Vs code terminal is blank and I can' t type in it - visual-studio-code

I have this problem with my terminal: when I open it, it shows me a blank terminal and I can't even see the cursor. The windows is opening correctly and there is no error, but I can' type anything in the terminal.
Vs code version is 1.42.0
Also, I tried the compatibilty with Windows is set off
Here you can see what I'm talking about:
screenshot of terminal


(eval):1: parse error near `typeset' Shows in Terminal

I used to debug javascript in VS Code's Terminal.
Recently, I see (eval):1: parse error near "typeset" in my VS Code's Terminal and I cannot debug .js anymore. I googled for a solution but didn't see any.
Don't know for sure if this causes the problem: I wanted to open VS Code from Mac's Terminal, so that in VS Code, I Used Shell to install code in PATH. After that, I see (eval):1: parse error near "typeset" in both Mac's Terminal and VS Code's Terminal.
Please give a hand. Thanks
UPDATE: I have tried to uninstall the code command from PATH in VS Code, but this error message still show in Terminal.

VS Code integrated terminal exits with native exception (code 216)

Every time I try to open the terminal in VSCode it immediately fails with this error:
I tried uninstalling re-installing vscode, and disabled all my extensions, but it still happens. There is nothing I've changed right before it started occurring.
Colleagues in my organization do not suffer from this so I don't know if it has something to do with our IT dept.
the version of vscode I use is 1.70.0
my default terminal is Powershell. It does work when changing the default terminal to CMD.exe
Opening Powershell on its own does work properly.

Whenever I open terminal in visual studio code the terminal is blank and cant type a single word in it

Whenever I try to open terminal of visual studio code my terminal remains blank and I am not able to type anything in the terminal I have switched power shell to command prompt but the same issue persist I have included the screenshot
Try opening VSC as an administrator

Bash terminal not allowing typing

I am attempting to use the integrated terminal within VS Code on a Windows 10 box with the bash terminal. I have been using this same setup since March, but now it all of a sudden will not allow me to type anything in the terminal. When I start VS Code the terminal opens, but with the screen scrolled all the way down, if I scroll up I can see the command prompt. If I try to type it just scrolls back to the bottom again and doesn't type the characters. Has anyone seen this before?
Visual Studio Code 1.47.1
Git Version 2.27.0-64-bit
I have been using Git Bash while this isn't working without issue.

No output when running Python 3 in VScode

I'm using Python 3.8 on VScode, but I can't seem to get the program to write anything in output, even with simple commands like: print("Hello world!"). It shows up in the terminal well enough, so the code shouldn't be the problem. Do i need to fix anything in the setting to make it show the output?
1: Picture of terminal:
Please could you check your user settings.json and workspace settings.json for the existence of a setting for terminal.integrated.shell.*.
I believe you may have changed the shell to use command prompt instead of powershell.
Also, please could you provide some screenshots of the terminal
And any errors logged in the console widows (go to Help->Toggle Developer Tools)