Display 20 records per page in SSRS report - group-by

I'm trying to make an ssrs report show 20 rows per page and I've tried using
My rows contain a field that counts a number so it's just making that one field equal 20 for each page. Is there any way to make the tablix object only print a set number of rows per page so it's not reliant on the group by of the dataset?
I've also tried changing that 'nothing' to a field in the dataset but that throws an error.
Here's how my report tablix is set up:
| Part | Part Description | Part Qty | Part Weight | Total Weight |
|[Part]|[Part Description]|[SUM(PartQty)]|[Part Weight]|[SUM(TotalWeight)]
What I expect to get with the =Ceiling expression:
| Part | Part Description | Part Qty | Part Weight | Total Weight |
|PART1 |Part 1 Desc |12 |5.00 |[60.00]
|PART2 |Part 2 Desc |3 |5.00 |[15.00]
|PART3 |Part 3 Desc |5 |5.00 |[25.00]
|PART4 |Part 4 Desc |7 |5.00 |[35.00]
...Continue until 20 rows then page break
This is what I'm getting:
| Part | Part Description | Part Qty | Part Weight | Total Weight |
|PART1 |Part 1 Desc |12 |5.00 |[60.00]
|PART2 |Part 2 Desc |3 |5.00 |[15.00]
|PART3 |Part 3 Desc |5 |5.00 |[25.00]
--Page Break
|PART4 |Part 4 Desc |7 |5.00 |[35.00]
The field PartQty will count up to equal 20 then a page break.

You need to do the following:
Add a new row group and the the "group on" option to =CEILING(RowNumber(nothing)/20). This group should be the outermost group so if you only had a details group you could right click the details group and choose "add group => parent group"
Delete the new column if one was just created - we don't need this.
Right-click the new row group you created in hte row gorup panel at the bottom of the screen and click 'Properties'
In the "Page Breaks" section, set the option to 'Between each instance of a group'
Note: Whilst this will do what you want be aware that it won't actually set the number of rows per page, it sets the number of rows per group and then puts a break between each group. If you set the value in CEILING to 100 for instance, each group probably go over several pages.


Print GroupWise Sum details in another Group Jasper Report

I am using jasper studio and I want to print Group wise sum in another group footer for better understanding take a look below.
Class Group Header: Class One
Student Group Header: Student One
Subject | Total Marks | Obtained Marks
ABC | 100 | 50
PQR | 100 | 80
AER | 100 | 30
Student Group Footer: Student One Total Obtained Marks : 160
Student Group Header: Student Two
Subject | Total Marks | Obtained Marks
ABC | 100 | 20
PQR | 100 | 10
AER | 100 | 30
Student Group Footer: Student Two Total Obtained Marks : 60
Here above i can print each student's obtained marks separately in student group footer, but i want to print same in Class group footer which means i want output like below
Class Group Header: Class One
Student Group Header: Student One
Subject | Total Marks | Obtained Marks
ABC | 100 | 50
PQR | 100 | 80
AER | 100 | 30
Student Group Header: Student Two
Subject | Total Marks | Obtained Marks
ABC | 100 | 20
PQR | 100 | 10
AER | 100 | 30
Class Group Footer:
Student One Total Obtained Marks : 160
Student Two Total Obtained Marks : 60
How can i achieve this result? Thank you in advance :)
In Class group footer (or summary band) , drag and drop 'Crosstab' from pallete.
Select Create a crosstab from existing database
select column group = class
select row group = Student
select Measures = Marks / calculation=sum
You can watch tutorials on how to use Crosstab in jasper studio

Group By with Filemaker

How can I use Group By with FileMaker? Kind of similar problem like this
Filemaker sum by group. Can someone explain how to use Summary GetSummary?
Id |Value
1 |50
1 |50
2 |10
2 |5
Create a new summary field (ValueSummary) for Value field.
Sort the records by ID field.
Use GetSummary ( ValueSummary; ID ) to get the summary of a particular ID value.

Count records between rolling date range in Tableau

I have a file with a [start] and [end] date in Tableau and would like to create a calculated field that counts number of rows on a rolling basis that occur between [start] and [end] for each [person]. This data is like so:
| Start | End | Person
|1/1/2019 |1/7/2019 | A
|1/3/2019 |1/9/2019 | A
|1/8/2019 |1/15/2019| A
|1/1/2019 |1/7/2019 | B
I'd like to create a calculated field [count] with results like so:
| Start | End | Person | Count
|1/1/2019 |1/7/2019 | A | 1
|1/3/2019 |1/9/2019 | A | 2
|1/8/2019 |1/15/2019| A | 2
|1/1/2019 |1/7/2019 | B | 1
EDITED: A good analogy for what [count] represents is: "how many videos does each person rented at the same time as of that moment?" With the 1st row for person A, count is 1, with 1 item rented. As of row 2, person A has 2 items rented. But for the 3rd row [count]= 2 since the video rented in the first row is no longer rented.

Crystal Report Crosstab Calculations

In my crosstab, I am trying to add a summarized field that will take two other summarized fields and create a percentage based off of those.
One field totals all of the appointments for a provider (count of appt), while the other one totals the number of possible sales opportunities (sum of opp). What I am trying to add is a summarized field that is esentially opp/appt in percentage form.
How would I go about doing this?
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4|
Provider A | | | |
Appts 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
Opps 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Opps/Appts ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? |
In Crystal Reports 2008:
Select 'Opps' calculation field; choose Embedded Summary, then Insert Embedded Summary
Select newly-created embedded-summary field; right click; choose Embedded Summary, then Edit Calculation Formula
Add the following text:
Local Numbervar Denominator:=GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex, 0);
Local Numbervar Numerator:=GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex, 1);
If Denominator<>0 Then Numerator/Denominator * 100;

postgresql Recycle ID numbers

I have a table as follows
|GroupID | UserID |
|1 | 1 |
|1 | 2 |
|1 | 3 |
|2 | 1 |
|2 | 2 |
|3 | 20 |
|3 | 30 |
|5 | 200 |
|5 | 100 |
Basically what this does is create a "group" which user IDs get associated with, so when I wish to request members of a group I can call on the table.
Users have the option of leaving a group, and creating a new one.
When all users have left a group, there's no longer that groupID in my table.
Lets pretend this is for a chat application where users might close and open chats constantly, the group IDs will add up very quickly, but the number of chats will realistically not reach millions of chats with hundreds of users.
I'd like to recycle the group ID numbers, such that when I goto insert a new record, if group 4 is unused (as is the case above), it gets assigned.
There are good reasons not to do this, but it's pretty straightforward in PostgreSQL. The technique--using generate_series() to find gaps in a sequence--is useful in other contexts, too.
WITH group_id_range AS (
SELECT generate_series((SELECT MIN(group_id) FROM groups),
(SELECT MAX(group_id) FROM groups)) group_id
SELECT min(gir.group_id)
FROM group_id_range gir
LEFT JOIN groups g ON (gir.group_id = g.group_id)
WHERE g.group_id IS NULL;
That query will return NULL if there are no gaps or if there are no rows at all in the table "groups". If you want to use this to return the next group id number regardless of the state of the table "groups", use this instead.
WITH group_id_range AS (
SELECT generate_series(
(COALESCE((SELECT MIN(group_id) FROM groups), 1)),
(COALESCE((SELECT MAX(group_id) FROM groups), 1))
) group_id
SELECT COALESCE(min(gir.group_id), (SELECT MAX(group_id)+1 FROM groups))
FROM group_id_range gir
LEFT JOIN groups g ON (gir.group_id = g.group_id)
WHERE g.group_id IS NULL;