subproject in veins 4.6. I have tried following the instructions here and suggestions from forums but haven't had any luck being able to install sumo. I run ./configure (trying various tool/library options) then run sudo make but all I get is target marouter failed or nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am' 'install-data-am'.
Does anyone know how to install sumo-0.30.0 from source and/or make the veins_inet subproject work with the latest version of sumo-0.32.0?
Don't run sudo make.
Don't run sudo make.
Your problem is probably related to a dependency/packaging change in 16.04, which is explicitly pointed out in the veins tutorial:
Note that Ubuntu 16.04 no longer includes libproj0; this can be worked around by temporarily adding the packet repository of, e.g., Ubuntu Vivid when installing this package.
Short answer: Unfortunately this means that long-term, you're going to either have to package SUMO yourself, use the versions someone else compiled (see this launchpad for example) or rely on an old version.
Long answer:
In general, I would recommend building SUMO from source by building its' dependencies from source, since I've encountered this problem on various distributions. In particular, the fox, proj and gdal libraries tend to be packaged in different versions, and along with changes in the SUMO source code. I currently use this script (with the package versions downloaded) to compile SUMO -- but this is for 0.30.0, and it breaks if any of the referenced source packages are moved (which happens quite often). My general recommendation would be to either use a completely isolated version of SUMO (i.e., compiling by hand as much as possible) or relying on a pre-packaged version (see above), as long as that version is recent enough to work with VEINS.

nuspec dependency allowedVersions?

I have a nuspec file that builds a nuget-package. I would like to control the dependencies, where I allow a range of versions, but what to always install a spesific version.
Basically this (not valid syntax):
<dependency id="Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies" version="" allowedVersions="6.0.0" />
I want the nuget to dependency to accept 6 or higer (up to 9), but always want it to install as default.
If I had version="6.0.0", it would always install the 6 version?
Any tips?
It is possible to specify an accepted version range in a nuspec-file with a version-range syntax. Accepting every version with a major version between 6 and (including) 9 would be specified by [6.0.0, 10.0.0).
What I understand from your question is that you want to specify an accepted version range but you want to force a certain version to be installed. There is no way I know of to achieve this but I also don't see the requirement for it: By specifying an accepted version range, the nuspec-file specifies to which versions of the dependency packages this package is compatible with. Hence, all accepted versions should work.
Forcing a certain version to be installed contradicts this compatibility statement in my opinion. This sounds as if you want to achieve a different goal: To verify that a consistent version of a NuGet package is installed in an application. This, however, should be solved on the consuming side, i.e. the solution that installs the NuGet packages. Assume the nuspec-file defines a package A that accepts all versions [6.0.0, 10.0.0) from Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies, but the consuming solution should always use version Then this version should be installed there first and afterwards the current version of package A can be installed, finding its dependency to Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies already resolved.
To achieve a consistent consuming solution, we implement checks on the CI server that verify that every package is referenced in all projects in exactly one version. By this we get a consistent product while keeping the actual NuGet packages flexible to be used with a different version of dependency packages in other products.

Configure dependencies in RPM

I have built a RPM-package for Centos 6.6 that is installed on a machine of our customer.
This package contains our own software, customized for the specific use case, but also uses the open-source package HAProxy.
HAProxy (RPM-version 1.5.4-2.el6_7.1) comes with a default-configuration in /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf and it cannot be customized without changing this file.
But I want the configuration to be part my generated package. RPM throws an error if the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf file is in my package, because it is also part of the haproxy-package.
I have worked around this problem by providing a custom upstart-script which starts HAProxy with a different config file, but this does not seem to be the right way to do this.
Is there a preferred way to handle such customizations?
In cases like this, I've created an RPM which installs configuration files into a different subdirectory, and in its %post and %preun scriptlets modifies the uncooperative package's config-files:
when installing, I renamed the original config-files, and made symbolic links from those pathnames to the overwriting config-files, and
when uninstalling, the package removed the symbolic links and restored the original package's files.
Doing it that way of course meant that my config-RPM was dependent on the original RPM. A little awkward to describe, but it works.
In followup, the issue of updating was mentioned. Updating an RPM requires special handling to avoid uninstalling things. The rpm program passes a parameter $1 which you can test in the %pre and %preun scriptlets to notice that this is an upgrade and that there is no need to save the original config-files (or restore them). The rest of the scriptlet would be the same, by copying the new versions of your config-files over the others.
Further reading:
Defining installation scripts (shows the use of `$1)
RPM upgrade uninstalls the RPM
Your approach is correct. On EL6 and sysv there is no other choice than creating custom haproxy package or custom haproxy service or create script which customer runs after installation. I see creating another service as best option.
Note that on EL7 with SystemD you have much better option as you can use Drop-In feature of SystemD. For more information see:
The usual way this is done is to have a drop-in configuration directory, e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d/, where your package would drop its configuration, and you would tell the other daemon, e.g. httpd, to do a graceful restart in your %post/%postun.
I don't know anything about HAProxy, but a quick search implies that they do not support this configuration directory concept that has been around for many years. A few people have hacked it in, but unless it is out-of-the-box, you will run into your original problem again.

How can I revert to the previous Perl setup after installing Bundle::CPAN?

After installation of latest Bundle::CPAN, I realized that certain legacy code will not run in this latest version. I wish to remove (and not just unlink) this latest version and revert back to using the old version. How can I do that?
Perl nor have a way to go back to what you had before you installed later versions of modules. See How can I de-install a Perl module installed via cpan?.
Next time, however, you can fix this problem.
Here's what I recommend:
If you can figure out which modules are causing the problem, install those in separate directories and adjust #INC to use those directories. Do that until you figure out the module versions you need.
When you figure out the distributions you need, grab those from CPAN or BackPAN. Keep the distributions locally and set up your own MiniCPAN with just those distros. Since CPAN has as a design feature to track only the latest versions of any distribution, you want to make your local MiniCPAN pretend that the older distributions are the latest versions. That's why I created MyCPAN::App::DPAN. I write a bit about this in Manage multiple MiniCPANs, and version them
There's also Pinto and Stratopan, which serve like source control for your private CPAN-like repository. Rollback if you get something you don't like.
Once you get things fixed, put your Perl libraries into source control so you can always roll back an installation. See Manage your Perl modules with git.
Come up with an installation and testing policy where you don't disturb anything before you know that everything works. Part of that is testing new installations outside of your main Perl library directories. When you think you're satisfied, then you can install into those directories.
The easiest way is by visiting metacpan.
Search for your module. In your case Bundle::CPAN.
You then have to select the relevant version of the module that you want to install by clicking on the arrow to the left of the module name:
Once you click on the version you want from the drop-down you can then download it or just do for example:
Hope that helps

How do I use rpm to update/replace existing files?

I have several applications that I wish to deploy using rpm. Some of the files in my application deployments override files from other deployed packages. Simply including the new files in the deployment package will cause rpm conflicts.
I am looking for the proper way to use rpm to update/replace already installed files.
I have already come up with a few solutions but nothing seems quite right.
Maintain custom versions of the rpms containing the original files.
This seems like a large amount of work for a relatively small reward even though it feels less like a hack than some of the other possible solutions.
Include the files in the rpm with another name and copy them over in the post section.
This would work but will mean littering the system with multiple copies of the files. Also it means additional maintenance in the rpm build spec for each file.
Use wget in the post section to replace the original files from some known server.
This is similar to the copy technique but the files wouldn't even live in the rpm. This might act like a nice central configuration authority though.
Deploy the files as new files, then use symlinks to override the originals.
This is also similar to the copy technique but with less clutter. The problem here is that some files don't behave well as symlinks.
To the best of my knowledge, RPM is not designed to permit updating / replacing existing files, so anything that you do is going to be a hack.
Of the options you list, I'd choose #1 as the least bad hack if the target systems are systems that I admin (as you say, it's more work but is the cleanest solution) and a combination of #2 and #4 (symlinks where possible, copies where not) if I'm creating the RPMs for others' systems (to avoid having to distribute a bunch of RPMs, but I'd make it very clear in the docs what I'm doing).
You haven't described which files need to be updated or replaced and how they need to be updated. Depending on the answers to those questions, you may have a couple of other options:
Many programs are designed to use a single default configuration file and also to grab configuration files from a .d subdirectory. For example, Apache uses /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf, so your RPMs could drop files under /etc/httpd/conf.d instead of modifying /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. And if the files that you need to modify are config files that don't follow this pattern but could be made to, you can suggest to the package maintainers that they add this capability; this wouldn't help you immediately but would make future releases easier.
For command-line utilities like sendmail and lpr that can be provided by multiple packages, the alternatives system (see man alternatives) permits more than 1 RPM that provides these utilities to be installed side by side. Again, if the files that you need to modify are command-line utilities that don't follow this pattern but could be made to, you can suggest to the package maintainers that they add this capability.
Config file changes on systems that you administer are better managed through a tool like Cfengine or Puppet rather than through custom RPMs. I think that Red Hat favors Puppet.
If I were creating the RPMs for systems I don't administer, I'd consider using a third-party tool like Bitrock and dumping all of my stuff under /opt just so I wouldn't have to stomp on files installed by other admins' RPMs.
Edit (2019): Nowadays, Software Collections offers a useful alternative. You can create packages that install somewhere under /opt, and the Software Collections tools offer a standardized way for users to opt in to using those instead of whatever's normally installed under /usr. Red Hat uses this to distribute newer versions of tools for their otherwise stable and long-lived (i.e., older) Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions.
You can also execute rpm -U --replacefiles --replacepkgs ..., which will give you what you want.
See here for more info on RPM %files directives:
You can use the arguments from the %post and %pre sections in the RPM scriptlets to determine if you are installing, upgrading or removing packages.
If $1 is 0 - then we're removing old stuff. Targeting 0 packages installed.
If $1 is 1 - then we're installing new stuff. Targeting a total of 1 package to be installed.
If $1 is 2 or more - then we're upgrading this package and $1 represents the number of packages already installed.
These sections help with managing files among the versions.
Keep track of what you're doing between versions and consider what one might do if they were to skip a version or two.
Have consideration for these things and you should be good to go!