i have a breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[Double] as follow, i want to convert it to a dataframe
breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix[Double] =
0.009748169568491553 3.04248345416453E-4 -0.0018493112842201912 8.200326863261204E-4
3.0424834541645305E-4 0.00873118653317929 6.352723194418622E-4 1.84118791655692E-5
-0.001849311284220191 6.35272319441862E-4 0.008553284420541575 -6.407982513791382E-4
8.200326863261203E-4 1.8411879165568983E-5 -6.407982513791378E-4 0.008413484758510377
is there any way i can do that?
after couple times of try, i am able to create a dataframe that contains the flattened information of the matrix. and create a tempview, so that access from python as a dataframe
in scala
// covarianceMatrix (in scala)
val c = covarianceMatrix.toArray.toSeq
val covarianceMatrix_df = c.toDF("number")
in python
covarianceMatrix_df=spark.sql('''SELECT * FROM covarianceMatrix_df ''')
covarianceMatrix_pd = covarianceMatrix_df.toPandas()
nrows = np.sqrt(len(covarianceMatrix_pd))
covarianceMatrix_pd = covarianceMatrix_pd.to_numpy().reshape((int(nrows),int(nrows)))
I have an rdd that i am trying to filter for only float type. Do Spark rdds provide any way of doing this?
I have a csv where I need only float values greater than 40 into a new rdd. To achieve this, i am checking if it is an instance of type float and filtering them. When I filter with a !, all the strings are still there in the output and when i dont use !, the output is empty.
val airports1 = airports.filter(line => !line.split(",")(6).isInstanceOf[Float])
val airports2 = airports1.filter(line => line.split(",")(6).toFloat > 40)
At the .toFloat , i run into NumberFormatException which I've tried to handle in a try catch block.
Since you have a plain string and you are trying to get float values from it, you are not actually filtering by type. But, if they can be parsed to float instead.
You can accomplish that using a flatMap together with Option.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.util.Try
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").appName("Float caster").getOrCreate()
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val data = List("x,10", "y,3.3", "z,a")
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data) // rdd: RDD[String]
val filtered = rdd.flatMap(line => Try(line.split(",")(1).toFloat).toOption) // filtered: RDD[Float]
filtered.collect() // res0: Array[Float] = Array(10.0, 3.3)
For the > 40 part you can either, perform another filter after or filter the inner Option.
(Both should perform more or less equals due spark laziness, thus choose the one is more clear for you).
// Option 1 - Another filter.
val filtered2 = filtered.filter(x => x > 40)
// Option 2 - Filter the inner option in one step.
val filtered = rdd.flatMap(line => Try(line.split(",")(1).toFloat).toOption.filter(x => x > 40))
Let me know if you have any question.
I have written the following code to feed data to a machine learning algorithm in Spark 2.3. The code below runs fine. I need to enhance this code to be able to convert not just 3 columns but any number of columns, uploaded via the csv file. For instance, if I had loaded 5 columns, how can I put them automatically in the Vector.dense command below, or some other way to generate the same end result? Does anyone know how this can be done?
val data2 = spark.read.format("csv").option("header",
val goodBadRecords = data2.map(
row =>{
val n0 = row(0).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n1 = row(1).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n2 = row(2).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
val n3 = row(3).toString.toLowerCase().toDouble
(n0, Vectors.dense(n1,n2,n3))
).toDF("label", "features")
A VectorAssembler can do the job:
VectorAssembler is a transformer that combines a given list of columns into a single vector column. It is useful for combining raw features [...] into a single feature vector
Based on your code, the solution would look like:
val data2 = spark.read.format("csv")
.option("inferSchema", "true") //1
val fields = data2.schema.fieldNames
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(fields.tail) //2
.setOutputCol("features") //3
val goodBadRecords = assembler.transform(data2)
.withColumn("label", col(fields(0))) //4
.drop(fields:_*) //5
A schema is necessary for the input data, as the VectorAssembler only accepts the following input column types: all numeric types, boolean type, and vector type (same link). You seem to have a csv with doubles, so infering the schema should work. But of course, any other method to transform the string data to doubles is also ok.
Use all but the first column as input for the VectorAssembler
Name the result column of the VectorAssembler features
Create a new column called label as copy of the first column
Drop all orginal columns. This last step is optional as the learning algorithm usually only looks at the label and feature column and ignores all other columns
I am trying to solve one of the quiz, the question is as below,
Write the missing code in the given program to display the expected output to identify animals that have names with four
Output: Array((4,lion))
val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog","tiger","lion","cat","spider","eagle"),2)
val b = a.keyBy(_.length)
val c = sc.parallelize(List("ant","falcon","squid"),2)
val d = c.keyBy(_.length)
I have tried to write code in spark shell but get stuck with syntax to add 4 RDD and applying filter.
How about using the PairRDD lookup method:
// res1: Array[String] = Array(lion)
// res2: Array[String] = Array()
I have the following Scala value:
val values: List[Iterable[Any]] = Traces().evaluate(features).toList
and I want to convert it to a DataFrame.
When I try the following:
I got this error:
error: overloaded method value createDataFrame with alternatives:
[A <: Product](data: Seq[A])(implicit evidence$2: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
[A <: Product](rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[A])(implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
cannot be applied to (List[Iterable[Any]])
Thats what spark implicits object is for. It allows you to convert your common scala collection types into DataFrame / DataSet / RDD.
Here is an example with Spark 2.0 but it exists in older versions too
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val values = List(1,2,3,4,5)
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val df = values.toDF()
Edit: Just realised you were after 2d list. Here is something I tried on spark-shell. I converted a 2d List to List of Tuples and used implicit conversion to DataFrame:
val values = List(List("1", "One") ,List("2", "Two") ,List("3", "Three"),List("4","4")).map(x =>(x(0), x(1)))
import spark.implicits._
val df = values.toDF
Edit2: The original question by MTT was How to create spark dataframe from a scala list for a 2d list for which this is a correct answer. The original question is https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/38063195/1
The question was later changed to match an accepted answer. Adding this edit so that if someone else looking for something similar to the original question can find it.
As zero323 mentioned, we need to first convert List[Iterable[Any]] to List[Row] and then put rows in RDD and prepare schema for the spark data frame.
To convert List[Iterable[Any]] to List[Row], we can say
val rows = values.map{x => Row(x:_*)}
and then having schema like schema, we can make RDD
val rdd = sparkContext.makeRDD[RDD](rows)
and finally create a spark data frame
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
Simplest approach:
val newList = yourList.map(Tuple1(_))
val df = spark.createDataFrame(newList).toDF("stuff")
In Spark 2 we can use DataSet by just converting list to DS by toDS API
val ds = list.flatMap(_.split(",")).toDS() // Records split by comma
val ds = list.toDS()
This more convenient than rdd or df
The most concise way I've found:
val df = spark.createDataFrame(List("A", "B", "C").map(Tuple1(_)))
I was using spark ML pipeline to set up classification models on really wide table. This means that I have to automatically generate all the code that deals with columns instead of literately typing each of them. I am pretty much a beginner on scala and spark. I was stuck at the VectorAssembler() part when I was trying to do something like following:
val featureHeaders = featureHeader.collect.mkString(" ")
//convert the header RDD into a string
val featureArray = featureHeaders.split(",").toArray
val quote = "\""
val featureSIArray = featureArray.map(x => (s"$quote$x$quote"))
//count the element in headers
val featureHeader_cnt = featureHeaders.split(",").toList.length
// Fit on whole dataset to include all labels in index.
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.StringIndexer
val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer().
val featureAssembler = new VectorAssembler().
val convpipeline = new Pipeline().
setStages(Array(labelIndexer, featureAssembler))
val myFeatureTransfer = convpipeline.fit(df)
Apparently it didn't work. I am not sure what should I do to make the whole thing more automatic or ML pipeline does not take that many columns at this moment(which I doubt)?
I finally figured out one way, which is not very pretty. It is to create vector.dense for the features, and then create data frame out of this.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
val myDataRDDLP = inputData.map {line =>
val indexed = line.split('\t').zipWithIndex
val myValues = indexed.filter(x=> {x._2 >1770}).map(x=>x._1).map(_.toDouble)
val mykey = indexed.filter(x=> {x._2 == 3}).map(x=>(x._1.toDouble-1)).mkString.toDouble
LabeledPoint(mykey, Vectors.dense(myValues))
val training = sqlContext.createDataFrame(myDataRDDLP).toDF("label", "features")
You shouldn't use quotes (s"$quote$x$quote") unless column names contain quotes. Try
val featureAssembler = new VectorAssembler().
For pyspark, you can first create a list of the column names:
df_colnames = df.columns
Then you can use that in vectorAssembler:
assemble = VectorAssembler(inputCols = df_colnames, outputCol = 'features')
df_vectorized = assemble.transform(df)